Welcome to your Docker deep dive course. You will find exercises and follow up questions in here. The course will work best if we follow it through together so if you can curb your excitement for reading ahead.
- Base images can be found here: https://hub.docker.com/
- Docker build documentation: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/build-legacy/
- Docker run documentation: https://docs.docker.com/reference/cli/docker/container/run/
- Docker file syntax reference: https://docs.docker.com/reference/dockerfile/
Building an image
For a basic build, adapt this command to match the exercise
docker build -t docker-deep-dive/{exercise}/{original|better} -f {filename} .
docker build -t docker-deep-dive/ex2/original -f Dockerfile.original .
Listing your built images
docker images
docker images | grep docker-deep-dive/
Running up your images into containers
The basic command would be
docker run --name exercise2 --rm docker-deep-dive/ex2/original
However, different types of dockerfile & image may prompt more complex versions (spoilers!)