diff --git a/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/facebook.png b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/facebook.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..355ac84fa
Binary files /dev/null and b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/facebook.png differ
diff --git a/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/foursquare.png b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/foursquare.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28ed5e3e4
Binary files /dev/null and b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/foursquare.png differ
diff --git a/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/instagram.png b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/instagram.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d06b4aad3
Binary files /dev/null and b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/instagram.png differ
diff --git a/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/twitter.png b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/twitter.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e07b98665
Binary files /dev/null and b/Apps/HelloTimeline/img/twitter.png differ
diff --git a/Apps/HelloTimeline/index.html b/Apps/HelloTimeline/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d096e6364
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Apps/HelloTimeline/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+ Timeline Viewer
+ Forever Timeless
diff --git a/Apps/HelloTimeline/package.json b/Apps/HelloTimeline/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6a5a0d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Apps/HelloTimeline/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+ "author": "Singly, Inc. ",
+ "name": "hellotimeline",
+ "description": "A simple way to view your timeline.",
+ "version": "0.0.1",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/LockerProject/locker",
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "app",
+ "title": "Hello Timeline",
+ "status": "stable",
+ "static": true,
+ "hidden": true,
+ "handle": "hellotimeline",
+ "update": true,
+ "uses": {
+ "services": [
+ "facebook",
+ "foursquare",
+ "instagram",
+ "twitter"
+ ]
+ },
+ "github": "https://github.com/LockerProject/locker",
+ "url": ""
+ },
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">=0.4.9"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {},
+ "devDependencies": {}
diff --git a/Apps/HelloTimeline/script.js b/Apps/HelloTimeline/script.js
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..457f13c64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Apps/HelloTimeline/script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+var baseUrl = false;
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ if(baseUrl === false) window.alert("Couldn't find your locker, you might need to add a config.js (see dev.singly.com)");
+var offset=0;
+$(function() {
+ // be careful with the limit, some people have large datasets ;)
+ loadStuff();
+ loadStatus();
+ $("#moar").click( function(){
+ offset += 50;
+ loadStuff();
+ });
+var max = 20;
+function loadStatus()
+ $.getJSON(baseUrl + '/Me/timeline/state',{}, function(data) {
+ if(!data) return $("#status").text("timeline failed :(");
+ if(data.ready == 1) return $("#status").text("");
+ var name = (data.current) ? data.current.type + " at "+data.current.offset : "";
+ $("#status").text("timeline is indexing "+name);
+ if(max-- <= 0) return $("#status").text("plz reload");
+ window.setTimeout(loadStatus, 10000); // poll for a bit
+ });
+function loadStuff(){
+ $.getJSON(baseUrl + '/Me/timeline/',{limit:50, offset:offset}, function(data) {
+ if(!data || !data.length) return;
+ var html = ''+ago(data[0].first)+'
+ for(var i in data)
+ {
+ var p = data[i];
+ p.refs.forEach(function(ref){ html += icon(ref); });
+ var resp = p.comments + p.ups;
+ html += ""+p.from.name+": " + p.text + '';
+ html += ' .js';
+ if(resp > 0) html += " ";
+ html += '
+ }
+ $("#test").append(html);
+ });
+function loadResp(id)
+ $.getJSON(baseUrl + '/Me/timeline/getResponses',{item:id}, function(data) {
+ $("#"+id).html("");
+ if(!data || !data.length) return;
+ var ups = " ups: ";
+ var coms = "";
+ for(var i in data)
+ {
+ var r = data[i];
+ if(r.type == "up")
+ {
+ ups += icon(r.ref);
+ ups += " "+r.from.name+", ";
+ }
+ if(r.type == "comment")
+ {
+ coms += "
+ coms += icon(r.ref);
+ coms += " "+r.from.name+": ";
+ coms += r.text;
+ }
+ }
+ $("#"+id).append(ups+coms);
+ });
+function icon(ref)
+ var start = ref.indexOf('//')+2;
+ var net = ref.substr(start,ref.indexOf('/',start+2)-start);
+ if(net == "links") return "";
+ return "
+function ago(at)
+ var tip = '';
+ var timeDiff = Date.now() - at;
+ if (timeDiff < 60000) {
+ tip += 'last updated less than a minute ago';
+ } else if (timeDiff < 3600000) {
+ tip += 'last updated ' + Math.floor(timeDiff / 60000) + ' minutes ago';
+ } else if (timeDiff < 43200000) {
+ tip += 'last updated over an hour ago';
+ } else if (timeDiff < 43800000) {
+ tip += 'last updated ' + Math.floor(timeDiff / 3600000) + ' hours ago';
+ } else {
+ var d = new Date;
+ d.setTime(at);
+ tip += 'last updated ' + d.toString();
+ }
+ return tip;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Apps/prolific_posters b/Apps/prolific_posters
new file mode 160000
index 000000000..591b54d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Apps/prolific_posters
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 591b54d68061810e45b8a0604cc0abcc42463677
diff --git a/Collections/Links/api.js b/Collections/Links/api.js
index f25b569d1..6643d4337 100644
--- a/Collections/Links/api.js
+++ b/Collections/Links/api.js
@@ -156,6 +156,32 @@ module.exports = function(app, lockerInfo) {
+ // get just encounters raw!
+ // expose way to get raw links and encounters
+ app.get('/encounters', function(req, res) {
+ var options = {sort:{"_id":-1}};
+ if(!req.query["all"]) options.limit = 20; // default 20 unless all is set
+ if (req.query.limit) {
+ options.limit = parseInt(req.query.limit);
+ }
+ if (req.query.offset) {
+ options.offset = parseInt(req.query.offset);
+ }
+ if(req.query['stream'] == "true")
+ {
+ res.writeHead(200, {'content-type' : 'application/jsonstream'});
+ }
+ var results = [];
+ dataStore.getEncounters(options, function(item) {
+ if(req.query['stream'] == "true") return res.write(JSON.stringify(item)+'\n');
+ results.push(item);
+ }, function(err){
+ if(err) logger.error(err);
+ if(req.query['stream'] == "true") return res.end();
+ return res.send(results);
+ });
+ });
function isFull(full) {
diff --git a/Collections/Links/dataIn.js b/Collections/Links/dataIn.js
index 24b74d899..0271b03b1 100644
--- a/Collections/Links/dataIn.js
+++ b/Collections/Links/dataIn.js
@@ -109,10 +109,11 @@ var encounterQueue = async.queue(function(e, callback) {
// make sure to pass in a new object, asyncutu
- dataStore.addEncounter(lutil.extend(true,{orig:u,link:link},e), function(err,doc){
+ dataStore.addEncounter(lutil.extend(true,{orig:u,link:link.link},e), function(err,doc){
if(err) return cb(err);
dataStore.updateLinkAt(doc.link, doc.at, function(err, obj){
if(err) return cb(err);
+ obj.encounters = [doc]; // include this encounter!
locker.ievent(lutil.idrNew("link","links",obj.id),obj,"update"); // let happen independently
@@ -140,6 +141,7 @@ function linkMagic(origUrl, callback){
if(linkUrl) return callback(linkUrl); // short circuit!
// new one, expand it to a full one
+ var linkUrl;
// fallback use orig if errrrr
if(!linkUrl) {
@@ -149,7 +151,7 @@ function linkMagic(origUrl, callback){
// does this full one already have a link stored?
if(link) {
- return callback(link.link); // yeah short circuit dos!
+ return callback(link); // yeah short circuit dos!
