diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 3d6406e..4b792ef 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Build Artifacts
+# Quiver.bundle.lua
# Dependencies
diff --git a/Quiver.bundle.lua b/Quiver.bundle.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b724379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Quiver.bundle.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,8794 @@
+local __bundle_require, __bundle_loaded, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules = (function(superRequire)
+ local loadingPlaceholder = {[{}] = true}
+ local register
+ local modules = {}
+ local require
+ local loaded = {}
+ register = function(name, body)
+ if not modules[name] then
+ modules[name] = body
+ end
+ end
+ require = function(name)
+ local loadedModule = loaded[name]
+ if loadedModule then
+ if loadedModule == loadingPlaceholder then
+ return nil
+ end
+ else
+ if not modules[name] then
+ if not superRequire then
+ local identifier = type(name) == 'string' and '\"' .. name .. '\"' or tostring(name)
+ error('Tried to require ' .. identifier .. ', but no such module has been registered')
+ else
+ return superRequire(name)
+ end
+ end
+ loaded[name] = loadingPlaceholder
+ loadedModule = modules[name](require, loaded, register, modules)
+ loaded[name] = loadedModule
+ end
+ return loadedModule
+ end
+ return require, loaded, register, modules
+__bundle_register("__root", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local LoadLocale = require("Locale/Lang.lua")
+local MainMenu = require("Config/MainMenu.lua")
+local Migrations = require("Migrations/Runner.lua")
+local AspectTracker = require("Modules/Aspect_Tracker/AspectTracker.lua")
+local AutoShotTimer = require("Modules/Auto_Shot_Timer/AutoShotTimer.lua")
+local Castbar = require("Modules/Castbar.lua")
+local RangeIndicator = require("Modules/RangeIndicator.lua")
+local TranqAnnouncer = require("Modules/TranqAnnouncer.lua")
+local TrueshotAuraAlarm = require("Modules/TrueshotAuraAlarm.lua")
+local UpdateNotifierInit = require("Modules/UpdateNotifier.lua")
+local RegisterApiFunctions = require("Api.lua")
+_G = _G or getfenv()
+Quiver = Quiver or {}
+_G.Quiver_Modules = {
+ AspectTracker,
+ AutoShotTimer,
+ Castbar,
+ RangeIndicator,
+ TranqAnnouncer,
+ TrueshotAuraAlarm,
+local savedVariablesRestore = function()
+ -- If first time running Quiver, then savedVars are nil, so make defaults
+ Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames = Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames == true
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled = Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled or {}
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleStore = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore or {}
+ Quiver_Store.DebugLevel = Quiver_Store.DebugLevel or "None"
+ Quiver_Store.Border_Style = Quiver_Store.Border_Style or "Simple"
+ for _k, v in _G.Quiver_Modules do
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[v.Id] = Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[v.Id] ~= false
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[v.Id] = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[v.Id] or {}
+ -- Loading saved variables into each module gives them a chance to set their own defaults.
+ v.OnSavedVariablesRestore(Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[v.Id])
+ end
+local savedVariablesPersist = function()
+ for _k, v in _G.Quiver_Modules do
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[v.Id] = v.OnSavedVariablesPersist()
+ end
+local initSlashCommandsAndModules = function()
+ SLASH_QUIVER1 = "/qq"
+ SLASH_QUIVER2 = "/quiver"
+ local _, cl = UnitClass("player")
+ if cl == "HUNTER" then
+ local frameConfigMenu = MainMenu.Create()
+ SlashCmdList["QUIVER"] = function(_args, _box) frameConfigMenu:Show() end
+ for _k, v in _G.Quiver_Modules do
+ if Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[v.Id] then v.OnEnable() end
+ end
+ else
+ SlashCmdList["QUIVER"] = function() DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(Quiver.T["Quiver is for hunters."], 1, 0.5, 0) end
+ end
+// TODO revisit this now that we don't load any pfUI plugins
+All of these events fire on login and UI reload. We don't need to clutter chat
+until the user interacts with Quiver, and we don't pre-cache action bars. That
+means it's okay to load before other addons (action bars, chat windows).
+pfUI loads before we register plugins for it. Quiver comes alphabetically later,
+but it's safer to use a later event in case names change.
+ADDON_LOADED Fires each time any addon loads, but can't yet print to pfUI's chat menu
+PLAYER_LOGIN Fires once, but can't yet read talent tree
+PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD fires on every load screen
+SPELLS_CHANGED fires every time the spellbook changes
+local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil)
+frame:SetScript("OnEvent", function()
+ if event == "ADDON_LOADED" and arg1 == "Quiver" then
+ -- TODO set preferred language in saved variables to use here
+ LoadLocale()-- Must run before everything else
+ Migrations()-- Modifies saved variables
+ savedVariablesRestore()-- Passes saved data to modules for init
+ initSlashCommandsAndModules()
+ RegisterApiFunctions()
+ elseif event == "PLAYER_LOGIN" then
+ UpdateNotifierInit()
+ elseif event == "PLAYER_LOGOUT" then
+ savedVariablesPersist()
+ end
+__bundle_register("Api.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local AutoShotTimer = require("Modules/Auto_Shot_Timer/AutoShotTimer.lua")
+local Pet = require("Shiver/API/Pet.lua")
+local Spell = require("Shiver/API/Spell.lua")
+---@param spellName string
+---@return nil
+local CastNoClip = function(spellName)
+ if not AutoShotTimer.PredMidShot() then
+ CastSpellByName(spellName)
+ end
+---@param actionName string
+---@return nil
+local CastPetActionByName = function(actionName)
+ -- local hasSpells = HasPetUI()
+ -- local hasUI = HasPetUI()
+ if GetPetActionsUsable() then
+ Pet.CastActionByName(actionName)
+ end
+---@param spellNameLocalized string
+local predOffCd = function(spellNameLocalized)
+ local index = Spell.FindSpellIndex(spellNameLocalized)
+ if index ~= nil then
+ local timeStartCd, _ = GetSpellCooldown(index, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
+ return timeStartCd == 0
+ else
+ return false
+ end
+-- Casts feign death (if needed) and sets pet passive (if needed).
+-- Usage:
+-- /cast Frost Trap
+-- /script Quiver.FdPrepareTrap()
+local FdPrepareTrap = function()
+ -- Requires level 16, which makes it the lowest level trap
+ local trap = Quiver.L.Spell["Immolation Trap"]
+ local fd = Quiver.L.Spell["Feign Death"]
+ if UnitAffectingCombat("player") and predOffCd(trap) and predOffCd(fd) then
+ if UnitExists("pettarget") and UnitAffectingCombat("pet") then
+ PetPassiveMode()
+ PetFollow()
+ end
+ CastSpellByName(fd)
+ end
+return function()
+ Quiver.CastNoClip = CastNoClip
+ Quiver.CastPetAction = CastPetActionByName
+ Quiver.FdPrepareTrap = FdPrepareTrap
+ Quiver.GetSecondsRemainingReload = AutoShotTimer.GetSecondsRemainingReload
+ Quiver.GetSecondsRemainingShoot = AutoShotTimer.GetSecondsRemainingShoot
+ Quiver.PredMidShot = AutoShotTimer.PredMidShot
+__bundle_register("Shiver/API/Spell.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local DB_SPELL = require("Shiver/Data/Spell.lua")
+---@param spellName string
+---@return nil|integer spellIndex
+local FindSpellIndex = function(spellName)
+ local numTabs = GetNumSpellTabs()
+ local _, _, tabOffset, numEntries = GetSpellTabInfo(numTabs)
+ local numSpells = tabOffset + numEntries
+ for spellIndex=1, numSpells do
+ local name, _rank = GetSpellName(spellIndex, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
+ if name == spellName then
+ return spellIndex
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+--- This assumes the texture uniquely identifies a spell, which may not be true.
+---@param texturePath string
+---@return nil|string spellName
+---@return nil|integer spellIndex
+local FindSpellByTexture = function(texturePath)
+ local i = 0
+ while true do
+ i = i + 1
+ local t = GetSpellTexture(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
+ local name, _rank = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
+ if not t or not name then
+ break-- Base Case
+ elseif t == texturePath then
+ return name, i
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, nil
+--- Returns true if spell is instant cast
+--- If meta is nil, we can't run cast time code, so assume instant.
+---@param meta nil|{ Time: number; Offset: number }
+---@return boolean
+local PredInstant = function(meta)
+ if meta == nil then
+ return true
+ else
+ return 0 == meta.Time + meta.Offset
+ end
+---@param name string
+---@return boolean
+local PredInstantShotByName = function(name)
+ local meta = DB_SPELL[name]
+ return meta ~= nil and meta.IsAmmo and (meta.Offset + meta.Time == 0)
+---@param spellName string
+---@return boolean
+local PredSpellLearned = function(spellName)
+ local i = 0
+ while true do
+ i = i + 1
+ local name, _rank = GetSpellName(i, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
+ if not name then return false
+ elseif name == spellName then return true
+ end
+ end
+local CheckNewCd = function(cooldown, lastCdStart, spellName)
+ local spellIndex = FindSpellIndex(spellName)
+ if spellIndex ~= nil then
+ local timeStartCD, durationCD = GetSpellCooldown(spellIndex, BOOKTYPE_SPELL)
+ -- Sometimes spells return a CD of 0 when cast fails.
+ -- If it's non-zero, we have a valid timeStart to check.
+ if durationCD == cooldown and timeStartCD ~= lastCdStart then
+ return true, timeStartCD
+ end
+ end
+ return false, lastCdStart
+local CheckNewGCD = function(lastCdStart)
+ return CheckNewCd(1.5, lastCdStart, Quiver.L.Spell["Serpent Sting"])
+return {
+ CheckNewCd=CheckNewCd,
+ CheckNewGCD=CheckNewGCD,
+ FindSpellByTexture = FindSpellByTexture,
+ FindSpellIndex = FindSpellIndex,
+ PredInstant = PredInstant,
+ PredInstantShotByName = PredInstantShotByName,
+ PredSpellLearned = PredSpellLearned,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Data/Spell.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+-- Data is fully denormalized since we don't have a database.
+-- This will probably cause maintenance problems.
+return {
+ -- Casted Shots
+ ["Aimed Shot"]={ Class="hunter", Time=3000, Offset=500, Haste="range", Icon="INV_Spear_07", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Multi-Shot"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=500, Haste="range", Icon="Ability_UpgradeMoonGlaive", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Trueshot"]={ Class="hunter", Time=1000, Offset=500, Haste="range", Icon="Ability_TrueShot", IsAmmo=true },
+ -- Instant Shots
+ ["Arcane Shot"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=0, Haste="none", Icon="Ability_ImpalingBolt", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Concussive Shot"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=0, Haste="none", Icon="Spell_Frost_Stun", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Scatter Shot"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=0, Haste="none", Icon="Ability_GolemStormBolt", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Scorpid Sting"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=0, Haste="none", Icon="Ability_Hunter_CriticalShot", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Serpent Sting"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=0, Haste="none", Icon="Ability_Hunter_Quickshot", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Viper Sting"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=0, Haste="none", Icon="Ability_Hunter_AimedShot", IsAmmo=true },
+ ["Wyvern Sting"]={ Class="hunter", Time=0, Offset=0, Haste="none", Icon="INV_Spear_02", IsAmmo=true },
+__bundle_register("Shiver/API/Pet.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+---@param actionName string
+---@return nil|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10
+local findActionIndex = function(actionName)
+ for i=1, _NUM_PET_ACTION_SLOTS, 1 do
+ local name, subtext, tex, isToken, isActive, isAutoCastAllowed, isAutoCastEnabled = GetPetActionInfo(i)
+ if (name == actionName) then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+---@param actionName string
+---@return nil
+local CastActionByName = function(actionName)
+ local index = findActionIndex(actionName)
+ if index ~= nil then CastPetAction(index) end
+return {
+ CastActionByName = CastActionByName,
+__bundle_register("Modules/Auto_Shot_Timer/AutoShotTimer.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local FrameLock = require("Events/FrameLock.lua")
+local Spellcast = require("Events/Spellcast.lua")
+local BorderStyle = require("Modules/BorderStyle.provider.lua")
+local Spell = require("Shiver/API/Spell.lua")
+local Haste = require("Shiver/Haste.lua")
+local log = function(text)
+ if Quiver_Store.DebugLevel == "Verbose" then
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text)
+ end
+-- Auto Shot
+local _AIMING_TIME = 0.5-- HSK, rais, and YaHT use 0.65. However, 0.5 seems better.
+local MODULE_ID = "AutoShotTimer"
+local store = nil---@type StoreAutoShotTimer
+local frame = nil
+local maxBarWidth = 0
+-- Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, Trueshot
+local castTime = 0
+local isCasting = false
+local isFiredInstant = false
+local timeStartCastLocal = 0
+local position = (function()
+ local x, y = 0, 0
+ local updateXY = function() x, y = GetPlayerMapPosition("player") end
+ return {
+ UpdateXY = updateXY,
+ CheckStandingStill = function()
+ local lastX, lastY = x, y
+ updateXY()
+ return x == lastX and y == lastY
+ end,
+ }
+local isReloading = false
+local timeReload = (function()
+ local reloadTime = 0
+ local time = GetTime()
+ local getElapsed = function() return GetTime() - time end
+ return {
+ GetPercentCompleted = function()
+ local elapsed = getElapsed()
+ if elapsed <= reloadTime then
+ return elapsed / reloadTime
+ else
+ return 1.0
+ end
+ end,
+ GetRemaining = function() return reloadTime - getElapsed() end,
+ Reset = function() time = GetTime() end,
+ ---@param t number
+ StartAt = function(t)
+ time = t
+ local speed, _, _, _, _, _ = UnitRangedDamage("player")
+ isReloading = true
+ reloadTime = speed - _AIMING_TIME
+ log("starting reload")
+ end,
+ }
+local isShooting = false
+local timeShoot = (function()
+ local time = GetTime()
+ local getElapsed = function() return GetTime() - time end
+ return {
+ GetPercentCompleted = function()
+ local elapsed = getElapsed()
+ if elapsed <= _AIMING_TIME then
+ return elapsed / _AIMING_TIME
+ else
+ return 1.0
+ end
+ end,
+ GetRemaining = function() return _AIMING_TIME - getElapsed() end,
+ Reset = function() time = GetTime() end,
+ }
+-- May be called after reload while already shooting
+local startShooting = function()
+ if not isReloading then timeShoot.Reset() end
+ isShooting = true
+ position.UpdateXY()
+local getIsConsumable = function(combatLogMsg)
+ if combatLogMsg == nil then return false end
+ for _k, v in Quiver.L.CombatLog.Consumes do
+ local startPos, _ = string.find(combatLogMsg, v)
+ if startPos then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+local isConsumable = false
+-- ************ UI ************
+local styleBarAutoShot = function(f)
+ local sizeInset = BorderStyle.GetInsetSize()
+ if BorderStyle.GetStyle() == "Tooltip" then
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ edgeSize = 10,
+ insets = { left=sizeInset, right=sizeInset, top=sizeInset, bottom=sizeInset },
+ })
+ f:SetBackdropBorderColor(BorderStyle.GetColor())
+ else
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeSize = sizeInset,
+ })
+ f:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8)
+ end
+ f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
+ -- Coerce to boolean because there's nothing sensible to do if we have an invalid value.
+ if store.BarDirection == "LeftToRight" then
+ f.BarAutoShot:ClearAllPoints()
+ f.BarAutoShot:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", sizeInset, 0)
+ else
+ f.BarAutoShot:ClearAllPoints()
+ f.BarAutoShot:SetPoint("Center", f, "Center", 0, 0)
+ end
+ maxBarWidth = f:GetWidth() - 2 * sizeInset
+ f.BarAutoShot:SetWidth(1)-- Must be > 0 or UI doesn't resize.
+ f.BarAutoShot:SetHeight(f:GetHeight() - 2 * sizeInset)
+local setFramePosition = function(f, s)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectRestoreSize(s, {
+ w=240, h=14, dx=240 * -0.5, dy=-136,
+ })
+ f:SetWidth(s.FrameMeta.W)
+ f:SetHeight(s.FrameMeta.H)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", s.FrameMeta.X, s.FrameMeta.Y)
+local createUI = function()
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ f:SetFrameStrata("HIGH")
+ f.BarAutoShot = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, f)
+ f.BarAutoShot:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ tile = false,
+ })
+ setFramePosition(f, store)
+ styleBarAutoShot(f)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeMoveable(f, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeResizeable(f, store, {
+ GripMargin=4,
+ OnResizeDrag=function() styleBarAutoShot(f) end,
+ OnResizeEnd=function() styleBarAutoShot(f) end,
+ IsCenterX=true,
+ })
+ return f
+-- ************ Frame Update Handlers ************
+local updateBarShooting = function()
+ frame:SetAlpha(1)
+ local r, g, b = unpack(store.ColorShoot)
+ frame.BarAutoShot:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 0.8)
+ if isCasting then
+ frame.BarAutoShot:SetWidth(1)
+ else
+ frame.BarAutoShot:SetWidth(maxBarWidth * timeShoot.GetPercentCompleted())
+ end
+local tryHideBar = function()
+ if Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then
+ frame:SetAlpha(0)
+ else
+ -- Reset bar if it's locked open
+ frame.BarAutoShot:SetWidth(1)
+ timeShoot.Reset()
+ timeReload.Reset()
+ end
+local updateBarReload = function()
+ frame:SetAlpha(1)
+ local r, g, b = unpack(store.ColorReload)
+ frame.BarAutoShot:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 0.8)
+ local percentCompleted = timeReload.GetPercentCompleted()
+ if percentCompleted < 1.0 then
+ frame.BarAutoShot:SetWidth(maxBarWidth - maxBarWidth * percentCompleted)
+ else
+ log("End reload")
+ isReloading = false
+ if isShooting then
+ startShooting()
+ else
+ tryHideBar()
+ end
+ end
+local handleUpdate = function()
+ if isReloading then
+ updateBarReload()
+ elseif isShooting and position.CheckStandingStill() then
+ updateBarShooting()
+ else
+ -- We probably moved while shooting
+ timeShoot.Reset()
+ tryHideBar()
+ end
+--[[ ************ Event Handlers ************
+1. Instant Shot while either moving or in middle of reload
+-> (hook) OnInstant
+2. Instant Shot as Auto Shot fires
+-> (hook) OnInstant
+3. Casted Shot starts as Auto Shot fires
+-> (hook) OnCast
+4. Auto Shot -> Casted Shot -> Instant Shot -> Auto Shot
+-> (hook) casting
+-> (hook) instant (spamming before cast finishes)
+-> ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED (casted)
+-> SPELLCAST_STOP (casted)
+-> (hook) instant (still spamming the instant)
+-> ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED (instant)
+-> SPELLCAST_STOP (instant)
+--- @type Event[]
+local EVENTS = {
+ -- Fires after SPELLCAST_STOP, but before ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED.
+ -- Use to ignore whitelisted inventory events corresponding to consumables.
+ -- Inventory event, such as using ammo or drinking a potion.
+ -- This is how we detect auto shots.
+ -- Failed / INTERRUPTED / STOP all happen after ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED
+ "SPELLCAST_FAILED",-- Too close, Spell on CD, already in progress, or success after dropping target
+ "SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED",-- Knockback etc.
+ "SPELLCAST_STOP",-- Finished cast
+ "START_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL",-- Start shooting (first event fired in chain)
+ "STOP_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL",-- Stop shooting (last event fired in chain)
+---@param event string
+---@param arg1 any
+local handleEventStateCasting = function(event, arg1)
+ if event == "SPELLCAST_DELAYED" then
+ castTime = castTime + arg1 / 1000
+ elseif
+ event == "SPELLCAST_STOP"
+ or event == "SPELLCAST_FAILED"
+ then
+ -- The instant hook may have set its state variable. That means the user pressed an instant shot
+ -- before the castbar completed. We can't actually fire an instant shot while casting,
+ -- so it's a false positive and we need to override it to avoid breaking our state machine.
+ isFiredInstant = false
+ isCasting = false -- Exit this handler
+ if not isReloading then timeShoot.Reset() end
+ log("Stopped Casting")
+ elseif event == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED" then
+ -- Failed event means Stop, but we also dropped target before the cast finished.
+ -- Two possibilities:
+ -- 1 - Cast Start -> Lock -> Lock -> Cast Stop or Cast Failed
+ -- - Cause: Auto Shot fired as cast started.
+ -- - Action: Trigger reload and continue casting.
+ -- 2 - Cast Start -> Lock -> Cast Stop or Cast Failed
+ -- - Cause: Cast completed.
+ -- - Action: End casting.
+ -- Case 1 happens immediately, while case 2 can't happen faster than the fastest cast.
+ -- The cast start is latency-adjusted, so we pick a number between 0 and 0.5 (Multi-Shot cast time).
+ -- Too high a threshold and multi-shot occasionally triggers reload when latency changes.
+ -- Too low and we get stuck in a shooting state. This is much worse than an extra reload.
+ -- 0.4 frequently trigger reloads over 100ms latency.
+ local elapsed = GetTime() - timeStartCastLocal
+ log(elapsed)
+ if (elapsed < 0.25) then
+ -- We must have started the cast exactly as an auto shot fired.
+ -- This happens when server lag causes the bar the skip.
+ timeReload.StartAt(GetTime())
+ end
+ end
+-- Two cases to handle.
+-- Case 1: Auto -> Instant
+-- Instant -> Lock -> Lock -> Stop
+-- Csae 2: Instant -> Auto
+-- Instant -> Lock -> Stop -> Lock
+-- There's no way to know whether or not to start the reload at first lock, so we save
+-- the reload time and apply it retroactively. This requires its own Mealy machine.
+local stateAuto = { IsInitial=true, TimeLock=0 }
+---@param event string
+local handleEventStateShooting = function(event)
+ -- Don't have to handle other spellcast events because they only trigger on successful
+ -- casts without a selected target. However, dropping target cancels Auto Shot.
+ if event == "SPELLCAST_STOP" then
+ -- There's a measurable 0.5 second reset to Auto Shot when casting any instant spell (ex. Hunter's Mark).
+ -- Since auto shot also seems to use 0.5 second shoot time, we can reset it to 0.
+ timeShoot.Reset()
+ end
+ if stateAuto.IsInitial then
+ -- Handle first shot in sequence
+ if event == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED" then
+ if isFiredInstant then
+ stateAuto.IsInitial = false
+ stateAuto.TimeLock = GetTime()
+ isFiredInstant = false
+ log("State Advance")
+ elseif timeReload.GetRemaining() > 0 then
+ -- Sometimes SPELLCAST_STOP triggers before ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED
+ -- No-op from multi-shot during reload.
+ log("Edge case -- out-of-order events. Probably mutli-shot: "..timeReload.GetRemaining())
+ else
+ log("Auto Fired")
+ timeReload.StartAt(GetTime())
+ end
+ end
+ -- else ignore
+ else
+ -- Handle second shot in sequence
+ if event == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED" then
+ -- Fired another shot, meaning the first one must have been an auto.
+ -- Retroactively start reload and reset state.
+ stateAuto.IsInitial = true
+ isFiredInstant = false
+ timeReload.StartAt(stateAuto.TimeLock)
+ log("State Reset: Auto -> Instant")
+ elseif event == "SPELLCAST_STOP" then
+ -- Previous shot must have been an instant, so reset state.
