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NatsuArashi authored Jun 22, 2018
1 parent b55e562 commit 10ed20b
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions zh_tw.lang
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Expand Up @@ -1712,19 +1712,19 @@ research.MINDCLOCKWORK.stage.2=我試圖以魔法強化的發條中樞達成人
research.MINDCLOCKWORK.stage.3=我設計了一組特殊的壓製機來製做簡單的傀儡。這組設備帶有鐵砧與鍛爐以助於進行裝配。 <LINE>要裝配傀儡時我只需要操作傀儡壓制機,並選擇製作傀儡時使用的零件。目前的選擇很有限,但我確定我會開發出更多選擇。 <PAGE>事實上設計傀儡相當直覺——每架傀儡都是由五種零件構成:基礎材料與頭部、腕部、足部各一種,以及一項可選的額外組件。只要選擇你想要的組合,製作材料就會列在右方。在製程開始前你必須先在物品欄中備齊列出的所有零件。 <BR>你可以看到在介面中間列出了製出的傀儡將擁有的特質、思維、護甲與攻擊力等。 <BR>最後,你還需要為壓制機提供 Machina 源質。 壓制機主結構下的數個接口就是為了這個目的。 <PAGE>你可以將傀儡放在任何場所,但若未放置§5傀儡控制印記§0,它們將不會有什麼作用。更多相關資訊請參閱已解鎖的研究類別。<BR>當傀儡沒有任務在身時,它們會主動回到被放下的位置。潛行時右擊傀儡可以撿起傀儡。 <BR>你也可以用染料為傀儡指定顏色。用於限制傀儡對應指定的印記。撿起傀儡會清除它身上的顏色。
research.CONTROLSEALS.stage.1=Golems cannot do anything they are not told to do. For this purpose I have created Control Seals. You can place these circular clay seals against almost any surface you wish. Once you do they will become become ethereal and intangible, but you will still be able to see them as long as you hold a golem, another seal or §5Golemancer's Bell§0.<BR>The bell will be an important tool as you will use it to fine tune the settings and parameters of the command seals.<BR>Since seals are ethereal you can place down another block in the same spot as you placed a seal.<BR>Several seals can also occupy the same block space as long as the are located on different faces of a block. This should allow you to keep things quite compact.<BR>You can retrieve a seal by shift and right-clicking on it with the bell.<PAGE>Clicking on a seal with the bell will allow you to tweak its parameters. The exact parameters will vary from seal to seal, but most seals will allow you to give them a priority between -5 and +5 (default 0). Tasks created by higher priority seals will be performed first. You will also be able to see a list of required traits that a golem will need to have in order to perform tasks created by that seal.<BR>For example, a seal might require a golem to have the §5Deft§0 trait, or perhaps another seal will require that a golem NOT have the §5Clumsy§0 trait.<BR>For a practical example, look at the §5Collect Seal§0.<LINE>Seals can be set to become inactive when they recieve a redstone signal. All queued or in progress tasks from that seal will also be removed.<BR>It is also possible to assign a color to a seal. If you do so tasks from that seal will only be performed by uncolored golems or golems with the same color. Uncolored seals will assign tasks to all golems (colored and uncolored alike).<BR>You set seal colors in the same location where you set priorities.<BR>You assign a golem a color by using a dye on it. The color will be cleared if the golem is picked up.
research.CONTROLSEALS.stage.1=傀儡沒被下命令不會有任何動作。我為此創造了控制印記。你可以隨意將這些黏土印在幾乎所有的表面上。印上後它會變得虛幻而無形,但當你手持傀儡、其他印記或是§5傀儡師鈴鐺§0時依然可以看見印記。 <BR>這顆鈴鐺將會是一個非常重要的工具,因為你必須用它來微調指令印記的設定與參數。 <BR>印記是無形的,所以你可以在印記的相同位置放置另一個方塊。 <BR>同一格位置的每個面也能分別放上印記。這應該能讓你縮減占用的空間。 <BR>持鈴鐺對印記 shift + 右鍵 可以取下印記。<PAGE>用鈴鐺輕點印記可以調整印記的參數。用鈴鐺輕點印記可以調整印記的參數。大多數印記的優先度調整範圍為±5(預設為0),但確切的參數取決於每個印記本身。高優先度印記所建立的工作會先執行。你也會看到一個特性需求清單,顯示出傀儡執行印記建立的任務所需的特質。 <BR>舉例來說,印記可能會要求傀儡具備§5靈巧§0特性,或者是要求不能具備§5笨拙§0特性。 <BR>實際的例子可以看看§5收集印記§0。 <LINE>印記接收到紅石訊號會停用。所有執行中的任務也會被移除。 <BR>你也可以為印記指定顏色。指定後只有未染色的傀儡以及顏色相同的傀儡會接受這個印記所建立的任務。無色的印記會將任務分配給所有傀儡(不論染色與否)。 <BR>設定印記顏色的地方與優先度的設定相同。 <BR>在傀儡身上使用染料來為傀儡分配顏色。撿起傀儡會清除它身上的顏色。
research.GOLEMDIRECT.title=Golem Mastery傀儡專精
research.GOLEMDIRECT.stage.1=Having golems mindlessly following seals is not my only goal. I want them to mindlessly follow me as well.<BR>There has to be a way to make that happen.
research.GOLEMDIRECT.stage.2=I can now right click on a golem with the §5Golemancer's Bell§0 to have it follow me. While following you it will no longer obey seals and combat capable golems will defend you in combat.<BR>Clicking on the golem again will once again return it to normal functioning and its home location will be set to its current location.
research.GOLEMDIRECT.stage.1=我的目標不只是讓傀儡盲目地服從印記。我希望它們也能盲目地服從我。 <BR>一定有方法能做到這點。
research.GOLEMDIRECT.stage.2=現在我能用§5傀儡師鈴鐺§0右擊傀儡來命令它跟隨我。跟隨你的傀儡將不再受印記控制,而具有戰鬥力的傀儡能在戰鬥中保護你。 <BR>再次點擊傀儡能使它回到一般模式,並將其原點設定在當下的位置。
research.GOLEMLOGISTICS.title=Golem Logistics傀儡邏輯
research.GOLEMLOGISTICS.stage.1=Having created the Provider Seal I now have an interesting opportunity. It should be possible for me to directly request items from nearby golems.<BR>Some tweaking of their pathfinding will be required, but it should not be too hard to do.
research.GOLEMLOGISTICS.stage.2=I can now sneak + right click with the §5Golemancer's Bell§0 to bring up an inventory of all items accessible by provider seals within 32 blocks. I can then request items from this list and a golem will deliver it.<BR>If I clicked on a block the item will be delivered to the block, or placed inside if it is an inventory. The side you clicked on will be taken into account.<BR>If I clicked on empty air the item will be delivered directly to me.<PAGE>Golems are still limited by their range so I must take care where I try and deliver items to.
research.GOLEMLOGISTICS.stage.1=我在製作出供給印記後發現了一個有趣的可能性。應該可以直接要求附近的傀儡把物品交給我。 <BR>需要稍微調整一下他們的尋路能力,但應該不會太難。
research.GOLEMLOGISTICS.stage.2=現在我能透過§5傀儡師鈴鐺§0以潛行 + 右擊來開啟一個物品欄,列出了32格內的供給印記能操作的所有物品。我能從清單中要求一項物品,而傀儡會把它遞過來。 <BR>如果我點擊在方塊上,傀儡會把物品放在方塊上或是該方塊的物品欄中。方塊不同的面視為不同位置。 <BR>若直接點擊空氣,則物品會直接交給我。 <PAGE>傀儡的行動範圍有限,我必須注意交付物品的位置。
research.MINDBIOTHAUMIC.stage.1=As predicted the clockwork minds I have created offers very little in the way of abstract reasoning and autonomy. Attempting to create more complex clockworks has met with very little success, so I turning to something I already know will work - living brains.<BR>By studying them I might be able to unlock the secret behind true intelligence and autonomy.
research.MINDBIOTHAUMIC.stage.2=Though hesitant at first, I soon overcame any trepidation I felt and delved into Biothaumaturgy - merging flesh, machines and magic into a single whole.<BR>The results are encouraging and I am now able to infuse clockwork minds with salvaged gray matter to form a mind with much greater capabilities.<BR>This has also allowed me to create more complex versions of seals I already know.<BR>Another advantage if this mind is that it will allow a golem to learn. As it completes tasks it will gain experience and rank up. Higher ranks grants a golem additional health, speed and damage.<BR>Golems start at rank 0 and can improve up to rank 10.<BR>Golems will retain their rank if picked up.
research.MINDBIOTHAUMIC.stage.1=如同我所預期,我製作的發條中樞能提供的推理能力與自主性很低。造出更精密發條結構的機會渺茫,所以我轉而研究已知的有效方案——活生生的腦袋。 <BR>加以研究或許能解開真正的智能與自主背後的秘密。
research.MINDBIOTHAUMIC.stage.2=起初我有些猶豫,但很快就克服了我內心的不安,並深入鑽研秘術生體學——將血肉、機械與魔法合而為一。 <BR>成果令人振奮,我能將取出的灰質注入發條中樞,製成性能更強的思考中樞。 <BR>這同時也讓我能夠製作出比現有版本更加複雜的印記。 <BR>這種思考中樞的另一項優勢是給予傀儡學習的能力。完成工作時傀儡會獲得經驗並升級。更高的等級使傀儡獲得額外的生命值、速度與攻擊力。 <BR>傀儡的初始等級為0,上限為10。<BR>取下傀儡時等級會被重置。
research.SEALCOLLECT.stage.1=This seal will constantly check an area you define for dropped items. If items are found it will instruct any nearby golems to pick up those items.<BR>You can define the exact dimensions of the area as well as filter out certain items using a white- or blacklist.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1822,4 +1822,4 @@ got.hellandback=你拜訪過了地獄。
fail.crimsonrites=This book contains nothing but crazed ravings.

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