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Audio Programming Resources: Introduction

This is a curated list of books, papers, etc. about DSP and audio programming. Entries should be added in alphabetical order by title and follow the format:

## <Title of resource>

Author: <comma separated author names>

Type: <book, paper, video, website, etc.>

Date: <release date or year>

Publisher: <journal, conference, publisher>

Identifier: <ISBN or DOI, see examples in the list of resources>

Tags: <comma separated list of lower-case keywords>

Available: <link directly to file (if legal) or where to buy if available>

Description: <A description or abstract of the resource>


Contributions are very welcome! Just add your resources to the list below and make a pull request.

List of Resources

A Modular Percussion Synthesis Environment

Author: Stefan Bilbao

Type: paper

Date: 2009

Publisher: 12th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx)


Tags: physical modeling, finite difference methods

Available: online

Description: contains definitions of various elements that can be connected to build virtual percussion instruments.

Applications of Digital Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics

Author: Mark Kahrs (editor), Karlheinz Brandenburg (editor), William G. Gardner, Dona C. Massie, Julius O. Smith III

Type: book

Date: 2002

Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers

Identifier: isbn: 978-0-306-47042-4

Tags: reverb, digital waveguides, wavetable


Description: A collection of chapters about various DSP concepts. Especially the chapter on Reverb by Gardner is highly recommended.

Cookbook formulae for audio equalizer biquad filter coefficients

Author: Robert Bristow-Johnson

Type: website

Date: 2020


Tags: filters, equalizer

Available: ([]

Description: A list of equations for computing the parameters for various kinds of biquad filters. Super useful for anyone who wishes to implement almost any kind of standard filter.

DAFX: Digital Audio Effects

Author: Udo Zölzer (editor)

Type: book

Date: 2011

Publisher: Wiley

Identifier: isbn:978-0-470-66599-2

Tags: filters, delays, reverb, pitch shifting, granular, phase vocoder, FFT

Available: pdf, Amazon

Description: A comprehensive introduction to almost any audio DSP topic you can think of. A great place to start when researching some topic.

Discrete-time modelling of musical instruments

Authos: Vesa Valimaki, Jyri Pakarinen, Cumhur Erkut, Matti Karjalinen

Type: journal article

Publisher: Reports on Progress in Physics vol. 69

Identifier: doi: 10.1088/0034-4885/69/1/R01

Tags: physical modeling, finite difference methods, mass-spring systems, modal synthesis, digial waveguides, wave digital filters

Description: A great review of all the major physical modeling methods.

Introduction to Digital Signal processing: Computer Musically Speaking

Author: Tae Hong Park

Type: book

Publisher: World Scientific

Identifier: isbn: 978-981-279-027-9

Tags: acoustics, perception, hearing, envelopes, upsampling, downsampling, granular, linear time-invariant systems, filters, fourier, fft, phase vocoder

Available: Amazon

Description: A pedagogical introduction to most major audio DSP topics.

Numerical Sound Synthesis

Author: Stefan Bilbao

Type: book

Date: 2009

Publisher: Wiley

Identifier: isbn: 978-0-470-51046-9

Tags: physical modeling, finite difference schemes, finite difference methods

Available: Wiley

Description: A comprehensive introduction to physical modeling for sound synthesis using finite difference methods.

The Art of VA Filter Design

Author: Vadim Zavalishin

Type: book

Date: 2015

Publisher: Native Instruments / selfpublished


Tags: virtual analog, filter design, physical modeling

Available: Native Instruments

Description: A through introduction to filter design from the perspective of virtual analog modeling.

Tom Erbe/Soundhack "Designing the Make Noise Erbe-Verb" Reverb Design Lecture (Remastered)

Author: Tom Erbe

Type: video

Date: 2019

Publisher: YouTube/mylarmelodies


Tags: reverb, modular

Available: YouTube

Description: Tom Erbe demonstrates a bunch of different reverb algorithms and talks about the development of the Make Noise Erbeverb eurorack module.

Understanding Digital Signal Processing

Author: Richard G. Lyons

Type: book

Date: 2011

Publisher: Prentice Hall

Identifier: isbn: 978-0-13-702741-5

Tags: filter design, convolutions, basics, fft

Available: Amazon

Description: All the fundamentals of DSP are covered. It is not audio-specific, but his introduction to filters is very nice.

The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing

Author: Steven W. Smith

Type: pdf, book, website

Date: 1997

Publisher: California Technical Pub.

Identifier: ISBN 0-9660176-3-3

Tags: fundamentals, convolution, filter design, fft, z-transform, laplace transform


Description: Visually-oriented, step-by-step guide to the fundamentals of DSP. Not audio specific, but extremely useful for audio applications.

Introduction to Digital Filters (with Audio Applications)

Author: Julius O. Smith III

Type: website, pdf, book

Date: October 2007

Publisher: W3K Publishing

Identifier: ISBN-10 0974560715

Tags: digital filters, z transform, implementation structures, pole-zero analysis, VA modelling, mathematics


Description: Masterpiece work on practical digital filter design; provides a comprehensive overview of the relevant mathematics & theory, exemplifying concepts with a plethora of practical examples.