Build and install from sources is possible. However, the source build for AOMP is complex for several reasons.
- Many repos are required.
- Requires that Cuda SDK 10/11 is installed for NVIDIA GPUs. ROCm does not need to be installed for AOMP.
- It is a bootstrapped build. The built and installed LLVM compiler is used to build library components.
- Additional package dependencies are required that are not required when installing the AOMP package.
To build and test AOMP from source you must:
1. Install certain distribution packages,
2. Build CMake 3.25.2 from source. This can be done with ./,
3. Ensure the KFD kernel module is installed and operating,
4. Create the Unix video group, and
5. Install spack if required.
This link provides detailed instructions to satisfy all the AOMP source build requirements.
AOMP now uses a manifest file to specify the git repositories to clone. We studied the use of the google repo command and found it was too compilicated for development as compared to manually cloning the repos specified in a manifest file. The script issues a sequence of "git clone" and "git pull" commands by parsing information in the manifest file associated with a particular release.
Choose a Build Version (Development or Release) The development version is the next version to be released. It is possible that the development version is broken due to regressions that often occur during development.
Here are the commands to do a source build of AOMP:
Development Branch:
export AOMP_VERSION=21.0
mkdir -p $AOMP_REPOS
git clone -b aomp-dev
The development version is the next version to be released. It is possible that the development version is broken due to regressions that often occur during development.
These commands will build a previous release of AOMP such as aomp-20.0-2.
Release Branch:
export AOMP_VERSION=20.0
mkdir -p $AOMP_REPOS
git clone -b aomp-20.0-2
Clone and build:
nohup $AOMP_REPOS/aomp/bin/ &
Optional build of math libraries (aomp-hip-libraries):
This build can take a long time especially with multiple GPU ARCHS. The user can limit these by setting ROCMLIBS_GFXLIST=gfx90a or ROCMLIBS_GFXLIST="gfx90a;gfx1010".
A full list of currently supported architectures, ROCMLIBS_GFXLIST, can be found in aomp/bin/aomp_common_vars.
Change the value of AOMP_REPOS to the directory name where you want to store all the repositories needed for AOMP. All the AOMP repositories will consume more than 12GB. Furthermore, each AOMP component will be built in a subdirectory of $AOMP_REPOS/build which will consume an additional 6GB. So it is recommened that the directory $AOMP_REPOS have more than 20GB of free space before beginning. It is recommended that $AOMP_REPOS name include the value of AOMP_VERSION as shown above. It is also recommended to put the values of AOMP_VERSION and AOMP_REPOS in a login profile (such as .bashrc) so future incremental build scripts will correctly find your sources.
Warning: the, and are expected to take a long time to execute. As such we recommend the use of nohup to run It is ok to run without nohup. The clone and build time will be affected by the performance of the filesystem that contains $AOMP_REPOS.
There is a "list" option on the that provides useful information about each AOMP repository.
$AOMP_REPOS/aomp/bin/ list
The above command will produce output like this showing you the location and branch of the repos in the AOMP_REPOS directory and if there are any discrepencies with respect to the manifest file.
USED manifest file: /work/grodgers/git/aomp21.0/aomp/bin/../manifests/aompi_21.0.xml
repo src branch path repo name last hash updated commitor for author
-------- ------ ---- --------- --------- ------- -------- ----------
emu amd-staging llvm-project lightning/ec/llvm-project f986706166c9 2023-12-06 Ron Lieberman JP Lehr
emu amd-staging SPIRV-LLVM-Translator SPIRV-LLVM-Translator 0659e45216b2 2024-12-04 AlexVlx AlexVlx
roc aomp-dev flang flang 88b81b0a8ead 2023-11-30 GitHub Emma Pilkington
roc aomp-dev aomp-extras aomp-extras 7097f3e2ba36 2023-12-04 Ron Lieberman Ron Lieberman
roc aomp-dev aomp aomp df5b5d8ddffa 2023-12-05 Dhruva Chakrabarti Dhruva Chakrabarti
roc rocm-6.3.x rocprofiler rocprofiler 4e190a02e60e 2023-10-30 GitHub Ammar ELWazir
roc rocm-6.3.x roctracer roctracer 6fbf7673aa7f 2023-07-13 Ranjith Ramakrishnan Ranjith Ramakrishnan
roc rocm-6.3.x ROCdbgapi ROCdbgapi df1a8df2be08 2023-07-28 Lancelot SIX Lancelot SIX
roc rocm-6.3.x ROCgdb ROCgdb 157eed788288 2023-07-28 Lancelot SIX Lancelot SIX
roc rocm-6.3.x hip hip 80681169ae20 2023-08-15 Julia Jiang Julia Jiang
roc rocm-6.3.x clr clr 1949b1621a80 2023-09-21 Julia Jiang Julia Jiang
roc rocm-6.3.x rocminfo rocminfo c8db38ede264 2023-06-02 Mark Searles Mark Searles
roc rocm-rel-6.3 rocm-cmake rocm-cmake 15cbb2e47f0b 2023-07-11 Lauren Wrubleski Lauren Wrubleski
roc rocm-6.3.x rocr-runtime ROCR-Runtime b2b6811571bf 2023-09-15 David Yat Sin David Yat Sin
roc rocm-6.3.x roct-thunk-interface ROCT-Thunk-Interface 5268ea80e32a 2023-08-09 David Belanger David Belanger
rocsw rocm-rel-6.3 hipfort hipfort 41f33eeaa3f7 2023-09-07 Sam Wu dependabot[bot]
For more information, or if you are interested in joining the development of AOMP, please read the AOMP developers README file located here README.