Sent when a dialog alert message needs to be displayed. Passed an Object with the following properties:
- message: the alert message (required)
- title: the title of the alert (optional)
- buttonName: the text on the alert button
Sent when a toast message needs to be displayed. Passed an Object with the following properties:
- message: the toast message (required)
- timeout: how long to show the toast (optional)
Sent whenever the user's settings have changed. Passed an Object with the following properties:
- databaseRoot: the root URL for the remote database
- databaseName: the name of the database
- databaseReplicate: whether to replicate from the remote database
- openInChrome: whether to open URLs in Chrome
- twitarrRoot: the root URL for Twit-arr
Sent when a user logs in or out. Passed an Object representing the user with the following properties:
- username: the user's username
- password: the user's password
- loggedIn: whether or not the user is logged in