+ stateAuto.IsInitial = true
+ isFiredInstant = false
+ log("State Reset: Instant")
+ end
+ -- else ignore
+ end
+---@param event string
+local handleEventStateIdle = function(event)
+ if
+ event == "SPELLCAST_STOP"
+ or event == "SPELLCAST_FAILED"
+ then
+ if isFiredInstant then log("Instant Shot") end
+ isFiredInstant = false
+ end
+---@param nameEnglish string
+---@param nameLocalized string
+local onSpellcast = function(nameEnglish, nameLocalized)
+ -- User can spam the ability while it's already casting
+ if isCasting then return end
+ isCasting = true
+ local _latAdjusted
+ castTime, _latAdjusted, timeStartCastLocal = Haste.CalcCastTime(nameEnglish)
+ log("Start Cast")
+local handleEvent = function()
+ local e = event
+ if (e ~= "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF") then
+ local t1 = isCasting and "casting" or "false"
+ local t2 = stateAuto.IsInitial and "initial" or "advanced"
+ log(t1.." "..t2.." "..e)
+ end
+ -- ************ Event logic independant of state ************
+ if e == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF" then
+ isConsumable = getIsConsumable(arg1)
+ elseif e == "START_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL" then
+ log("Start shooting")
+ startShooting()
+ elseif e == "STOP_AUTOREPEAT_SPELL" then
+ log("Stop shooting")
+ isShooting = false
+ elseif isConsumable and e == "ITEM_LOCK_CHANGED" then
+ isConsumable = false-- We drank a potion or something, so don't run any handlers
+ -- ************ Mealy machine states ************
+ elseif isCasting then
+ handleEventStateCasting(e, arg1)
+ elseif isShooting then
+ handleEventStateShooting(e)
+ else
+ handleEventStateIdle(e)
+ end
+-- ************ Enable macros that avoid clipping shots ************
+---@return boolean
+local PredMidShot = function()
+ return isShooting and not isReloading
+local GetSecondsRemainingReload = function()
+ if isReloading then
+ return true, timeReload.GetRemaining()
+ else
+ return false, 0
+ end
+local GetSecondsRemainingShoot = function()
+ local t = timeShoot.GetRemaining()
+ local isFiring = isShooting and not isReloading
+ if isFiring then
+ return true, t
+ else
+ return false, 0
+ end
+-- ************ Initialization ************
+local onEnable = function()
+ if frame == nil then
+ frame = createUI()
+ end
+ frame:SetScript("OnEvent", handleEvent)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", handleUpdate)
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:RegisterEvent(e) end
+ if Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then frame:SetAlpha(0) else frame:SetAlpha(1) end
+ BorderStyle.Subscribe(MODULE_ID, function(_style)
+ if frame ~= nil then styleBarAutoShot(frame) end
+ end)
+ Spellcast.CastableShot.Subscribe(MODULE_ID, onSpellcast)
+ Spellcast.Instant.Subscribe(MODULE_ID, function(spellName)
+ isFiredInstant = Spell.PredInstantShotByName(spellName)
+ end)
+ frame:Show()
+local onDisable = function()
+ Spellcast.Instant.Dispose(MODULE_ID)
+ Spellcast.CastableShot.Dispose(MODULE_ID)
+ BorderStyle.Dispose(MODULE_ID)
+ if frame ~= nil then
+ frame:Hide()
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:UnregisterEvent(e) end
+ end
+---@type QqModule
+return {
+ GetName = function() return Quiver.T["Auto Shot Timer"] end,
+ GetTooltipText = function() return nil end,
+ OnEnable = onEnable,
+ OnDisable = onDisable,
+ OnInterfaceLock = function()
+ if (not isShooting) and (not isReloading) then tryHideBar() end
+ end,
+ OnInterfaceUnlock = function()
+ if frame ~= nil then frame:SetAlpha(1) end
+ end,
+ OnResetFrames = function()
+ store.FrameMeta = nil
+ if frame then
+ setFramePosition(frame, store)
+ styleBarAutoShot(frame)
+ end
+ end,
+ ---@param savedVariables StoreAutoShotTimer
+ OnSavedVariablesRestore = function(savedVariables)
+ store = savedVariables
+ store.BarDirection = savedVariables.BarDirection or "LeftToRight"
+ store.ColorShoot = savedVariables.ColorShoot or QUIVER.ColorDefault.AutoShotShoot
+ store.ColorReload = savedVariables.ColorReload or QUIVER.ColorDefault.AutoShotReload
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesPersist = function() return store end,
+ UpdateDirection = function()
+ if frame then styleBarAutoShot(frame) end
+ end,
+ -- API exports
+ GetSecondsRemainingReload = GetSecondsRemainingReload,
+ GetSecondsRemainingShoot = GetSecondsRemainingShoot,
+ PredMidShot = PredMidShot,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Haste.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local DB_SPELL = require("Shiver/Data/Spell.lua")
+local ScanningTooltip = require("Shiver/ScanningTooltip.lua")
+local Enum = require("Shiver/Enum.lua")
+-- GetInventoryItemLink("Player", slot#) returns a link, ex. [name]
+-- Weapon name always appears at line TextLeft1
+-- TODo Might be cachable. Experiment which events would clear cache.
+local calcRangedWeaponSpeedBase = function()
+ return ScanningTooltip.Scan(function(tooltip)
+ tooltip:ClearLines()
+ local _RANGED = Enum.INVENTORY_SLOT.Ranged
+ local _, _, _ = tooltip:SetInventoryItem("player", _RANGED)
+ for i=1, tooltip:NumLines() do
+ local text = ScanningTooltip.GetText("TextRight", i)
+ if text ~= nil then
+ -- ex. "Speed 3.2"
+ -- Not matching on the text part since that requires localization
+ local _, _, speed = string.find(text, "(%d+%.%d+)")
+ if speed ~= nil then
+ local parsed = tonumber(speed)
+ if parsed ~= nil then
+ tooltip:Hide()
+ return parsed
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Something went wrong. Maybe there's no ranged weapon equipped.
+ return nil
+ end)
+---@param nameEnglish string
+---@return number casttime
+---@return number startLatAdjusted
+---@return number startLocal
+local CalcCastTime = function(nameEnglish)
+ local meta = DB_SPELL[nameEnglish]
+ local baseTime = meta and meta.Time or 0
+ local offset = meta and meta.Offset or 0
+ local _,_, msLatency = GetNetStats()
+ local startLocal = GetTime()
+ local startLatAdjusted = startLocal + msLatency / 1000
+ if meta.Haste == "range" then
+ local speedCurrent, _, _ , _, _, _ = UnitRangedDamage("player")
+ local speedBaseNil = calcRangedWeaponSpeedBase()
+ local speedBase = speedBaseNil and speedBaseNil or speedCurrent
+ local speedMultiplier = speedCurrent / speedBase
+ -- https://www.mmo-champion.com/content/2188-Patch-4-0-6-Feb-22-Hotfixes-Blue-Posts-Artworks-Comic
+ local casttime = (offset + baseTime * speedMultiplier) / 1000
+ return casttime, startLatAdjusted, startLocal
+ end
+ -- LuaLS doesn't support exhaustive checks? TODO investigate
+ local timeFallback = (meta.Time + meta.Offset) / 1000
+ return timeFallback, startLatAdjusted, startLocal
+return {
+ CalcCastTime = CalcCastTime,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Enum.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+--- see API InventorySlot(lua://InventorySlot)
+ Ammo = 0,
+ Head = 1,
+ Neck = 2,
+ Shoulder = 3,
+ Shirt = 4,
+ Chest = 5,
+ Belt = 6,
+ Legs = 7,
+ Feet = 8,
+ Wrist = 9,
+ Gloves = 10,
+ Finger1 = 11,
+ Finger2 = 12,
+ Trinket1 = 13,
+ Trinket2 = 14,
+ Back = 15,
+ MainHand = 16,
+ OffHand = 17,
+ Ranged = 18,
+ Tabard = 19,
+ Bag1 = 20,-- rightmost
+ Bag2 = 21,-- second from right
+ Bag3 = 22,-- third from right
+ Bag4 = 23,-- fourth from right
+ BankBag1 = 68,-- leftmost
+ BankBag2 = 69,
+ BankBag3 = 70,
+ BankBag4 = 71,
+ BankBag5 = 72,
+ BankBag6 = 73,
+ BankBag7 = 74,
+return {
+__bundle_register("Shiver/ScanningTooltip.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+--- Creates a scanning tooltip for later use
+---@param name string Name of global tooltip frame
+---@return GameTooltip
+local createTooltip = function(name)
+ local tt = CreateFrame("GameTooltip", name, nil, "GameTooltipTemplate")
+ tt:SetScript("OnHide", function() tt:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "Center") end)
+ tt:Hide()
+ tt:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP")
+ return tt
+local _TOOLTIP_NAME = "QuiverScanningTooltip"
+local tooltip = createTooltip(_TOOLTIP_NAME)
+---@param fsName "TextLeft" | "TextRight"
+---@param lineNumber integer
+---@return nil|string
+local GetText = function(fsName, lineNumber)
+ ---@type nil|FontString
+ local fs = _G[_TOOLTIP_NAME .. fsName .. lineNumber]
+ return fs and fs:GetText()
+--- Handles setup and teardown when scanning.
+---@generic Output
+---@param f fun(t: GameTooltip): Output
+---@return Output
+local Scan = function(f)
+ tooltip:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "Center")
+ local output = f(tooltip)
+ tooltip:Hide()
+ return output
+return {
+ GetText = GetText,
+ Scan = Scan,
+__bundle_register("Modules/BorderStyle.provider.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+---@alias BorderStyle "Simple" | "Tooltip"
+---@type (fun(x: BorderStyle): nil)[]
+local callbacks = {}
+---@param moduleId string
+---@param callback fun(x: BorderStyle): nil
+---@return nil
+local Subscribe = function(moduleId, callback)
+ callbacks[moduleId] = callback
+---@param moduleId string
+local Dispose = function(moduleId)
+ callbacks[moduleId] = nil
+return {
+ Dispose = Dispose,
+ Subscribe = Subscribe,
+ ---@param style BorderStyle
+ ---@return nil
+ ChangeAndPublish = function(style)
+ Quiver_Store.Border_Style = style
+ for _i, v in pairs(callbacks) do
+ v(style)
+ end
+ end,
+ GetColor = function() return 0.6, 0.7, 0.7, 1.0 end,
+ ---@return integer
+ ---@nodiscard
+ GetInsetSize = function()
+ return Quiver_Store.Border_Style == "Tooltip" and 3 or 1
+ end,
+ -- TODO Ideally, subscribing would return a provider instance that can access state.
+ -- However, that's going to require considerable re-architecting to support with type safety.
+ ---@return BorderStyle
+ ---@nodiscard
+ GetStyle = function() return Quiver_Store.Border_Style end,
+__bundle_register("Events/Spellcast.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Action = require("Shiver/API/Action.lua")
+local Spell = require("Shiver/API/Spell.lua")
+local DB_SPELL = require("Shiver/Data/Spell.lua")
+local Print = require("Util/Print.lua")
+local log = function(text)
+ if Quiver_Store.DebugLevel == "Verbose" then
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text)
+ end
+-- Hooks get called even if spell didn't fire, but successful cast triggers GCD.
+local lastGcdStart = 0
+local checkGCD = function()
+ local isTriggeredGcd, newStart = Spell.CheckNewGCD(lastGcdStart)
+ lastGcdStart = newStart
+ return isTriggeredGcd
+-- Castable shot event has 2 triggers:
+-- 1. User starts casting Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, or Trueshot
+-- 2. User is already casting, but presses the spell again
+-- It's up to the subscriber to differentiate.
+---@type (fun(x: string, y: string): nil)[]
+local callbacksCastableShot = {}
+---@param nameEnglish string
+---@param nameLocalized string
+local publishShotCastable = function(nameEnglish, nameLocalized)
+ for _i, v in pairs(callbacksCastableShot) do
+ v(nameEnglish, nameLocalized)
+ end
+local CastableShot = {
+ ---@param moduleId string
+ ---@param callback fun(x: string, y: string): nil
+ Subscribe = function(moduleId, callback)
+ callbacksCastableShot[moduleId] = callback
+ end,
+ ---@param moduleId string
+ Dispose = function(moduleId)
+ callbacksCastableShot[moduleId] = nil
+ end,
+---@type (fun(x: string, y: string): nil)[]
+local callbacksInstant = {}
+---@param nameEnglish string
+---@param nameLocalized string
+local publishInstant = function(nameEnglish, nameLocalized)
+ for _i, v in pairs(callbacksInstant) do v(nameEnglish, nameLocalized) end
+local Instant = {
+ ---@param moduleId string
+ ---@param callback fun(x: string, y: string): nil
+ Subscribe = function(moduleId, callback)
+ callbacksInstant[moduleId] = callback
+ end,
+ ---@param moduleId string
+ Dispose = function(moduleId)
+ callbacksInstant[moduleId] = nil
+ end,
+local super = {
+ CastSpell = CastSpell,
+ CastSpellByName = CastSpellByName,
+ UseAction = UseAction,
+local println = Print.PrefixedF("spellcast")
+---@param nameLocalized string
+---@param isCurrentAction nil|1
+local handleCastByName = function(nameLocalized, isCurrentAction)
+ local nameEnglish = Quiver.L.SpellReverse[nameLocalized]
+ if nameEnglish == nil then
+ log("Localized spellname not found: "..nameLocalized)
+ -- TODO implement zhCN
+ nameEnglish = nameLocalized
+ else
+ local meta = DB_SPELL[nameEnglish]
+ local isCastable = not Spell.PredInstant(meta)
+ -- We pre-hook the cast, so confirm we actually cast it before triggering callbacks.
+ -- If it's castable, then check we're casting it, else check that we triggered GCD.
+ if isCastable then
+ if isCurrentAction then
+ publishShotCastable(nameEnglish, nameLocalized)
+ elseif Action.FindBySpellName(nameLocalized) == nil then
+ println.Warning(nameLocalized .. " not on action bars, so can't track cast.")
+ end
+ elseif checkGCD() then
+ publishInstant(nameEnglish, nameLocalized)
+ end
+ end
+---@param spellIndex number
+---@param bookType BookType
+---@return nil
+CastSpell = function(spellIndex, bookType)
+ super.CastSpell(spellIndex, bookType)
+ local name, _rank = GetSpellName(spellIndex, bookType)
+ if name ~= nil then
+ log("Cast as spell... " .. name)
+ handleCastByName(name, Action.PredSomeActionBusy())
+ end
+-- Some spells trigger this one time when spamming, others multiple
+---@param name string
+---@param isSelf? boolean
+---@return nil
+CastSpellByName = function(name, isSelf)
+ super.CastSpellByName(name, isSelf)
+ log("Cast by name... " .. name)
+ handleCastByName(name, Action.PredSomeActionBusy())
+-- Triggers multiple times when spamming the cast
+---@param slot ActionBarSlot
+---@param checkCursor? nil|0|1
+---@param onSelf? nil|0|1
+---@return nil
+UseAction = function(slot, checkCursor, onSelf)
+ super.UseAction(slot, checkCursor, onSelf)
+ local texturePath = GetActionTexture(slot)
+ if texturePath ~= nil then
+ -- If we don't find a name, it means action is a macro with a custom texture.
+ -- The macro will call CastSpellByName, which triggers a different hook.
+ --
+ -- If the macro uses the same texture, then both these hooks are called!
+ -- We *could* check macro text etc. to disambiguate, but it's okay
+ -- to duplicate the spell event since it won't change CD or start time.
+ local name, index = Spell.FindSpellByTexture(texturePath)
+ if name ~= nil and index ~= nil then
+ log("Cast as Action... " .. name)
+ handleCastByName(name, IsCurrentAction(slot))
+ else
+ log("Skip Action... ")
+ end
+ end
+return {
+ CastableShot = CastableShot,
+ Instant = Instant,
+__bundle_register("Util/Print.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local danger = function(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text, 1, 0, 0) end
+local neutral = function(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text) end
+local success = function(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text, 0, 1, 0) end
+local warning = function(text) DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(text, 1, 0.6, 0) end
+local PrintLine = {
+ Danger = function(text) danger("Quiver -- " .. text) end,
+ Neutral = function(text) neutral("Quiver -- " .. text) end,
+ Success = function(text) success("Quiver -- " .. text) end,
+ Warning = function(text) warning("Quiver -- " .. text) end,
+ -- BigWigs suppresses raid messages unless you guarantee
+ -- they don't match its spam filter. Adding a space works.
+ -- https://github.com/CosminPOP/BigWigs/issues/2
+ Raid = function(text) SendChatMessage(text.." ", "RAID") end,
+ Say = function(text) SendChatMessage(text, "SAY") end,
+local PrintPrefixedF = function(callerName)
+ local noNil = function(text) return text or "nil" end
+ local prefix = "Quiver ["..callerName.."] -- "
+ return {
+ Danger = function(text) danger(prefix..noNil(text)) end,
+ Neutral = function(text) neutral(prefix..noNil(text)) end,
+ Success = function(text) success(prefix..noNil(text)) end,
+ Warning = function(text) warning(prefix..noNil(text)) end,
+ }
+return {
+ Line = PrintLine,
+ PrefixedF = PrintPrefixedF,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/API/Action.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Spell = require("Shiver/API/Spell.lua")
+local _MAX_NUM_ACTION_SLOTS = 120
+---@param name string
+---@return nil|ActionBarSlot
+local FindBySpellName = function(name)
+ local index = Spell.FindSpellIndex(name)
+ local texture = index ~= nil and GetSpellTexture(index, BOOKTYPE_SPELL) or nil
+ if texture ~= nil then
+ for i=0,_MAX_NUM_ACTION_SLOTS do
+ if HasAction(i) then
+ local isSpell = ActionHasRange(i) or GetActionText(i) == nil
+ local isSameTexture = GetActionTexture(i) == texture
+ if isSpell and isSameTexture then
+ return i
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+--- Matches return type of IsCurrentAction
+---@return nil|1 isBusy
+local PredSomeActionBusy = function()
+ for i=1,_MAX_NUM_ACTION_SLOTS do
+ if IsCurrentAction(i) then
+ return 1
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+return {
+ FindBySpellName = FindBySpellName,
+ PredSomeActionBusy = PredSomeActionBusy,
+__bundle_register("Events/FrameLock.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Button = require("Component/Button.lua")
+WoW persists positions for frames that have global names.
+However, we use custom meta (size+position) logic because
+otherwise each login clears all frame data for disabled addons.
+TopLeft origin because GetPoint() uses TopLeft
+Must use entire store as parameter for functions, because we reset by setting FrameMeta to null.
+If we only pass FrameMeta, then several event listeners will mutate the wrong object.
+local GRIP_HEIGHT = 12
+local framesMoveable = {}
+local framesResizeable = {}
+local openWarning
+-- Screensize scales after initializing, but when it does, the UI scale value also changes.
+-- Therefore, the result of size * scale never changes, but the result of either size or scale does.
+-- Disabling useUIScale doesn't affect the scale value, so we have to conditionally scale saved frame positions.
+local getRealScreenWidth = function()
+ local scale = GetCVar("useUiScale") == 1 and UIParent:GetEffectiveScale() or 1
+ return GetScreenWidth() * scale
+local getRealScreenheight = function()
+ local scale = GetCVar("useUiScale") == 1 and UIParent:GetEffectiveScale() or 1
+ return GetScreenHeight() * scale
+local defaultOf = function(val, fallback)
+ if val == nil then return fallback else return val end
+local SideEffectRestoreSize = function(store, args)
+ local sw = getRealScreenWidth()
+ local sh = getRealScreenheight()
+ local m = store.FrameMeta or {}
+ local w, h, dx, dy = args.w, args.h, args.dx, args.dy
+ m.W = defaultOf(m.W, w)
+ m.H = defaultOf(m.H, h)
+ m.X = defaultOf(m.X, sw / 2 + dx)
+ m.Y = defaultOf(m.Y, -1 * sh / 2 + dy)
+ store.FrameMeta = m
+-- Tons of users don't read the readme file AT ALL. Not even the first line!
+-- We have to guide and strongly encourage them to lock the frames.
+local Init = function()
+ openWarning = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ openWarning:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM")
+ openWarning.Text = openWarning:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
+ openWarning.Text:SetAllPoints(openWarning)
+ openWarning.Text:SetJustifyH("Center")
+ openWarning.Text:SetJustifyV("Center")
+ openWarning.Text:SetText(Quiver.T["Quiver Unlocked. Show config dialog with /qq or /quiver.\nClick the lock icon when done."])
