A FFI wrapper around the OpenSCAP library.
Current version supports minimal set of functions needed to build own scanner. This module is self documented by its test suite.
require 'openscap'
s = OpenSCAP::Xccdf::Session.new("ssg-fedora-ds.xml")
s.profile = "xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_common"
s.export_results(:rds_file => "results.rds.xml")
On Fedora, command is
dnf install ruby-devel rubygem-rake rubygem-ffi rubygem-bundler openscap
On RHEL you can install requirements by issuing
yum install ruby-devel rubygem-rake rubygem-bundler openscap
gem install ffi # or install rubygem-ffi RPM package from EPEL
On Fedora, more packages are necessary, but rubocop can be of the latest version
dnf install rubygem-minitest rubygem-test-unit rubygems-devel bzip2
gem install rubocop
For tests on RHEL7, you need minitest package and specific older version of rubocop. Newer versions of rubocop requires Ruby >= 2.1.0
yum install rubygem-minitest bzip2
gem install rubocop -v 0.50.0
Tests are then performed using script