This documentation is still in draft stage. All information may be incomplete, inaccurate, outdated, or even completely wrong.
If one is using VS Code, it is recommended to use the provided devcontainer available via the official Remote Development extension.
One may skip dependency installation in this case.
Install the necessary dependencies for the documentation site by running this command from the project workspace root (if necessary):
pnpm install
# Configure Bundler setting local gem install path to avoid permission errors.
bundle config set --local path vendor/bundle
# Install the dependencies specified in the Gemfile.
bundle install
One can preview contributions before opening a pull request.
Run this from within the project workspace root directory:
nps start
Once the script finishes building the documentation site, one may visit it at http://localhost:4000.
To lint all files, run this from the project workspace root:
nps verify.all
To autofix all files, run this from the project workspace root:
nps format.all
To build for production (or preview), run this from the project workspace root:
nps build
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