+ openWarning.Text:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ openWarning:SetAllPoints(UIParent)
+ if Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames
+ then openWarning:Hide()
+ else openWarning:Show()
+ end
+local addFrameMoveable = function(frame)
+ if not Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then
+ frame:EnableMouse(true)
+ frame:SetMovable(true)
+ end
+ table.insert(framesMoveable, frame)
+local addFrameResizable = function(frame, handle)
+ frame.QuiverGripHandle = handle
+ if Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames
+ then frame.QuiverGripHandle.Container:Hide()
+ else frame:SetResizable(true)
+ end
+ table.insert(framesResizeable, frame)
+local lockFrames = function()
+ openWarning:Hide()
+ for _k, f in framesMoveable do
+ f:EnableMouse(false)
+ f:SetMovable(false)
+ end
+ for _k, f in framesResizeable do
+ f.QuiverGripHandle.Container:Hide()
+ f:SetResizable(false)
+ end
+ for _k, v in _G.Quiver_Modules do
+ if Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[v.Id] then v.OnInterfaceLock() end
+ end
+local unlockFrames = function()
+ openWarning:Show()
+ for _k, f in framesMoveable do
+ f:EnableMouse(true)
+ f:SetMovable(true)
+ end
+ for _k, f in framesResizeable do
+ f.QuiverGripHandle.Container:Show()
+ f:SetResizable(true)
+ end
+ for _k, v in _G.Quiver_Modules do
+ if Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[v.Id] then v.OnInterfaceUnlock() end
+ end
+local SetIsLocked = function(isChecked)
+ Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames = isChecked
+ if isChecked then lockFrames() else unlockFrames() end
+local absClamp = function(vOpt, vMax)
+ local fallback = vMax / 2
+ if vOpt == nil then return fallback end
+ local v = math.abs(vOpt)
+ if v > 0 and v < vMax
+ then return v
+ else return fallback
+ end
+---@param a number
+---@return integer
+local round = function(a)
+ return math.floor(a + 0.5)
+---@param a number
+---@return integer
+local round4 = function(a)
+ return math.floor(a / 4 + 0.5) * 4
+local SideEffectMakeMoveable = function(f, store)
+ f:SetWidth(store.FrameMeta.W)
+ f:SetHeight(store.FrameMeta.H)
+ f:SetMinResize(30, GRIP_HEIGHT)
+ local sw = getRealScreenWidth()
+ local sh = getRealScreenheight()
+ f:SetMaxResize(sw/2, sh/2)
+ local xMax = sw - store.FrameMeta.W
+ local yMax = sh - store.FrameMeta.H
+ local x = absClamp(store.FrameMeta.X, xMax)
+ local y = -1 * absClamp(store.FrameMeta.Y, yMax)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", nil, "TopLeft", x, y)
+ f:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function()
+ if not Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then f:StartMoving() end
+ end)
+ f:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function()
+ f:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ local _, _, _, x, y = f:GetPoint()
+ store.FrameMeta.X = round4(x)
+ store.FrameMeta.Y = round4(y)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", nil, "TopLeft", store.FrameMeta.X, store.FrameMeta.Y)
+ end)
+ addFrameMoveable(f)
+local SideEffectMakeResizeable = function(frame, store, args)
+ local margin, isCenterX, onResizeEnd, onResizeDrag =
+ args.GripMargin, args.IsCenterX, args.OnResizeEnd, args.OnResizeDrag
+ if isCenterX then
+ frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", function()
+ local wOld = store.FrameMeta.W
+ local delta = round(frame:GetWidth() - wOld)
+ store.FrameMeta.W = wOld + 2 * delta
+ store.FrameMeta.X = store.FrameMeta.X - delta
+ frame:SetWidth(store.FrameMeta.W)
+ frame:SetPoint("TopLeft", store.FrameMeta.X, store.FrameMeta.Y)
+ if onResizeDrag ~= nil then onResizeDrag() end
+ end)
+ elseif onResizeDrag ~= nil then
+ frame:SetScript("OnSizeChanged", onResizeDrag)
+ end
+ local handle = Button:Create(frame, QUIVER.Icon.GripHandle, nil, 0.5)
+ addFrameResizable(frame, handle)
+ handle.Container:SetFrameLevel(100)-- Should be top element
+ handle.Container:SetPoint("BottomRight", frame, "BottomRight", -margin, margin)
+ handle.HookMouseDown = function()
+ if frame:IsResizable() then frame:StartSizing("BottomRight") end
+ end
+ handle.HookMouseUp = function()
+ frame:StopMovingOrSizing()
+ store.FrameMeta.W = math.floor(frame:GetWidth() + 0.5)
+ store.FrameMeta.H = math.floor(frame:GetHeight() + 0.5)
+ frame:SetWidth(store.FrameMeta.W)
+ frame:SetHeight(store.FrameMeta.H)
+ if onResizeEnd ~= nil then onResizeEnd() end
+ end
+return {
+ Init = Init,
+ SetIsLocked = SetIsLocked,
+ SideEffectMakeMoveable = SideEffectMakeMoveable,
+ SideEffectMakeResizeable = SideEffectMakeResizeable,
+ SideEffectRestoreSize = SideEffectRestoreSize,
+__bundle_register("Component/Button.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Util = require("Component/_Util.lua")
+local L = require("Shiver/Lib/All.lua")
+local Sugar = require("Shiver/Sugar.lua")
+local _GAP = 6
+local _SIZE = 16
+-- see [CheckButton](lua://QqCheckButton)
+-- see [Switch](lua://QqSwitch)
+---@class (exact) QqButton : IMouseInteract
+---@field private __index? QqButton
+---@field Container Frame
+---@field HookClick nil|(fun(): nil)
+---@field HookMouseDown nil|(fun(): nil)
+---@field HookMouseUp nil|(fun(): nil)
+---@field Icon Frame
+---@field Label? FontString
+---@field TooltipText? string
+---@field Texture Texture
+---@field private isEnabled boolean
+---@field private isHover boolean
+---@field private isMouseDown boolean
+local QqButton = {}
+function QqButton:resetTexture()
+ local r, g, b = Util.SelectColor(self)
+ self.Texture:SetVertexColor(r, g, b)
+ if self.Label ~= nil then
+ self.Label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ end
+function QqButton:OnHoverStart()
+ self.isHover = true
+ self:resetTexture()
+ Util.ToggleTooltip(self, self.Container, self.TooltipText)
+function QqButton:OnHoverEnd()
+ self.isHover = false
+ self:resetTexture()
+ Util.ToggleTooltip(self, self.Container, self.TooltipText)
+function QqButton:OnMouseDown()
+ self.isMouseDown = true
+ if self.HookMouseDown ~= nil then self.HookMouseDown() end
+ self:resetTexture()
+function QqButton:OnMouseUp()
+ self.isMouseDown = false
+ if self.HookMouseUp ~= nil then self.HookMouseUp() end
+ if MouseIsOver(self.Container) == 1 and self.HookClick ~= nil then
+ self.HookClick()
+ end
+ self:resetTexture()
+---@param isEnabled boolean
+function QqButton:ToggleEnabled(isEnabled)
+ self.isEnabled = isEnabled
+ self:resetTexture()
+---@param isHover boolean
+function QqButton:ToggleHover(isHover)
+ self.isHover = isHover
+ self:resetTexture()
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param texPath string
+---@param labelText? string
+---@param scale? number
+---@return QqButton
+function QqButton:Create(parent, texPath, labelText, scale)
+ local container = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent, nil)
+ local icon = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, container, nil)
+ ---@type QqButton
+ local r = {
+ Container = container,
+ Icon = icon,
+ Texture = icon:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY"),
+ isEnabled = true,
+ isHover = false,
+ isMouseDown = false,
+ }
+ setmetatable(r, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ container:SetScript("OnEnter", function() r:OnHoverStart() end)
+ container:SetScript("OnLeave", function() r:OnHoverEnd() end)
+ container:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() r:OnMouseDown() end)
+ container:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() r:OnMouseUp() end)
+ container:EnableMouse(true)
+ r.Texture:SetAllPoints(r.Icon)
+ local scaleOr = scale and scale or 1.0
+ r.Icon:SetWidth(_SIZE * scaleOr)
+ r.Icon:SetHeight(_SIZE * scaleOr)
+ r.Texture:SetTexture(texPath)
+ r.Icon:SetPoint("Left", container, "Left", 0, 0)
+ local h, w = 0, 0
+ if labelText then
+ r.Label = container:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
+ r.Label:SetText(labelText)
+ r.Label:SetPoint("Right", container, "Right", 0, 0)
+ h = L.Psi(L.Max, Sugar.Region._GetHeight, r.Icon, r.Label)
+ w = L.Psi(L.Add, Sugar.Region._GetWidth, r.Icon, r.Label) + _GAP
+ else
+ h = r.Icon:GetHeight()
+ w = r.Icon:GetWidth()
+ end
+ container:SetHeight(h)
+ container:SetWidth(w)
+ r:resetTexture()
+ return r
+return QqButton
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Sugar.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Region = {
+ --- @type fun(r: Region): number
+ _GetHeight = function(r) return r:GetHeight() end,
+ --- @type fun(r: Region): number
+ _GetWidth = function(r) return r:GetWidth() end,
+return {
+ Region = Region,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Lib/All.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+-- Reference library:
+-- https://github.com/codereport/blackbird/blob/main/combinators.hpp
+local Array = require("Shiver/Lib/Array.lua")
+local Op = require("Shiver/Lib/Operator.lua")
+-- ************ Combinators ************
+--- (>>), forward function composition
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@generic C
+---@param f fun(a: A): B
+---@param g fun(y: B): C
+---@return fun(x: A): C
+local Forward = function(f, g)
+ return function(a)
+ return g(f(a))
+ end
+-- No support yet for generic overloads
+-- https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/723
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@generic C
+--@generic D
+--@generic E
+---@type fun(a: A, f: (fun(a: A): B), g: (fun(b: B): C)): C
+--@overload fun(a: A, f: (fun(a: A): B), g: (fun(b: B): C), h: (fun(c: C): D)): D
+--@overload fun(a: A, f: (fun(a: A): B), g: (fun(b: B): C), h: (fun(c: C): D), i: (fun(d: D): E)): D
+local Pipe = function(a, ...)
+ local out = a
+ for _, fn in ipairs(arg) do
+ out = fn(out)
+ end
+ return out
+-- No support yet for generic overloads
+-- https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/723
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@generic C
+---@generic D
+---@type fun(a: A, f: (fun(a: A): B), g: (fun(b: B): C), h: (fun(c: C): D)): D
+local Pipe3 = Pipe
+-- No support yet for generic overloads
+-- https://github.com/LuaLS/lua-language-server/issues/723
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@generic C
+---@generic D
+---@generic E
+---@type fun(a: A, f: (fun(a: A): B), g: (fun(b: B): C), h: (fun(c: C): D), i: (fun(d: D): E)): D
+local Pipe4 = Pipe
+--- f(g(x), (y))
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@generic C
+---@type fun(f: (fun(x: B, y: B): C), g: (fun(x: A): B), x: A, y: A): C
+local Psi = function(f, g, x, y)
+ return f(g(x), g(y))
+return {
+ Array = Array,
+ -- Combinators
+ Fw = Forward,
+ Pipe = Pipe,
+ Pipe3 = Pipe3,
+ Pipe4 = Pipe4,
+ Psi = Psi,
+ -- Binary / Unary
+ Add = Op.Add,
+ Max = Op.Max,
+ -- Comparison
+ Lt = Op.Lt,
+ Le = Op.Le,
+ Eq = Op.Eq,
+ Ne = Op.Ne,
+ Ge = Op.Ge,
+ Gt = Op.Gt,
+ -- Logic
+ And = Op.And,
+ Or = Op.Or,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Lib/Operator.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+return {
+ -- ************ Binary / Unary ************
+ ---@type fun(a: number, b: number): number
+ Add = function(a, b) return a + b end,
+ ---@type fun(a: number, b: number): number
+ Max = function(a, b) return math.max(a, b) end,
+ -- ************ Comparison ************
+ ---@generic A
+ ---@type fun(a: A, b: A): boolean
+ Lt = function(a, b) return a < b end,
+ ---@generic A
+ ---@type fun(a: A, b: A): boolean
+ Le = function(a, b) return a <= b end,
+ ---@generic A
+ ---@type fun(a: A, b: A): boolean
+ Eq = function(a, b) return a == b end,
+ ---@generic A
+ ---@type fun(a: A, b: A): boolean
+ Ne = function(a, b) return a ~= b end,
+ ---@generic A
+ ---@type fun(a: A, b: A): boolean
+ Ge = function(a, b) return a >= b end,
+ ---@generic A
+ ---@type fun(a: A, b: A): boolean
+ Gt = function(a, b) return a > b end,
+ -- ************ Logic ************
+ ---@type fun(a: boolean, b: boolean): boolean
+ And = function(a, b) return a and b end,
+ ---@type fun(a: boolean, b: boolean): boolean
+ Or = function(a, b) return a or b end,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Lib/Array.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+---@generic A
+---@param xs A[]
+---@param f fun(x: A): boolean
+---@return boolean
+local Every = function(xs, f)
+ for _k, v in ipairs(xs) do
+ if not f(v) then return false end
+ end
+ return true
+---@generic A
+---@param xs A[]
+---@param f fun(x: A): boolean
+---@return nil|A
+local Find = function(xs, f)
+ for _k, v in ipairs(xs) do
+ if f(v) then
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ return nil
+---@generic A
+---@param xs A[]
+---@return integer
+local Length = function(xs)
+ local l = 0
+ for _k, _v in ipairs(xs) do l = l + 1 end
+ return l
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@param xs A[]
+---@param f fun(x: A): B
+---@return B[]
+local Map = function(xs, f)
+ local ys = {}
+ for _k, v in ipairs(xs) do
+ table.insert(ys, f(v))
+ end
+ return ys
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@param xs A[]
+---@param f fun(x: A, i: integer): B
+---@return B[]
+local Mapi = function(xs, f)
+ local ys = {}
+ local i = 0
+ for _k, v in ipairs(xs) do
+ table.insert(ys, f(v, i))
+ i = i + 1
+ end
+ return ys
+--- ϴ(1) memory allocation
+--- ϴ(N) runtime complexity
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@param xs A[]
+---@param f fun(a: A): B
+---@param reducer fun(b1: B, b2: B): B
+---@param identity B
+---@return B
+local MapReduce = function(xs, f, reducer, identity)
+ local zRef = identity
+ for _k, x in ipairs(xs) do
+ zRef = reducer(f(x), zRef)
+ end
+ return zRef
+---@generic A
+---@param xs A[]
+---@param f fun(x: A): boolean
+---@return boolean
+local Some = function(xs, f)
+ for _k, v in ipairs(xs) do
+ if f(v) then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+---@param xs number[]
+---@return number
+local Sum = function(xs)
+ local total = 0
+ for _k, v in ipairs(xs) do
+ total = total + v
+ end
+ return total
+--- ϴ(1) memory allocation
+--- ϴ(N) runtime complexity
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@param xs A[]
+---@param reducer fun(b1: B, b2: B): B
+---@param identity B
+---@return B
+local Reduce = function(xs, reducer, identity)
+ local zRef = identity
+ for _k, x in ipairs(xs) do
+ zRef = reducer(x, zRef)
+ end
+ return zRef
+---@generic A
+---@generic B
+---@param as A[]
+---@param bs B[]
+---@return [A,B][]
+local Zip2 = function(as, bs)
+ local zipped = {}
+ local l1, l2 = Length(as), Length(bs)
+ if l1 ~= l2 then
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("Warning -- Called Zip2 on arrays of unequal length.", 1.0, 0.5, 0)
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(l1 .. " <> " .. l2, 1.0, 0, 0)
+ end
+ local length = math.min(l1, l2)
+ for i=1, length do
+ zipped[i] = { as[i], bs[i] }
+ end
+ return zipped
+return {
+ Every=Every,
+ Find=Find,
+ Length=Length,
+ Map=Map,
+ Mapi=Mapi,
+ MapReduce=MapReduce,
+ Some=Some,
+ Sum=Sum,
+ Reduce=Reduce,
+ Zip2=Zip2,
+__bundle_register("Component/_Util.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Color = require("Shiver/Color.lua")
+local Widget = require("Shiver/Widget.lua")
+---@class IMouseInteract
+---@field isEnabled boolean
+---@field isHover boolean
+---@field isMouseDown boolean
+local _COLOR_NORMAL = Color:Lift({ 1.0, 0.82, 0.0 })
+local _COLOR_HOVER = Color:Lift({ 1.0, 0.6, 0.0 })
+local _COLOR_MOUSEDOWN = Color:Lift({ 1.0, 0.3, 0.0 })
+local _COLOR_DISABLE = Color:Lift({ 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 })
+---@param self IMouseInteract
+---@return number, number, number
+local SelectColor = function(self)
+ if not self.isEnabled then
+ return _COLOR_DISABLE:Rgb()
+ elseif self.isMouseDown then
+ return _COLOR_MOUSEDOWN:Rgb()
+ elseif self.isHover then
+ return _COLOR_HOVER:Rgb()
+ else
+ return _COLOR_NORMAL:Rgb()
+ end
+---@param self IMouseInteract
+---@param frame Frame
+---@param text nil|string
+local ToggleTooltip = function(self, frame, text)
+ if text ~= nil then
+ if self.isHover then
+ Widget.PositionTooltip(frame)
+ GameTooltip:AddLine(text, nil, nil, nil, 1)
+ GameTooltip:Show()
+ else
+ GameTooltip:Hide()
+ GameTooltip:ClearLines()
+ end
+ end
+return {
+ SelectColor = SelectColor,
+ ToggleTooltip = ToggleTooltip,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Widget.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+---@param anchor Frame
+---@return FrameAnchor
+local calcBestAnchorSide = function(anchor)
+ local screenW = GetScreenWidth()
+ local center = screenW / 2.0
+ -- TODO library coalesce
+ local leftNil = anchor:GetLeft()
+ local rightNil = anchor:GetRight()
+ local left = leftNil and leftNil or 0
+ local right = rightNil and rightNil or screenW
+ -- TODO library psi combinator
+ local dLeft = math.abs(center - left)
+ local dRight = math.abs(center - right)
+ return dLeft < dRight and "ANCHOR_BOTTOMRIGHT" or "ANCHOR_BOTTOMLEFT"
+-- TODO figure out how to let caller specify preferred side, then
+-- flip if there isn't enough room for tooltip. This is hard because
+-- we don't know how big the tooltip is until after rendering it.
+---@param anchor Frame
+---@param x? number
+---@param y? number
+---@return nil
+local PositionTooltip = function(anchor, x, y)
+ local anchorSide = calcBestAnchorSide(anchor)
+ -- TODO library coalesce
+ local xx = (x and x or 0)
+ local yy = (y and y or 0) + anchor:GetHeight()
+ GameTooltip:SetOwner(anchor, anchorSide, xx, yy)
+return {
+ PositionTooltip = PositionTooltip,
+__bundle_register("Shiver/Color.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+---@alias Rgb [number, number, number]
+---@class Color
+---@field private __index? Color
+---@field private cache Rgb
+---@field private default Rgb
+local Color = {}
+---@param store Rgb
+---@return Color
+function Color:Lift(store)
+ local default = { store[1], store[2], store[3] }
+ ---@type Color
+ local o = { cache=store, default=default }
+ setmetatable(o, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ return o
+---@param store Rgb
+---@param default Rgb
+---@return Color
+function Color:LiftReset(store, default)
+ ---@type Color
+ local o = { cache=store, default=default }
+ setmetatable(o, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ return o
+function Color:Reset()
+ self.cache[1] = self.default[1]
+ self.cache[2] = self.default[2]
+ self.cache[3] = self.default[3]
+---@return number, number, number
+function Color:Rgb()
+ local c = self.cache
+ return c[1], c[2], c[3]
+---@return [number, number, number]
+function Color:RgbArray()
+ local c = self.cache
+ return { c[1], c[2], c[3] }
+function Color:R() return self.cache[1] end
+function Color:G() return self.cache[2] end
+function Color:B() return self.cache[3] end
+---@param r number 0 to 1
+---@param g number 0 to 1
+---@param b number 0 to 1
+function Color:SetRgb(r, g, b)
+ self.cache[1] = r
+ self.cache[2] = g
+ self.cache[3] = b
+return Color
+__bundle_register("Modules/UpdateNotifier.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Version = require("Util/Version.lua")
+-- This file based on pfUI's updatenotify.lua
+-- Copyright (c) 2016-2021 Eric Mauser (Shagu)
+-- Copyright (c) 2022 SabineWren
+local hasNotified = false
+local CURRENT = Version:ParseThrows(GetAddOnMetadata("Quiver", "Version"))
+local broadcast = (function()
+ local channelsLogin = { "Battleground", "Raid", "guild" }
+ local channelsPlayerGroup = { "Battleground", "Raid" }
+ local send = function(channels)
+ for _k, chan in channels do
+ SendAddonMessage("Quiver", "VERSION:"..CURRENT.Text, chan)
+ end
+ end
+ return {
+ Group = function() send(channelsPlayerGroup) end,
+ Login = function() send(channelsLogin) end,
+ }
+local checkGroupGrew = (function()
+ local lastSize = 0
+ return function()
+ local sizeRaid = GetNumRaidMembers()
+ local sizeParty = GetNumPartyMembers()
+ local sizeGroup = sizeRaid > 0 and sizeRaid
+ or sizeParty > 0 and sizeParty
+ or 0
+ local isLarger = sizeGroup > lastSize
+ lastSize = sizeGroup
+ return isLarger
+ end
+--- @type Event[]
+local EVENTS = {
+local handleEvent = function()
+ if event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" and arg1 == "Quiver" then
+ local _, _, versionText = string.find(arg2, "VERSION:(.*)")
+ if versionText ~= nil
+ and CURRENT:PredNewer(versionText)
+ and not hasNotified
+ then
+ local URL = "https://github.com/SabineWren/Quiver"
+ local m1 = Quiver.T["New version %s available at %s"]
+ local m2 = Quiver.T["It's always safe to upgrade Quiver. You won't lose any of your configuration."]
+ local text = string.format(m1, versionText, URL)
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cff00ff00Quiver|r - "..text)
+ DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage("|cffdddddd"..m2)
+ hasNotified = true
+ end
+ elseif event == "PARTY_MEMBERS_CHANGED" then
+ if checkGroupGrew() then broadcast.Group() end
+ elseif event == "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" then
+ broadcast.Login()
+ end
+-- ************ Initialization ************
+return function()
+ local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil)
+ frame:SetScript("OnEvent", handleEvent)
+ -- We don't need to unsubscribe, as we never disable the update notifier
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:RegisterEvent(e) end
+__bundle_register("Util/Version.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+---@class Version
+---@field private __index? Version
+---@field private breaking integer
+---@field private feature integer
+---@field private fix integer
+---@field Text string
+local Version = {}
+---@param text string
+---@return Version
+function Version:ParseThrows(text)
+ if text == nil then
+ error("Nil version string")
+ elseif string.len(text) == 0 then
+ error("Empty version string")
+ else
+ local _, _, a, b, c = string.find(text, "(%d+)%.(%d+)%.(%d+)")
+ local x, y, z = tonumber(a), tonumber(b), tonumber(c)
+ if x == nil or y == nil or z == nil then
+ error("Invalid version string: "..text)
+ else
+ ---@type Version
+ local r = {
+ breaking = x,
+ feature = y,
+ fix = z,
+ Text = text,
+ }
+ setmetatable(r, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ return r
+ end
+ end
+---@param text string
+---@return boolean
+function Version:PredNewer(text)
+ local a = self
+ local b = Version:ParseThrows(text)
+ return b.breaking > a.breaking
+ or b.breaking == a.breaking and b.feature > a.feature
+ or b.breaking == a.breaking and b.feature == a.feature and b.fix > a.fix
+return Version
+__bundle_register("Modules/TrueshotAuraAlarm.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local FrameLock = require("Events/FrameLock.lua")
+local Spellcast = require("Events/Spellcast.lua")
+local Spell = require("Shiver/API/Spell.lua")
+local Aura = require("Util/Aura.lua")
+local MODULE_ID = "TrueshotAuraAlarm"
+local store = nil
+local frame = nil
+local UPDATE_DELAY_FAST = 0.1
+local updateDelay = UPDATE_DELAY_SLOW
+local INSET = 4
+-- ************ State ************
+local aura = (function()
+ local knowsAura, isActive, lastUpdate, timeLeft = false, false, 1800, 0
+ return {
+ ShouldUpdate = function(elapsed)
+ lastUpdate = lastUpdate + elapsed
+ return knowsAura and lastUpdate > updateDelay
+ end,
+ UpdateUI = function()
+ knowsAura = Spell.PredSpellLearned(Quiver.L.Spell["Trueshot Aura"])
+ or not Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames
+ isActive, timeLeft = Aura.GetIsActiveAndTimeLeftByTexture(QUIVER.Icon.Trueshot)
+ lastUpdate = 0
+ if not Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames or knowsAura and not isActive then
+ frame.Icon:SetAlpha(0.75)
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(1, 0, 0, 0.8)
+ elseif knowsAura and isActive and timeLeft > 0 and timeLeft < MINUTES_LEFT_WARNING * 60 then
+ frame.Icon:SetAlpha(0.4)
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0, 0.1)
+ else
+ updateDelay = UPDATE_DELAY_SLOW
+ frame.Icon:SetAlpha(0.0)
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+ end
+ end,
+ }
+-- ************ UI ************
+local setFramePosition = function(f, s)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectRestoreSize(s, {
+ })
+ f:SetWidth(s.FrameMeta.W)
+ f:SetHeight(s.FrameMeta.H)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", s.FrameMeta.X, s.FrameMeta.Y)
+local createUI = function()
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ f:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left=INSET, right=INSET, top=INSET, bottom=INSET },
+ })
+ setFramePosition(f, store)
+ f.Icon = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, f)
+ f.Icon:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = QUIVER.Icon.Trueshot, tile = false })
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", INSET, 0)
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Right", f, "Right", -INSET, 0)
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Top", f, "Top", 0, -INSET)
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Bottom", f, "Bottom", 0, INSET)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeMoveable(f, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeResizeable(f, store, { GripMargin=0 })
+ return f
+-- ************ Event Handlers ************
+--- @type Event[]
+local EVENTS = {
+ "SPELLS_CHANGED",-- Open or click thru spellbook, learn/unlearn spell
+local handleEvent = function()
+ if event == "SPELLS_CHANGED" and arg1 ~= "LeftButton"
+ or event == "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED"
+ then
+ aura.UpdateUI()
+ end
+-- ************ Initialization ************
+local onEnable = function()
+ if frame == nil then frame = createUI() end
+ frame:SetScript("OnEvent", handleEvent)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", function()
+ if aura.ShouldUpdate(arg1) then aura.UpdateUI() end
+ end)
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:RegisterEvent(e) end
+ frame:Show()
+ aura.UpdateUI()
+ Spellcast.Instant.Subscribe(MODULE_ID, function(spellName)
+ if spellName == Quiver.L.Spell["Trueshot Aura"] then
+ -- Buffs don't update right away, but we want fast user feedback
+ updateDelay = UPDATE_DELAY_FAST
+ end
+ end)
+local onDisable = function()
+ Spellcast.Instant.Dispose(MODULE_ID)
+ frame:Hide()
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:UnregisterEvent(e) end
+---@type QqModule
+return {
+ GetName = function() return Quiver.T["Trueshot Aura Alarm"] end,
+ GetTooltipText = function() return nil end,
+ OnEnable = onEnable,
+ OnDisable = onDisable,
+ OnInterfaceLock = function() aura.UpdateUI() end,
+ OnInterfaceUnlock = function() aura.UpdateUI() end,
+ OnResetFrames = function()
+ store.FrameMeta = nil
+ if frame then setFramePosition(frame, store) end
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesRestore = function(savedVariables)
+ store = savedVariables
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesPersist = function() return store end,
+__bundle_register("Util/Aura.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local ScanningTooltip = require("Shiver/ScanningTooltip.lua")
+-- This doesn't work for duplicate textures (ex. cheetah + zg mount).
+-- For those you have to scan by name using the GameTooltip.
+local GetIsActiveAndTimeLeftByTexture = function(targetTexture)
+ -- This seems to check debuffs as well (tested with deserter)
+ local maxIndex = QUIVER.Aura_Cap - 1
+ for i=0, maxIndex do
+ local texture = GetPlayerBuffTexture(i)
+ if texture == targetTexture then
+ local timeLeft = GetPlayerBuffTimeLeft(i)
+ return true, timeLeft
+ end
+ end
+ return false, 0
+---@param buffname string
+local PredBuffActive = function(buffname)
+ return ScanningTooltip.Scan(function(tooltip)
+ for i=0, QUIVER.Buff_Cap do
+ local buffIndex, _untilCancelled = GetPlayerBuff(i, "HELPFUL|PASSIVE")
+ if buffIndex >= 0 then
+ tooltip:ClearLines()
+ tooltip:SetPlayerBuff(buffIndex)
+ if ScanningTooltip.GetText("TextLeft", 1) == buffname then
+ return true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false
+ end)
+-- This works great. Don't delete because I'm sure it will be useful in the future.
