- Drop Python 3.7 support.
- Added PartialLinear functions and the ability to find invariant laminations using realalg.
- Added Python 3.9 - 3.11 support.
- Changed CI/CD pipeline to Github actions.
- Encode_halftwist generalised to multiarcs.
- Isometries_to and self_isometries now return generators
- Simplified twising algorithm.
- Laminations can now be specified via a dictionary of weights.
- Custom print method for topological types to match paper.
- Fixed closed case topological type bug where parallel curves separated by a puncture would appear different.
- Added minimum dependency versions.
- Officially removed Python 2 support.
- Disjoint sum supports a dictionay specifying multiplicities.
- Stripping leading and trailing identity isometries for performance.
- Rewritten to assume that laminations are the correct subclass.
- Switched to left_weight and right_weight.
- Removed Coveralls support.
- More figures for documention.
- Using six.
- MCG now use SLP to parse creation strings.
- Fixed bug where twists could occur even when drop=0.
- Added Pachner 1 --> 3 move.
- Added MultiEdgeFlip Move.
- Crushing now respects the underlying triangulation.
- Using custom Half class.
- Now using create methods to build and link moves and their inverses simultaneously.
- Using IntegralLamination intermediate class.
- Testing curver.load.
- Dynamically building triangulations during testing.
- Memoize works even for methods that raise Exceptions.
- Standardised error message style.
- Fixed appveyor build process.
- Fixed py.test usage.
- Better documentation including installation instructions.
- Travis now using stages.
- Docstring bugfix.
- Extra decorators.
- Increased performance via increased memoization.
- Added link to herokuapp.
- Fixed typo in orbit calculations.
- Extended quotient orbifolds to all finite subgroups.
- Extended the generating sets produced by curver.load().
- Can now identify which mapping classes are Dehn twists together with their twisting curve(s).
- Can now apply a mapping class together with a power.
- Improved EdgeFlip performance.
- Improved simplification performance.
- Simplified use of error classes.
- Fixed bug in scaling Laminations.
- Now using a quadratic time algorithm to compute invariant multiarcs.
- Fixed bug in computing Mosher sequence.
- Solves the conjugacy problem for periodic mapping classes.
- Computes quotient orbifold signature of periodic mapping classes.
- Finds invariant polygonalisations of periodic mapping classes.
- Switched to standard version number extraction.
- Switched documentation to use autosummary.
- Separated out Tox testing evnironments.
- Tox checks for print statements in the kernel.
- Mirgrated from NumPy matrices to arrays.
- Typo hotfix.
- Fixed API documentation build process and typos.
- Separated out Mappings from Encodings.
- Triangulation.surface now returns a dictionary.
- All moves can now be packaged.
- Standardised unittests.
- Fixed twist homology action typo.
- Minimise and shorten now only return encodings.
- Fixed shorten ordering bug.
- Fixed appveyor build process.
- Generalised intersection code.
- Collated peripheral components code.
- Fixed documentation typos.
- More unittests.
- New notion of short.
- Removed TrainTracks class, incorporated vertex cycles methods into MultiCurves.
- More performance.
- Simplified hypothesis strategy code.
- Licence hotfix.
- Fixed numpy dtype bug.
- Added first version of SLP data structure.
- Switched to MIT licence.
- Using tox-travis.
- Whitespace, formatting, Flake8.
- First full release.
- Test release on PyPI.