% Easy way to compare the results of two inflation experiments. % % The assumption is that you have configured and run the 'test_inflation.csh' % script in two directories (repeated here). % This only tests the state-space results since test_inflation.csh compares % the obs_seq.final files. % % I suppose we could run the test_inflation.csh script from inside this % script by using the 'system' function. left for a later date ... % or we could modify the test_inflation.csh script to call the gold = '/Users/thoar/git/DART_Manhattan/models/lorenz_96/work'; test = '/Users/thoar/git/DART_development/models/lorenz_96/work'; for prior = 0:5 for posterior = 0:6 directory = sprintf('inf_%d_%d',prior,posterior); fprintf('Comparing inflation case %s \n',directory) fnamegold = sprintf('%s/%s/analysis.nc',gold,directory); fnametest = sprintf('%s/%s/analysis.nc',test,directory); if ( exist(fnamegold,'file') == 2 & exist(fnametest,'file') == 2 ) Compare_netCDF_files(fnamegold,fnametest) else fprintf('WARNING: %s did not create output.\n',directory) end fprintf('\n') end end