In this unit we will enhance the Flight Model of our Managed Application with External Data that is provided by our custom entity zce_rap_agency_#### . For this we have to perform some changes in the following objects
- Travel interface view
- Travel projection view
- Behavior implementation
You can watch unit 5 of week 5: Enhancing the Flight Model with External Data on the platform.
Hints and Tips
Speed up the typing by making use of the Code Completion feature (shortcut Ctrl+Space) and the prepared code snippets provided. You can easily open an object with the shortcut Ctrl+Shift+A, format your source code using the Pretty Printer feature Shift+F1 and toggle the fullscreen of the editor using the shortcut Ctrl+M.A great overview on ADT shortcuts can be found here: Useful ADT Shortcuts
Please note that the placeholder
used in object names in the exercise description must be replaced with the suffix of your choice during the exercises. The suffix can contain a maximum of 4 characters (numbers and letters). The screenshots in this document have been taken with the suffix1234
and systemD20
. Your system id will beTRL
Please note that the ADT dialogs and views may change in the future due to software updates - i.e. new and/or optimized feature
Follow the instructions below.
Let’s first have a look at the coding of our custom entity zce_rap_agency_#### .
Please note that the key field is called AgencyId with a small d. Since we cannot create aliases for the field names we have to adapt the condition in the value help defined in the interface view and also the definition of the value help in the projection view.
@EndUserText.label: 'agency data from ES5' @ObjectModel.query.implementedBy: 'ABAP:ZCL_CE_RAP_AGENCY_####' define custom entity zce_rap_agency_#### { key AgencyId : abap.numc( 6 ) ;
Open the CDS interface view
of your managed RAP business objects- Choose Ctrl+Shift+A
- Enter the name of the CDS interface view
- Press OK
Change the coding of the assocation
.In this step we change the coding for the association
so that it does not use anymore the CDS view/DMO/I_Agency
but instead our newly created custom entityzce_rap_agency_####
//association [0..1] to /DMO/I_Agency as _Agency on $projection.AgencyID = _Agency.AgencyID association [0..1] to zce_rap_agency_#### as _Agency on $projection.AgencyID = _Agency.AgencyId
Do NOT activate your coding yet.
If you try to do so you will get an error message Association "AGENCY" of entity "ZCE_RAP_AGENCY####" cannot be used. This is because the association is still used in the projection view for the field AgencyName which is read via the association_Agency.Name as AgencyName
Since custom entities must not be part of a projection we have to remove this field from the projection view which we will do in the following step.
Open the CDS interface view
of your managed RAP business objects- Choose Ctrl+Shift+A
- Enter the name of the CDS interface view
- Press OK
Change the coding
- Comment out the field
since it uses the association_Agency
which is not allowed since custom entities must not be used in projection views - Comment out the annotation
@ObjectModel.text.element: ['AgencyName']
which uses the fieldAgencyName
- Replace the annotation for the value help
so that the value help uses the newly created custom entity instead of the CDS view/DMO/I_Agency
- Comment out the field
define root view entity ZC_RAP_Travel_1234 as projection on ZI_RAP_Travel_1234 as Travel { key TravelUUID, @Search.defaultSearchElement: true TravelID, //@Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity: { name: '/DMO/I_Agency', element: 'AgencyID'} }] @Consumption.valueHelpDefinition: [{ entity : {name: 'zce_rap_agency_####', element: 'AgencyId' } }] //@ObjectModel.text.element: ['AgencyName'] @Search.defaultSearchElement: true AgencyID, //_Agency.Name as AgencyName,
Use mass activation to activate your changes in both CDS views.
- Press Ctrl+Shift+F3
- Select both CDS views
Open you implementation class ZBP_I_RAP_TRAVEL_####
you created in week 3.
Instead of reading from the local table /dmo/agency
we are using a remote call to the OData service in ES5 using the public method zcl_ce_rap_agency_####( )->get_agencies()
in our custom query.