+local PredIsBuffActiveTimeLeftByName = function(buffname)
+ local tooltip = resetTooltip()
+ for i=0,QUIVER.Buff_Cap do
+ local buffIndex, _untilCancelled = GetPlayerBuff(i, "HELPFUL|PASSIVE")
+ if buffIndex >= 0 then
+ tooltip:ClearLines()
+ tooltip:SetPlayerBuff(buffIndex)
+ local fs1 = _G["QuiverAuraScanningTooltipTextLeft1"]
+ local fs3 = _G["QuiverAuraScanningTooltipTextLeft3"]
+ local auraTimeLeft = fs3 and fs3:GetText() or ""
+ local _, _, strHours = string.find(auraTimeLeft, "(.*) hours remaining")
+ local _, _, strMinutes = string.find(auraTimeLeft, "(.*) minutes remaining")
+ local _, _, strSeconds = string.find(auraTimeLeft, "(.*) seconds remaining")
+ local hours = tonumber(strHours) or 0
+ local minutes = tonumber(strMinutes) or 0
+ local seconds = tonumber(strSeconds) or 0
+ local secondsLeft = seconds + 60 * (minutes + 60 * hours)
+ if fs1 and fs1:GetText() == buffname then
+ return true, secondsLeft
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return false, 0
+return {
+ GetIsActiveAndTimeLeftByTexture = GetIsActiveAndTimeLeftByTexture,
+ PredBuffActive = PredBuffActive,
+__bundle_register("Modules/TranqAnnouncer.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local FrameLock = require("Events/FrameLock.lua")
+local BorderStyle = require("Modules/BorderStyle.provider.lua")
+local Spell = require("Shiver/API/Spell.lua")
+local L = require("Shiver/Lib/All.lua")
+local Print = require("Util/Print.lua")
+local MODULE_ID = "TranqAnnouncer"
+local store = nil
+local frame = nil
+local TRANQ_CD_SEC = 20
+local INSET = 4
+local BORDER_BAR = 1
+local HEIGHT_BAR = 17
+local message = (function()
+ local ADDON_MESSAGE_CAST = "Quiver_Tranq_Shot"
+ local MATCH = ADDON_MESSAGE_CAST..":(.*):(.*)"
+ return {
+ Broadcast = function()
+ local playerName = UnitName("player")
+ local _,_, msLatency = GetNetStats()
+ local serialized = ADDON_MESSAGE_CAST..":"..playerName..":"..msLatency
+ SendAddonMessage("Quiver", serialized, "Raid")
+ end,
+ Deserialize = function(msg)
+ local _, _, nameCaster, latencyOrZero = string.find(msg, MATCH)
+ local msLatencyCaster = latencyOrZero and latencyOrZero or 0
+ -- Game client updates latency every 30 seconds, so it's unlikely
+ -- to break deterministic ordering, but could happen in rare cases.
+ -- Might consider a logical clock or something in the future.
+ local _,_, msLatency = GetNetStats()
+ local timeCastSec = GetTime() - (msLatency + msLatencyCaster) / 1000
+ return nameCaster, timeCastSec
+ end,
+ }
+local getColorForeground = (function()
+ -- It would be expensive to compute non-rgb gradients in Lua during the update loop,
+ -- so we design stop points using an online gradient generator and convert them to RGB.
+ -- lch(52% 100 40) to lch(52% 100 141)
+ -- https://non-boring-gradients.netlify.app/
+ local NUM_COLORS = 17
+ local COLOR_FG = {
+ { 0.95, 0.05, 0.05 },
+ { 0.91, 0.19, 0.0 },
+ { 0.79, 0.35, 0.08 },
+ { 0.75, 0.38, 0.02 },
+ { 0.72, 0.40, 0.0 },
+ { 0.68, 0.43, 0.0 },
+ { 0.64, 0.45, 0.0 },
+ { 0.60, 0.46, 0.0 },
+ { 0.56, 0.48, 0.0 },
+ { 0.52, 0.49, 0.0 },
+ { 0.48, 0.51, 0.0 },
+ { 0.44, 0.52, 0.04 },
+ { 0.40, 0.53, 0.10 },
+ { 0.29, 0.55, 0.0 },
+ { 0.23, 0.55, 0.0 },
+ { 0.15, 0.56, 0.11 },
+ { 0.00, 0.56, 0.18 },
+ }
+ return function(progress)
+ -- Fixes floating point bugs
+ local p = progress <= 0.0 and 0.001
+ or progress >= 1.0 and 0.999
+ or progress
+ local i = math.ceil(p * NUM_COLORS)
+ return unpack(COLOR_FG[i])
+ end
+local createProgressBar = function()
+ local MARGIN_TEXT = 4
+ local bar = CreateFrame("Frame")
+ bar:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeSize = 1,
+ tile = false,
+ })
+ bar:SetBackdropBorderColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
+ local centerVertically = function(ele)
+ ele:SetPoint("Top", bar, "Top", 0, -BORDER_BAR)
+ ele:SetPoint("Bottom", bar, "Bottom", 0, BORDER_BAR)
+ end
+ bar.ProgressFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, bar)
+ centerVertically(bar.ProgressFrame)
+ bar.ProgressFrame:SetPoint("Left", bar, "Left", BORDER_BAR, 0)
+ bar.ProgressFrame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8", tile = false,
+ })
+ bar.FsPlayerName = bar.ProgressFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
+ centerVertically(bar.FsPlayerName)
+ bar.FsPlayerName:SetPoint("Left", bar, "Left", MARGIN_TEXT, 0)
+ bar.FsPlayerName:SetJustifyH("Left")
+ bar.FsPlayerName:SetJustifyV("Center")
+ bar.FsPlayerName:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ bar.FsCdTimer = bar.ProgressFrame:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
+ centerVertically(bar.FsCdTimer)
+ bar.FsCdTimer:SetPoint("Right", bar, "Right", -MARGIN_TEXT, 0)
+ bar.FsCdTimer:SetJustifyH("Right")
+ bar.FsPlayerName:SetJustifyV("Center")
+ bar.FsCdTimer:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ return bar
+local poolProgressBar = (function()
+ local fs = {}
+ return {
+ Acquire = function(parent)
+ local bar = table.remove(fs) or createProgressBar()
+ bar:SetParent(parent)
+ -- Clearing parent on release has side effects: hides frame and change stratas
+ bar:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+ bar.ProgressFrame:SetFrameStrata("Medium")
+ bar:Show()
+ return bar
+ end,
+ Release = function(bar)
+ bar:SetParent(nil)
+ bar:ClearAllPoints()
+ table.insert(fs, bar)
+ end,
+ }
+local getIdealFrameHeight = function()
+ local height = 0
+ for _i, bar in frame.Bars do
+ height = height + bar:GetHeight()
+ end
+ -- Make space for at least 1 bar when UI unlocked
+ if height == 0 then height = HEIGHT_BAR end
+ return height + 2 * INSET
+local adjustBarYOffsets = function()
+ local height = 0
+ for _i, bar in frame.Bars do
+ bar:SetPoint("Left", frame, "Left", INSET, 0)
+ bar:SetPoint("Right", frame, "Right", -INSET, 0)
+ bar:SetPoint("Top", frame, "Top", 0, -height - INSET)
+ height = height + bar:GetHeight()
+ end
+local setFramePosition = function(f, s)
+ local height = getIdealFrameHeight()
+ FrameLock.SideEffectRestoreSize(s, {
+ w=WIDTH_FRAME_DEFAULT, h=height, dx=110, dy=150,
+ })
+ f:SetWidth(s.FrameMeta.W)
+ f:SetHeight(s.FrameMeta.H)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", s.FrameMeta.X, s.FrameMeta.Y)
+local createUI = function()
+ frame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ frame.Bars = {}
+ frame:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+ frame:SetBackdrop({
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left=INSET, right=INSET, top=INSET, bottom=INSET },
+ })
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(BorderStyle.GetColor())
+ setFramePosition(frame, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeMoveable(frame, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeResizeable(frame, store, { GripMargin=4 })
+ return frame
+-- ************ Frame Update Handlers ************
+local getCanHide = function()
+ local now = GetTime()
+ local getIsFinished = function(v)
+ local secElapsed = now - v.TimeCastSec
+ return secElapsed >= TRANQ_CD_SEC
+ end
+ return not UnitAffectingCombat('player')
+ and L.Array.Every(frame.Bars, getIsFinished)
+ and Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames
+local hideFrameDeleteBars = function()
+ frame:Hide()
+ for _k, bar in frame.Bars do
+ poolProgressBar.Release(bar)
+ end
+ frame.Bars = {}
+local handleUpdate = function()
+ if getCanHide() then hideFrameDeleteBars() end
+ -- Animate Progress Bars
+ local now = GetTime()
+ for _k, bar in frame.Bars do
+ local secElapsed = now - bar.TimeCastSec
+ local secProgress = secElapsed > TRANQ_CD_SEC and TRANQ_CD_SEC or secElapsed
+ local percentProgress = secProgress / TRANQ_CD_SEC
+ local width = (bar:GetWidth() - 2 * BORDER_BAR) * percentProgress
+ bar.ProgressFrame:SetWidth(width > 1 and width or 1)
+ bar.FsCdTimer:SetText(string.format("%.1f / %.0f", secProgress, TRANQ_CD_SEC))
+ local r, g, b = getColorForeground(percentProgress)
+ -- RGB scaling doesn't change brightness equally for all colors,
+ -- so we may need to make a separate gradient for bg
+ local s = 0.7
+ bar:SetBackdropColor(r*s, g*s, b*s, 0.8)
+ bar.ProgressFrame:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 0.9)
+ end
+-- ************ Event Handlers ************
+local handleMsg = function(_source, msg)
+ -- For compatibility with other tranq addons, ignore the message source.
+ local nameCaster, timeCastSec = message.Deserialize(msg)
+ if nameCaster ~= nil then
+ local barVisible = L.Array.Find(frame.Bars, function(bar)
+ return bar.FsPlayerName:GetText() == nameCaster
+ end)
+ if barVisible then
+ barVisible.TimeCastSec = timeCastSec
+ else
+ local barNew = poolProgressBar.Acquire(frame)
+ barNew.TimeCastSec = timeCastSec
+ barNew:SetHeight(HEIGHT_BAR)
+ barNew.FsPlayerName:SetText(nameCaster)
+ table.insert(frame.Bars, barNew)
+ end
+ table.sort(frame.Bars, function(a,b) return a.TimeCastSec < b.TimeCastSec end)
+ adjustBarYOffsets()
+ frame:SetHeight(getIdealFrameHeight())
+ frame:Show()
+ end
+--- @type Event[]
+local EVENTS = {
+ "CHAT_MSG_ADDON",-- Also works with macros
+ "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE",-- Detect misses
+local lastCastStart = 0
+local getHasFiredTranq = function()
+ local isCast, cdStart = Spell.CheckNewCd(
+ TRANQ_CD_SEC, lastCastStart, Quiver.L.Spell["Tranquilizing Shot"])
+ lastCastStart = cdStart
+ return isCast
+local handleEvent = function()
+ if event == "CHAT_MSG_ADDON" then
+ handleMsg(arg1, arg2)
+ elseif event == "CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_DAMAGE" then
+ if string.find(arg1, Quiver.L.CombatLog.Tranq.Miss)
+ or string.find(arg1, Quiver.L.CombatLog.Tranq.Resist)
+ or string.find(arg1, Quiver.L.CombatLog.Tranq.Fail)
+ then
+ Print.Line.Say(store.MsgTranqMiss)
+ Print.Line.Raid(store.MsgTranqMiss)
+ end
+ elseif event == "SPELL_UPDATE_COOLDOWN" then
+ if getHasFiredTranq() then
+ message.Broadcast()
+ if store.TranqChannel == "/Say" then
+ Print.Line.Say(store.MsgTranqCast)
+ elseif store.TranqChannel == "/Raid" then
+ Print.Line.Raid(store.MsgTranqCast)
+ -- else don't announce
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local onEnable = function()
+ if frame == nil then frame = createUI() end
+ frame:SetScript("OnEvent", handleEvent)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", handleUpdate)
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:RegisterEvent(e) end
+ if getCanHide() then hideFrameDeleteBars() else frame:Show() end
+local onDisable = function()
+ frame:Hide()
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:UnregisterEvent(e) end
+---@type QqModule
+return {
+ GetName = function() return Quiver.T["Tranq Shot Announcer"] end,
+ GetTooltipText = function() return Quiver.T["Announces in chat when your tranquilizing shot hits or misses a target."] end,
+ OnEnable = onEnable,
+ OnDisable = onDisable,
+ OnInterfaceLock = function()
+ if getCanHide() then hideFrameDeleteBars() end
+ end,
+ OnInterfaceUnlock = function() frame:Show() end,
+ OnResetFrames = function()
+ store.FrameMeta = nil
+ if frame then setFramePosition(frame, store) end
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesRestore = function(savedVariables)
+ store = savedVariables
+ store.MsgTranqMiss = savedVariables.MsgTranqMiss or Quiver.T["*** MISSED Tranq Shot ***"]
+ store.MsgTranqCast = store.MsgTranqCast or Quiver.T["Casting Tranq Shot"]
+ -- TODO DRY violation -- dropdown must match the module store init
+ store.TranqChannel = store.TranqChannel or "/Say"
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesPersist = function() return store end,
+__bundle_register("Modules/RangeIndicator.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local FrameLock = require("Events/FrameLock.lua")
+local Action = require("Shiver/API/Action.lua")
+local MODULE_ID = "RangeIndicator"
+local store = nil
+local frame = nil
+local fontString = nil
+local setFramePosition = function(f, s)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectRestoreSize(s, {
+ w=190, h=35, dx=190 * -0.5, dy=-183,
+ })
+ f:SetWidth(s.FrameMeta.W)
+ f:SetHeight(s.FrameMeta.H)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", s.FrameMeta.X, s.FrameMeta.Y)
+local createUI = function()
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ setFramePosition(f, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeMoveable(f, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeResizeable(f, store, { GripMargin=4 })
+ f:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true,
+ tileSize = 8,
+ edgeSize = 16,
+ insets = { left=4, right=4, top=4, bottom=4 },
+ })
+ f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
+ f:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1)
+ local fs = f:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
+ fs:SetAllPoints(f)
+ fs:SetJustifyH("Center")
+ fs:SetJustifyV("Middle")
+ fs:SetText("Range Indicator")
+ fs:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ return f, fs
+---@param name string
+---@return boolean
+local predSpellInRange = function(name)
+ local slot = Action.FindBySpellName(name)
+ if slot == nil then
+ return false
+ else
+ return IsActionInRange(slot) == 1
+ end
+local checkDistance = {
+ -- https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/API_CheckInteractDistance
+ Inspect=function() return CheckInteractDistance("target", 1) end,-- 11.11 yards
+ Trade=function() return CheckInteractDistance("target", 2) end,-- 11.11 yards
+ Duel=function() return CheckInteractDistance("target", 3) end,-- 9.9 yards (or 10?)
+ Follow=function() return CheckInteractDistance("target", 4) end,-- 28 yards
+ -- Using Action Bars
+ Melee=function() return predSpellInRange(Quiver.L.Spell["Wing Clip"]) end,-- 5 yards
+ Mark=function() return predSpellInRange(Quiver.L.Spell["Hunter's Mark"]) end,-- 100 yards
+ Ranged=function() return predSpellInRange(Quiver.L.Spell["Auto Shot"]) end,-- 35-41 yards (talents)
+ Scare=function() return predSpellInRange(Quiver.L.Spell["Scare Beast"]) end,-- 10 yards
+ Scatter=function() return predSpellInRange(Quiver.L.Spell["Scatter Shot"]) end,-- 15-21 yards (talents)
+local render = function(color, text)
+ fontString:SetText(text)
+ local r, g, b, a = unpack(color)
+ frame:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, a)
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, a)
+ -- if not Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then
+ -- TODO do we care about grip handle color here?
+ -- frame.QuiverGripHandle:GetNormalTexture():SetVertexColor(r, g, b)
+ -- frame.QuiverGripHandle:GetHighlightTexture():SetVertexColor(r+0.3, g-0.1, b+0.3)
+ -- end
+-- ************ Event Handlers ************
+local handleUpdate = function()
+ if checkDistance.Melee() then
+ render(store.ColorMelee, Quiver.T["Melee Range"])
+ elseif checkDistance.Ranged() then
+ if UnitCreatureType("target") == "Beast" and checkDistance.Scare() then
+ render(store.ColorScareBeast, Quiver.T["Scare Beast"])
+ elseif checkDistance.Scatter() then
+ render(store.ColorScatterShot, Quiver.T["Scatter Shot"])
+ elseif checkDistance.Follow() then
+ render(store.ColorShort, Quiver.T["Short Range"])
+ else
+ render(store.ColorLong, Quiver.T["Long Range"])
+ end
+ elseif checkDistance.Follow() then
+ render(store.ColorDeadZone, Quiver.T["Dead Zone"])
+ elseif checkDistance.Mark() then
+ render(store.ColorMark, Quiver.T["Hunter's Mark"])
+ else
+ render(store.ColorTooFar, Quiver.T["Out of Range"])
+ end
+local handleEvent = function()
+ if UnitExists("target")
+ and (not UnitIsDead("target"))
+ and UnitCanAttack("player", "target")
+ then
+ frame:Show()
+ elseif Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames
+ then frame:Hide()
+ end
+-- ************ Initialization ************
+--- @type Event[]
+local EVENTS = {
+local onEnable = function()
+ if frame == nil then frame, fontString = createUI() end
+ frame:SetScript("OnEvent", handleEvent)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", handleUpdate)
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:RegisterEvent(e) end
+ if Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then handleEvent() else frame:Show() end
+local onDisable = function()
+ frame:Hide()
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:UnregisterEvent(e) end
+---@type QqModule
+return {
+ GetName = function() return Quiver.T["Range Indicator"] end,
+ GetTooltipText = function() return Quiver.T["Shows when abilities are in range. Requires spellbook abilities placed somewhere on your action bars."] end,
+ OnEnable = onEnable,
+ OnDisable = onDisable,
+ OnInterfaceLock = function() handleEvent() end,
+ OnInterfaceUnlock = function() frame:Show() end,
+ OnResetFrames = function()
+ store.FrameMeta = nil
+ if frame then setFramePosition(frame, store) end
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesRestore = function(savedVariables)
+ store = savedVariables
+ store.ColorMelee = store.ColorMelee or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Melee
+ store.ColorDeadZone = store.ColorDeadZone or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.DeadZone
+ store.ColorScareBeast = store.ColorScareBeast or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.ScareBeast
+ store.ColorScatterShot = store.ColorScatterShot or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.ScatterShot
+ store.ColorShort = store.ColorShort or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Short
+ store.ColorLong = store.ColorLong or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Long
+ store.ColorMark = store.ColorMark or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Mark
+ store.ColorTooFar = store.ColorTooFar or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.TooFar
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesPersist = function() return store end,
+__bundle_register("Modules/Castbar.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local FrameLock = require("Events/FrameLock.lua")
+local Spellcast = require("Events/Spellcast.lua")
+local BorderStyle = require("Modules/BorderStyle.provider.lua")
+local Haste = require("Shiver/Haste.lua")
+local MODULE_ID = "Castbar"
+local store = nil
+local frame = nil
+local maxBarWidth = 0
+local castTime = 0
+local isCasting = false
+local timeStartCasting = 0
+-- ************ UI ************
+local styleCastbar = function(f)
+ local sizeInset = BorderStyle.GetInsetSize()
+ if BorderStyle.GetStyle() == "Tooltip" then
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ edgeSize = 10,
+ insets = { left=sizeInset, right=sizeInset, top=sizeInset, bottom=sizeInset },
+ })
+ f:SetBackdropBorderColor(BorderStyle.GetColor())
+ else
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeSize = sizeInset,
+ })
+ f:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.8)
+ end
+ f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
+ maxBarWidth = f:GetWidth() - 2 * sizeInset
+ f.Castbar:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", sizeInset, 0)
+ f.Castbar:SetWidth(1)
+ f.Castbar:SetHeight(f:GetHeight() - 2 * sizeInset)
+ f.SpellName:SetWidth(maxBarWidth)
+ f.SpellTime:SetWidth(maxBarWidth)
+ local path, _size, flags = f.SpellName:GetFont()
+ local textMargin = 5
+ local calcFontSize = f:GetHeight() - sizeInset - textMargin
+ local fontSize = calcFontSize > 18 and 18
+ or calcFontSize < 10 and 10
+ or calcFontSize
+ f.SpellName:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", textMargin, 0)
+ f.SpellTime:SetPoint("Right", f, "Right", -textMargin, 0)
+ f.SpellName:SetFont(path, fontSize, flags)
+ f.SpellTime:SetFont(path, fontSize, flags)
+local setFramePosition = function(f, s)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectRestoreSize(s, {
+ w=240, h=20, dx=240 * -0.5, dy=-116,
+ })
+ f:SetWidth(s.FrameMeta.W)
+ f:SetHeight(s.FrameMeta.H)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", s.FrameMeta.X, s.FrameMeta.Y, 0, 0)
+local createUI = function()
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ f:SetFrameStrata("HIGH")
+ f.Castbar = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, f)
+ f.Castbar:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ })
+ f.SpellName = f.Castbar:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ f.SpellName:SetJustifyH("Left")
+ f.SpellName:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ f.SpellTime = f.Castbar:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ f.SpellTime:SetJustifyH("Right")
+ f.SpellTime:SetTextColor(1, 1, 1)
+ setFramePosition(f, store)
+ styleCastbar(f)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeMoveable(f, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeResizeable(f, store, {
+ GripMargin=4,
+ OnResizeDrag=function() styleCastbar(f) end,
+ OnResizeEnd=function() styleCastbar(f) end,
+ IsCenterX=true,
+ })
+ return f
+-- ************ Custom Event Handlers ************
+local displayTime = function(current)
+ if current < 0 then current = 0 end
+ frame.SpellTime:SetText(string.format("%.1f / %.2f", current, castTime))
+---@param nameEnglish string
+---@param nameLocalized string
+local onSpellcast = function(nameEnglish, nameLocalized)
+ if isCasting then return end
+ isCasting = true
+ local _timeStartLocal
+ castTime, timeStartCasting, _timeStartLocal = Haste.CalcCastTime(nameEnglish)
+ frame.SpellName:SetText(nameLocalized)
+ frame.Castbar:SetWidth(1)
+ displayTime(0)
+ local r, g, b = unpack(store.ColorCastbar)
+ frame.Castbar:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 1)
+ frame:Show()
+-- ************ Frame Update Handlers ************
+local handleUpdate = function()
+ local timePassed = GetTime() - timeStartCasting
+ if not isCasting then
+ frame.Castbar:SetWidth(1)
+ elseif timePassed <= castTime then
+ displayTime(timePassed)
+ frame.Castbar:SetWidth(maxBarWidth * timePassed / castTime)
+ else
+ displayTime(castTime)
+ frame.Castbar:SetWidth(maxBarWidth)
+ end
+-- ************ Event Handlers ************
+local handleEvent = function()
+ if event == "SPELLCAST_DELAYED" then
+ castTime = castTime + arg1 / 1000
+ else
+ isCasting = false
+ if Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then frame:Hide() end
+ end
+-- ************ Initialization ************
+--- @type Event[]
+local EVENTS = {
+local onEnable = function()
+ if frame == nil then frame = createUI() end
+ if Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames then frame:Hide() else frame:Show() end
+ frame:SetScript("OnEvent", handleEvent)
+ frame:SetScript("OnUpdate", handleUpdate)
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:RegisterEvent(e) end
+ BorderStyle.Subscribe(MODULE_ID, function(_style)
+ if frame ~= nil then styleCastbar(frame) end
+ end)
+ Spellcast.CastableShot.Subscribe(MODULE_ID, onSpellcast)
+local onDisable = function()
+ Spellcast.CastableShot.Dispose(MODULE_ID)
+ BorderStyle.Dispose(MODULE_ID)
+ if frame ~= nil then
+ frame:Hide()
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:UnregisterEvent(e) end
+ end
+---@type QqModule
+return {
+ GetName = function() return Quiver.T["Castbar"] end,
+ GetTooltipText = function() return Quiver.T["Shows Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, and Trueshot."] end,
+ OnEnable = onEnable,
+ OnDisable = onDisable,
+ OnInterfaceLock = function() if not isCasting then frame:Hide() end end,
+ OnInterfaceUnlock = function() frame:Show() end,
+ OnResetFrames = function()
+ store.FrameMeta = nil
+ if frame then
+ setFramePosition(frame, store)
+ styleCastbar(frame)
+ end
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesRestore = function(savedVariables)
+ store = savedVariables
+ store.ColorCastbar = store.ColorCastbar or QUIVER.ColorDefault.Castbar
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesPersist = function() return store end,
+__bundle_register("Modules/Aspect_Tracker/AspectTracker.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local FrameLock = require("Events/FrameLock.lua")
+local Spell = require("Shiver/API/Spell.lua")
+local Aura = require("Util/Aura.lua")
+local MODULE_ID = "AspectTracker"
+local store = nil---@type StoreAspectTracker
+local frame = nil
+local INSET = 5
+local TRANSPARENCY = 0.5
+local chooseIconTexture = function()
+ if Aura.PredBuffActive(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Beast"]) then
+ return QUIVER.Icon.Aspect_Beast
+ elseif Aura.PredBuffActive(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Cheetah"]) then
+ return QUIVER.Icon.Aspect_Cheetah
+ elseif Aura.PredBuffActive(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Monkey"]) then
+ return QUIVER.Icon.Aspect_Monkey
+ elseif Aura.PredBuffActive(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Wild"]) then
+ return QUIVER.Icon.Aspect_Wild
+ elseif Aura.PredBuffActive(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Wolf"]) then
+ return QUIVER.Icon.Aspect_Wolf
+ elseif Spell.PredSpellLearned(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Hawk"])
+ and not Aura.PredBuffActive(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Hawk"])
+ or not Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames
+ then
+ return QUIVER.Icon.Aspect_Hawk
+ else
+ return nil
+ end
+-- ************ UI ************
+local updateUI = function()
+ local activeTexture = chooseIconTexture()
+ if activeTexture then
+ frame.Icon:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = activeTexture, tile = false })
+ frame.Icon:SetAlpha(TRANSPARENCY)
+ else
+ frame.Icon:SetAlpha(0.0)
+ end
+ -- Exclude Pack from main texture, since party members can apply it.