// new link!!!
link = {link:linkUrl};
@@ -164,11 +166,13 @@ function linkMagic(origUrl, callback){
if (!link.at) link.at = Date.now();
dataStore.addLink(link,function(err, obj){
locker.ievent(lutil.idrNew("link","links",obj.id),obj); // let happen independently
- callback(link.link); // TODO: handle when it didn't get stored or is empty better, if even needed
+ callback(link); // TODO: handle when it didn't get stored or is empty better, if even needed
// background fetch oembed and save it on the link if found
oembed.fetch({url:link.link, html:html}, function(e){
if(!e) return;
- dataStore.updateLinkEmbed(link.link, e, function(){});
+ dataStore.updateLinkEmbed(link.link, e, function(err, obj){
+ locker.ievent(lutil.idrNew("link","links",obj.id),obj,"update");
+ });
@@ -205,7 +209,7 @@ function getEncounterTwitter(event)
var tweet = event.data;
var txt = (tweet.retweeted_status && tweet.retweeted_status.text) ? tweet.retweeted_status.text : tweet.text;
- var e = {id:tweet.id
+ var e = {id:tweet.id_str
, idr:event.idr
, network:"twitter"
, text: txt + " " + tweet.user.screen_name
diff --git a/Collections/Links/dataStore.js b/Collections/Links/dataStore.js
index 833bc236a..725760792 100644
--- a/Collections/Links/dataStore.js
+++ b/Collections/Links/dataStore.js
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ exports.checkUrl = function(origUrl, callback) {
if(err) return callback();
cursor.nextObject(function(err, item){
if(err || !item || !item.link) return callback();
- callback(item.link);
+ callback(item);
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ exports.getLinks = function(arg, cbEach, cbDone) {
-exports.getFullLink = function(id, cbDone) {
+exports.getLink = function(id, cbDone) {
var link = null;
exports.getLinks({link:id}, function(l) { link = l; }, function() { cbDone(link); });
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/README.md b/Collections/Timeline/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f482adea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+The "feeds" collection is all of the socially shared items across any service, facebook newsfeed, twitter timeline, foursquare recents, etc.
+It consists of a primary type called an "item" which can have an array of "responses" that are comments, likes, retweets, etc from other people.
+The goal is to dedup cross-posts to multiple networks from one person, particularly things like a foursquare checkin.
+ id references and keys
+ cross-collection reference storage with links
+ link based dedup of foursquare
+ dedup uses keys as guids across networks and for text matching variations
+ /update takes type arg for individual updates
+ idrs as via, no original storage
+ prioritization scheme in merging items
+ generic from object, list of froms
+ references array of all sources
+ generalized responses and top-level statistics
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/dataIn.js b/Collections/Timeline/dataIn.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58bcf14d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/dataIn.js
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+var request = require('request');
+var async = require('async');
+var logger;
+var lutil = require('lutil');
+var url = require('url');
+var crypto = require("crypto");
+var path = require('path');
+var dataStore, locker;
+// internally we need these for happy fun stuff
+exports.init = function(l, dStore, callback){
+ dataStore = dStore;
+ locker = l;
+ logger = l.logger;
+ callback();
+// take an idr and turn it into a generic network-global key
+// this could be network-specific transformation and need data
+function idr2key(idr, data)
+ delete idr.query; delete idr.search; // not account specific
+ idr.pathname = '/'; // ids are generic across any context
+ return url.parse(url.format(idr));
+// internal util breakout
+function idrHost(r, data)
+ if(r.host === 'twitter')
+ {
+ r.hash = (r.pathname === 'related') ? data.id : data.id_str;
+ r.protocol = 'tweet';
+ }
+ if(r.host === 'facebook')
+ {
+ r.hash = data.id;
+ r.protocol = 'post';
+ }
+ if(r.host === 'foursquare')
+ {
+ r.hash = data.id;
+ r.protocol = 'checkin';
+ }
+ if(r.host === 'instagram')
+ {
+ r.hash = data.id;
+ r.protocol = 'photo';
+ }
+exports.idrHost = idrHost;
+// useful to get key from raw data directly (like from a via, not from an event)
+function getKey(network, data)
+ var r = {slashes:true};
+ r.host = network;
+ r.pathname = '/';
+ idrHost(r, data);
+ return url.parse(url.format(r)); // make sure it's consistent
+// normalize events a bit
+exports.processEvent = function(event, callback)
+ if(!callback) callback = function(err){if(err) logger.error(err);};
+ var idr = url.parse(event.idr, true);
+ if(!idr || !idr.protocol) return callback("don't understand this data");
+ // handle links as a special case as we're using them for post-process-deduplication
+ if(idr.protocol == 'link:') return processLink(event, callback);
+ masterMaster(idr, event.data, callback);
+// some data is incomplete, stupid but WTF do you do!
+var profiles = {};
+var mbQ = async.queue(masterBlaster, 1); // only process in series
+function masterMaster(idr, data, callback)
+ if(idr.protocol == 'checkin:' && idr.pathname.indexOf('checkin') != -1 && idr.query.id)
+ { // foursquare checkins api for a person is the same json format but missing the .user, which we need to store the correct contact idr, so we have to fetch/cache that
+ var svcId = idr.query.id;
+ if(profiles[svcId])
+ {
+ data.user = profiles[svcId];
+ return mbQ.push({idr:idr, data:data}, callback);
+ }
+ var lurl = locker.lockerBase + '/Me/'+svcId+'/getCurrent/profile';
+ request.get({uri:lurl, json:true}, function(err, resp, arr){
+ if(err || !arr || arr.length == 0)
+ {
+ logger.error("couldn't fetch profile for "+svcId+" so have to skip "+url.format(idr));
+ return callback();
+ }
+ logger.debug("caching profile for "+svcId);
+ data.user = profiles[svcId] = arr[0];
+ return mbQ.push({idr:idr, data:data}, callback);
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ mbQ.push({idr:idr, data:data}, callback);
+exports.masterMaster = masterMaster;
+// figure out what to do with any data
+function masterBlaster(arg, callback)
+ var idr = arg.idr;
+ var data = arg.data;
+ if(typeof data != 'object') return callback("missing or bad data");
+// logger.debug("MM\t"+url.format(idr));
+ var ref = url.format(idr);
+ var item = {keys:{}, refs:[], froms:{}, from:{}, responses:[], first:new Date().getTime(), last:new Date().getTime()};
+ item.ref = ref;
+ item.refs.push(ref);
+ item.keys[url.format(idr2key(idr, data))] = item.ref;
+ if(idr.protocol == 'tweet:'){
+ if(data.user && data.text) itemTwitter(item, data);
+ if(data.related) itemTwitterRelated(item, data.related);
+ }
+ if(idr.protocol == 'post:') itemFacebook(item, data);
+ if(idr.protocol == 'checkin:') itemFoursquare(item, data);
+ if(idr.host == 'instagram') itemInstagram(item, data);
+ var dup;
+ // we're only looking for the first match, if there's more, that's a very odd situation but could be handled here
+ async.forEach(Object.keys(item.keys), function(key, cb) {
+ dataStore.getItemByKey(key,function(err, doc){
+ if(!err && doc) dup = doc;
+ cb();
+ });
+ }, function (err) {
+ if(!item.pri && !dup) return callback(); // some new items, like twitter related, are only for merging, shouldn't happen but if it does we may need to queue/stash or something
+ if(dup) item = itemMerge(dup, item);
+ dataStore.addItem(item, function(err, item){
+ if(err) return callback(err);
+ // all done processing, very useful to pull out some summary stats now!
