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File metadata and controls

132 lines (101 loc) · 5.31 KB


The base class for all audio file input streaming. Inherits from audio::istream.

Similar to std::ifstrem, its contructor takes a filepath as argument. Here the filepath must point to an audio file currently supported by ni-media. At this date supported containers are:

  • wav: native support, enabled through CMake Option NIMEDIA_ENABLE_WAV_DECODING
  • aiff: native support, enabled through CMake Option NIMEDIA_ENABLE_AIFF_DECODING
  • flac: requires libFlac & LibOgg, enabled through CMake Option NIMEDIA_ENABLE_FLAC_DECODING
  • ogg: requires libVorbis & LibOgg, enabled through CMake Option NIMEDIA_ENABLE_OGG_DECODING
  • mp3: not supported on linux, enabled through CMake Option NIMEDIA_ENABLE_MP3_DECODING
  • mp4: not supported on linux, enabled through CMake Option NIMEDIA_ENABLE_MP4_DECODING

The constructor will throw a runtime error if the file format is not supported or a codec error occured (e.g. corrupted file).

Example code:

void analyze_file( const std::string& filename )
    audio::ifstream stream;
        stream = audio::ifstream( filename );
    catch ( ... )
        // handle exception


    // stream from file...

You can also allow only a specific container:

void analyze_wav_file( const std::string& filename )
    audio::ifstream stream;
        stream = audio::ifstream( filename, audio::ifstream::info_type::container_type::wav );
    catch ( ... )
        // handle exception


    // stream from file...

An audio::ifstream also supports multi stream containers, which allows us to stream from e.g. a Native Instruments Stems file. A stem file consists of five audio streams and additional metadata packed inside an mp4 container. By default, an audio::ifstream will open the Stems Master Stream, but is also capable of opening any of the other streams by simply passing the desired stream index as argument to the constructor:

void analyze_stem_stream( const std::string& filename, size_t stream_index )
    audio::ifstream stream;
        stream = audio::ifstream( filename, audio::ifstream::info_type::container_type::mp4, stream_index );
    catch ( ... )
        // handle exception


    // stream from file...

audio specific operations

  • info(): returns the stream info audio::ifstream_info Extends audio::istream_info with audio file specific informations like:
    • num_frames: the number of sample frames ( one frame consist of num_channels samples )
    • container: the underlying container( wav, aiff, flac, ogg, mp3, mp4 )
    • codec : the codec used: ( wav, aiff, flac, vorbis, mp3, aac, alac )

⚠️ num_frames may differ from the actual number of frames in the stream as this information relies on the codec. The only way to obtain the exact number of frames is by seeking to the end of stream and retrieving the frame position. In general the num_frames info provided by the codec is correct for wav, aiff, flac, ogg, mp4 containers ( assuming no errors occured during encoding ). For mp3 num_frames might be off by up to a few thousand frames.

Writing your own decoder stream

It is possible to extend ni-media from the outside by implementing the audio::istream_source interface. For convenience a specialized audio::ifstream_source for audio::ifstream is already defined in ifstream.h which your decoder stream can implement like this:

#include <ni/media/audio/ifstream.h>

class my_ifstream_source : public audio::ifstream_source
    std::streampos seek( std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir ) override;
    std::streamsize read( char_type* dst, std::streamsize size ) override;
    const info_type& info() const override;

In this case the char_type will refer to std::istream::char_type and the info_type to audio::ifstream_info. Best practice to instantiate an audio::ifstream based on an audio::ifstream_source implementation is to use the following factory function which will forward your constructor arguments and use the appropriate constructor of ni-media:

audio::ifstream my_ifstream = audio::make_ifstream<my_ifstream_source>( ... );

Providing a custom byte-stream backend

By implementing the audio::custom_backend_source interface, it is possible to provide a custom byte-stream backend to the existing decoders of ni-media:

#include <ni/media/audio/custom_backend_source.h>

class my_custom_byte_stream : public audio::custom_backend_source
    std::streampos seek( std::streamoff off, std::ios_base::seekdir dir ) override;
    std::streamsize read( char_type* dst, std::streamsize size ) override;

An audio::ifstream based on a audio::custom_backend_source can be instantiated with the following constructor:

ifstream( std::unique_ptr<audio::custom_backend_source> source, info_type::container_type container, size_t stream_index = 0 );