A Cordova hook to version your main.js, polyfills.js, cordova.js, vendor.js & main.css files post build.
I no longer (and never really did) maintain the code in this repository.
Ionic is now on version 5 and as such it is unlikely the code in this repository is still fit for purpose. The concept of hooks however is still relevant so perhaps it might still serve as a starting point for creating your own. The code was also written when I was an intern so it is not of a high quality.
- Node Package Manager (NPM)
- Ionic Framework
- xml2js & moment
Using the following command to build your Ionic 3 project for production
ionic cordova build browser --prod
a main.js file is created in your platforms/browser/www/build/ directory. If a user has already visited/used your application, the browser will not download the newly created file upon subsequent visits as it will have already been cached. As a result, the user will need to clear their browser cache in order to see any changes that have been made.
In order to ensure the browser downloads the newly created build file, we can add a version number like so
The appAfterBuild.js script in this repo automatically adds a version number to your main.js, polyfills.js, cordova.js, vendor.js & main.css files once your build completes. It parses config.xml, looks for the version node in platform browser, increments it's value by one, and tacks it on to your files as the version number ( '?v=' ) The version node value in config.xml is also updated accordingly so you don't have to keep manually changing it before you run the build.
Note: This is assuming you have added the browser platform to your project.
- Create a folder called scripts in your root directory and place appAfterBuild.js in it
- Make sure your platform browser node in config.xml includes the following
<hook src="scripts/appAfterBuild.js" type="after_build" />
<version name="AppVersion" value="1" />
Once your browser build completes the script will run automatically.
If you want to use it without running a new build you can simply run
node scripts/appAfterBuild.js
from the root directory. This is assuming there is already a browser build in your /platforms directory.
You will more than likely need to edit lines 23 and 25 depending on where your browser platform node is located in your config.xml file
Cordova Hooks Guide - https://cordova.apache.org/docs/en/latest/guide/appdev/hooks/