+ // feels inefficient to re-query and double-write here, but should be logically safe this way
+ // TODO: can optimize and special case the first time!
+ item.comments = item.ups = 0;
+ dataStore.getResponses({item:item.id}, function(r){
+ if(r.type == "comment") item.comments++;
+ if(r.type == "up") item.ups++;
+ }, function(){
+ dataStore.addItem(item, callback); // finally call back!
+ });
+ });
+ });
+// save a reference
+function itemRef(item, ref, callback)
+ var refs = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < item.refs.length; i++) refs[item.refs[i]] = true;
+ if(refs[ref]) return callback(undefined, item);
+ refs[ref] = true;
+ item.refs = Object.keys(refs);
+ dataStore.addItem(item, callback);
+// intelligently merge two items together and return
+function itemMerge(older, newer)
+// logger.debug("MERGE\t"+JSON.stringify(older)+'\t'+JSON.stringify(newer));
+ if(newer.pri > older.pri)
+ { // replace top level summary stuff if newer is deemed better
+ older.ref = newer.ref;
+ older.from = newer.from;
+ older.text = newer.text;
+ if(newer.title) older.title = newer.title;
+ }
+ // update timestamps to extremes
+ if(newer.last > older.last) older.last = newer.last;
+ if(newer.first < older.first) older.first = newer.first;
+ // update the two searchable objects
+ for(var k in newer.keys) older.keys[k] = newer.keys[k];
+ for(var k in newer.froms) older.froms[k] = newer.froms[k];
+ // our array of references for this item, needs to be unique
+ var refs = {};
+ for(var i = 0; i < newer.refs.length; i++) refs[newer.refs[i]]=true;
+ for(var i = 0; i < older.refs.length; i++) refs[older.refs[i]]=true;
+ older.refs = Object.keys(refs);
+ older.responses = newer.responses; // older doesn't have any since they're stored separately
+ return older;
+// merge existing with delete!
+function itemMergeHard(a, b, cb)
+ logger.debug("hard merge of "+a.ref+" to "+b.ref);
+ var item = itemMerge(a, b);
+ if(!item.responses) item.responses = [];
+ // gather old responses
+ dataStore.getResponses({item:b.id}, function(r){ item.responses.push(r); }, function(){
+ // update existing item
+ dataStore.addItem(item, function(err, item){
+ if(err || !item) return cb(err);
+ // now delete old fully!
+ dataStore.delItem(b.id, cb);
+ });
+ });
+// when a processed link event comes in, check to see if it's a long url that could help us de-dup
+function processLink(event, callback)
+ if(!event || !event.data || !event.data.encounters) return callback("no encounter");
+ // process each encounter if there's multiple
+ async.forEach(event.data.encounters, function(encounter, cb){
+ // first, look up event via/orig key and see if we've processed it yet, if not (for some reason) ignore
+ var key = url.format(getKey(encounter.network, encounter.via));
+ dataStore.getItemByKey(key,function(err, item){
+ if(err || !item) return cb(err);
+ // we tag this item with a ref to the link, super handy for cross-collection mashups
+ itemRef(item, event.idr, function(err, item){
+ if(err || !item) return cb(err);
+ var u = url.parse(encounter.link);
+ // if foursquare checkin and from a tweet, generate foursquare key and look for it
+ if(u.host == 'foursquare.com' && u.pathname.indexOf('/checkin/') > 0)
+ {
+ var id = path.basename(u.pathname);
+ var k2 = 'checkin://foursquare/#'+id;
+ dataStore.getItemByKey(k2,function(err, item2){
+ if(err || !item2) return cb();
+ // found a dup!
+ itemMergeHard(item, item2, cb);
+ });
+ }
+ // instagram uses the same caption everywhere so link-based dedup isn't needed
+ });
+ });
+ }, callback);
+exports.processLink = processLink;
+// give a bunch of sane defaults
+function newResponse(item, type)
+ return {
+ type: type,
+ ref: item.ref,
+ from: {}
+ }
+// sometimes links can be used as raw keys
+// using the hash value here because a ver of mongo will silently barf on some http based keys!!!
+function keyUrl(item, link)
+ var u = url.parse(link);
+ if(!u || !u.host) return;
+ // all instagram links across all services seem to be preserved
+ if(u.host == 'instagr.am') item.keys["url:"+crypto.createHash('md5').update(link).digest('hex')] = item.ref;
+// add key(s) based on a timestamp+-window (all in seconds)
+function keyTime(item, at, window, prefix)
+ var keys = {};
+ var wlen = window.toString().length;
+ var alen = at.toString().length;
+ keys[at.toString().substr(0,alen-wlen)]=true;
+ at += window;
+ keys[at.toString().substr(0,alen-wlen)]=true;
+ at -= (window*2);
+ keys[at.toString().substr(0,alen-wlen)]=true;
+ Object.keys(keys).forEach(function(key){ item.keys[prefix+key] = item.ref; });
+// extract info from a tweet
+function itemTwitter(item, tweet)
+ item.pri = 1; // tweets are the lowest priority?
+ // since RTs contain the original, add the response first then process the original!
+ if(tweet.retweeted_status)
+ {
+ var resp = newResponse(item, "up");
+ resp.from.id = "contact://twitter/#"+tweet.user.screen_name;
+ resp.from.name = tweet.user.name;
+ resp.from.icon = tweet.user.profile_image_url;
+ item.responses.push(resp);
+ tweet = tweet.retweeted_status;
+ item.keys['tweet://twitter/#'+tweet.id_str] = item.ref; // tag with the original too
+ }
+ if(tweet.created_at) item.first = item.last = new Date(tweet.created_at).getTime();
+ if(tweet.text) item.text = tweet.text;
+ if(tweet.user)
+ {
+ item.from.id = "contact://twitter/#"+tweet.user.screen_name;
+ item.from.name = tweet.user.name;
+ item.from.icon = tweet.user.profile_image_url;
+ item.froms[item.from.id] = item.ref;
+ }
+ // add a text based key
+ if(item.text)
+ {
+ var hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+ hash.update(item.text.substr(0,130)); // ignore trimming variations
+ item.keys['text:'+hash.digest('hex')] = item.ref;
+ hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+ hash.update(item.text.replace(/ http\:\/\/\S+$/,"")); // cut off appendege links that some apps add (like instagram)
+ item.keys['text:'+hash.digest('hex')] = item.ref;
+ }
+ // check all links
+ if(tweet.entities && tweet.entities.urls) tweet.entities.urls.forEach(function(link){if(link.expanded_url) keyUrl(item, link.expanded_url);});
+ // if this is also a reply
+ if(tweet.in_reply_to_status_id_str)
+ {
+ item.pri = 0; // demoted
+ item.keys['tweet://twitter/#'+tweet.in_reply_to_status_id_str] = item.ref; // hopefully this merges with original if it exists
+ var resp = newResponse(item, "comment");
+ // duplicate stuff into response too
+ resp.text = item.text;
+ resp.at = item.first;
+ resp.from.id = item.from.id;
+ resp.from.name = item.from.name;
+ resp.from.icon = item.from.icon;
+ item.responses.push(resp);
+ }
+// extract info from a facebook post
+function itemFacebook(item, post)
+ item.pri = 2; // facebook allows more text, always better?