+ -- I don't have a simple way of detecting who cast it, because
+ -- the cancellable bit is 1 even if a party member cast it.
+ if Aura.PredBuffActive(Quiver.L.Spell["Aspect of the Pack"]) then
+ frame:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ edgeSize = 20,
+ insets = { left=INSET, right=INSET, top=INSET, bottom=INSET },
+ tile = false,
+ })
+ frame:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0)
+ else
+ frame:SetBackdrop({ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8", tile = false })
+ end
+ frame:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0)
+local setFramePosition = function(f, s)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectRestoreSize(s, {
+ })
+ f:SetWidth(s.FrameMeta.W)
+ f:SetHeight(s.FrameMeta.H)
+ f:SetPoint("TopLeft", s.FrameMeta.X, s.FrameMeta.Y)
+local createUI = function()
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ f:SetFrameStrata("LOW")
+ setFramePosition(f, store)
+ f.Icon = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, f)
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", INSET, 0)
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Right", f, "Right", -INSET, 0)
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Top", f, "Top", 0, -INSET)
+ f.Icon:SetPoint("Bottom", f, "Bottom", 0, INSET)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeMoveable(f, store)
+ FrameLock.SideEffectMakeResizeable(f, store, { GripMargin=0 })
+ return f
+-- ************ Event Handlers ************
+--- @type Event[]
+local EVENTS = {
+ "SPELLS_CHANGED",-- Open or click thru spellbook, learn/unlearn spell
+local handleEvent = function()
+ if event == "SPELLS_CHANGED" and arg1 ~= "LeftButton"
+ or event == "PLAYER_AURAS_CHANGED"
+ then
+ updateUI()
+ end
+-- ************ Initialization ************
+local onEnable = function()
+ if frame == nil then frame = createUI() end
+ updateUI()
+ frame:SetScript("OnEvent", handleEvent)
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:RegisterEvent(e) end
+ frame:Show()
+local onDisable = function()
+ frame:Hide()
+ for _k, e in EVENTS do frame:UnregisterEvent(e) end
+---@type QqModule
+return {
+ GetName = function() return Quiver.T["Aspect Tracker"] end,
+ GetTooltipText = function() return nil end,
+ OnEnable = onEnable,
+ OnDisable = onDisable,
+ OnInterfaceLock = function() updateUI() end,
+ OnInterfaceUnlock = function() updateUI() end,
+ OnResetFrames = function()
+ store.FrameMeta = nil
+ if frame then setFramePosition(frame, store) end
+ end,
+ ---@param savedVariables StoreAspectTracker
+ OnSavedVariablesRestore = function(savedVariables)
+ store = savedVariables
+ end,
+ OnSavedVariablesPersist = function() return store end,
+__bundle_register("Migrations/Runner.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local M001 = require("Migrations/M001.lua")
+local M002 = require("Migrations/M002.lua")
+local M003 = require("Migrations/M003.lua")
+local Version = require("Util/Version.lua")
+return function()
+ -- toc version (after 1.0.0) persists to saved variables. A clean
+ -- install has no saved variables, which distinguishes a 1.0.0 install.
+ if Quiver_Store == nil then
+ Quiver_Store = {}
+ else
+ local vOld = Version:ParseThrows(Quiver_Store.Version or "1.0.0")
+ if vOld:PredNewer("2.0.0") then M001() end
+ if vOld:PredNewer("2.3.1") then M002() end
+ if vOld:PredNewer("2.5.0") then M003() end
+ end
+ Quiver_Store.Version = GetAddOnMetadata("Quiver", "Version")
+__bundle_register("Migrations/M003.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local TranqAnnouncer = require("Modules/TranqAnnouncer.lua")
+return function()
+ local mstore = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore or {}
+ local s = mstore[TranqAnnouncer.Id] or {}
+ if s.MsgTranqHit then
+ -- We notify on tranq cast instead of hit. To prevent a breaking
+ -- release version, attempt changing contradictory text.
+ local startPos, _ = string.find(string.lower(s.MsgTranqHit), "hit")
+ if startPos then
+ s.MsgTranqHit = Quiver.T["Casting Tranq Shot"]
+ end
+ -- Change name to account for new behaviour
+ s.MsgTranqCast = s.MsgTranqHit
+ s.MsgTranqHit = nil
+ end
+__bundle_register("Migrations/M002.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local AutoShotTimer = require("Modules/Auto_Shot_Timer/AutoShotTimer.lua")
+return function()
+ local mstore = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore or {}
+ local s = mstore[AutoShotTimer.Id] or {}
+ -- Change colour to color
+ if s.ColourShoot then s.ColorShoot = s.ColourShoot end
+ if s.ColorReload then s.ColorReload = s.ColourReload end
+ s.ColourShoot = nil
+ s.ColourReload = nil
+__bundle_register("Migrations/M001.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local AutoShotTimer = require("Modules/Auto_Shot_Timer/AutoShotTimer.lua")
+return function()
+ local mstore = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore
+ if mstore == nil or Quiver_Store.FrameMeta == nil then return end
+ -- Rename Auto Shot timer module
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[AutoShotTimer.Id] = Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled["AutoShotCastbar"]
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled["AutoShotCastbar"] = nil
+ mstore[AutoShotTimer.Id] = mstore["AutoShotCastbar"]
+ mstore["AutoShotCastbar"] = nil
+ Quiver_Store.FrameMeta[AutoShotTimer.Id] = Quiver_Store.FrameMeta["AutoShotCastbar"]
+ Quiver_Store.FrameMeta["AutoShotCastbar"] = nil
+ -- Move all module-specific frame data into module stores
+ for _k, v in _G.Quiver_Modules do
+ if mstore[v.Id] and Quiver_Store.FrameMeta[v.Id] then
+ mstore[v.Id].FrameMeta = Quiver_Store.FrameMeta[v.Id]
+ end
+ end
+ Quiver_Store.FrameMeta = nil
+__bundle_register("Config/MainMenu.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Button = require("Component/Button.lua")
+local CheckButton = require("Component/CheckButton.lua")
+local Dialog = require("Component/Dialog.lua")
+local Select = require("Component/Select.lua")
+local Switch = require("Component/Switch.lua")
+local TitleBox = require("Component/TitleBox.lua")
+local Color = require("Config/Color.lua")
+local InputText = require("Config/InputText.lua")
+local FrameLock = require("Events/FrameLock.lua")
+local AutoShotTimer = require("Modules/Auto_Shot_Timer/AutoShotTimer.lua")
+local BorderStyle = require("Modules/BorderStyle.provider.lua")
+local TranqAnnouncer = require("Modules/TranqAnnouncer.lua")
+local L = require("Shiver/Lib/All.lua")
+local createModuleControls = function(parent, m)
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)
+ local btnReset = Button:Create(f, QUIVER.Icon.Reset)
+ btnReset.TooltipText = Quiver.T["Reset Frame Size and Position"]
+ btnReset.HookClick = function() m.OnResetFrames() end
+ if not Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[m.Id] then
+ btnReset:ToggleEnabled(false)
+ end
+ local switch = Switch:Create(f, {
+ IsChecked = Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[m.Id],
+ LabelText = m.GetName(),
+ TooltipText = m.GetTooltipText(),
+ OnChange = function (isChecked)
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleEnabled[m.Id] = isChecked
+ if isChecked then
+ m.OnEnable()
+ else
+ m.OnDisable()
+ end
+ btnReset:ToggleEnabled(isChecked)
+ end,
+ })
+ local x = 0
+ local gap = 8
+ btnReset.Container:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", x, 0)
+ x = x + btnReset.Container:GetWidth() + gap
+ switch.Container:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", x, 0)
+ x = x + switch.Container:GetWidth()
+ f:SetHeight(switch.Container:GetHeight())
+ f:SetWidth(x)
+ return f
+local createAllModuleControls = function(parent, gap)
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)
+ local frames = L.Array.Mapi(_G.Quiver_Modules, function(m, i)
+ local frame = createModuleControls(f, m)
+ local yOffset = i * (frame:GetHeight() + gap)
+ frame:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", 0, 0)
+ frame:SetPoint("Top", f, "Top", 0, -yOffset)
+ return frame
+ end)
+ local maxWidths =
+ L.Array.MapReduce(frames, function(x) return x:GetWidth() end, math.max, 0)
+ local totalHeight =
+ L.Array.MapReduce(frames, function(x) return x:GetHeight() + gap end, L.Add, 0)
+ - gap
+ f:SetHeight(totalHeight)
+ f:SetWidth(maxWidths)
+ return f
+local makeSelectAutoShotTimerDirection = function(parent)
+ -- Factored out text until we can re-render options upon locale change.
+ -- Otherwise, the change handler with compare wrong locale.
+ local both = Quiver.T["Both Directions"]
+ local selected = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[AutoShotTimer.Id].BarDirection
+ local options = { Quiver.T["Left to Right"], both }
+ return Select:Create(parent,
+ Quiver.T["Auto Shot Timer"],
+ options,
+ Quiver.T[selected],
+ function(text)
+ -- Reverse map from localized text to saved value
+ local direction = text == both and "BothDirections" or "LeftToRight"
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[AutoShotTimer.Id].BarDirection = direction
+ AutoShotTimer.UpdateDirection()
+ end
+ )
+local makeSelectBorderStyle = function(parent)
+ local tooltip = Quiver.T["Tooltip"]
+ local selected = Quiver_Store.Border_Style
+ local options = { Quiver.T["Simple"], tooltip }
+ return Select:Create(parent,
+ Quiver.T["Border Style"],
+ options,
+ Quiver.T[selected],
+ function(text)
+ -- Reverse map from localized text to saved value
+ local style = text == tooltip and "Tooltip" or "Simple"
+ BorderStyle.ChangeAndPublish(style)
+ end
+ )
+local makeSelectChannelHit = function(parent)
+ local defaultTranqText = (function()
+ local store = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[TranqAnnouncer.Id]
+ -- TODO DRY violation -- dropdown must match the module store init
+ return store and store.TranqChannel or "/Say"
+ end)()
+ return Select:Create(parent,
+ Quiver.T["Tranq Speech"],
+ { Quiver.T["None"], "/Say", "/Raid" },
+ defaultTranqText,
+ function(text)
+ local val = (function()
+ if text == Quiver.T["None"] then
+ return "None"
+ else
+ return text or "/Say"
+ end
+ end)()
+ Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[TranqAnnouncer.Id].TranqChannel = val
+ end
+ )
+local makeSelectDebugLevel = function(parent)
+ return Select:Create(parent,
+ Quiver.T["Debug Level"],
+ { Quiver.T["None"], Quiver.T["Verbose"] },
+ Quiver_Store.DebugLevel == "Verbose" and Quiver.T["Verbose"] or Quiver.T["None"],
+ function(text)
+ local level = text == Quiver.T["Verbose"] and "Verbose" or "None"
+ Quiver_Store.DebugLevel = level
+ end
+ )
+local Create = function()
+ -- WoW uses border-box content sizing
+ local _PADDING_CLOSE = QUIVER.Size.Border + 6
+ local _PADDING_FAR = QUIVER.Size.Border + QUIVER.Size.Gap
+ local dialog = Dialog.Create(_PADDING_CLOSE)
+ local titleText = "Quiver " .. GetAddOnMetadata("Quiver", "Version")
+ local titleBox = TitleBox.Create(dialog, titleText)
+ titleBox:SetPoint("Center", dialog, "Top", 0, -10)
+ local btnCloseTop = Button:Create(dialog, QUIVER.Icon.XMark)
+ btnCloseTop.TooltipText = Quiver.T["Close Window"]
+ btnCloseTop.HookClick = function() dialog:Hide() end
+ btnCloseTop.Container:SetPoint("TopRight", dialog, "TopRight", -_PADDING_CLOSE, -_PADDING_CLOSE)
+ local btnToggleLock = CheckButton:Create(dialog, {
+ IsChecked = Quiver_Store.IsLockedFrames,
+ OnChange = function(isLocked) FrameLock.SetIsLocked(isLocked) end,
+ TexPathOff = QUIVER.Icon.LockOpen,
+ TexPathOn = QUIVER.Icon.LockClosed,
+ TooltipText=Quiver.T["Lock/Unlock Frames"],
+ })
+ FrameLock.Init()
+ local lockOffsetX = _PADDING_CLOSE + QUIVER.Size.Icon + QUIVER.Size.Gap/2
+ btnToggleLock.Icon:SetPoint("TopRight", dialog, "TopRight", -lockOffsetX, -_PADDING_CLOSE)
+ local btnResetFrames = Button:Create(dialog, QUIVER.Icon.Reset)
+ btnResetFrames.TooltipText = Quiver.T["Reset All Frame Sizes and Positions"]
+ btnResetFrames.HookClick = function()
+ for _k, v in _G.Quiver_Modules do v.OnResetFrames() end
+ end
+ local resetOffsetX = lockOffsetX + btnResetFrames.Container:GetWidth() + QUIVER.Size.Gap/2
+ btnResetFrames.Container:SetPoint("TopRight", dialog, "TopRight", -resetOffsetX, -_PADDING_CLOSE)
+ local controls = createAllModuleControls(dialog, QUIVER.Size.Gap)
+ local colorPickers = Color.Create(dialog, QUIVER.Size.Gap)
+ local yOffset = -_PADDING_CLOSE - QUIVER.Size.Icon - QUIVER.Size.Gap
+ controls:SetPoint("Top", dialog, "Top", 0, yOffset)
+ controls:SetPoint("Left", dialog, "Left", _PADDING_FAR, 0)
+ colorPickers:SetPoint("Top", dialog, "Top", 0, yOffset)
+ colorPickers:SetPoint("Right", dialog, "Right", -_PADDING_FAR, 0)
+ dialog:SetWidth(_PADDING_FAR + controls:GetWidth() + _PADDING_FAR + colorPickers:GetWidth() + _PADDING_FAR)
+ local ddContainer = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, dialog)
+ local selectChannelHit = makeSelectChannelHit(ddContainer)
+ local selectAutoShotTimerDirection = makeSelectAutoShotTimerDirection(ddContainer)
+ local selectBorderStyle = makeSelectBorderStyle(ddContainer)
+ local selectDebugLevel = makeSelectDebugLevel(ddContainer)
+ selectChannelHit.Container:SetPoint("Right", ddContainer, "Right")
+ selectAutoShotTimerDirection.Container:SetPoint("Right", ddContainer, "Right")
+ selectBorderStyle.Container:SetPoint("Right", ddContainer, "Right")
+ selectDebugLevel.Container:SetPoint("Right", ddContainer, "Right")
+ local dropdownY = 0
+ selectChannelHit.Container:SetPoint("Top", ddContainer, "Top", 0, dropdownY)
+ dropdownY = dropdownY - QUIVER.Size.Gap - selectChannelHit.Container:GetHeight()
+ selectAutoShotTimerDirection.Container:SetPoint("Top", ddContainer, "Top", 0, dropdownY)
+ dropdownY = dropdownY - QUIVER.Size.Gap - selectAutoShotTimerDirection.Container:GetHeight()
+ selectBorderStyle.Container:SetPoint("Top", ddContainer, "Top", 0, dropdownY)
+ dropdownY = dropdownY - QUIVER.Size.Gap - selectBorderStyle.Container:GetHeight()
+ selectDebugLevel.Container:SetPoint("Top", ddContainer, "Top", 0, dropdownY)
+ dropdownY = dropdownY - selectDebugLevel.Container:GetHeight()
+ ddContainer:SetPoint("Top", dialog, "Top", 0, yOffset - controls:GetHeight() - _PADDING_FAR)
+ ddContainer:SetPoint("Right", dialog, "Right", -(_PADDING_FAR + colorPickers:GetWidth() + _PADDING_FAR), 0)
+ ddContainer:SetHeight(-dropdownY)
+ local dropdowns = { selectChannelHit, selectAutoShotTimerDirection, selectBorderStyle, selectDebugLevel }
+ local maxWidth = L.Array.MapReduce(dropdowns, function(x) return x.Container:GetWidth() end, math.max, 0)
+ ddContainer:SetHeight(-dropdownY)
+ ddContainer:SetWidth(maxWidth)
+ local hLeft = controls:GetHeight() + _PADDING_FAR + ddContainer:GetHeight()
+ local hRight = colorPickers:GetHeight()
+ local hMax = hRight > hLeft and hRight or hLeft
+ yOffset = yOffset - hMax - QUIVER.Size.Gap
+ local tranqOptions = InputText.Create(dialog, QUIVER.Size.Gap)
+ tranqOptions:SetPoint("TopLeft", dialog, "TopLeft", 0, yOffset)
+ yOffset = yOffset - tranqOptions:GetHeight()
+ yOffset = yOffset - QUIVER.Size.Gap
+ dialog:SetHeight(-1 * yOffset + _PADDING_CLOSE + QUIVER.Size.Button)
+ return dialog
+return {
+ Create = Create,
+__bundle_register("Config/InputText.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local EditBox = require("Component/EditBox.lua")
+local TranqAnnouncer = require("Modules/TranqAnnouncer.lua")
+-- TODO this is tightly coupled to tranq announcer,
+-- which doesn't make sense for a separate component.
+local Create = function(parent, gap)
+ local store = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[TranqAnnouncer.Id]
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)
+ local editCast = EditBox:Create(f, Quiver.T["Reset Tranq Message to Default"])
+ editCast.Box:SetText(store.MsgTranqCast)
+ editCast.Box:SetScript("OnTextChanged", function()
+ store.MsgTranqCast = editCast.Box:GetText()
+ end)
+ editCast.Reset.HookClick = function()
+ editCast.Box:SetText(Quiver.T["Casting Tranq Shot"])
+ end
+ local editMiss = EditBox:Create(f, Quiver.T["Reset Miss Message to Default"])
+ editMiss.Box:SetText(store.MsgTranqMiss)
+ editMiss.Box:SetScript("OnTextChanged", function()
+ store.MsgTranqMiss = editMiss.Box:GetText()
+ end)
+ editMiss.Reset.HookClick = function()
+ editMiss.Box:SetText(Quiver.T["*** MISSED Tranq Shot ***"])
+ end
+ local height1 = editCast.Box:GetHeight()
+ editCast.Box:SetPoint("Top", f, "Top", 0, 0)
+ editMiss.Box:SetPoint("Top", f, "Top", 0, -1 * (height1 + gap))
+ f:SetWidth(parent:GetWidth())
+ f:SetHeight(height1 + gap + editMiss.Box:GetHeight())
+ return f
+return {
+ Create = Create,
+__bundle_register("Component/EditBox.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Button = require("Component/Button.lua")
+local _GAP = QUIVER.Size.Gap
+local _GAP_RESET = 4
+---@class QqEditBox
+---@field private __index? QqEditBox
+---@field Box EditBox
+---@field Reset QqButton
+local QqEditBox = {}
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param tooltipText string
+---@return QqEditBox
+function QqEditBox:Create(parent, tooltipText)
+ local box = CreateFrame("EditBox", nil, parent)
+ box:SetWidth(300)
+ box:SetHeight(25)
+ ---@type QqEditBox
+ local r = {
+ Box = box,
+ Reset = Button:Create(box, QUIVER.Icon.Reset),
+ }
+ r.Reset.TooltipText = tooltipText
+ setmetatable(r, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ local fMarginLeft = QUIVER.Size.Border + _GAP
+ local fMarginRight = QUIVER.Size.Border + _GAP + QUIVER.Size.Icon + _GAP_RESET
+ local xr = r.Reset.Container:GetWidth() + _GAP_RESET
+ r.Reset.Container:SetPoint("Right", box, "Right", xr, 0)
+ box:SetPoint("Left", parent, "Left", fMarginLeft, 0)
+ box:SetPoint("Right", parent, "Right", -fMarginRight, 0)
+ box:SetTextColor(.5, 1, .8, 1)
+ box:SetJustifyH("Left")
+ box:SetMaxLetters(50)
+ box:SetFontObject(GameFontNormalSmall)
+ box:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true,
+ tileSize = 32,
+ edgeSize = 10,
+ insets = { left=3, right=3, top=3, bottom=3 },
+ })
+ box:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ box:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1)
+ box:SetTextInsets(6,6,0,0)
+ box:SetAutoFocus(false)
+ box:SetScript("OnEscapePressed", function() box:ClearFocus() end)
+ box:SetScript("OnEnterPressed", function() box:ClearFocus() end)
+ return r
+return QqEditBox
+__bundle_register("Config/Color.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Button = require("Component/Button.lua")
+local ColorSwatch = require("Component/ColorSwatch.lua")
+local AutoShotTimer = require("Modules/Auto_Shot_Timer/AutoShotTimer.lua")
+local Castbar = require("Modules/Castbar.lua")
+local RangeIndicator = require("Modules/RangeIndicator.lua")
+local Color = require("Shiver/Color.lua")
+local L = require("Shiver/Lib/All.lua")
+---@param c1 Color
+---@param c2 Color
+local createBtnColorSwap = function(parent, f1, f2, c1, c2)
+ local f = Button:Create(parent, QUIVER.Icon.ArrowsSwap, Quiver.T["Shoot / Reload"])
+ f.TooltipText = Quiver.T["Swap Shoot and Reload Colours"]
+ f.HookClick = function()
+ -- Swap colors
+ local r, g, b = c1:Rgb()
+ c1:SetRgb(c2:Rgb())
+ c2:SetRgb(r, g, b)
+ -- Update preview button
+ f1.Button:SetBackdropColor(c1:Rgb())
+ f2.Button:SetBackdropColor(c2:Rgb())
+ end
+ return f
+---@param f Frame
+---@param label string
+---@param store Rgb
+---@param default Rgb
+local swatch = function(f, label, store, default)
+ local color = Color:LiftReset(store, default)
+ return ColorSwatch:Create(f, label, color)
+local Create = function(parent, gap)
+ local storeAutoShotTimer = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[AutoShotTimer.Id]
+ local storeCastbar = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[Castbar.Id]
+ local storeRange = Quiver_Store.ModuleStore[RangeIndicator.Id]
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)
+ local colorShoot = Color:LiftReset(storeAutoShotTimer.ColorShoot, QUIVER.ColorDefault.AutoShotShoot)
+ local colorReload = Color:LiftReset(storeAutoShotTimer.ColorReload, QUIVER.ColorDefault.AutoShotReload)
+ local optionShoot = ColorSwatch:Create(f, Quiver.T["Shooting"], colorShoot)
+ local optionReload = ColorSwatch:Create(f, Quiver.T["Reloading"], colorReload)
+ local elements = {
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Casting"], storeCastbar.ColorCastbar, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Castbar),
+ createBtnColorSwap(f, optionShoot, optionReload, colorShoot, colorReload),
+ optionShoot,
+ optionReload,
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Melee Range"], storeRange.ColorMelee, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Melee),
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Dead Zone"], storeRange.ColorDeadZone, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.DeadZone),
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Scare Beast"], storeRange.ColorScareBeast, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.ScareBeast),
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Scatter Shot"], storeRange.ColorScatterShot, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.ScatterShot),
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Short Range"], storeRange.ColorShort, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Short),
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Long Range"], storeRange.ColorLong, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Long),
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Hunter's Mark"], storeRange.ColorMark, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.Mark),
+ swatch(f, Quiver.T["Out of Range"], storeRange.ColorTooFar, QUIVER.ColorDefault.Range.TooFar),
+ }
+ -- Right align buttons using minimum amount of space
+ local labelMaxWidth = L.Array.MapReduce(
+ elements,
+ function(x) return x.Label and x.Label:GetWidth() or 0 end,
+ L.Max,
+ 0
+ )
+ local y = 0
+ for _,ele in elements do
+ if ele.WidthMinusLabel ~= nil then
+ ele.Container:SetWidth(ele.WidthMinusLabel + labelMaxWidth)
+ end
+ ele.Container:SetPoint("Left", f, "Left", 0, 0)
+ ele.Container:SetPoint("Top", f, "Top", 0, -y)
+ y = y + ele.Container:GetHeight() + gap
+ end
+ f:SetWidth(L.Array.MapReduce(elements, function(x) return x.Container:GetWidth() end, math.max, 0))
+ f:SetHeight(y)
+ return f
+return {
+ Create = Create,
+__bundle_register("Component/ColorSwatch.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Button = require("Component/Button.lua")
+---@param color Color
+---@param button Frame
+local openColorPicker = function(color, button)
+ -- colors at time of opening picker
+ local ri, gi, bi = color:Rgb()
+ -- Must replace existing callback before changing anything else,
+ -- or edits can fire previous callback, contaminating other values.
