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Apps common Radio Configuration

Several parameters can be updated in ./apps_configuration.h header file:

Constant Comments Possible Values Default values
PACKET_TYPE Packet type, will be LoRa or GFSK Any value from the enum sx126x_pkt_type_t SX126X_PKT_TYPE_LORA
RF_FREQ_IN_HZ Frequency on which packets will be sent or received Depends on shield capabilities 490000000
TX_OUTPUT_POWER_DBM Power level of packets sent [-17,22] 14
FALLBACK_MODE Fallback mode setting Any value from the enum sx126x_fallback_modes_t SX126X_FALLBACK_STDBY_RC
ENABLE_RX_BOOST_MODE RX boost mode setting true/false false
PAYLOAD_LENGTH Packet payload length of both LoRa and GFSK modem [0-255] 7
LORA_BANDWIDTH Bandwidth of LoRa packets Any value from the enum sx126x_lora_bw_t SX126X_LORA_BW_125
LORA_SPREADING_FACTOR Spreading factor of LoRa packets Any value from the enum sx126x_lora_sf_t SX126X_LORA_SF7
LORA_CODING_RATE Code rate of LoRa packets Any value from the enum sx126x_lora_cr_t SX126X_LORA_CR_4_5
LORA_PREAMBLE_LENGTH Preamble length in LoRa packets [10-65535] 8
LORA_PKT_LEN_MODE Header type, explicit (default) or implict header Any value from the enum sx126x_lora_pkt_len_modes_t SX126X_LORA_PKT_EXPLICIT
LORA_IQ I and Q inverted or not true/false false
LORA_CRC CRC on or off true/false false
FSK_FDEV Frequency deviation for GFSK modulation in bps 25e3
FSK_BITRATE BitRate for GFSK packets 50e3
FSK_BANDWIDTH Bandwidth for GFSK packets Any value from the enum sx126x_gfsk_bw_t SX126X_GFSK_BW_117300
FSK_PULSE_SHAPE Defines the filtering applied to GFSK packets Any value from the enum sx126x_gfsk_pulse_shape_t SX126X_GFSK_PULSE_SHAPE_OFF
FSK_PREAMBLE_LENGTH Length of preamble in GFSK packets in bits [0x0001-0xFFFF] 32
FSK_PREAMBLE_DETECTOR Length of preamble detector of GFSK packets Any value from the enum sx126x_gfsk_preamble_detector_t SX126X_GFSK_PREAMBLE_DETECTOR_MIN_16BITS
FSK_SYNCWORD_LENGTH Syncword length for GFSK packets in bits [0-64] 40
FSK_ADDRESS_FILTERING Option for address filtering Any value from the enum sx126x_gfsk_address_filtering_t SX126X_GFSK_ADDRESS_FILTERING_DISABLE
FSK_HEADER_TYPE GFSK packet type, fixed payload length or variable Any value from the enum sx126x_gfsk_pkt_len_modes_t SX126X_GFSK_PKT_VAR_LEN
FSK_CRC_TYPE Option for GFSK packet CRC Any value from the enum sx126x_gfsk_crc_types_t SX126X_GFSK_CRC_1_BYTE_INV
FSK_DC_FREE Option to enable whitening on GFSK packets Any value from the enum sx126x_gfsk_dc_free_t SX126X_GFSK_DC_FREE_OFF
gfsk_sync_word Syncword for GFSK packets Any 8 bytes table {0x01, 0x23, 0x45, 0x67, 0x89, 0xAB, 0xCD, 0xEF}
FSK_WHITENING_SEED Whitening seed for GFSK packets, needs FSK_DC_FREE enabled to be effective Any uint16_t 0x0123
FSK_CRC_SEED CRC seed for GFSK packets, needs FSK_CRC_TYPE to be different from SX126X_GFSK_CRC_OFF Any uint32_t 0x01234567
FSK_CRC_POLYNOMIAL CRC polynomial for GFSK packets, needs FSK_CRC_TYPE to be different from SX126X_GFSK_CRC_OFF Any uint32_t 0x01234567
FSK_NODE_ADDRESS Node address for GFSK packets filtering, needs FSK_ADDRESS_FILTERING to set to corresponding mode Any uint8_t 0x05
FSK_BROADCAST_ADDRESS Broadcast address for GFSK packets filtering, , needs FSK_ADDRESS_FILTERING to set to corresponding mode Any uint8_t 0xAB

When compiling with arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain, all these constant are configurable through command line with the EXTRAFLAGS. See main README.

Constant Comments Possible Values Default
CUSTOM_XTAL_TRIM Enable the custom crystal foot trimming capacitor value (yes / no) no