+ item.first = post.created_time * 1000;
+ item.last = post.updated_time * 1000;
+ if(post.from)
+ {
+ item.from.id = 'contact://facebook/#'+post.from.id;
+ item.from.name = post.from.name;
+ item.from.icon = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + post.from.id + '/picture';
+ item.froms[item.from.id] = item.ref;
+ }
+ if(post.name) item.title = post.name;
+ if(post.message) item.text = post.message;
+ if(!item.text && post.description) item.text = post.description;
+ if(!item.text && post.caption) item.text = post.caption;
+ if(!item.text && post.story) item.text = post.story;
+ // should we only add a text key if we can detect it's a tweet? we're de-duping any fb post essentially
+ if(item.text)
+ {
+ var hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+ hash.update(item.text.substr(0,130)); // ignore trimming variations
+ item.keys['text:'+hash.digest('hex')] = item.ref;
+ }
+ if(post.link) keyUrl(item, post.link);
+ if(!item.text && post.type == "photo") item.text = "New Photo";
+ // process responses!
+ if(post.comments && post.comments.data)
+ {
+ post.comments.data.forEach(function(comment){
+ if(!comment.from) return; // anonymous comments skipped
+ var resp = newResponse(item, "comment");
+ resp.at = comment.created_time * 1000;
+ resp.text = comment.message;
+ resp.from.id = 'contact://facebook/#'+comment.from.id;
+ resp.from.name = comment.from.name;
+ resp.from.icon = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + comment.from.id + '/picture';
+ item.responses.push(resp);
+ });
+ }
+ if(post.likes && post.likes.data)
+ {
+ post.likes.data.forEach(function(like){
+ var resp = newResponse(item, "up");
+ resp.from.id = 'contact://facebook/#'+like.id;
+ resp.from.name = like.name;
+ resp.from.icon = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + like.id + '/picture';
+ item.responses.push(resp);
+ });
+ }
+// extract info from a foursquare checkin
+function itemFoursquare(item, checkin)
+ item.pri = 3; // ideally a checkin should source here as the best
+ item.first = item.last = checkin.createdAt * 1000;
+ if(checkin.venue) item.text = "Checked in at " + checkin.venue.name;
+ if(checkin.shout)
+ {
+ item.text = checkin.shout;
+ var hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+ hash.update(item.text.substr(0,130)); // ignore trimming variations
+ item.keys['text:'+hash.digest('hex')] = item.ref;
+ }
+ // foursquare preserves no other metadata than the shout in a cross-post, so we fall back to timestamp window :(
+ if(checkin.photos && checkin.photos.items) checkin.photos.items.forEach(function(photo){
+ if(!photo.source || photo.source.name != "Instagram") return;
+ keyTime(item, photo.createdAt, 5, "igts:");
+ });
+ var profile = checkin.user;
+ item.from.id = 'contact://foursquare/#'+profile.id;
+ item.from.name = profile.firstName + " " + profile.lastName;
+ item.from.icon = profile.photo;
+ item.froms[item.from.id] = item.ref;
+ if(checkin.comments && checkin.comments.items)
+ {
+ checkin.comments.items.forEach(function(comment){
+ // TODO: can't find examples of this!
+ });
+ }
+// process twitter's post-tweet related data
+function itemTwitterRelated(item, relateds)
+ relateds.forEach(function(related){
+ related.results.forEach(function(result){
+ // ReTweet type by default is only the user object
+ var resp = newResponse(item, "up");
+ var user = result;
+ if(related.resultType == "Tweet") {
+ resp.type = "comment";
+ resp.text = result.value.text;
+ user = result.value.user;
+ resp.at = new Date(result.value.created_at).getTime();
+ }
+ resp.from.id = "contact://twitter/#"+user.screen_name;
+ resp.from.name = user.name;
+ resp.from.icon = user.profile_image_url;
+ item.responses.push(resp);
+ });
+ });
+// extract info from an instagram pic
+function itemInstagram(item, pic)
+ item.pri = 4; // the source
+ item.first = item.last = pic.created_time * 1000;
+ if(pic.caption && pic.caption.text.length > 0) item.text = pic.caption.text;
+ if(pic.user)
+ {
+ item.from.id = 'contact://instagram/#'+pic.user.id;
+ item.from.name = pic.user.full_name;
+ item.from.icon = pic.user.profile_picture;
+ item.froms[item.from.id] = item.ref;
+ }
+ if(item.text)
+ {
+ var hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+ hash.update(item.text.substr(0,130)); // ignore trimming variations
+ item.keys['text:'+hash.digest('hex')] = item.ref;
+ }else{
+ item.text = "New Picture";
+ // if there's no caption, we have to key the timestamp to catch foursquare cross-posting since it has no other metadata :(
+ keyTime(item, pic.created_time, 5, "igts:");
+ }
+ if(pic.link) keyUrl(item, pic.link);
+ // process responses!
+ if(pic.comments && pic.comments.data)
+ {
+ pic.comments.data.forEach(function(comment){
+ var resp = newResponse(item, "comment");
+ resp.at = comment.created_time * 1000;
+ resp.text = comment.text;
+ resp.from.id = 'contact://instagram/#'+comment.from.id;
+ resp.from.name = comment.from.full_name;
+ resp.from.icon = comment.from.profile_picture;
+ item.responses.push(resp);
+ });
+ }
+ if(pic.likes && pic.likes.data)
+ {
+ pic.likes.data.forEach(function(like){
+ var resp = newResponse(item, "up");
+ resp.from.id = 'contact://instagram/#'+like.id;
+ resp.from.name = like.full_name;
+ resp.from.icon = like.profile_picture;
+ item.responses.push(resp);
+ });
+ }
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/dataStore.js b/Collections/Timeline/dataStore.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59c607113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/dataStore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2011, The Locker Project
+* All rights reserved.
+* Please see the LICENSE file for more information.