+ ColorPickerFrame.func = function()
+ local r, g, b = ColorPickerFrame:GetColorRGB()
+ color:SetRgb(r, g, b)
+ button:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 1)
+ end
+ ColorPickerFrame.cancelFunc = function()
+ color:SetRgb(ri, gi, bi)
+ button:SetBackdropColor(ri, gi, bi, 1)
+ -- Reset native picker
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetFrameStrata("MEDIUM")
+ end
+ ColorPickerFrame.hasOpacity = false
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetColorRGB(ri, gi, bi)
+ ColorPickerFrame:SetFrameStrata("FULLSCREEN_DIALOG")
+ ColorPickerFrame:Show()
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param color Color
+---@return Frame
+local createButton = function(parent, color)
+ local f = CreateFrame("Button", nil, parent)
+ f:SetWidth(40)
+ f:SetHeight(20)
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Border",
+ tile = true,
+ tileSize = 8,
+ edgeSize = 8,
+ insets = { left=2, right=2, top=2, bottom=2 },
+ })
+ f:SetBackdropColor(color:Rgb())
+ f:SetScript("OnClick", function() openColorPicker(color, f) end)
+ return f
+---@class ButtonColorPicker
+---@field Button Frame
+---@field Container Frame
+---@field Label FontString
+---@field WidthMinusLabel number
+local ColorSwatch = {}
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param labelText string
+---@param color Color
+---@return ButtonColorPicker
+function ColorSwatch:Create(parent, labelText, color)
+ local container = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)
+ ---@type ButtonColorPicker
+ local r = {
+ Button = createButton(container, color),
+ Container = container,
+ Label = container:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal"),
+ WidthMinusLabel = 0,
+ }
+ r.Label:SetPoint("Left", container, "Left", 0, 0)
+ r.Label:SetText(labelText)
+ local reset = Button:Create(container, QUIVER.Icon.Reset)
+ reset.TooltipText = Quiver.T["Reset Color"]
+ reset.HookClick = function()
+ color:Reset()
+ r.Button:SetBackdropColor(color:Rgb())
+ end
+ reset.Container:SetPoint("Right", container, "Right", 0, 0)
+ local x = 4 + reset.Container:GetWidth()
+ r.Button:SetPoint("Right", container, "Right", -x, 0)
+ r.Container:SetHeight(r.Button:GetHeight())
+ r.WidthMinusLabel = 6 + x + r.Button:GetWidth()
+ return r
+return ColorSwatch
+__bundle_register("Component/TitleBox.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param text string
+---@return Frame
+local Create = function(parent, text)
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)
+ local fs = f:CreateFontString(nil, "ARTWORK", "GameFontNormal")
+ fs:SetAllPoints(f)
+ fs:SetJustifyH("Center")
+ fs:SetJustifyV("Middle")
+ fs:SetText(text)
+ f:SetWidth(fs:GetStringWidth() + 30)
+ f:SetHeight(35)
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/DialogFrame/UI-DialogBox-Border",
+ tile = true,
+ tileSize = 24,
+ edgeSize = 24,
+ insets = { left=8, right=8, top=8, bottom=8 },
+ })
+ -- TODO figure out how to clip parent frame instead of 100% opacity.
+ f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ f:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1)
+ return f
+return {
+ Create = Create,
+__bundle_register("Component/Switch.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Util = require("Component/_Util.lua")
+local L = require("Shiver/Lib/All.lua")
+local Sugar = require("Shiver/Sugar.lua")
+local _GAP = 6
+local _SIZE = 18
+-- Three frame types exist for implementing a Switch: CheckButton, Button, Frame
+-- For custom functionality with minimal code, Frame is the easiest starting point.
+-- - CheckButton
+-- The built-in texture slots don't allow different highlight/pushed effects for checked/unchecked.
+-- Also inherits all problems from Button.
+-- - Button
+-- 1. Requires a pushed texture, otherwise icon disappears when user drags mouse.
+-- That's twice the code of putting a single texture on a frame.
+-- 2. Requires re-creating textures every time the button state changes, or
+-- the next click causes a nil reference.
+-- 3. If we use the built-in hover slot, the hover MUST stack with normal texture.
+-- i.e. can't darken on hover.
+-- 4. The built-in pushed effect doesn't take effect until MouseUp.
+-- - Frame
+-- 1. Mouse disabled by default.
+-- 2. Click event not implemented.
+-- 3. Disabled not implemented.
+-- see [Button](lua://QqButton)
+-- see [CheckButton](lua://QqCheckButton)
+---@class (exact) QqSwitch : IMouseInteract
+---@field private __index? QqSwitch
+---@field Container Frame
+---@field Icon Frame
+---@field Label FontString
+---@field Texture Texture
+---@field isChecked boolean
+---@field isEnabled boolean
+---@field isHover boolean
+---@field isMouseDown boolean
+local QqSwitch = {}
+---@class (exact) paramsSwitch
+---@field IsChecked boolean
+---@field LabelText string
+---@field OnChange fun(b: boolean): nil
+---@field TooltipText? string
+---@param self QqSwitch
+local resetTexture = function(self)
+ local path = self.isChecked and QUIVER.Icon.ToggleOn or QUIVER.Icon.ToggleOff
+ self.Texture:SetTexture(path)
+ local r, g, b = Util.SelectColor(self)
+ local a = self.isChecked and 1.0 or 0.7
+ self.Texture:SetVertexColor(r, g, b, a)
+ self.Label:SetTextColor(r, g, b, a)
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param bag paramsSwitch
+---@return QqSwitch
+function QqSwitch:Create(parent, bag)
+ local container = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent, nil)
+ local icon = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, container, nil)
+ ---@type QqSwitch
+ local r = {
+ Container = container,
+ Icon = icon,
+ Label = container:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal"),
+ Texture = icon:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY"),
+ isChecked = bag.IsChecked,
+ isEnabled = true,
+ isHover = false,
+ isMouseDown = false,
+ }
+ setmetatable(r, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ local onEnter = function()
+ r.isHover = true
+ resetTexture(r)
+ Util.ToggleTooltip(r, r.Container, bag.TooltipText)
+ end
+ local onLeave = function()
+ r.isHover = false
+ resetTexture(r)
+ Util.ToggleTooltip(r, r.Container, bag.TooltipText)
+ end
+ local onMouseDown = function()
+ r.isMouseDown = true
+ resetTexture(r)
+ end
+ local onMouseUp = function()
+ r.isMouseDown = false
+ if MouseIsOver(r.Container) == 1 then
+ r.isChecked = not r.isChecked
+ bag.OnChange(r.isChecked)
+ end
+ resetTexture(r)
+ end
+ container:SetScript("OnEnter", onEnter)
+ container:SetScript("OnLeave", onLeave)
+ container:SetScript("OnMouseDown", onMouseDown)
+ container:SetScript("OnMouseUp", onMouseUp)
+ container:EnableMouse(true)
+ r.Texture:SetAllPoints(r.Icon)
+ r.Icon:SetWidth(_SIZE * 1.2)
+ r.Icon:SetHeight(_SIZE)
+ r.Label:SetText(bag.LabelText)
+ r.Icon:SetPoint("Left", container, "Left", 0, 0)
+ r.Label:SetPoint("Right", container, "Right", 0, 0)
+ local h = L.Psi(L.Max, Sugar.Region._GetHeight, r.Icon, r.Label)
+ local w = L.Psi(L.Add, Sugar.Region._GetWidth, r.Icon, r.Label) + _GAP
+ container:SetHeight(h)
+ container:SetWidth(w)
+ resetTexture(r)
+ return r
+return QqSwitch
+__bundle_register("Component/Select.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Util = require("Component/_Util.lua")
+local L = require("Shiver/Lib/All.lua")
+local _BORDER, _INSET, _SPACING = 1, 4, 4
+local _OPTION_PAD_H, _OPTION_PAD_V = 8, 4
+local _MENU_PAD_TOP = 6
+---@type QqSelect[]
+local allSelects = {}
+---@class Icon
+---@field Frame Frame
+---@field Texture Texture
+---@param container Frame
+---@return Icon
+local createIcon = function(container)
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, container)
+ f:SetPoint("Right", container, "Right", -_INSET, 0)
+ f:SetWidth(16)
+ f:SetHeight(16)
+ local t = f:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ t:SetAllPoints(f)
+ t:SetTexture(QUIVER.Icon.CaretDown)
+ return { Frame=f, Texture=t }
+---@class (exact) QqSelect : IMouseInteract
+---@field private __index? QqSelect
+---@field Container Frame
+---@field private icon Icon
+---@field private label FontString
+---@field private isEnabled boolean
+---@field private isHover boolean
+---@field private isMouseDown boolean
+---@field Menu Frame
+---@field Selected FontString
+local QqSelect = {}
+function QqSelect:resetTexture()
+ local r, g, b = Util.SelectColor(self)
+ local borderAlpha = self.isHover and 0.6 or 0.0
+ self.Container:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, borderAlpha)
+ self.label:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ self.Selected:SetTextColor(r, g, b)
+ self.icon.Texture:SetVertexColor(r, g, b)
+ -- Vertically flip caret
+ if self.Menu:IsVisible() then
+ self.icon.Texture:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 1, 0)
+ else
+ self.icon.Texture:SetTexCoord(0, 1, 0, 1)
+ end
+function QqSelect:OnHoverStart()
+ self.isHover = true
+ self:resetTexture()
+function QqSelect:OnHoverEnd()
+ self.isHover = false
+ self:resetTexture()
+function QqSelect:OnMouseDown()
+ self.isMouseDown = true
+ self:resetTexture()
+function QqSelect:OnMouseUp()
+ self.isMouseDown = false
+ if self:predMouseOver() then
+ local isVisible = self.Menu:IsVisible()
+ for _k, m in allSelects do
+ m.Menu:Hide()
+ m:resetTexture()
+ end
+ if not isVisible then self.Menu:Show() end
+ end
+ self:resetTexture()
+---@return boolean
+function QqSelect:predMouseOver()
+ local xs = { self.Container, self.icon.Frame }
+ return L.Array.MapReduce(xs, function(x) return MouseIsOver(x) == 1 end, L.Or, false)
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param labelText string
+---@param optionsText string[]
+---@param selectedText nil|string
+---@param onSet fun(text: string): nil
+---@return QqSelect
+function QqSelect:Create(parent, labelText, optionsText, selectedText, onSet)
+ local select = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent)
+ ---@type QqSelect
+ local r = {
+ Container = select,
+ icon = createIcon(select),
+ label = select:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal"),
+ isEnabled = true,
+ isHover = false,
+ isMouseDown = false,
+ Menu = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent),
+ Selected = select:CreateFontString(nil, "BACKGROUND", "GameFontNormal")
+ }
+ setmetatable(r, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ table.insert(allSelects, r)
+ r.Container:SetBackdrop({
+ edgeFile="Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeSize=_BORDER,
+ })
+ r.Menu:SetFrameStrata("TOOLTIP")
+ r.Menu:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeFile="Interface/BUTTONS/WHITE8X8",
+ edgeSize=1,
+ })
+ r.Menu:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
+ r.Menu:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1)
+ r.label:SetPoint("Left", select, "Left", _INSET, 0)
+ r.label:SetPoint("Top", select, "Top", 0, -_INSET)
+ r.label:SetText(labelText)
+ r.Selected:SetPoint("Bottom", select, "Bottom", 0, _INSET)
+ r.Selected:SetPoint("Left", select, "Left", _INSET, 0)
+ r.Selected:SetPoint("Right", select, "Right", -_INSET - r.icon.Frame:GetWidth(), 0)
+ r.Selected:SetText(selectedText or optionsText[1])
+ local options = L.Array.Mapi(optionsText, function(t, i)
+ local option = CreateFrame("Button", nil, r.Menu)
+ local optionFs = option:CreateFontString(nil, "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
+ option:SetFontString(optionFs)
+ optionFs:SetPoint("TopLeft", option, "TopLeft", _OPTION_PAD_H, -_OPTION_PAD_V)
+ optionFs:SetText(t)
+ option:SetHeight(optionFs:GetHeight() + 2 * _OPTION_PAD_V)
+ option:SetPoint("Left", r.Menu, "Left", _BORDER, 0)
+ option:SetPoint("Right", r.Menu, "Right", -_BORDER, 0)
+ option:SetPoint("Top", r.Menu, "Top", 0, -i * option:GetHeight() - _BORDER - _MENU_PAD_TOP)
+ local texHighlight = option:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY")
+ -- It would probably look better to set a fancy texture and adjust vertex color.
+ texHighlight:SetTexture(0.22, 0.1, 0)
+ texHighlight:SetAllPoints(option)
+ option:SetHighlightTexture(texHighlight)
+ return option
+ end)
+ for _k, oLoop in options do
+ local option = oLoop---@type Button
+ option:SetScript("OnClick", function()
+ local text = option:GetFontString():GetText() or ""
+ onSet(text)
+ r.Selected:SetText(text)
+ r.Menu:Hide()
+ end)
+ end
+ local sumOptionHeights =
+ L.Array.MapReduce(options, function(o) return o:GetHeight() end, L.Add, 0)
+ local maxOptionWidth =
+ L.Array.MapReduce(options, function(o) return o:GetFontString():GetWidth() end, math.max, 0)
+ select:SetScript("OnEnter", function() r:OnHoverStart() end)
+ select:SetScript("OnLeave", function() r:OnHoverEnd() end)
+ select:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() r:OnMouseDown() end)
+ select:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() r:OnMouseUp() end)
+ select:EnableMouse(true)
+ select:SetHeight(
+ r.Selected:GetHeight()
+ + r.label:GetHeight()
+ + 2 * _INSET
+ )
+ select:SetWidth(
+ math.max(r.label:GetWidth(), maxOptionWidth)
+ + r.icon.Frame:GetWidth()
+ + _INSET * 2
+ )
+ r.Menu:SetHeight(sumOptionHeights + _MENU_PAD_TOP + 2 * _BORDER)
+ r.Menu:SetWidth(maxOptionWidth + 2 * (_OPTION_PAD_H + _BORDER))
+ r.Menu:SetPoint("Right", select, "Right", 0, 0)
+ r.Menu:SetPoint("Top", select, "Top", 0, -select:GetHeight())
+ r.Menu:Hide()
+ r:resetTexture()
+ return r
+return QqSelect
+__bundle_register("Component/Dialog.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Create = function(padding)
+ local f = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
+ f:Hide()
+ f:SetFrameStrata("DIALOG")
+ f:SetPoint("Center", nil, "Center", 0, 0)
+ f:SetBackdrop({
+ bgFile = "Interface/Tooltips/UI-Tooltip-Background",
+ edgeFile = "Interface/DialogFrame/UI-DialogBox-Border",
+ tile = true,
+ tileSize = 32,
+ edgeSize = 32,
+ insets = { left=8, right=8, top=8, bottom=8 },
+ })
+ f:SetBackdropColor(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
+ f:SetBackdropBorderColor(0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 1)
+ f:SetMovable(true)
+ f:EnableMouse(true)
+ f:SetScript("OnMouseDown", function() f:StartMoving() end)
+ f:SetScript("OnMouseUp", function() f:StopMovingOrSizing() end)
+ local btnCloseBottom = CreateFrame("Button", nil, f, "UIPanelButtonTemplate")
+ btnCloseBottom:SetWidth(70)
+ btnCloseBottom:SetHeight(QUIVER.Size.Button)
+ btnCloseBottom:SetPoint("BottomRight", f, "BottomRight", -padding, padding)
+ btnCloseBottom:SetText(Quiver.T["Close"])
+ btnCloseBottom:SetScript("OnClick", function() f:Hide() end)
+ return f
+return {
+ Create = Create,
+__bundle_register("Component/CheckButton.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Util = require("Component/_Util.lua")
+local _SIZE = 16
+-- see [Button](lua://QqButton)
+-- see [Switch](lua://QqSwitch)
+---@class (exact) QqCheckButton : IMouseInteract
+---@field private __index? QqCheckButton
+---@field Icon Frame
+---@field IsChecked boolean
+---@field TexPathOff string
+---@field TexPathOn string
+---@field Texture Texture
+---@field isEnabled boolean
+---@field isHover boolean
+---@field isMouseDown boolean
+local QqCheckButton = {}
+---@class (exact) paramsCheckButton
+---@field IsChecked boolean
+---@field OnChange fun(b: boolean): nil
+---@field TexPathOff string
+---@field TexPathOn string
+---@field TooltipText? string
+---@param self QqCheckButton
+local resetTexture = function(self)
+ local path = self.IsChecked and self.TexPathOn or self.TexPathOff
+ self.Texture:SetTexture(path)
+ local r, g, b = Util.SelectColor(self)
+ self.Texture:SetVertexColor(r, g, b)
+---@param parent Frame
+---@param bag paramsCheckButton
+---@return QqCheckButton
+function QqCheckButton:Create(parent, bag)
+ local icon = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, parent, nil)
+ ---@type QqCheckButton
+ local r = {
+ Icon = icon,
+ IsChecked = bag.IsChecked,
+ TexPathOff = bag.TexPathOff,
+ TexPathOn = bag.TexPathOn,
+ Texture = icon:CreateTexture(nil, "OVERLAY"),
+ isEnabled = true,
+ isHover = false,
+ isMouseDown = false,
+ }
+ setmetatable(r, self)
+ self.__index = self
+ r.Texture:SetAllPoints(r.Icon)
+ local onEnter = function()
+ r.isHover = true
+ resetTexture(r)
+ Util.ToggleTooltip(r, r.Icon, bag.TooltipText)
+ end
+ local onLeave = function()
+ r.isHover = false
+ resetTexture(r)
+ Util.ToggleTooltip(r, r.Icon, bag.TooltipText)
+ end
+ local onMouseDown = function()
+ r.isMouseDown = true
+ resetTexture(r)
+ end
+ local onMouseUp = function()
+ r.isMouseDown = false
+ if MouseIsOver(r.Icon) == 1 then
+ r.IsChecked = not r.IsChecked
+ bag.OnChange(r.IsChecked)
+ end
+ resetTexture(r)
+ end
+ r.Icon:SetScript("OnEnter", onEnter)
+ r.Icon:SetScript("OnLeave", onLeave)
+ r.Icon:SetScript("OnMouseDown", onMouseDown)
+ r.Icon:SetScript("OnMouseUp", onMouseUp)
+ r.Icon:EnableMouse(true)
+ r.Icon:SetWidth(_SIZE)
+ r.Icon:SetHeight(_SIZE)
+ resetTexture(r)
+ return r
+return QqCheckButton
+__bundle_register("Locale/Lang.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local enUS_C = require("Locale/enUS/Client.enUS.lua")
+local enUS_T = require("Locale/enUS/Translations.enUS.lua")
+local zhCN_C = require("Locale/zhCN/Client.zhCN.lua")
+local zhCN_T = require("Locale/zhCN/Translations.zhCN.lua")
+return function()
+ local translation = {
+ ["enUS"] = enUS_T,
+ ["zhCN"] = zhCN_T,
+ }
+ local client = {
+ ["enUS"] = enUS_C,
+ ["zhCN"] = zhCN_C,
+ }
+ local currentLang = GetLocale()
+ Quiver.T = translation[currentLang] or translation["enUS"]
+ Quiver.L = client[currentLang] or client["enUS"]
+__bundle_register("Locale/zhCN/Translations.zhCN.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+return {
+ ["Announces in chat when your tranquilizing shot hits or misses a target."] = "在“/团队”聊天中通告你的宁神射击是否命中目标。",
+ ["Aspect Tracker"] = "守护追踪器",
+ ["Auto Shot Timer"] = "自动射击计时器",
+ ["Border Style"] = "边框样式",
+ ["Both Directions"] = "双向",
+ ["Castbar"] = "施法条",
+ ["Casting"] = "正在施法",
+ ["Casting Tranq Shot"] = "施放宁神射击",
+ ["Close"] = "关闭",
+ ["Close Window"] = "关闭窗口",
+ ["Dead Zone"] = "死区",
+ ["Debug Level"] = "调试级别",
+ ["Hunter's Mark"] = "猎人印记",
+ ["It's always safe to upgrade Quiver. You won't lose any of your configuration."] = "升级Quiver是安全的,你不会丢失任何配置。",
+ ["Left to Right"] = "从左到右",
+ ["Lock/Unlock Frames"] = "锁定/解锁框架",
+ ["Long Range"] = "远距离",
+ ["Melee Range"] = "近战范围",
+ ["*** MISSED Tranq Shot ***"] = "*** 宁神射击未命中 ***",
+ ["New version %s available at %s"] = "新版本%s可在%s下载",
+ ["None"] = "无",
+ ["Out of Range"] = "超出范围",
+ ["Quiver is for hunters."] = "Quiver仅适用于猎人。",
+ ["Quiver Unlocked. Show config dialog with /qq or /quiver.\nClick the lock icon when done."] = "Quiver已解锁。使用/qq或/quiver显示配置对话框。\n完成后点击锁定图标。",
+ ["Range Indicator"] = "距离指示器",
+ ["Reloading"] = "正在装填",
+ ["Reset All Frame Sizes and Positions"] = "重置所有框架大小和位置",
+ ["Reset Color"] = "重置颜色",
+ ["Reset Frame Size and Position"] = "重置框架大小和位置",
+ ["Reset Miss Message to Default"] = "重置未命中消息为默认",
+ ["Reset Tranq Message to Default"] = "重置宁神射击消息为默认",
+ ["Scare Beast"] = "恐吓野兽",
+ ["Scatter Shot"] = "驱散射击",
+ ["Shoot / Reload"] = "射击/装填",
+ ["Shooting"] = "正在射击",
+ ["Short Range"] = "近距离",
+ ["Shows Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, and Trueshot."] = "显示瞄准射击、多重射击和稳固射击的施法条。",
+ ["Shows when abilities are in range. Requires spellbook abilities placed somewhere on your action bars."] = "显示技能是否在范围内。需要将技能书中的技能放在动作条上。",
+ ["Simple"] = "简单的",
+ ["Swap Shoot and Reload Colours"] = "交换射击和装填颜色",
+ ["Tooltip"] = "工具提示",
+ ["Tranq Shot Announcer"] = "宁神射击通告器",
+ ["Tranq Speech"] = "宁神通知",
+ ["Trueshot Aura Alarm"] = "强击光环警报",
+ ["Verbose"] = "详细信息",
+__bundle_register("Locale/zhCN/Client.zhCN.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Spell = require("Locale/zhCN/Spell.zhCN.lua")
+local SpellReverse = require("Locale/zhCN/Spell.reverse.zhCN.lua")
+-- local Zone = require "Locale/zhCN/Zone.zhCN.lua"
+return {
+ CombatLog = {
+ Consumes = {
+ ManaPotion = "你从恢复法力中获得(.*)点法力值。",
+ HealthPotion = "你的治疗药水为你恢复了(.*)点生命值。",
+ Healthstone = "你的(.*)治疗石为你恢复了(.*)点生命值。",
+ Tea = "你的糖水茶为你恢复了(.*)点生命值。",
+ },
+ Tranq = {
+ Fail = "你未能驱散",
+ Miss = "你的宁神射击未命中",
+ Resist = "你的宁神射击被抵抗了",
+ },
+ },
+ Spell = Spell,
+ -- TODO it turns out spellnames aren't unique in Chinese.
