- 中文文档 README
It can personalize your server information, including: 'IP fingerprint', 'random MOTD description information', 'false number of online players',' false maximum number of players', 'random server icon', * anti pressure testing*
Can be found in [
]( https://github.com/RTAkland/YeeeesMOTD/releases/ )Download the plugin and put it in the plugins folder to use it
This feature requires the server to enable online mode and have a public IP address` The IP fingerprint can record the player's login IP address in the game. The next time a player uses this IP to ping the server, the following effects will occur:( Display the head of the player's skin as the server icon to the player:
! [showcase] (./images/description. png)
Random server icons need to be prepared in advance with a few 64x64 pixel sized images to be placed on the server's plugins/YeeeesMotd/icons
Within the folder and the image format must be
png '`
Using 'yesmotd reload' allows for hot reloading of server random icon lists
You need to start the files required for reverse proxy initialization first, which can be found in the ' plugins/YeeeesMotd/' folder The 'descriptions. json' file, using any text editor (such as Windows built-in Notepad, vi, vim, etc.) The following effects need to be achieved:
! [description] (./images/description. png)
You need to open 'config. json' and find the root of 'descriptions'. You can see the following content and modify the content of the corresponding line Among them, 'line1' represents the first line, and 'line2' represents the second line. The syntax supports [MiniMessage]( https://github.com/KyoriPowered/adventure ) The following is the default description file
"line1": "<yellow><bold>YeeeesMOTD",
"line2": "<light_purple><bold>Powered by RTAkland: https://github.com/RTAkland"
"line1": "<green><bold>DangoTown 团子小镇 生电服务器欢迎你",
"line2": "<yellow><bold>https://dgtmc.top"
You need to open 'config. json' and find the words' maximumPlayer ',' onlinePlayer ', and' clearSamplePlayer ' These three attributes represent: maximum number of players, number of online players, and whether to not display the online player list The default values for the three attributes are 'maximumPlayer': '-1' | 'onlinePlayer': '-1' | 'clearSamplePlayer': ' false'` You can refer to the following figure:
! [playerlist] (./images/playerlist. png)
This feature prevents malicious pressure on the server, so players need to ping the server once before entering, If the event of pinging the server and the entry time to the server are too long, it is necessary to ping the server again, The following is the configuration file
"pingPass": {
"enabled": false,
"pingFirstText": "Please ping the server first! / 请先在服务器列表Ping一次服务器",
"pingAgainText": "Please ping the server again! / 请重新Ping一次服务器",
"interval": 120
// ...
Among them, 'enabled' indicates whether to enable anti pressure testing, and the default is' false ' 'pingFirstText' indicates the message prompted when the player enters the server without pinging it first, and disconnects the player The 'rePingText' indicates a prompt message indicating that the time interval between the player ping the server and entering the server is too long 'interval' represents the maximum interval time between ping the server and entering the server, in seconds`
Here we will show some usage of MiniMessage format
"line1": "<yellow><bold>YeeeesMOTD",
"line2": "<light_purple>test</light_purple>"
// or use rgb color
"line1": "<#00ff00><italic>DangoTown 团子小镇 生电服务器欢迎你",
"line2": "<yellow><bold>https://dgtmc.top"
For more usage of MiniMessage, please go to [MiniMessage Documents]( https://docs.advntr.dev/minimessage/format.html#standard -Tags)
- Can only be used on servers with genuine verification enabled. Offline servers cannot be used due to differences in player UUID calculation methods compared to genuine ones
- This plugin only works on servers with public IP addresses, and cannot be used if using FRP mapping technology
- This project is open source under the license of [Apache-2.0] (./LICENSE), which means:
- You can directly use the features provided by this project without any authorization
- You can distribute, modify, and derive the source code at will without specifying the source copyright information
JetBrains Open Source