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Apache Kafka - Source

The Apache Kafka Event source enables Knative Eventing integration with Apache Kafka. When a message is produced to Apache Kafka, the Apache Kafka Event Source will consume the produced message and post that message to the corresponding event sink.

This sample demonstrates how to configure, deploy, and use the Apache Kafka Event Source with a Knative Service.

For Kubernetes, a simple Apache Kafka installation can be done with Strimzi, check out their Quickstart for both Minikube and Openshift guides. You can also install Kafka on the host.

Build and Deploy Steps


  1. An existing instance of Apache Kafka must be running to use the Apache Kafka Event Source.
    • In order to consume and produce messages, a topic must be created on the Apache Kafka instance.
    • A list of bootstrap servers corresponding to Apache Kafka instance must be obtained.
  2. Install the ko CLI for building and deploying purposes.
    go get
  3. A container registry, such as a Docker Hub account, is required.
    • Export the KO_DOCKER_REPO environment variable with a value denoting the container registry to use.
      export KO_DOCKER_REPO=""

Build and Deployment

The following steps build and deploy the Apache Kafka Event Controller, Source, and an Event Display Service.

  • Assuming current working directory is the project root eventing-contrib.

Apache Kafka Event Controller

  1. Build the Apache Kafka Event Controller and configure a Service Account, Cluster Role, Controller, and Source.
    $ ko apply -f kafka/source/config
    serviceaccount/kafka-controller-manager created created created configured
    service/kafka-controller created
    statefulset.apps/kafka-controller-manager created
  2. Check that the kafka-controller-manager-0 pod is running.
    $ kubectl get pods -n knative-sources
    NAME                         READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kafka-controller-manager-0   1/1       Running   0          42m
  3. Check the kafka-controller-manager-0 pod logs.
    $ kubectl logs kafka-controller-manager-0 -n knative-sources
    2019/03/19 22:25:54 Registering Components.
    2019/03/19 22:25:54 Setting up Controller.
    2019/03/19 22:25:54 Adding the Apache Kafka Source controller.
    2019/03/19 22:25:54 Starting Apache Kafka controller.

Apache Kafka Topic (Optional)

  1. If using Strimzi, you can can set a topic modifying kafka/source/samples/kafka-topic.yaml with your desired:
  • Topic

  • Cluster Name

  • Partitions

  • Replicas

    kind: KafkaTopic
      name: knative-demo-topic
      namespace: kafka
      labels: my-cluster
      partitions: 3
      replicas: 1
      config: 7200000
        segment.bytes: 1073741824
  1. Deploy the KafkaTopic

    $ kubectl apply -f kafka/source/samples/strimzi-topic.yaml created
  2. Ensure the KafkaTopic is running.

    $ kubectl -n kafka get
    NAME                 AGE
    knative-demo-topic   16s

Event Display

  1. Build and deploy the Event Display Service.
    $ ko apply -f kafka/source/samples/event-display.yaml
    ... created
  2. Ensure that the Service pod is running. The pod name will be prefixed with event-display.
    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    event-display-00001-deployment-5d5df6c7-gv2j4   2/2       Running   0          72s

Apache Kafka Event Source

  1. Modify kafka/source/samples/event-source.yaml accordingly with bootstrap servers, topics, etc...

    NOTE: If using an internal Apache Kafka cluster, you may need to ensure you've specified the correct variables set in any KafkaTopic and event-source. For example, the following source could be used:

    kind: KafkaSource
      name: kafka-source
      consumerGroup: knative-group
      bootstrapServers: my-cluster-kafka-bootstrap.kafka:9092 #note the kafka namespace
      topics: knative-demo-topic
        kind: Service
        name: event-display
  2. Build and deploy the event source.

    $ ko apply -f kafka/source/samples/event-source.yaml
    ... created
  3. Check that the event source pod is running. The pod name will be prefixed with kafka-source.

    $ kubectl get pods
    NAME                                  READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    kafka-source-xlnhq-5544766765-dnl5s   1/1       Running   0          40m
  4. Ensure the Apache Kafka Event Source started with the necessary configuration.

    $ kubectl logs kafka-source-xlnhq-5544766765-dnl5s
    {"level":"info","ts":"2019-04-01T19:09:32.164Z","caller":"receive_adapter/main.go:97","msg":"Starting Apache Kafka Receive Adapter...","Bootstrap Server":"...","Topics":".","ConsumerGroup":"...","SinkURI":"...","TLS":false}


  1. Produce the message shown below to Apache Kafka.

    {"msg": "This is a test!"}
  2. Check that the Apache Kafka Event Source consumed the message and sent it to its sink properly.

    $ kubectl logs kafka-source-xlnhq-5544766765-dnl5s
    {"level":"info","ts":"2019-04-15T20:37:24.702Z","caller":"receive_adapter/main.go:99","msg":"Starting Apache Kafka Receive Adapter...","bootstrap_server":"...","Topics":"knative-demo-topic","ConsumerGroup":"knative-group","SinkURI":"...","TLS":false}
    {"level":"info","ts":"2019-04-15T20:37:24.702Z","caller":"adapter/adapter.go:100","msg":"Starting with config: ","bootstrap_server":"...","Topics":"knative-demo-topic","ConsumerGroup":"knative-group","SinkURI":"...","TLS":false}
    {"level":"info","ts":1553034726.546107,"caller":"adapter/adapter.go:154","msg":"Successfully sent event to sink"}
  3. Ensure the Event Display received the message sent to it by the Event Source.

    $ kubectl logs event-display-00001-deployment-5d5df6c7-gv2j4 -c user-container
    ☁️  CloudEvent: valid ✅
    Context Attributes,
      SpecVersion: 0.2
      Type: dev.knative.kafka.event
      Source: dubee
      ID: partition:0/offset:333
      Time: 2019-03-19T22:32:06.535321588Z
      ContentType: application/json
    Transport Context,
      URI: /
      Host: event-display.default.svc.cluster.local
      Method: POST
        "msg": "This is a test!"

Teardown Steps

  1. Remove the Apache Kafka Event Source

    $ ko delete -f kafka/source/samples/source.yaml "kafka-source" deleted
  2. Remove the Event Display

    $ ko delete -f kafka/source/samples/event-display.yaml "event-display" deleted
  3. Remove the Apache Kafka Event Controller

    $ ko delete -f kafka/source/config
    serviceaccount "kafka-controller-manager" deleted "eventing-sources-kafka-controller" deleted "eventing-sources-kafka-controller" deleted "" deleted
    service "kafka-controller" deleted
    statefulset.apps "kafka-controller-manager" deleted
  4. (Optional) Remove the Apache Kafka Topic

    $ kubectl delete -f kafka/source/samples/kafka-topic.yaml "knative-demo-topic" deleted