+ -- This approach isn't going to work in the general case.
+ SpellReverse = SpellReverse,
+__bundle_register("Locale/zhCN/Spell.reverse.zhCN.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+return {
+ ["孤狼守护"] = "Aspect of the Wolf",
+ ["稳固射击"] = "Trueshot",
+ ["驱除疾病"] = "Abolish Disease",
+ ["驱毒术"] = "Abolish Poison",
+ ["驱毒术效果"] = "Abolish Poison Effect",
+ ["Acid Breath"] = "Acid Breath",
+ ["Acid of Hakkar"] = "Acid of Hakkar",
+ ["Acid Spit"] = "Acid Spit",
+ ["Acid Splash"] = "Acid Splash",
+ ["速射炮台"] = "Activate MG Turret",
+ ["冲动"] = "Adrenaline Rush",
+ ["清算"] = "Reckoning",
+ ["侵略"] = "Aggression",
+ ["瞄准射击"] = "Aimed Shot",
+ ["炼金术"] = "Alchemy",
+ ["伏击"] = "Ambush",
+ ["诅咒增幅"] = "Amplify Curse",
+ ["Amplify Damage"] = "Amplify Damage",
+ ["Amplify Flames"] = "Amplify Flames",
+ ["魔法增效"] = "Amplify Magic",
+ ["先祖坚韧"] = "Ancestral Fortitude",
+ ["先祖治疗"] = "Ancestral Healing",
+ ["先祖知识"] = "Ancestral Knowledge",
+ ["先祖之魂"] = "Ancestral Spirit",
+ ["Anesthetic Poison"] = "Anesthetic Poison",
+ ["愤怒掌控"] = "Anger Management",
+ ["Anguish"] = "Anguish",
+ ["预知"] = "Anticipation",
+ ["Aqua Jet"] = "Aqua Jet",
+ ["水栖形态"] = "Aquatic Form",
+ ["Arcane Blast"] = "Arcane Blast",
+ ["Arcane Bolt"] = "Arcane Bolt",
+ ["奥术光辉"] = "Arcane Brilliance",
+ ["奥术专注"] = "Arcane Concentration",
+ ["魔爆术"] = "Arcane Explosion",
+ ["奥术集中"] = "Arcane Focus",
+ ["奥术增效"] = "Arcane Instability",
+ ["奥术智慧"] = "Arcane Intellect",
+ ["奥术冥想"] = "Arcane Meditation",
+ ["奥术心智"] = "Arcane Mind",
+ ["奥术飞弹"] = "Arcane Missiles",
+ ["Arcane Potency"] = "Arcane Potency",
+ ["奥术强化"] = "Arcane Power",
+ ["奥术抗性"] = "Arcane Resistance",
+ ["奥术射击"] = "Arcane Shot",
+ ["奥术精妙"] = "Arcane Subtlety",
+ ["Arcane Weakness"] = "Arcane Weakness",
+ ["Arcing Smash"] = "Arcing Smash",
+ ["极寒延伸"] = "Arctic Reach",
+ ["护甲锻造师"] = "Armorsmith",
+ ["Arugal's Curse"] = "Arugal's Curse",
+ ["Arugal's Gift"] = "Arugal's Gift",
+ ["Ascendance"] = "Ascendance",
+ ["Aspect of Arlokk"] = "Aspect of Arlokk",
+ ["Aspect of Jeklik"] = "Aspect of Jeklik",
+ ["Aspect of Mar'li"] = "Aspect of Mar'li",
+ ["野兽守护"] = "Aspect of the Beast",
+ ["猎豹守护"] = "Aspect of the Cheetah",
+ ["雄鹰守护"] = "Aspect of the Hawk",
+ ["灵猴守护"] = "Aspect of the Monkey",
+ ["豹群守护"] = "Aspect of the Pack",
+ ["Aspect of the Viper"] = "Aspect of the Viper",
+ ["野性守护"] = "Aspect of the Wild",
+ ["Aspect of Venoxis"] = "Aspect of Venoxis",
+ ["星界传送"] = "Astral Recall",
+ ["攻击"] = "Attacking",
+ ["Aura of Command"] = "Aura of Command",
+ ["Aural Shock"] = "Aural Shock",
+ ["自动射击"] = "Auto Shot",
+ ["Avenger's Shield"] = "Avenger's Shield",
+ ["Avenging Wrath"] = "Avenging Wrath",
+ ["Avoidance"] = "Avoidance",
+ ["Axe Flurry"] = "Axe Flurry",
+ ["斧专精"] = "Axe Specialization",
+ ["Axe Toss"] = "Axe Toss",
+ ["Backhand"] = "Backhand",
+ ["Backlash"] = "Backlash",
+ ["背刺"] = "Backstab",
+ ["灾祸"] = "Bane",
+ ["Baneful Poison"] = "Baneful Poison",
+ ["放逐术"] = "Banish",
+ ["Banshee Curse"] = "Banshee Curse",
+ ["Banshee Shriek"] = "Banshee Shriek",
+ ["Barbed Sting"] = "Barbed Sting",
+ ["树皮术"] = "Barkskin",
+ ["树皮术效果"] = "Barkskin Effect",
+ ["弹幕"] = "Barrage",
+ ["重击"] = "Bash",
+ ["基础营火"] = "Basic Campfire",
+ ["战斗怒吼"] = "Battle Shout",
+ ["战斗姿态"] = "Battle Stance",
+ ["战斗姿态(被动)"] = "Battle Stance Passive",
+ ["熊形态"] = "Bear Form",
+ ["野兽知识"] = "Beast Lore",
+ ["野兽杀手"] = "Beast Slaying",
+ ["训练野兽"] = "Beast Training",
+ ["The Beast Within"] = "The Beast Within",
+ ["Befuddlement"] = "Befuddlement",
+ ["祈福"] = "Benediction",
+ ["Berserker Charge"] = "Berserker Charge",
+ ["狂暴之怒"] = "Berserker Rage",
+ ["狂暴姿态"] = "Berserker Stance",
+ ["狂暴姿态(被动)"] = "Berserker Stance Passive",
+ ["狂暴"] = "Berserking",
+ ["野兽戒律"] = "Bestial Discipline",
+ ["野兽迅捷"] = "Bestial Swiftness",
+ ["狂野怒火"] = "Bestial Wrath",
+ ["Biletoad Infection"] = "Biletoad Infection",
+ ["Binding Heal"] = "Binding Heal",
+ ["撕咬"] = "Bite",
+ ["黑箭"] = "Black Arrow",
+ ["昏阙"] = "Blackout",
+ ["锻造"] = "Blacksmithing",
+ ["剑刃乱舞"] = "Blade Flurry",
+ ["冲击波"] = "Blast Wave",
+ ["Blaze"] = "Blaze",
+ ["Blazing Speed"] = "Blazing Speed",
+ ["神恩回复"] = "Blessed Recovery",
+ ["Blessing of Blackfathom"] = "Blessing of Blackfathom",
+ ["自由祝福"] = "Blessing of Freedom",
+ ["王者祝福"] = "Blessing of Kings",
+ ["光明祝福"] = "Blessing of Light",
+ ["力量祝福"] = "Blessing of Might",
+ ["保护祝福"] = "Blessing of Protection",
+ ["牺牲祝福"] = "Blessing of Sacrifice",
+ ["拯救祝福"] = "Blessing of Salvation",
+ ["庇护祝福"] = "Blessing of Sanctuary",
+ ["Blessing of Shahram"] = "Blessing of Shahram",
+ ["智慧祝福"] = "Blessing of Wisdom",
+ ["致盲"] = "Blind",
+ ["致盲粉"] = "Blinding Powder",
+ ["闪现术"] = "Blink",
+ ["暴风雪"] = "Blizzard",
+ ["格挡"] = "Block",
+ ["血之狂热"] = "Blood Craze",
+ ["血之狂暴"] = "Blood Frenzy",
+ ["Blood Funnel"] = "Blood Funnel",
+ ["血性狂暴"] = "Bloodrage",
+ ["Blood Leech"] = "Blood Leech",
+ ["血之契印"] = "Blood Pact",
+ ["Blood Siphon"] = "Blood Siphon",
+ ["Blood Tap"] = "Blood Tap",
+ ["Bloodlust"] = "Bloodlust",
+ ["残忍"] = "Cruelty",
+ ["Bomb"] = "Bomb",
+ ["震耳嗓音"] = "Booming Voice",
+ ["Boulder"] = "Boulder",
+ ["弓专精"] = "Bow Specialization",
+ ["弓"] = "Bows",
+ ["Brain Wash"] = "Brain Wash",
+ ["明亮篝火"] = "Bright Campfire",
+ ["野蛮冲撞"] = "Brutal Impact",
+ ["Burning Adrenaline"] = "Burning Adrenaline",
+ ["燃烧之魂"] = "Burning Soul",
+ ["Burning Wish"] = "Burning Wish",
+ ["Butcher Drain"] = "Butcher Drain",
+ ["烈焰召唤"] = "Call of Flame",
+ ["Call of the Grave"] = "Call of the Grave",
+ ["雷霆召唤"] = "Call of Thunder",
+ ["召唤宠物"] = "Call Pet",
+ ["伪装"] = "Camouflage",
+ ["食尸"] = "Cannibalize",
+ ["猎豹形态"] = "Cat Form",
+ ["灾变"] = "Cataclysm",
+ ["Cause Insanity"] = "Cause Insanity",
+ ["Chain Bolt"] = "Chain Bolt",
+ ["Chain Burn"] = "Chain Burn",
+ ["治疗链"] = "Chain Heal",
+ ["闪电链"] = "Chain Lightning",
+ ["Chained Bolt"] = "Chained Bolt",
+ ["Chains of Ice"] = "Chains of Ice",
+ ["挑战咆哮"] = "Challenging Roar",
+ ["挑战怒吼"] = "Challenging Shout",
+ ["冲锋"] = "Charge",
+ ["冲锋额外怒气效果"] = "Charge Rage Bonus Effect",
+ ["冲锋击昏"] = "Charge Stun",
+ ["偷袭"] = "Cheap Shot",
+ ["冰冻"] = "Chilled",
+ ["Chilling Touch"] = "Chilling Touch",
+ ["Chromatic Infusion"] = "Chromatic Infusion",
+ ["Circle of Healing"] = "Circle of Healing",
+ ["爪击"] = "Claw",
+ ["清洁术"] = "Cleanse",
+ ["Cleanse Nova"] = "Cleanse Nova",
+ ["节能施法"] = "Clearcasting",
+ ["顺劈斩"] = "Cleave",
+ ["灵巧陷阱"] = "Clever Traps",
+ ["Cloak of Shadows"] = "Cloak of Shadows",
+ ["关闭"] = "Closing",
+ ["布甲"] = "Cloth",
+ ["粗制磨刀石"] = "Coarse Sharpening Stone",
+ ["毒蛇反射"] = "Cobra Reflexes",
+ ["冷血"] = "Cold Blood",
+ ["急速冷却"] = "Cold Snap",
+ ["作战持久"] = "Combat Endurance",
+ ["燃烧"] = "Conflagrate",
+ ["命令"] = "Command",
+ ["Commanding Shout"] = "Commanding Shout",
+ ["专注光环"] = "Concentration Aura",
+ ["震荡"] = "Concussion",
+ ["震荡猛击"] = "Concussion Blow",
+ ["震荡射击"] = "Concussive Shot",
+ ["冰锥术"] = "Cone of Cold",
+ ["造食术"] = "Conjure Food",
+ ["制造魔法玛瑙"] = "Conjure Mana Agate",
+ ["制造魔法黄水晶"] = "Conjure Mana Citrine",
+ ["制造魔法翡翠"] = "Conjure Mana Jade",
+ ["制造魔法红宝石"] = "Conjure Mana Ruby",
+ ["造水术"] = "Conjure Water",
+ ["Consecrated Sharpening Stone"] = "Consecrated Sharpening Stone",
+ ["奉献"] = "Consecration",
+ ["Consume Magic"] = "Consume Magic",
+ ["吞噬暗影"] = "Consume Shadows",
+ ["Consuming Shadows"] = "Consuming Shadows",
+ ["传导"] = "Convection",
+ ["定罪"] = "Conviction",
+ ["烹饪"] = "Cooking",
+ ["Corrosive Acid Breath"] = "Corrosive Acid Breath",
+ ["Corrosive Ooze"] = "Corrosive Ooze",
+ ["Corrosive Poison"] = "Corrosive Poison",
+ ["Corrupted Blood"] = "Corrupted Blood",
+ ["腐蚀"] = "Corruption",
+ ["反击"] = "Counterattack",
+ ["法术反制"] = "Counterspell",
+ ["法术反制 - 沉默"] = "Counterspell - Silenced",
+ ["畏缩"] = "Cower",
+ ["制造火焰石"] = "Create Firestone",
+ ["制造强效火焰石"] = "Create Firestone (Greater)",
+ ["制造次级火焰石"] = "Create Firestone (Lesser)",
+ ["制造极效火焰石"] = "Create Firestone (Major)",
+ ["制造治疗石"] = "Create Healthstone",
+ ["制造强效治疗石"] = "Create Healthstone (Greater)",
+ ["制造次级治疗石"] = "Create Healthstone (Lesser)",
+ ["制造极效治疗石"] = "Create Healthstone (Major)",
+ ["制造初级治疗石"] = "Create Healthstone (Minor)",
+ ["制造灵魂石"] = "Create Soulstone",
+ ["制造强效灵魂石"] = "Create Soulstone (Greater)",
+ ["制造次级灵魂石"] = "Create Soulstone (Lesser)",
+ ["制造极效灵魂石"] = "Create Soulstone (Major)",
+ ["制造初级灵魂石"] = "Create Soulstone (Minor)",
+ ["制造法术石"] = "Create Spellstone",
+ ["制造强效法术石"] = "Create Spellstone (Greater)",
+ ["制造极效法术石"] = "Create Spellstone (Major)",
+ ["Create Spellstone (Master)"] = "Create Spellstone (Master)",
+ ["Creeper Venom"] = "Creeper Venom",
+ ["Cripple"] = "Cripple",
+ ["致残毒药"] = "Crippling Poison",
+ ["致残毒药 II"] = "Crippling Poison II",
+ ["火焰重击"] = "Critical Mass",
+ ["弩"] = "Crossbows",
+ ["Crowd Pummel"] = "Crowd Pummel",
+ ["Crusader Aura"] = "Crusader Aura",
+ ["Crusader Strike"] = "Crusader Strike",
+ ["Crusader's Wrath"] = "Crusader's Wrath",
+ ["Crystal Charge"] = "Crystal Charge",
+ ["Crystal Force"] = "Crystal Force",
+ ["Crystal Restore"] = "Crystal Restore",
+ ["Crystal Spire"] = "Crystal Spire",
+ ["Crystal Ward"] = "Crystal Ward",
+ ["Crystal Yield"] = "Crystal Yield",
+ ["Crystalline Slumber"] = "Crystalline Slumber",
+ ["栽培"] = "Cultivation",
+ ["祛病术"] = "Cure Disease",
+ ["消毒术"] = "Cure Poison",
+ ["痛苦诅咒"] = "Curse of Agony",
+ ["Curse of Blood"] = "Curse of Blood",
+ ["厄运诅咒"] = "Curse of Doom",
+ ["厄运诅咒效果"] = "Curse of Doom Effect",
+ ["疲劳诅咒"] = "Curse of Exhaustion",
+ ["痴呆诅咒"] = "Curse of Idiocy",
+ ["鲁莽诅咒"] = "Curse of Recklessness",
+ ["暗影诅咒"] = "Curse of Shadow",
+ ["Curse of the Deadwood"] = "Curse of the Deadwood",
+ ["Curse of the Elemental Lord"] = "Curse of the Elemental Lord",
+ ["元素诅咒"] = "Curse of the Elements",
+ ["语言诅咒"] = "Curse of Tongues",
+ ["Curse of Tuten'kash"] = "Curse of Tuten'kash",
+ ["虚弱诅咒"] = "Curse of Weakness",
+ ["Cursed Blood"] = "Cursed Blood",
+ ["Cyclone"] = "Cyclone",
+ ["匕首专精"] = "Dagger Specialization",
+ ["匕首"] = "Daggers",
+ ["魔法抑制"] = "Dampen Magic",
+ ["Dark Iron Bomb"] = "Dark Iron Bomb",
+ ["Dark Offering"] = "Dark Offering",
+ ["黑暗契约"] = "Dark Pact",
+ ["黑暗"] = "Darkness",
+ ["急奔"] = "Dash",
+ ["Dazed"] = "Dazed",
+ ["致命毒药"] = "Deadly Poison",
+ ["致命毒药 II"] = "Deadly Poison II",
+ ["致命毒药 III"] = "Deadly Poison III",
+ ["致命毒药 IV"] = "Deadly Poison IV",
+ ["致命毒药 V"] = "Deadly Poison V",
+ ["Deadly Throw"] = "Deadly Throw",
+ ["死亡缠绕"] = "Death Coil",
+ ["死亡之愿"] = "Death Wish",
+ ["Deep Sleep"] = "Deep Sleep",
+ ["Deep Slumber"] = "Deep Slumber",
+ ["重度伤口"] = "Deep Wounds",
+ ["防御"] = "Defense",
+ ["防御姿态"] = "Defensive Stance",
+ ["防御姿态(被动)"] = "Defensive Stance Passive",
+ ["防御状态"] = "Defensive State",
+ ["防御状态 2"] = "Defensive State 2",
+ ["挑衅"] = "Defiance",
+ ["偏斜"] = "Deflection",
+ ["Delusions of Jin'do"] = "Delusions of Jin'do",
+ ["魔甲术"] = "Mage Armor",
+ ["恶魔皮肤"] = "Demon Skin",
+ ["恶魔之拥"] = "Demonic Embrace",
+ ["Demonic Frenzy"] = "Demonic Frenzy",
+ ["恶魔牺牲"] = "Demonic Sacrifice",
+ ["挫志咆哮"] = "Demoralizing Roar",
+ ["挫志怒吼"] = "Demoralizing Shout",
+ ["致密磨刀石"] = "Dense Sharpening Stone",
+ ["绝望祷言"] = "Desperate Prayer",
+ ["毁灭延伸"] = "Destructive Reach",
+ ["侦测"] = "Detect",
+ ["侦测强效隐形"] = "Detect Greater Invisibility",
+ ["侦测隐形"] = "Detect Invisibility",
+ ["侦测次级隐形"] = "Detect Lesser Invisibility",
+ ["侦测魔法"] = "Detect Magic",
+ ["侦测陷阱"] = "Detect Traps",
+ ["威慑"] = "Deterrence",
+ ["Detonation"] = "Detonation",
+ ["Devastate"] = "Devastate",
+ ["毁灭"] = "Ruin",
+ ["虔诚光环"] = "Devotion Aura",
+ ["吞噬魔法"] = "Devour Magic",
+ ["吞噬魔法效果"] = "Devour Magic Effect",
+ ["噬灵瘟疫"] = "Devouring Plague",
+ ["Diamond Flask"] = "Diamond Flask",
+ ["外交"] = "Diplomacy",
+ ["巨熊形态"] = "Dire Bear Form",
+ ["Dire Growl"] = "Dire Growl",
+ ["缴械"] = "Disarm",
+ ["解除陷阱"] = "Disarm Trap",
+ ["祛病图腾"] = "Poison Cleansing Totem",
+ ["Disease Cloud"] = "Disease Cloud",
+ ["Diseased Shot"] = "Diseased Shot",
+ ["Diseased Spit"] = "Diseased Spit",
+ ["分解"] = "Disenchant",
+ ["逃脱"] = "Disengage",
+ ["Disjunction"] = "Disjunction",
+ ["解散野兽"] = "Dismiss Pet",
+ ["驱散魔法"] = "Dispel Magic",
+ ["扰乱"] = "Distract",
+ ["Distracting Pain"] = "Distracting Pain",
+ ["扰乱射击"] = "Distracting Shot",
+ ["俯冲"] = "Dive",
+ ["神恩术"] = "Divine Favor",
+ ["神圣之怒"] = "Divine Fury",
+ ["Divine Illumination"] = "Divine Illumination",
+ ["神圣智慧"] = "Divine Intellect",
+ ["神圣干涉"] = "Divine Intervention",
+ ["圣佑术"] = "Divine Protection",
+ ["圣盾术"] = "Divine Shield",
+ ["神圣之灵"] = "Divine Spirit",
+ ["神圣之力"] = "Divine Strength",
+ ["Diving Sweep"] = "Diving Sweep",
+ ["躲闪"] = "Dodge",
+ ["Dominate Mind"] = "Dominate Mind",
+ ["Dragon's Breath"] = "Dragon's Breath",
+ ["龙鳞制皮"] = "Dragonscale Leatherworking",
+ ["吸取生命"] = "Drain Life",
+ ["吸取法力"] = "Drain Mana",
+ ["吸取灵魂"] = "Drain Soul",
+ ["Dredge Sickness"] = "Dredge Sickness",
+ ["喝水"] = "Drink",
+ ["Druid's Slumber"] = "Druid's Slumber",
+ ["双武器"] = "Dual Wield",
+ ["双武器专精"] = "Dual Wield Specialization",
+ ["决斗"] = "Duel",
+ ["Dust Field"] = "Dust Field",
+ ["鹰眼术"] = "Eagle Eye",
+ ["Earth Elemental Totem"] = "Earth Elemental Totem",
+ ["Earth Shield"] = "Earth Shield",
+ ["大地震击"] = "Earth Shock",
+ ["地缚图腾"] = "Earthbind Totem",
+ ["Earthborer Acid"] = "Earthborer Acid",
+ ["Earthgrab"] = "Earthgrab",
+ ["效率"] = "Efficiency",
+ ["Electric Discharge"] = "Electric Discharge",
+ ["Electrified Net"] = "Electrified Net",
+ ["元素集中"] = "Elemental Focus",
+ ["元素之怒"] = "Elemental Fury",
+ ["元素制皮"] = "Elemental Leatherworking",
+ ["元素掌握"] = "Elemental Mastery",
+ ["Elemental Precision"] = "Elemental Precision",
+ ["元素磨刀石"] = "Elemental Sharpening Stone",
+ ["艾露恩的赐福"] = "Elune's Grace",
+ ["飘忽不定"] = "Elusiveness",
+ ["琥珀风暴"] = "Emberstorm",
+ ["Enamored Water Spirit"] = "Enamored Water Spirit",
+ ["附魔"] = "Enchanting",
+ ["耐久"] = "Endurance",
+ ["耐久训练"] = "Endurance Training",
+ ["工程学"] = "Engineering",
+ ["工程学专精"] = "Engineering Specialization",
+ ["狂怒"] = "Enrage",
+ ["可口的魔法点心"] = "Enriched Manna Biscuit",
+ ["奴役恶魔"] = "Enslave Demon",
+ ["纠缠根须"] = "Entangling Roots",
+ ["诱捕"] = "Entrapment",
+ ["Enveloping Web"] = "Enveloping Web",
+ ["Enveloping Webs"] = "Enveloping Webs",
+ ["Enveloping Winds"] = "Enveloping Winds",
+ ["Envenom"] = "Envenom",
+ ["Ephemeral Power"] = "Ephemeral Power",
+ ["逃命专家"] = "Escape Artist",
+ ["Essence of Sapphiron"] = "Essence of Sapphiron",
