See the Knative documentation for a full example of this source.
This sample shows how to configure the GCP PubSub event source. This event source is most useful as a bridge from other GCP services, such as Cloud Storage, IoT Core and Cloud Scheduler.
These steps assume that you have checked out the repo and have a shell in this
Create a Google Cloud Project.
Enable the 'Cloud Pub/Sub API' on that project.
gcloud services enable
Install the GCP PubSub Source from this directory from source:
ko apply --filename
Or install a release version (TODO: link to released component).
Create a GCP Service Account. It is simplest to create a single account for both registering subscriptions and reading messages, but it is possible to separate the accounts for the controller (which creates PubSub subscriptions) and the receive adapter (which reads the messages from the subscription). This is left as an exercise for the reader.
Create a new service account named
with the following command:gcloud iam service-accounts create knative-source
Give that Service Account the 'Pub/Sub Editor' role on your GCP project:
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \ --member=serviceAccount:knative-source@$ \ --role roles/pubsub.editor
Download a new JSON private key for that Service Account. Be sure not to check this key into source control!
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create knative-source.json \ --iam-account=knative-source@$
Create two secrets on the kubernetes cluster with the downloaded key:
# Note that the first secret may already have been created when installing # Knative Eventing. The following command will overwrite it. If you don't # want to overwrite it, then skip this command. kubectl -n knative-sources create secret generic gcppubsub-source-key --from-file=key.json=knative-source.json --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl apply --filename - # The second secret should not already exist, so just try to create it. kubectl -n default create secret generic google-cloud-key --from-file=key.json=knative-source.json
are pre-configured values in thegcppubsub-controller
StatefulSet which manages your Eventing
are pre-configured values ingcp-pubsub-source.yaml
. If you choose to create a second account, this account only needsroles/pubsub.Subscriber
Decide on a topic name, and export variables for your GCP project ID and topic name in your shell:
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project) export TOPIC_NAME=laconia
Create a GCP PubSub Topic. Set
to the name of the topic you want to receive on. This will be used in subsequent steps as well.gcloud pubsub topics create $TOPIC_NAME
Replace the place holders in
should be replaced with your Google Cloud Project's ID. -
should be replaced with your GCP PubSub Topic's name. It should be the unique portion within the project. E.g.laconia
, notprojects/my-gcp-project/topics/laconia
. -
should be replaced with the name of theAddressable
you want messages sent to. If you deployed the event display Service as the destination for messages, you can leave this asevent-display
. -
should be replaced if you are using a non-default secret or key name for the receive adapter's credentials.
You can do this with
:sed -e "s/MY_GCP_PROJECT/$PROJECT_ID/g" -e "s/TOPIC_NAME/$TOPIC_NAME/g" gcp-pubsub-source.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
In order to check the GcpPubSubSource
is fully working, we will create a
simple Knative Service that displays incoming events to its log, and direct the
PubSub source to send messages directly (i.e. without buffering or fanout within
the cluster).
Deploy event-display.yaml
, building it from source:
ko apply -f event-display.yaml
Publish messages to your GCP PubSub Topic.
gcloud pubsub topics publish $TOPIC_NAME --message="Hello World!"
We will verify that the published message was sent into the Knative eventing
system by looking at what is downstream of the GcpPubSubSource
. If you
deployed the Subscriber, then continue using this section. If
not, then you will need to look downstream yourself.
to tail the logs of the subscriber.kail -d event-display --since=10m
You should see log lines similar to: