Open-Watch is an open source project developed by @SMotlaq and @SeyedSaleh for the BSc final thesis.
Do you want to suuport me in this project?
- Hardware design
- Microcontroller
- Vibration motor
- Bluetooth
- Buzzer
- Touch keys
- Charger
- PPG sensor
- MPU6050
- PCB design
- PCB Ordering
- Body design
- 3D print
- Soldeing
- Firmware programming
- Bluetooth commands
- Vibration waves
- Touch buttons
- Battery level indicator
- Power saving
- MPU6050
- PPG sensor
- Android programming
- Assembling
- Final test 😎
- Main proccessor: STM32F030C8 (ARM core)
- Heartbeat and pulse oximeter sensor: MAX30102
- Motion sensor: MPU6050
- Display: 1.3" OLED 64*128 pixels
- Vibration motor
- Bluetooth: HC-05
- Touch driver: BS814-A
- Battery: 3.7v Li-Po
- Battery charger: TP4056