- definition Cesar code: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szyfr_Cezara
- definition Polybius chessboard: https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Szachownica_Polibiusza
- API build Maven
- API Spring boot project generate
This API (cesar code) includes:
CesarCode.class: implementation encode and decode method. You can decode and encode words with cesar code;
CesarCodeAPP: start terminal java program (switch);
Decode your text: (endpoint) /code/decode/{text} - return decode your words on cesar code; Encode your text: (endpoint) /code/encode/{text} - return encode your words on cesar code;
testing implementation cesar code: with jUnit5
- Algorithm and fun learn Java
- On package hibarnate simple HQL query and relation object (one to one and one to many)
- Learn FI on package. Polish comment and learn FI step by step.