Complete the
Terraform file in charge of creating the following infrastructure using the Scaleway provider :
- name : decidim-app
- type : DEV1-M
- image : Ubuntu Focal
Security Group
- name: decidim-app-sg
- Accept rule on port HTTP
- Accept rule on port HTTPS
You will need to create a public IP address to be assigned to the created server and also bind the created security group on this same server
Which command launches the Terraform deployment?
Answer ->
Which command previews the deployment before it is executed?
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A client requests the shutdown and removal of his environment. His infrastructure is managed by Terraform. What steps should be taken before complying with his request and which command will allow the removal of his infrastructure?
Answer ->
Write a Dockerfile to deploy a basic Rails application
- In this directory, initialize your first Ruby on Rails application called rails-on-docker
- Add your Dockerfile to the Ruby on Rails application folder
Create an Ansible playbook in charge of installing the following stack :
- Classic Ruby on Rails configuration
- PostgreSQL
- Nginx
- Fail2Ban
- Sidekiq
- Redis
- Passenger