+var logger;
+var lutil = require("lutil");
+var crypto = require("crypto");
+var async = require('async');
+var lmongoutil = require("lmongoutil");
+var lsql = require('sqlite-cursor');
+var itemCol, respCol;
+var locker;
+var mItem, mResp, mKey;
+exports.init = function(iCollection, rCollection, l, callback) {
+ locker = l;
+ logger = l.logger;
+ itemCol = iCollection;
+ itemCol.ensureIndex({"id":1},{unique:true, background:true},function() {});
+ itemCol.ensureIndex({"keys":1},{background:true},function() {});
+ respCol = rCollection;
+ respCol.ensureIndex({"id":1},{unique:true, background:true},function() {});
+ respCol.ensureIndex({"item":1},{background:true},function() {});
+ async.series([
+ function(cb) {
+ lsql.connectToDB("./timeline.sqlite", cb);
+ },
+ function(cb) {
+ mKey = new lsql.Model("key", {
+ key:{type:lsql.Types.String, primaryKey:true},
+ item:lsql.Types.String
+ });
+ console.error()
+ mKey.create(cb);
+ },
+ function(cb) {
+ mItem = new lsql.Model("item", {
+ item:{type:lsql.Types.String, primaryKey:true},
+ json:lsql.Types.String
+ });
+ mItem.create(cb);
+ },
+ function(cb) {
+ mResp = new lsql.Model("response", {
+ item:{type:lsql.Types.String},
+ json:lsql.Types.String
+ });
+ mResp.create(cb);
+ }], callback);
+exports.clear = function(callback) {
+ itemCol.drop(function(){respCol.drop(callback)});
+exports.getTotalItems = function(callback) {
+ itemCol.count(callback);
+exports.getTotalResponses = function(callback) {
+ respCol.count(callback);
+exports.getAll = function(fields, callback) {
+ itemCol.find({}, fields, callback);
+exports.getLastObjectID = function(cbDone) {
+ itemCol.find({}, {fields:{_id:1}, limit:1, sort:{_id:-1}}).nextObject(cbDone);
+exports.getItemByKey = function(key, callback) {
+ var item;
+ var kname = "keys."+key;
+ var find = {};
+ find[kname] = {$exists:true};
+ findWrap(find,{limit:1},itemCol,function(i){item=i},function(err){callback(err,item)});
+exports.getItem = function(id, callback) {
+ var item;
+ findWrap({id:id},{},itemCol,function(i){item=i},function(err){callback(err,item)});
+// arg takes sort/limit/offset/find
+exports.getResponses = function(arg, cbEach, cbDone) {
+ var f = (arg.item)?{item:arg.item}:{};
+ delete arg.item;
+ if(arg.from) f["from.id"] = arg.from;
+ findWrap(f,arg,respCol,cbEach,cbDone);
+exports.getSince = function(arg, cbEach, cbDone) {
+ if(!arg || !arg.id) return cbDone("no id given");
+ findWrap({"_id":{"$gt":lmongoutil.ObjectID(arg.id)}}, {sort:{_id:-1}}, itemCol, cbEach, cbDone);
+// arg takes sort/limit/offset/find
+exports.getItems = function(arg, cbEach, cbDone) {
+ var f = {};
+ try {
+ if(arg.find) f = JSON.parse(arg.find); // optional, can bomb out
+ }catch(E){
+ return cbDone("couldn't parse find");
+ }
+ delete arg.find;
+ if(arg.from) f["froms."+arg.from] = {$exists:true};
+ findWrap(f,arg,itemCol,cbEach,cbDone);
+function findWrap(a,b,c,cbEach,cbDone){
+// console.log("a(" + JSON.stringify(a) + ") b("+ JSON.stringify(b) + ")");
+ var cursor = c.find(a);
+ if (b.sort) cursor.sort(parseInt(b.sort));
+ if (b.limit) cursor.limit(parseInt(b.limit));
+ if (b.offset) cursor.skip(parseInt(b.offset));
+ cursor.each(function(err, item) {
+ if (item != null) {
+ cbEach(item);
+ } else {
+ cbDone(err);
+ }
+ });
+// insert new (fully normalized) item, generate the id here and now
+exports.addItem = function(item, callback) {
+ var etype = "update";
+ if(!item.id)
+ { // first time an item comes in, make a unique id for it
+ var hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+ for(var i in item.keys) hash.update(i);
+ item.id = hash.digest('hex');
+ etype = "new";
+ }
+ var responses = item.responses;
+ if(responses) responses.forEach(function(r){ r.item = item.id; });
+ delete item.responses; // store responses in their own table
+ delete item._id; // mongo is miss pissypants
+ itemCol.findAndModify({"id":item.id}, [['_id','asc']], {$set:item}, {safe:true, upsert:true, new: true}, function(err, doc){
+ if(locker) locker.ievent(lutil.idrNew("item","timeline",doc.id),doc,etype); // let happen independently
+ if(err || !responses) return callback(err, doc);
+ async.forEach(responses, exports.addResponse, function(err){callback(err, doc);}); // orig caller wants saved item back
+ });
+// responses are unique by their contents
+exports.addResponse = function(response, callback) {
+ delete response.id;
+ delete response._id; // mongo is miss pissypants
+ var item = response.item;
+ delete response.item;
+ var hash = crypto.createHash('md5');
+ hash.update(JSON.stringify(response));
+ response.item = item;
+ response.id = hash.digest('hex');
+ respCol.findAndModify({"id":response.id}, [['_id','asc']], {$set:response}, {safe:true, upsert:true, new: true}, callback);
+// so, yeah, and that
+exports.delItem = function(id, callback) {
+ if(!id || id.length < 10) return callback("no or invalid id to del: "+id);
+ itemCol.remove({id:id}, function(err){
+ if(err) return callback(err);
+ if(locker) locker.ievent(lutil.idrNew("item","timeline",doc.id),doc,"delete"); // let happen independently
+ respCol.remove({item:id}, callback);
+ });
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/facebook.tweet b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/facebook.tweet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20c66c565
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/facebook.tweet
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ "action": "update",
+ "idr": "post://facebook/home?id=facebook#500012126_10150282386392127",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "500012126_10150282386392127",
+ "from": {
+ "name": "Alex Rainert",
+ "id": "500012126"
+ },
+ "message": "Dan was the 1st to nail the Google/Motorola news and yesterday he nailed Netflix. Get on the @splatf analysis, people! http://t.co/ZMu8UkyK",
+ "icon": "http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/23/2231777543/app_2_2231777543_9553.gif",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "Comment",
+ "link": "http://www.facebook.com/500012126/posts/10150282386392127"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Like",
+ "link": "http://www.facebook.com/500012126/posts/10150282386392127"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "@arainert on Twitter",
+ "link": "http://twitter.com/arainert?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=fb&utm_campaign=arainert&utm_content=116149996419682304"
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "status",
+ "application": {
+ "name": "Twitter",
+ "id": "2231777543"
+ },
+ "created_time": 1316527292,
+ "updated_time": 1316527292,
+ "comments": {
+ "count": 0
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/facebook.update b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/facebook.update
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..75c226222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/facebook.update
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ "action": "update",
+ "idr": "post://facebook/home?id=facebook#1264086533_2419826536086",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "1264086533_2419826536086",
+ "from": {
+ "name": "Mindframe Theaters",
+ "id": "1264086533"
+ },
+ "picture": "http://vthumb.ak.fbcdn.net/hvthumb-ak-snc6/244520_2419869537161_2419826536086_33311_1352_t.jpg",
+ "link": "http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=2419826536086",
+ "source": "http://video.l3.fbcdn.net/cfs-l3-ash4/342015/380/2419826536086_60821.mp4?oh=115eecc26ea0e77e74bdfb39d3860a33&oe=4E72D400&l3s=20110914043344&l3e=20110916044344&lh=065388ed3f72cef427b4b",
+ "name": "The Tree of Life - 9/16 [HD]",
+ "properties": [
+ {
+ "name": "Length",
+ "text": "2:11"
+ }
+ ],
+ "icon": "http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/rsrc.php/v1/yD/r/DggDhA4z4tO.gif",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "Comment",
+ "link": "http://www.facebook.com/1264086533/posts/2419826536086"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Like",
+ "link": "http://www.facebook.com/1264086533/posts/2419826536086"
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "video",
+ "object_id": "2419826536086",
+ "application": {
+ "name": "Video",
+ "id": "2392950137"
+ },
+ "created_time": 1315859039,
+ "updated_time": 1315864735,
+ "likes": {
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "name": "Will Kelly",
+ "id": "760380150"
+ }
+ ],
+ "count": 9
+ },
+ "comments": {
+ "data": [
+ {
+ "id": "1264086533_2419826536086_3034673",
+ "from": {
+ "name": "Bryan J. Zygmont",
+ "id": "62106448"
+ },
+ "message": "Thank you. See you soon.",
+ "created_time": 1315864735
+ }
+ ],
+ "count": 1
+ },
+ "_id": "4e6e6d354f7f2ab135d2782b"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/foursquare.recents b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/foursquare.recents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..020e07810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/foursquare.recents
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ "action": "new",
+ "idr": "checkin://foursquare/recents?id=foursquare#4e703881d4c03fcb653e0251",
+ "data": {
+ "_id": "4e703a41ca17313fd2cccc6b",
+ "id": "4e703881d4c03fcb653e0251",
+ "createdAt": 1315977345,
+ "type": "checkin",
+ "timeZone": "America/Chicago",
+ "entities": [],
+ "user": {
+ "id": "10598838",
+ "firstName": "Lis",
+ "lastName": "Miller",
+ "photo": "https://playfoursquare.s3.amazonaws.com/userpix_thumbs/ZHSLPGESZ530RZEK.jpg",
+ "gender": "female",
+ "homeCity": "Cascade, IA",
+ "relationship": "friend"
+ },
+ "venue": {
+ "id": "4e1362df18a84f0f0325cb37",
+ "name": "Home: 605 Garfield St SW",
+ "contact": {},
+ "location": {
+ "address": "605 Garfield St. SW",
+ "lat": 42.292913,
+ "lng": -91.018424,
+ "city": "Cascade",
+ "state": "IA"
+ },
+ "categories": [
+ {
+ "id": "4bf58dd8d48988d103941735",
+ "name": "Home",
+ "pluralName": "Homes",
+ "shortName": "Home",
+ "icon": "https://foursquare.com/img/categories/building/home.png",
+ "parents": [
+ "Residences"
+ ],
+ "primary": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "verified": false,
+ "stats": {
+ "checkinsCount": 246,
+ "usersCount": 4,
+ "tipCount": 0
+ }
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "name": "foursquare for iPhone",
+ "url": "https://foursquare.com/download/#/iphone"
+ },
+ "photos": {
+ "count": 0,
+ "items": []
+ },
+ "comments": {
+ "count": 0,
+ "items": []
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.4sq b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.4sq
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0ac671ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.4sq
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ "idr": "checkin://foursquare/recents?id=foursquare#4eb0dfbbe3002b5426f05a51",
+ "action": "new",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "4eb0dfbbe3002b5426f05a51",
+ "createdAt": 1320214459,
+ "type": "checkin",
+ "shout": "11.1.11, 11:11",
+ "timeZone": "America/Los_Angeles",
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+ "id": "1064267",
+ "firstName": "Jason",
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+ "gender": "male",
+ "homeCity": "Palo Alto, CA",
+ "relationship": "friend"
+ },
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+ "id": "4daf691893a037b7b06ee236",
+ "name": "SINGLY",
+ "contact": {
+ "twitter": "singlyinc"
+ },
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+ "address": "777 Florida St",
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+ "lng": -122.410651,
+ "postalCode": "94110",
+ "city": "San Francisco",
+ "state": "CA",
+ "country": "USA"
+ },
+ "categories": [{
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+ "parents": ["Professional & Other Places", "Offices"],
+ "primary": true
+ }],
+ "verified": true,
+ "stats": {
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+ "usersCount": 51,
+ "tipCount": 1
+ },
+ "url": "http://singly.com"
+ },
+ "source": {
+ "name": "Instagram",
+ "url": "http://instagram.com"
+ },
+ "photos": {
+ "count": 1,
+ "items": [{
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+ "width": 300,
+ "height": 300
+ },
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+ },
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+ }]
+ },
+ "source": {
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+ "url": "http://instagram.com"
+ },
+ "user": {
+ "id": "1064267",
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+ "homeCity": "Palo Alto, CA",
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+ },
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+ }]
+ },
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+ "count": 0,
+ "items": []
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.fb b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.fb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c4f17ff0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.fb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+ "action": "update",
+ "idr": "post://facebook/home?id=facebook#4803283_730289247379",
+ "data": {
+ "id": "4803283_730289247379",
+ "from": {
+ "name": "Julian Missig",
+ "id": "4803283"
+ },
+ "message": "Model S model",
+ "picture": "http://platform.ak.fbcdn.net/www/app_full_proxy.php?app=124024574287414&v=1&size=z&cksum=437fa91b29c88f863ebfe460c8aa989b&src=http%3A%2F%2Fimages.instagram.com%2Fmedia%2F2011%2F09%2F18%2F391a26f2de1f47b089f4a2a2215b6bf7_7.jpg",
+ "link": "http://instagr.am/p/Ne6nr/",
+ "name": "jmissig's photo",
+ "caption": "instagr.am",
+ "description": "jmissig's photo on Instagram",
+ "icon": "http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v27562/10/124024574287414/app_2_124024574287414_6936.gif",
+ "actions": [
+ {
+ "name": "Comment",
+ "link": "http://www.facebook.com/4803283/posts/730289247379"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Like",
+ "link": "http://www.facebook.com/4803283/posts/730289247379"
+ }
+ ],
+ "type": "link",
+ "application": {
+ "name": "Instagram",
+ "id": "124024574287414"
+ },
+ "created_time": 1316385395,
+ "updated_time": 1316385395,
+ "comments": {
+ "count": 0
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.instagram b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.instagram
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21e9f6f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/fixtures/ig.instagram
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ "action": "new",
+ "idr": "photo://instagram/feed?id=instagram#226208235_981179",
+ "data": {
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+var lutil = require('lutil');
+var url = require('url');
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+// internally we need these for happy fun stuff
+exports.init = function(l, dStore, dIn, callback){
+ dataStore = dStore;
+ dataIn = dIn;
+ locker = l;
+ logger = l.logger;
+ callback();
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+ stopped = false;
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+ exports.sync();
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+ if(state) return callback();
+ // starting from scratch, make sure clear, set initial list
+ logger.error("syncing from a new state");
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+ callback();
+ });
+function saveState()
+ lutil.atomicWriteFileSync("state.json", JSON.stringify(state));
+// see if there's any syncing work to do in the background, only running one at a time
+var syncTimeout;
+var running;
+exports.sync = function() {
+ // if any timer for future sync, zap it
+ if(syncTimeout) clearTimeout(syncTimeout);
+ syncTimeout = false;
+ // don't run if told not to
+ if(stopped) return;
+ // don't run if we're already running
+ if(running) return;
+ running = true;
+ // load fresh just to be safe
+ loadState(function(){
+ // if nothing to sync, go away
+ if(!state) return logger.error("invalid state!");
+ if(state.ready == 1) return;
+ // see if we're all done!
+ if(state.types.length == 0 && !state.current)
+ {
+ running = false;
+ state.ready = 1;
+ return saveState();
+ }
+ if(!state.current)
+ {
+ state.current = {};
+ state.current.type = state.types.shift();
+ state.current.offset = 0;
+ }
+ var cnt = 0;
+ var lurl = locker.lockerBase + '/Me/' + state.current.type + "?stream=true&limit=250&offset="+state.current.offset;
+ logger.error("syncing "+lurl);
+ lutil.streamFromUrl(lurl, function(a, cb){
+ cnt++;
+ (state.current.type.indexOf("link/") == 0) ? dataIn.processLink({data:a}, cb) : dataIn.masterMaster(getIdr(state.current.type, a), a, cb);
+ }, function(err){
+ running = false;
+ if(err) return logger.error("sync failed, stopping: ",err);
+ // no data n no error, we hit the end, move on!
