This file is here to gather all ideas for future plugin's development.
The current development roadmap is available on GitHub.
- Syncthing configuration should be accessible in the plugin's settings.
- It can be a lighter version than the official Syncthing app, in the first place.
- The modifications made inside Obsidian should be reflected and saved in the official Syncthing app.
- Syncthing Status
- Notification if conflicts are detected
- A way to resolve conflicts : Conflicts and Diffs modals
- These modals should provide the user with a way to handle the conflicts between files.
- Therefore, it should display a three-way diff between the original file, the conflicted file and the merge version.
- The ConflictsModal provides a simple UI to display all files in conflict.
- The DiffModal provides a simple UI to display the three-way diff between the files.
- It should also provide a way to resolve the conflicts with buttons or through an editor. (WIP)
- Relevant information about the files should be displayed. (Like dates, sizes, filenames, ...)
- Syncthing controls
- If necessary, the plugin should provide a way to control Syncthing (start/stop) from Obsidian.
- This can be related to the Syncthing configuration.
- Have a syncthing configuration modal rather than all in the plugin's settings.