This is an example rails application with the following functionality:
- User should be able to sign up and sign in with the login and password. - User should be able to add/edit/delete the spending inside the app.
- User should be able to see the list of his spendings with a total value, filter the list on several parameters (e.g., category, amount).
- User should be able to insert the description and amount for the spending entry.
- User should be able to choose the spending category from the given list (Traveling, Clothing, Taxi, Cafes, Shops, Other).
- User should be able to share the non-editable list of his spendings with another user.
Uses ruby 3.1.1, rails 7.0.4, Postges, slim, js and turbo_stream. Deploy to heroku
Add .env file (look at .env.example)
docker-compose -f "" build
docker-compose -f "" run web rake db:create
docker-compose -f "" up
At this point, you should be able to navigate to http://localhost:3000 or (Docker's default host) in your local browser and see the app running.
To stop containers, use
docker-compose -f "" down
You have to run
docker-compose -f "" build
every time you add a new gem!
To use PgAdmin, go to localhost:5555, register server with
hostname host.docker.internal
maintenance database example_app_development
username & password from .env
Use git push heroku main
to push main branch to Heroku
Use heroku run rake db:migrate
to run migrations
Use heroku open
to launch app in the browser
Use heroku logs
to see the logs
Use heroku run [command]
to run rails / rake commands