+ state.current.offset += 250;
+ if(cnt == 0) delete state.current;
+ saveState();
+ // come back again darling
+ syncTimeout = setTimeout(exports.sync, state.sleep);
+ })
+ });
+// generate unique id for any item based on it's event
+//> u.parse("type://network/context?id=account#46234623456",true);
+//{ protocol: 'type:',
+// slashes: true,
+// host: 'network',
+// hostname: 'network',
+// href: 'type://network/context?id=account#46234623456',
+// hash: '#46234623456',
+// search: '?id=account',
+// query: { id: 'account' },
+// pathname: '/context' }
+function getIdr(type, data)
+ var r = {slashes:true};
+ r.host = type.substr(0, type.indexOf('/'));
+ r.pathname = type.substr(type.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
+ r.query = {id: r.host}; // best proxy of account id right now
+ dataIn.idrHost(r, data);
+ return url.parse(url.format(r),true); // make sure it's consistent
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/test.js b/Collections/Timeline/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6826ce751
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// BWARE, this is a scratch area used while dev'ing and is pretty ugly as it does a bunch of support work to simulate a working env
+// TODO convert to a real unit testing framework
+ var lconfig = require('lconfig');
+ console.error("export NODE_PATH=../../Common/node/");
+ process.exit();
+var fs = require('fs');
+var url = require('url');
+var request = require('request');
+var lmongoclient = require('../../Common/node/lmongoclient')(lconfig.mongo.host, lconfig.mongo.port, "timelinetest", ["item", "response"]);
+var logger = require('../../Common/node/logger');
+var async = require("async");
+var url = require("url");
+var dataIn = require('./dataIn'); // for processing incoming twitter/facebook/etc data types
+var dataStore = require("./dataStore"); // storage/retreival of raw items and responses
+function testFB()
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("facebook.update"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i1, r1){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("facebook.update"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i2, r2){
+ if(i2 != i1) return console.error("didn't dedup facebook.update");
+ if(r2 != r1) return console.error("didn't dedup facebook.update responses");
+ console.error("facebook.update OK");
+ testFBTW();
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ })
+function testFBTW()
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("facebook.tweet"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i1, r1){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("tweet.facebook"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i2, r2){
+ if(i2 != i1) return console.error("didn't dedup facebook.tweet");
+ if(r2 != r1) return console.error("didn't dedup facebook.tweet responses");
+ console.error("facebook<->twitter OK");
+ testRT();
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ })
+function testRT()
+ count(function(i1, r1){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("twitter.rt"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i2, r2){
+ if(i2 - i1 != 1) return console.error("didn't process twitter.rt");
+ if(r2 - r1 != 1) return console.error("didn't process twitter.rt response");
+ console.error("ReTweet OK");
+ testTWReply()
+ });
+ })
+ });
+function testTWReply()
+ count(function(i0, r0){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("twitter.reply.orig"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i1, r1){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("twitter.reply"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i2, r2){
+ if(i2 != i1 && i2 - i0 != 1) return console.error("didn't process twitter.reply properly");
+ if(r2 - r1 != 1 || r2 - r0 != 2) return console.error("didn't dedup twitter.reply responses");
+ console.error("twitter reply OK");
+ test4sqLink();
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ })
+ });
+function test4sqLink()
+ count(function(i0, r0){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("foursquare.recents"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i1, r1){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("twitter.timeline"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i2, r2){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("link"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i3, r3){
+ if(i2 - i0 != 2 || i2 - i3 != 1) return console.error("didn't dedup with link properly");
+ if(r3 - r0 != 0) return console.error("found responses and shouldn't have");
+ console.error("link based dedup OK");
+ testIG();
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ })
+ });
+function testIG()
+ count(function(i0, r0){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("ig.instagram"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i1, r1){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("ig.fb"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i2, r2){
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("ig.tweet"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ dataIn.processEvent(fixture("ig.4sq"), function(err){
+ if(err) console.error(err);
+ count(function(i3, r3){
+ if(i3 - i0 != 1) return console.error("didn't dedup instagram properly");
+ if(r3 - r0 != 0) return console.error("found responses and shouldn't have");
+ console.error("instagram dedup OK");
+ });
+ })
+ })
+ });
+ })
+ });
+ })
+ });
+function count(callback)
+ dataStore.getTotalItems(function(err, items){
+ dataStore.getTotalResponses(function(err, resp){
+// console.error("Items: "+items+" Responses: "+resp);
+ callback(items, resp);
+ })
+ })
+function fixture(name)
+ return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(__dirname+"/fixtures/"+name));
+function boot(callback){
+ var tdir = __dirname+"/test";
+ try{
+ fs.mkdirSync(tdir,0755);
+ }catch(E){}
+ process.chdir(tdir);
+ lmongoclient.connect(function(mongo) {
+ // initialize all our libs
+ dataStore.init(mongo.collections.item,mongo.collections.response);
+ dataIn.init({}, dataStore, function(){
+ console.error("booted up");
+ callback();
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/Collections/Timeline/timeline.js b/Collections/Timeline/timeline.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c8e732abf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Collections/Timeline/timeline.js
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+* Copyright (C) 2011, The Locker Project
+* All rights reserved.
+* Please see the LICENSE file for more information.
+// merge newsfeed style data and any gather any responses
+var fs = require('fs'),
+ url = require('url'),
+ request = require('request'),
+ locker = require('locker.js'),
+ lconfig = require('lconfig');
+var logger;
+var async = require("async");
+var url = require("url");
+var dataIn = require('./dataIn'); // for processing incoming twitter/facebook/etc data types
+var dataStore = require("./dataStore"); // storage/retreival of raw items and responses
+var sync = require('./sync'); // for manual updating/resyncing of data from synclets
+var lockerInfo;
+var express = require('express'),
+ connect = require('connect');
+var app = express.createServer(connect.bodyParser());
+app.set('views', __dirname);
+app.get('/', function(req, res) {
+ var fields = {};
+ if (req.query.fields) {
+ try { fields = JSON.parse(req.query.fields); } catch(E) {}
+ }
+ dataStore.getAll(fields, function(err, cursor) {
+ if(!req.query["all"]) cursor.limit(20); // default 20 unless all is set
+ if(req.query["limit"]) cursor.limit(parseInt(req.query["limit"]));
+ if(req.query["offset"]) cursor.skip(parseInt(req.query["offset"]));
+ var sorter = {"first":-1};
+ if(req.query["sort"]) {
+ sorter = {};
+ if(req.query["order"]) {
+ sorter[req.query["sort"]] = +req.query["order"];
+ } else {
+ sorter[req.query["sort"]]= 1;
+ }
+ }
+ var ndx = {};
+ cursor.sort(sorter).toArray(function(err, items) {
+ if(req.query["all"] || !req.query.full) return res.send(items); // default not include responses, forced if all
