This is my personal to-do, but I commit it so you can see what's coming.
All of these changes will release over time.
I'll strike-through bullets in this list as they are completed! Some things I need to do:
- Module restructure (3)
- Remove HeatUp and replace with strict datastore stuff (1)
- GDPR compliance (1)
- Saving restructure (1)
- Force saving (1)
- Force session release (3)
- Ability to override behavior when a session is locked, ended, or failed (3)
- Ability to turn off reconcile (3)
- Leaderboards, made with a "publicOrdered" or "privateOrdered" tag (1, 2)
- Version control and rollback (1)
- Ability to have independent data sets with custom keys/scopes without need for player (1)
- Mocking (1)
- Config for a callback function to be called when data is saved or save is failed by using a success state and save data in parameter as dictionary (2)
- Increment function (1)
- Config to optionally replace the default save behavior, so that, for example, people can use something like external clouds (2)
- Spend as currency function (decreases a value if it can be afforded, otherwise returns unsuccessful state) (1)
- Earn as currency function (1)
- Inventory/collectible system (1)
- Built-in statistics and metadata (1)
- API to connect purchases to collectibles or data changes (1)
- Value tags (1)
- Badge system (1)
- Set which keys save in private servers (with option for this, defaults to save all in private servers) (2)
- Rename resource to something new instead of "GreedyDataService" (3)
I first will start by removing HeatUp and using a custom solution.
Keys will now have the prefix "User_%d" for automatic GDPR compliance.
There will be one primary datastore, named "PlayerSaveData".
Structure of "PlayerSaveData":
- User_%d
- Metadata
- Save key names and types
- Earned badge IDs
- Owned gamepass IDs
- Purchased dev product IDs
- History of usernames
- History of display names
- Player tags
- If this player is disqualified from leaderboards
- Statistics
- Number of joins
- Average session time (in seconds)
- Total session time (in seconds)
- Total Robux spent
- Robux spent on game passes
- Robux spent on dev products
- Total badges earned
- Last time played (via time())
- Daily streak
- Total currency spent
- Total currency earned
- Total collectibles earned
- Total collectibles removed
- Total session time as premium player
- Mouse position heatmap (ordered quadrants of where the player mouse is usually located, with quadrants being 10x10 by scale, totalling in 100 quadrants, ordered left-right & top-down, with top-left being 1, and bottom-right being 100)
- Save
- [Save Key Name]
- Value
- Tags
- Leaderboard name (is it exists, if not it defaults to "")
- ...
- [Save Key Name]
- Metadata
:Set(string, any)[string] = any
:Update(string, (any)->any)[string]((any)->any)
:Increment(string, number)[string] += number
:SpendAsCurrency(string, number, (string, number))->boolean
:EarnAsCurrency(string, number)
:OnNewBadgeEarned(number, (number))
:OnDevProductPurchase(number, ())
:OnGamepassPurchase(number, ())
:AssociateDevProductWithCurrency(number, number)
:AssociateDevProductWithNumberValue(number, number)
:AssociateDevProductWithCollectible(number, string, number)
:AssociateGamepassWithCallback(number, (boolean))
:GetPlaceInLeaderboard(string, string)
:GetTopPlayersInLeaderboard(string, number)
There will also be ordered leaderboards created for each value declared as ordered. Each ordered leaderboard will have the prefix "Leaderboard_%s" and structured like so:
- User_%d
- Value as number
Lastly, you can save data sets that are not associated with a player. These are saved in a separate "GlobalSaveData"
To start, there will be a separate config module for callbacks. These include:
- OnValueSaved(({Key:string, Value:any, Successful:boolean}))
- SaveOverride(({meta:{}, stats:{}, data:{}})->boolean)
- LoadOverride(()->{meta:{}, stats:{}, data:{}}, boolean)
There are also added settings:
- KeysUnsavedInPrivateServers : {string}
- ShouldCountStatsInPrivateServers : boolean
Lastly, there are two new data types: publicLeaderboard
and privateLeaderboard
. These work just like public
and private
, except they save in leaderboards.
Here are some last things I want to mention.
"GreedyDataService" is a sucky name. Thus, it will soon be renamed to "RichDataService".
This is how the module will be structured now:
- RichDataService
- bin
- playerSession
- playerStatsHandler
- clientConnection (automatically moved to starter player scripts as local script, fires remote made in runtime)
- mouseHeatmapParser
- playerStatsHandler
- dataSet
- dataValue
- valueParser
- datastoreManager
- leaderboardManager
- badgeHandler
- economyHandler
- playerSession
- config
- dataTemplate
- settings
- callbacks
packagespackages are being removed since there are no longer any
- bin