To use Librarian with ForgeGradle, you must be on ForgeGradle 5 and Gradle 7.1.1 or higher. Start by adding the Librarian plugin using one of the methods below:
First, add maven { url = '' }
to your buildscript repositories.
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
maven { url = '' }
Add Librarian as a buildscript dependency with classpath 'org.parchmentmc:librarian:1.+'
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath group: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle', name: 'ForgeGradle', version: '5.1.+', changing: true
classpath 'org.parchmentmc:librarian:1.+'
Apply the Librarian ForgeGradle plugin below the ForgeGradle plugin using apply plugin: 'org.parchmentmc.librarian.forgegradle'
apply plugin: 'net.minecraftforge.gradle'
apply plugin: 'org.parchmentmc.librarian.forgegradle'
First, add maven { url = '' }
to your plugin repositories in the settings.gradle
pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven { url = '' }
maven { url = '' }
Apply the Librarian ForgeGradle plugin below the ForgeGradle plugin using id 'org.parchmentmc.librarian.forgegradle' version '1.+'
plugins {
// Other plugins like maven-publish, idea, eclipse, etc. go here
id 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' version '5.1.+'
id 'org.parchmentmc.librarian.forgegradle' version '1.+'
Finally, update your mappings channel and version to use Parchment.
For example, to use Parchment export 2021.08.15 for 1.17.1, change your mappings channel to parchment
and mappings version to 2021.08.15-1.17.1
It should end up like so:
mappings channel: 'parchment', version: '2021.08.15-1.17.1'
As of Librarian 1.2.0, you can now use Parchment mappings built for any version of Minecraft on top of any other version of Mojang mappings (mojmaps). This is useful when developing for versions where a Parchment release export has not been made.
This feature ensures you have a complete mapping set for classes, method, and fields based on your environment's Minecraft version while also allowing the use of Parchment exports made for any Minecraft version. Librarian will try to pull Parchment data where it can into your development environment. New classes or modified methods (due to parameter changes) will not have parameter names or javadocs from Parchment applied.
To use this feature, prepend the Minecraft version of the Parchment export and append the target Mojmaps version to the mappings version, both separated by hyphens.
For example, to use Parchment export 2022.03.06 for 1.18.1 but for Mojmaps version 1.18.2, change your mappings version to 1.18.1-2022.03.06-1.18.2
It should end up like so:
mappings channel: 'parchment', version: '1.18.1-2022.03.06-1.18.2'