+ items.forEach(function(item){ ndx[item.id] = item; item.responses = []; }); // build index
+ var arg = {"item":{$in: Object.keys(ndx)}};
+ arg.fields = fields;
+ dataStore.getResponses(arg, function(response) {
+ ndx[response.item].responses.push(response);
+ }, function() {
+ res.send(items);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+app.get('/state', function(req, res) {
+ dataStore.getTotalItems(function(err, countInfo) {
+ if(err) return res.send(err, 500);
+ var updated = new Date().getTime();
+ var js;
+ try {
+ js = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('state.json'));
+ } catch(E) {}
+ if(!js) js = {ready:0};
+ js.count = countInfo;
+ res.send(js);
+ });
+// expose way to get the list of responses from an item id
+app.get('/responses/:id', function(req, res) {
+ var results = [];
+ dataStore.getResponses({item:req.param('id')}, function(item){results.push(item);},function(err){
+ if(err) return res.send(err,500);
+ res.send(results);
+ });
+app.get('/id/:id', function(req, res) {
+ dataStore.getItem(req.param('id'), function(err, doc) { return (err != null || !doc) ? res.send(err, 500) : res.send(doc); });
+// this would only be useful if something changes or removes state.json
+app.get('/sync', function(req, res) {
+ res.send(true);
+ sync.sync(); // happens async
+// sync.init() optionally listens for work events, funnel back
+app.post('/work', function(req, res) {
+ if (!req.body.idr || !req.body.data){
+ logger.error('bad work data: ',JSON.stringify(req.body));
+ return res.send('bad data', 500);
+ }
+ res.send('ok');
+ sync.work(req.body.data.work);
+app.get('/ref', function(req, res) {
+ var idr = url.parse(req.query.id);
+ if(!idr || !idr.hash) return res.send("missing or invalid id",500);
+ var lurl = locker.lockerBase + '/Me/' + idr.host + idr.pathname + '/id/' + idr.hash.substr(1);
+ request.get({url:lurl, json:true}, function(err, res2, body){
+ if(err || !body) return res.send(err, 500);
+ res.send(body);
+ });
+app.post('/events', function(req, res) {
+ if (!req.body.idr || !req.body.data){
+ logger.error('5 HUNDO bad data:',JSON.stringify(req.body));
+ res.writeHead(500);
+ res.end('bad data');
+ return;
+ }
+ res.send('ok');
+ // handle asyncadilly
+ dataIn.processEvent(req.body, function(err){
+ if(err) logger.error(err);
+ });
+function genericApi(name,f)
+ app.get(name,function(req,res){
+ var results = [];
+ f(req.query,function(item){results.push(item);},function(err){
+ if(err) return res.send(err,500);
+ res.send(results);
+ });
+ });
+genericApi('/getItems', dataStore.getItems);
+genericApi('/getResponses', dataStore.getResponses);
+genericApi('/getSince', dataStore.getSince);
+// Process the startup JSON object
+process.stdin.on('data', function(data) {
+ lockerInfo = JSON.parse(data);
+ locker.initClient(lockerInfo);
+ locker.lockerBase = lockerInfo.lockerUrl;
+ if (!lockerInfo || !lockerInfo['workingDirectory']) {
+ process.stderr.write('Was not passed valid startup information.'+data+'\n');
+ process.exit(1);
+ }
+ process.chdir(lockerInfo.workingDirectory);
+ lconfig.load('../../Config/config.json');
+ locker.logger = logger = require('logger');
+ locker.connectToMongo(function(mongo) {
+ // initialize all our libs
+ dataStore.init(mongo.collections.item,mongo.collections.response, locker, function(err){
+ if(err) logger.error("datastore init failed: ",err);
+ dataIn.init(locker, dataStore, function(){
+ sync.init(locker, dataStore, dataIn, function(){
+ app.listen(lockerInfo.port, 'localhost', function() {
+ process.stdout.write(data);
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
diff --git a/Common/node/lconfig.js b/Common/node/lconfig.js
index c00ba1801..54cdc990b 100644
--- a/Common/node/lconfig.js
+++ b/Common/node/lconfig.js
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
//just a place for lockerd.js to populate config info
var fs = require('fs');
var path = require('path');
+var os = require('os');
exports.load = function(filepath) {
var config = {};
@@ -90,6 +91,8 @@ exports.load = function(filepath) {
config.dashboard = config.dashboard || {};
config.dashboard.lockerName = config.dashboard.customLockerName || 'locker';
exports.dashboard = config.dashboard;
+ exports.workWarn = config.workWarn || os.cpus().length;
+ exports.workStop = config.workStop || os.cpus().length * 3;
// load trusted public keys
var kdir = path.join(path.dirname(filepath), "keys");
diff --git a/Common/node/ldatastore.js b/Common/node/ldatastore.js
index 0c0f3e9c8..5248bec45 100644
--- a/Common/node/ldatastore.js
+++ b/Common/node/ldatastore.js
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ var IJOD = require('ijod').IJOD
, colls = {}
, mongoIDs = {}
+var svcMan = require('lservicemanager');
exports.init = function(owner, callback) {
if (mongo[owner]) return callback();
@@ -114,14 +115,21 @@ exports.getEachCurrent = function(owner, type, callback, options) {
exports.getCurrent = function(owner, type, id, callback) {
- try {
if (!(id && (typeof id === 'string' || typeof id === 'number'))) return callback(new Error('bad id:' + id), null);
var m = getMongo(owner, type);
- var query = {_id: mongo[owner].db.bson_serializer.ObjectID(id)};
- m.findOne(query, callback);
- } catch(err) {
- return callback(err);
- }
+ var or = [];
+ try {
+ or.push({_id: mongo[owner].db.bson_serializer.ObjectID(id)});
+ }catch(E){}
+ var parts = type.split("_");
+ var idname = "id";
+ // BEWARE THE mongoId s appendage WEIRDNESS! #techdebt
+ if(parts.length == 2 && svcMan.map(parts[0]) && svcMan.map(parts[0]).mongoId && svcMan.map(parts[0]).mongoId[parts[1]+'s']) idname = svcMan.map(parts[0]).mongoId[parts[1]+'s'];
+ var id2 = {};
+ id2[idname] = id;
+ or.push(id2);
+ console.error("querying "+JSON.stringify(or));
+ m.findOne({$or: or}, callback);
exports.getCurrentId = function(owner, type, id, callback) {
diff --git a/Common/node/levents.js b/Common/node/levents.js
index 97000d452..16fa479ad 100644
--- a/Common/node/levents.js
+++ b/Common/node/levents.js
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ exports.fireEvent = function(idr, action, obj) {
exports.displayListeners = function(type) {
- return eventListeners[type];
+ return eventListeners[type] || [];
function findListenerPosition(type, id, cb) {
diff --git a/Common/node/lservicemanager.js b/Common/node/lservicemanager.js
index fa88050d6..a85c9bfe9 100644
--- a/Common/node/lservicemanager.js
+++ b/Common/node/lservicemanager.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
var fs = require("fs");
var path = require("path");
+var os = require("os");
var lconfig = require("lconfig");
var crypto = require("crypto");
var util = require("util");
@@ -479,6 +480,25 @@ function checkForShutdown() {
shuttingDown = null;
+// create signal events for services to listen to
+var workLast = null;
+var workSig = ""; // need to re-signal if listeners change
+function workCheck()
+ var newSig = levents.displayListeners("work/me").join(" ");
+ if(newSig != workSig) workLast = null;
+ workSig = newSig;
+ if(newSig == "") return; // no listeners!
+ var work = "start";
+ var load = os.loadavg();
+ if(load[0] > lconfig.workWarn) work = "warn";
+ if(load[0] > lconfig.workStop) work = "stop";
+ if(work == workLast) return; // no changes!
+ workLast = work;
+ levents.fireEvent("work://me/#"+work,"new",{work:work});
+setInterval(workCheck, 10000); // 10s granularity
exports.getCollectionApis = function() {
var collectionApis = {};
for (var i in serviceMap) {
diff --git a/Common/node/synclet/dataaccess.js b/Common/node/synclet/dataaccess.js
index 71c727f9e..1b35bd9bb 100644
--- a/Common/node/synclet/dataaccess.js
+++ b/Common/node/synclet/dataaccess.js
@@ -15,6 +15,15 @@ module.exports = function(app) {
var options = {};
if(req.query['limit']) options.limit = parseInt(req.query['limit']);
if(req.query['offset']) options.skip = parseInt(req.query['offset']);
+ if(req.query["sort"]) {
+ var sorter = {}
+ if(req.query["order"]) {
+ sorter[req.query["sort"]] = +req.query["order"];
+ } else {
+ sorter[req.query["sort"]] = 1;
+ }
+ options.sort = sorter;
+ }
if(req.query['stream'] == "true")
@@ -95,7 +104,7 @@ module.exports = function(app) {
} else {
- res.end();
+ res.end("not found");