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This sample provides a CAP Service application service.

This sample demonstrates how to:

  • Create a development Namespace in the Kyma runtime.
  • Configure and build an CAP Service using Paketo.
  • Creating a Helm chart with CAP
  • Connecting a CAP application to Hana Cloud
  • Protecting a CAP service with Authentication
  • Deploy the CAP Service in the Kyma runtime which includes:
    • A Deployment of the CAP Service.
    • An API to expose the service externally.
    • An XSUAA instance
    • A Secret containing Hana credentials.


CAP Resources


Run the frontend locally

  1. Clone the project.

  2. Inside the app directory, run:

npm install
  1. Install the CAP tools
npm i -g @sap/cds-dk
  1. Verify the CAP tools install by running
  1. Run the app using the command
cds watch

The application loads at http://localhost:4004.

Provising the HANA Database

⚠ NOTE: The creation of the instance will take some time. Also please note that when using the SAP BTP trial, the HANA instance will need to be restarted each day.

  1. In the SAP BTP global account choose Entitlements -> Entity Assignments. Choose your subaccount and choose Go. This will list all assigned entitlements.

  2. Choose Configure Entitlements and Add Service Plans to select additional entitlements.

  3. For the Entitlement choose SAP HANA Cloud and choose the Plan hana

  4. Creat the Instance by choosing within the the subaccount view, open Cloud Foundry -> Spaces and select the dev space and choose the menu item SAP HANA Cloud. Choose Create -> SAP HANA Database.

  5. In SAP HANA Cloud Central, select as Type the entry SAP HANA Cloud, SAP HANA Database. Choose Next Step at the bottom right.

  6. Provide the following values:

    1. Instance Name: kyma
    2. Administrator Password: Any value
    3. Chose Next Step and keep the default values of the next two screens by choosing Next Step twice.
    4. On the SAP HANA Database Advanced Settings choose the option Allow all IP addresses and choose Next Step.
    5. Lastly, choose Review and Create and then Create Instance.

Provising the SAP HANA Schemas & HDI Containers

⚠ NOTE: The step requires that the creation of the SAP HANA Cloud has completed.

  1. Within your SAP BTP subaccount choose Service Marketplace and select SAP HANA Schemas & HDI Containers. Choose Create with the options

    1. Plan: hdi-shared
    2. Instance Name: cap-kyma
  2. Choose Create and select the option View Instance. Once the instance is created, open the instance and choose the option Create under Service Keys. Provide the service Key Name kyma and choose Create.

  3. Once created choose the option View and copy the credentials.

  4. Open the file k8s/hana-db-secret.yaml and copy the values into the file.

  5. Create a new dev Namespace:

kubectl create namespace dev
kubectl label namespaces dev istio-injection=enabled
  1. Apply the secret
kubectl -n dev apply -f ./k8s/hana-db-secret.yaml

Prepare the app for deployment

  1. Within the directory app, run the command to add the hana feature to the project
cds add hana --for production
  1. Within the directory app, run the command to add the helm feature to the project
cds add helm
  1. Build the application for production
cds build --production
  1. Build the service container using paketo
pack build <dockerid>/faq-srv --path gen/srv --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base
  1. Build the database deployer container using paketo
pack build <dockerid>/faq-hana-deployer --path gen/db --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base
  1. Push the two images to your docker account.
docker push <dockerid>/faq-srv
docker push <dockerid>/faq-hana-deployer

Configure the Helm chart

  1. Open the file app/chart/values.yaml and provide the values

    1. Domain: your kyma cluster-domain
    2. Repository: your docker/repository account
    3. if using a secured docker/repository account provide the secret name, otherwise use notused
    4. srv.bindings.db.fromsecret: faq-db
    5. hana_deployer.bindings.hana.fromSecret: faq-db
  2. Open the file app/chart/charts/web-application and adjust the value

    1. port: 4004

Deploy the app to Kyma

  1. helm upgrade --install cap-faq ./chart --namespace dev

  2. Test the application either in the browser or by testing an endpoint using curl. The completion of the helm upgrade should return the service endpoint.

curl https://faq-cap-srv-dev.<cluster domain>/admin/Faqs

Secure the application

  1. Within the directory app, run the command to add the XSUAA feature to the project. This will result in an XSUAA instance being created when the helm chart is deployed.
cds add XSUAA --for production
  1. Open the file app/srv/admin-service.cds and add @requires : 'authenticated-user' above the service definition
using {sap.demo.faq as my} from '../db/schema';

   @requires : 'authenticated-user'

   service AdminService {
  1. Build the application for production
cds build --production
  1. Rebuild the service container using paketo
pack build <dockerid>/faq-srv --path gen/srv --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base
  1. Push the images to your docker account.
docker push <dockerid>/faq-srv
  1. Deploy the app to Kyma
helm upgrade --install faq-cap ./chart --namespace dev
  1. Test the application either in the browser or by testing an endpoint using curl.
curl https://faq-cap-srv-dev.<cluster domain>/admin/Faqs

This should result in the error

{ "statusCode": 401, "code": "401", "message": "Unauthorized" }

Accessing the secured CAP Endpoint

The CAP application will be bound to an XSUAA instance which will handle the authentication. The values: url, clientid, and clientsecret will be needed to create a request to obtain an access token. This can be obtained within the Kyma dashboard by finding the secret faq-cap-srv-auth under the menu option Configuration -> Secrets and using the option to Decode the value.

  1. To use curl within a shell:
export URL=$(kubectl get secrets/faq-cap-srv-auth -n dev -o jsonpath="{.data.url}" | base64 -d)
export CLIENTID=$(kubectl get secrets/faq-cap-srv-auth -n dev -o jsonpath="{.data.clientid}" | base64 -d)
export CLIENTSECRET=$(kubectl get secrets/faq-cap-srv-auth -n dev -o jsonpath="{.data.clientsecret}" | base64 -d)
  1. Run the command, which utilizes jq to extract the access_token from the response.
export ACCESSTOKEN=$(curl --location --request POST $URL/oauth/token \
   --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
   --data-urlencode 'client_id='$CLIENTID \
   --data-urlencode 'client_secret='$CLIENTSECRET \
   --data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials' \
   --data-urlencode 'response_type=token' | jq -r '.access_token' )
  1. Pass the access_token when calling the endpoint using curl
curl https://faq-cap-srv-dev.<cluster domain>/admin/Faqs --header 'Authorization: Bearer '$ACCESSTOKEN