Also later in the implementation we replace the check for entries in table agency_db
through a check for entries in the internal table business_data
that is returned by calling the method zcl_ce_rap_agency_####( )->get_agencies( )
So your code should look like follows
METHOD validateAgency. " Read relevant travel instance data READ ENTITIES OF zi_rap_travel_#### IN LOCAL MODE ENTITY Travel FIELDS ( AgencyID ) WITH CORRESPONDING #( keys ) RESULT DATA(travels). DATA agencies TYPE SORTED TABLE OF /dmo/agency WITH UNIQUE KEY agency_id. " Optimization of DB select: extract distinct non-initial agency IDs agencies = CORRESPONDING #( travels DISCARDING DUPLICATES MAPPING agency_id = AgencyID EXCEPT * ). DELETE agencies WHERE agency_id IS INITIAL. ** IF agencies IS NOT INITIAL. ** " Check if agency ID exist ** SELECT FROM /dmo/agency FIELDS agency_id ** FOR ALL ENTRIES IN @agencies ** WHERE agency_id = @agencies-agency_id ** INTO TABLE @DATA(agencies_db). ** ENDIF. LOOP AT travels INTO DATA(travel). * " Clear state messages that might exist APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky %state_area = 'VALIDATE_AGENCY' ) TO reported-travel. ENDLOOP. DATA filter_conditions TYPE if_rap_query_filter=>tt_name_range_pairs . DATA ranges_table TYPE if_rap_query_filter=>tt_range_option . DATA business_data TYPE TABLE OF zrap_####z_travel_agency_es5. IF agencies IS NOT INITIAL. ranges_table = VALUE #( FOR agency IN agencies ( sign = 'I' option = 'EQ' low = agency-agency_id ) ). filter_conditions = VALUE #( ( name = 'AGENCYID' range = ranges_table ) ). TRY. "skip and top must not be used "but an appropriate filter will be provided NEW zcl_ce_rap_agency_1234( )->get_agencies( EXPORTING filter_cond = filter_conditions is_data_requested = abap_true is_count_requested = abap_false IMPORTING business_data = business_data ) . CATCH /iwbep/cx_cp_remote /iwbep/cx_gateway cx_web_http_client_error cx_http_dest_provider_error INTO DATA(exception). DATA(exception_message) = cl_message_helper=>get_latest_t100_exception( exception )->if_message~get_text( ) . LOOP AT travels INTO travel. APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel. APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky %state_area = 'VALIDATE_AGENCY' %msg = new_message_with_text( severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error text = exception_message ) %element-AgencyID = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) TO reported-travel. ENDLOOP. RETURN. ENDTRY. ENDIF. " Raise msg for non existing and initial agencyID ** LOOP AT travels INTO DATA(travel). LOOP AT travels INTO travel. ** " Clear state messages that might exist ** APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky ** %state_area = 'VALIDATE_AGENCY' ) ** TO reported-travel. ** IF travel-AgencyID IS INITIAL OR NOT line_exists( agencies_db[ agency_id = travel-AgencyID ] ). IF travel-AgencyID IS INITIAL OR NOT line_exists( business_data[ agencyid = travel-AgencyID ] ). APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky ) TO failed-travel. APPEND VALUE #( %tky = travel-%tky %state_area = 'VALIDATE_AGENCY' %msg = NEW zcm_rap_####( severity = if_abap_behv_message=>severity-error textid = zcm_rap_####=>agency_unknown agencyid = travel-AgencyID ) %element-AgencyID = if_abap_behv=>mk-on ) TO reported-travel. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDMETHOD.
You have enhanced the implementation of our managed business object that we have created in week 2 and 3, such that
- the custom entity can be used as a value help and
- the validation for the agencies also makes use of the same implementation as the custom entity to retrieve the travel agencies from the remote system.
As a result you have implemented a side-by-side extension scenario.
Find the source code for the updated interface view, projection view and the behavior implementation in the week5/sources folder: Sources or use the following link.
- W5U5_DDLS_ZC_RAP_Travel_####.txt
- W5U5_DDLS_ZI_RAP_Travel_####.txt
Do not forget to replace all the occurrences of #### with your chosen suffix in the copied source code.