There is currently no Javascript implementation of ECIES compatible with apple's SecKeyAlgorithm standards. This library is an attempt to solve this problem ! Please refer to the original package for docs eccrypto. Everything is the same except that in ECIES, this library uses :
- The secp256r1 curve (or: prime256v1) for its operations
- A simple ANSII X9.63 SHA-256 KDF implemenation
- A variable 16 Bytes IV derived from the second half of the KDF
- AES-GCM with 128 bits key derived from the first half of the KDF
- HMAC is removed as it is not needed with AES-GCM
These changes make the encrypted bytes compatible with Apple's SecKeyAlgorithm.eciesEncryptionCofactorVariableIVX963SHA256AESGCM
Credits to David Schuetz for figuring out some of the inner workings of Apple's implementation.
eccrypto - JavaScript Elliptic curve cryptography library
Written in 2014-2015 by Kagami Hiiragi [email protected]
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