+ ["闪避"] = "Evasion",
+ ["Eventide"] = "Eventide",
+ ["剔骨"] = "Eviscerate",
+ ["唤醒"] = "Evocation",
+ ["斩杀"] = "Execute",
+ ["驱邪术"] = "Exorcism",
+ ["开阔思维"] = "Expansive Mind",
+ ["Exploding Shot"] = "Exploding Shot",
+ ["Exploit Weakness"] = "Exploit Weakness",
+ ["Explosive Shot"] = "Explosive Shot",
+ ["爆炸陷阱"] = "Explosive Trap",
+ ["爆炸陷阱效果"] = "Explosive Trap Effect",
+ ["破甲"] = "Sunder Armor",
+ ["Expose Weakness"] = "Expose Weakness",
+ ["以眼还眼"] = "Eye for an Eye",
+ ["基尔罗格之眼"] = "Eye of Kilrogg",
+ ["The Eye of the Dead"] = "The Eye of the Dead",
+ ["野兽之眼"] = "Eyes of the Beast",
+ ["渐隐术"] = "Fade",
+ ["精灵之火"] = "Faerie Fire",
+ ["精灵之火(野性)"] = "Faerie Fire (Feral)",
+ ["视界术"] = "Far Sight",
+ ["Fatal Bite"] = "Fatal Bite",
+ ["恐惧术"] = "Fear",
+ ["防护恐惧结界"] = "Fear Ward",
+ ["喂养宠物"] = "Feed Pet",
+ ["回馈"] = "Feedback",
+ ["假死"] = "Feign Death",
+ ["佯攻"] = "Feint",
+ ["Fel Armor"] = "Fel Armor",
+ ["恶魔专注"] = "Fel Concentration",
+ ["恶魔支配"] = "Fel Domination",
+ ["恶魔智力"] = "Fel Intellect",
+ ["恶魔耐力"] = "Fel Stamina",
+ ["Fel Stomp"] = "Fel Stomp",
+ ["魔火"] = "Felfire",
+ ["豹之优雅"] = "Feline Grace",
+ ["豹之迅捷"] = "Feline Swiftness",
+ ["野性侵略"] = "Feral Aggression",
+ ["野性冲锋"] = "Feral Charge",
+ ["野性本能"] = "Feral Instinct",
+ ["凶猛撕咬"] = "Ferocious Bite",
+ ["凶暴"] = "Ferocity",
+ ["神像"] = "Fetish",
+ ["Fevered Plague"] = "Fevered Plague",
+ ["Fiery Burst"] = "Fiery Burst",
+ ["寻找草药"] = "Find Herbs",
+ ["寻找矿物"] = "Find Minerals",
+ ["寻找财宝"] = "Find Treasure",
+ ["火焰冲击"] = "Fire Blast",
+ ["Fire Elemental Totem"] = "Fire Elemental Totem",
+ ["Fire Nova"] = "Fire Nova",
+ ["火焰新星图腾"] = "Fire Nova Totem",
+ ["火焰强化"] = "Fire Power",
+ ["火焰抗性"] = "Fire Resistance",
+ ["火焰抗性光环"] = "Fire Resistance Aura",
+ ["抗火图腾"] = "Fire Resistance Totem",
+ ["火焰之盾"] = "Fire Shield",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect"] = "Fire Shield Effect",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect II"] = "Fire Shield Effect II",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect III"] = "Fire Shield Effect III",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect IV"] = "Fire Shield Effect IV",
+ ["Fire Storm"] = "Fire Storm",
+ ["火焰易伤"] = "Fire Vulnerability",
+ ["防护火焰结界"] = "Fire Ward",
+ ["Fire Weakness"] = "Fire Weakness",
+ ["火球术"] = "Fireball",
+ ["Fireball Volley"] = "Fireball Volley",
+ ["火焰箭"] = "Firebolt",
+ ["急救"] = "First Aid",
+ ["钓鱼"] = "Fishing",
+ ["鱼竿"] = "Fishing Poles",
+ ["Fist of Ragnaros"] = "Fist of Ragnaros",
+ ["拳套专精"] = "Fist Weapon Specialization",
+ ["拳套"] = "Fist Weapons",
+ ["Flame Buffet"] = "Flame Buffet",
+ ["Flame Cannon"] = "Flame Cannon",
+ ["Flame Lash"] = "Flame Lash",
+ ["烈焰震击"] = "Flame Shock",
+ ["Flame Spike"] = "Flame Spike",
+ ["Flame Spray"] = "Flame Spray",
+ ["烈焰投掷"] = "Flame Throwing",
+ ["Flames of Shahram"] = "Flames of Shahram",
+ ["烈焰冲击"] = "Flamestrike",
+ ["火焰喷射器"] = "Flamethrower",
+ ["火舌图腾"] = "Flametongue Totem",
+ ["火舌武器"] = "Flametongue Weapon",
+ ["照明弹"] = "Flare",
+ ["Flash Bomb"] = "Flash Bomb",
+ ["快速治疗"] = "Flash Heal",
+ ["圣光闪现"] = "Flash of Light",
+ ["Flight Form"] = "Flight Form",
+ ["乱舞"] = "Flurry",
+ ["专注施法"] = "Focused Casting",
+ ["Focused Mind"] = "Focused Mind",
+ ["进食"] = "Food",
+ ["自律"] = "Forbearance",
+ ["Force of Nature"] = "Force of Nature",
+ ["意志之力"] = "Force of Will",
+ ["Force Punch"] = "Force Punch",
+ ["Force Reactive Disk"] = "Force Reactive Disk",
+ ["Forked Lightning"] = "Forked Lightning",
+ ["Forsaken Skills"] = "Forsaken Skills",
+ ["Frailty"] = "Frailty",
+ ["Freeze Solid"] = "Freeze Solid",
+ ["冰冻陷阱"] = "Freezing Trap",
+ ["冰冻陷阱效果"] = "Freezing Trap Effect",
+ ["狂暴回复"] = "Frenzied Regeneration",
+ ["疯狂"] = "Frenzy",
+ ["霜甲术"] = "Frost Armor",
+ ["Frost Breath"] = "Frost Breath",
+ ["冰霜导能"] = "Frost Channeling",
+ ["冰霜新星"] = "Frost Nova",
+ ["冰霜抗性"] = "Frost Resistance",
+ ["冰霜抗性光环"] = "Frost Resistance Aura",
+ ["抗寒图腾"] = "Frost Resistance Totem",
+ ["冰霜震击"] = "Frost Shock",
+ ["Frost Shot"] = "Frost Shot",
+ ["冰霜陷阱"] = "Frost Trap",
+ ["冰霜陷阱光环"] = "Frost Trap Aura",
+ ["防护冰霜结界"] = "Frost Ward",
+ ["Frost Warding"] = "Frost Warding",
+ ["Frost Weakness"] = "Frost Weakness",
+ ["霜寒刺骨"] = "Frostbite",
+ ["寒冰箭"] = "Frostbolt",
+ ["Frostbolt Volley"] = "Frostbolt Volley",
+ ["冰封武器"] = "Frostbrand Weapon",
+ ["狂怒之嚎"] = "Furious Howl",
+ ["The Furious Storm"] = "The Furious Storm",
+ ["激怒"] = "Furor",
+ ["Fury of Ragnaros"] = "Fury of Ragnaros",
+ ["Gahz'ranka Slam"] = "Gahz'ranka Slam",
+ ["Gahz'rilla Slam"] = "Gahz'rilla Slam",
+ ["绞喉"] = "Garrote",
+ ["Gehennas' Curse"] = "Gehennas' Curse",
+ ["基本"] = "Generic",
+ ["幽魂之狼"] = "Ghost Wolf",
+ ["鬼魅攻击"] = "Ghostly Strike",
+ ["Gift of Life"] = "Gift of Life",
+ ["自然赐福"] = "Gift of Nature",
+ ["野性赐福"] = "Gift of the Wild",
+ ["Goblin Dragon Gun"] = "Goblin Dragon Gun",
+ ["Goblin Sapper Charge"] = "Goblin Sapper Charge",
+ ["凿击"] = "Gouge",
+ ["风之优雅图腾"] = "Grace of Air Totem",
+ ["Grace of the Sunwell"] = "Grace of the Sunwell",
+ ["Grasping Vines"] = "Grasping Vines",
+ ["持久耐力"] = "Great Stamina",
+ ["强效王者祝福"] = "Greater Blessing of Kings",
+ ["强效光明祝福"] = "Greater Blessing of Light",
+ ["强效力量祝福"] = "Greater Blessing of Might",
+ ["强效拯救祝福"] = "Greater Blessing of Salvation",
+ ["强效庇护祝福"] = "Greater Blessing of Sanctuary",
+ ["强效智慧祝福"] = "Greater Blessing of Wisdom",
+ ["强效治疗术"] = "Greater Heal",
+ ["无情延伸"] = "Grim Reach",
+ ["Ground Tremor"] = "Ground Tremor",
+ ["根基图腾"] = "Grounding Totem",
+ ["匍匐"] = "Grovel",
+ ["低吼"] = "Growl",
+ ["守护者的宠爱"] = "Guardian's Favor",
+ ["Guillotine"] = "Guillotine",
+ ["枪械专精"] = "Gun Specialization",
+ ["枪械"] = "Guns",
+ ["Hail Storm"] = "Hail Storm",
+ ["制裁之锤"] = "Hammer of Justice",
+ ["愤怒之锤"] = "Hammer of Wrath",
+ ["断筋"] = "Hamstring",
+ ["侵扰"] = "Harass",
+ ["坚韧"] = "Toughness",
+ ["Haunting Spirits"] = "Haunting Spirits",
+ ["鹰眼"] = "Hawk Eye",
+ ["Head Crack"] = "Head Crack",
+ ["治疗术"] = "Heal",
+ ["Healing Circle"] = "Healing Circle",
+ ["治疗专注"] = "Healing Focus",
+ ["治疗之光"] = "Healing Light",
+ ["Healing of the Ages"] = "Healing of the Ages",
+ ["治疗之泉图腾"] = "Healing Stream Totem",
+ ["治疗之触"] = "Healing Touch",
+ ["治疗波"] = "Healing Wave",
+ ["治疗之道"] = "Healing Way",
+ ["生命通道"] = "Health Funnel",
+ ["野性之心"] = "Heart of the Wild",
+ ["重磨刀石"] = "Heavy Sharpening Stone",
+ ["地狱烈焰"] = "Hellfire",
+ ["地狱烈焰效果"] = "Hellfire Effect",
+ ["出血"] = "Hemorrhage",
+ ["采集草药"] = "Herb Gathering",
+ ["草药学"] = "Herbalism",
+ ["英勇打击"] = "Heroic Strike",
+ ["Heroism"] = "Heroism",
+ ["Hex"] = "Hex",
+ ["Hex of Jammal'an"] = "Hex of Jammal'an",
+ ["虚弱妖术"] = "Hex of Weakness",
+ ["休眠"] = "Hibernate",
+ ["神圣之火"] = "Holy Fire",
+ ["圣光术"] = "Holy Light",
+ ["神圣新星"] = "Holy Nova",
+ ["神圣强化"] = "Holy Power",
+ ["神圣延伸"] = "Holy Reach",
+ ["神圣之盾"] = "Holy Shield",
+ ["神圣震击"] = "Holy Shock",
+ ["Holy Smite"] = "Holy Smite",
+ ["神圣专精"] = "Holy Specialization",
+ ["Holy Strength"] = "Holy Strength",
+ ["Holy Strike"] = "Holy Strike",
+ ["神圣愤怒"] = "Holy Wrath",
+ ["无荣誉目标"] = "Honorless Target",
+ ["Hooked Net"] = "Hooked Net",
+ ["骑术:马"] = "Horse Riding",
+ ["恐惧嚎叫"] = "Howl of Terror",
+ ["人类精魂"] = "The Human Spirit",
+ ["人型生物杀手"] = "Humanoid Slaying",
+ ["猎人印记"] = "Hunter's Mark",
+ ["飓风"] = "Hurricane",
+ ["冰甲术"] = "Ice Armor",
+ ["寒冰护体"] = "Ice Barrier",
+ ["Ice Blast"] = "Ice Blast",
+ ["寒冰屏障"] = "Ice Block",
+ ["Ice Lance"] = "Ice Lance",
+ ["Ice Nova"] = "Ice Nova",
+ ["寒冰碎片"] = "Ice Shards",
+ ["Icicle"] = "Icicle",
+ ["点燃"] = "Ignite",
+ ["启发"] = "Illumination",
+ ["献祭"] = "Immolate",
+ ["献祭陷阱"] = "Immolation Trap",
+ ["献祭陷阱效果"] = "Immolation Trap Effect",
+ ["冲击"] = "Impact",
+ ["穿刺"] = "Impale",
+ ["强化伏击"] = "Improved Ambush",
+ ["强化魔爆术"] = "Improved Arcane Explosion",
+ ["强化奥术飞弹"] = "Improved Arcane Missiles",
+ ["强化奥术射击"] = "Improved Arcane Shot",
+ ["强化雄鹰守护"] = "Improved Aspect of the Hawk",
+ ["强化灵猴守护"] = "Improved Aspect of the Monkey",
+ ["强化背刺"] = "Improved Backstab",
+ ["强化战斗怒吼"] = "Improved Battle Shout",
+ ["强化狂暴之怒"] = "Improved Berserker Rage",
+ ["强化力量祝福"] = "Improved Blessing of Might",
+ ["强化智慧祝福"] = "Improved Blessing of Wisdom",
+ ["强化暴风雪"] = "Improved Blizzard",
+ ["强化血性狂暴"] = "Improved Bloodrage",
+ ["强化治疗链"] = "Improved Chain Heal",
+ ["强化闪电链"] = "Improved Chain Lightning",
+ ["强化挑战怒吼"] = "Improved Challenging Shout",
+ ["强化冲锋"] = "Improved Charge",
+ ["强化偷袭"] = "Improved Cheap Shot",
+ ["强化顺劈斩"] = "Improved Cleave",
+ ["强化专注光环"] = "Improved Concentration Aura",
+ ["强化震荡射击"] = "Improved Concussive Shot",
+ ["强化冰锥术"] = "Improved Cone of Cold",
+ ["强化腐蚀术"] = "Improved Corruption",
+ ["强化法术反制"] = "Improved Counterspell",
+ ["强化痛苦诅咒"] = "Improved Curse of Agony",
+ ["强化疲劳诅咒"] = "Improved Curse of Exhaustion",
+ ["强化虚弱诅咒"] = "Improved Curse of Weakness",
+ ["强化魔法抑制"] = "Improved Dampen Magic",
+ ["强化致命毒药"] = "Improved Deadly Poison",
+ ["强化挫志怒吼"] = "Improved Demoralizing Shout",
+ ["强化虔诚光环"] = "Improved Devotion Aura",
+ ["强化缴械"] = "Improved Disarm",
+ ["强化扰乱"] = "Improved Distract",
+ ["强化吸取生命"] = "Improved Drain Life",
+ ["强化吸取法力"] = "Improved Drain Mana",
+ ["强化吸取灵魂"] = "Improved Drain Soul",
+ ["强化狂怒"] = "Improved Enrage",
+ ["强化奴役恶魔"] = "Improved Enslave Demon",
+ ["强化纠缠根须"] = "Improved Entangling Roots",
+ ["强化闪避"] = "Improved Evasion",
+ ["强化剔骨"] = "Improved Eviscerate",
+ ["强化斩杀"] = "Improved Execute",
+ ["强化破甲"] = "Improved Expose Armor",
+ ["强化野兽之眼"] = "Improved Eyes of the Beast",
+ ["强化渐隐术"] = "Improved Fade",
+ ["强化假死"] = "Improved Feign Death",
+ ["强化火焰冲击"] = "Improved Fire Blast",
+ ["强化火焰图腾"] = "Improved Fire Nova Totem",
+ ["强化防护火焰结界"] = "Improved Fire Ward",
+ ["强化火球术"] = "Improved Fireball",
+ ["强化火焰箭"] = "Improved Firebolt",
+ ["强化火焰石"] = "Improved Firestone",
+ ["强化烈焰冲击"] = "Improved Flamestrike",
+ ["强化火舌武器"] = "Improved Flametongue Weapon",
+ ["强化圣光闪现"] = "Improved Flash of Light",
+ ["强化冰霜新星"] = "Improved Frost Nova",
+ ["强化防护冰霜结界"] = "Improved Frost Ward",
+ ["强化寒冰箭"] = "Improved Frostbolt",
+ ["强化冰封武器"] = "Improved Frostbrand Weapon",
+ ["强化绞喉"] = "Improved Garrote",
+ ["强化幽魂之狼"] = "Improved Ghost Wolf",
+ ["强化凿击"] = "Improved Gouge",
+ ["强化风之优雅图腾"] = "Improved Grace of Air Totem",
+ ["强化根基图腾"] = "Improved Grounding Totem",
+ ["强化制裁之锤"] = "Improved Hammer of Justice",
+ ["强化断筋"] = "Improved Hamstring",
+ ["强化治疗术"] = "Improved Healing",
+ ["强化治疗之泉图腾"] = "Improved Healing Stream Totem",
+ ["强化治疗之触"] = "Improved Healing Touch",
+ ["强化治疗波"] = "Improved Healing Wave",
+ ["强化生命通道"] = "Improved Health Funnel",
+ ["强化治疗石"] = "Improved Healthstone",
+ ["强化英勇打击"] = "Improved Heroic Strike",
+ ["强化猎人印记"] = "Improved Hunter's Mark",
+ ["强化献祭"] = "Improved Immolate",
+ ["强化小鬼"] = "Improved Imp",
+ ["强化心灵之火"] = "Improved Inner Fire",
+ ["强化速效毒药"] = "Improved Instant Poison",
+ ["强化拦截"] = "Improved Intercept",
+ ["强化破胆怒吼"] = "Improved Intimidating Shout",
+ ["强化审判"] = "Improved Judgement",
+ ["强化脚踢"] = "Improved Kick",
+ ["强化肾击"] = "Improved Kidney Shot",
+ ["强化剧痛鞭笞"] = "Improved Lash of Pain",
+ ["强化圣疗术"] = "Improved Lay on Hands",
+ ["强化次级治疗波"] = "Improved Lesser Healing Wave",
+ ["强化生命分流"] = "Improved Life Tap",
+ ["强化闪电箭"] = "Improved Lightning Bolt",
+ ["强化闪电护盾"] = "Improved Lightning Shield",
+ ["强化熔岩图腾"] = "Improved Magma Totem",
+ ["强化法力燃烧"] = "Improved Mana Burn",
+ ["强化法力护盾"] = "Improved Mana Shield",
+ ["强化法力之泉图腾"] = "Improved Mana Spring Totem",
+ ["强化野性印记"] = "Improved Mark of the Wild",
+ ["强化治疗宠物"] = "Improved Mend Pet",
+ ["强化心灵震爆"] = "Improved Mind Blast",
+ ["强化月火术"] = "Improved Moonfire",
+ ["强化自然之握"] = "Improved Nature's Grasp",
+ ["强化压制"] = "Improved Overpower",
+ ["强化真言术:韧"] = "Improved Power Word: Fortitude",
+ ["强化圣言术:盾"] = "Improved Power Word: Shield",
+ ["强化治疗祷言"] = "Improved Prayer of Healing",
+ ["强化心灵尖啸"] = "Improved Psychic Scream",
+ ["强化拳击"] = "Improved Pummel",
+ ["强化愈合"] = "Improved Regrowth",
+ ["强化复生"] = "Improved Reincarnation",
+ ["强化回春"] = "Improved Rejuvenation",
+ ["强化撕裂"] = "Improved Rend",
+ ["强化恢复"] = "Improved Renew",
+ ["强化惩罚光环"] = "Improved Retribution Aura",
+ ["强化复仇"] = "Improved Revenge",
+ ["强化复活宠物"] = "Improved Revive Pet",
+ ["强化正义之怒"] = "Improved Righteous Fury",
+ ["强化石化武器"] = "Improved Rockbiter Weapon",
+ ["强化割裂"] = "Improved Rupture",
+ ["强化闷棍"] = "Improved Sap",
+ ["强化灼烧"] = "Improved Scorch",
+ ["强化毒蝎钉刺"] = "Improved Scorpid Sting",
+ ["强化正义圣印"] = "Improved Seal of Righteousness",
+ ["强化十字军圣印"] = "Improved Seal of the Crusader",
+ ["强化灼热之痛"] = "Improved Searing Pain",
+ ["强化灼热图腾"] = "Improved Searing Totem",
+ ["强化毒蛇钉刺"] = "Improved Serpent Sting",
+ ["强化暗影箭"] = "Improved Shadow Bolt",
+ ["强化暗言术:痛"] = "Improved Shadow Word: Pain",
+ ["强化盾击"] = "Improved Shield Bash",
+ ["强化盾牌格挡"] = "Improved Shield Block",
+ ["强化盾墙"] = "Improved Shield Wall",
+ ["强化撕碎"] = "Improved Shred",
+ ["强化邪恶攻击"] = "Improved Sinister Strike",
+ ["强化猛击"] = "Improved Slam",
+ ["强化切割"] = "Improved Slice and Dice",
+ ["强化法术石"] = "Improved Spellstone",
+ ["强化疾跑"] = "Improved Sprint",
+ ["强化星火术"] = "Improved Starfire",
+ ["强化石爪图腾"] = "Improved Stoneclaw Totem",
+ ["强化石肤图腾"] = "Improved Stoneskin Totem",
+ ["强化大地之力图腾"] = "Improved Strength of Earth Totem",
+ ["强化魅魔"] = "Improved Succubus",
+ ["强化破甲攻击"] = "Improved Sunder Armor",
+ ["强化嘲讽"] = "Improved Taunt",
+ ["强化荆棘术"] = "Improved Thorns",
+ ["强化雷霆一击"] = "Improved Thunder Clap",
+ ["强化宁静"] = "Improved Tranquility",
+ ["强化吸血鬼的拥抱"] = "Improved Vampiric Embrace",
+ ["强化消失"] = "Improved Vanish",
+ ["强化虚空行者"] = "Improved Voidwalker",
+ ["强化风怒武器"] = "Improved Windfury Weapon",
+ ["强化摔绊"] = "Improved Wing Clip",
+ ["强化愤怒"] = "Improved Wrath",
+ ["焚烧"] = "Incinerate",
+ ["Infected Bite"] = "Infected Bite",
+ ["Infected Wound"] = "Infected Wound",
+ ["地狱火"] = "Inferno",
+ ["Inferno Shell"] = "Inferno Shell",
+ ["先发制人"] = "Initiative",
+ ["心灵之火"] = "Inner Fire",
+ ["心灵专注"] = "Inner Focus",
+ ["激活"] = "Innervate",
+ ["虫群"] = "Insect Swarm",
+ ["灵感"] = "Inspiration",
+ ["速效毒药"] = "Instant Poison",
+ ["速效毒药 II"] = "Instant Poison II",
+ ["速效毒药 III"] = "Instant Poison III",
+ ["速效毒药 IV"] = "Instant Poison IV",
+ ["速效毒药 V"] = "Instant Poison V",
+ ["速效毒药 VI"] = "Instant Poison VI",
+ ["强烈"] = "Intensity",
+ ["拦截"] = "Intercept",
+ ["拦截昏迷"] = "Intercept Stun",
+ ["Intervene"] = "Intervene",
+ ["Intimidating Roar"] = "Intimidating Roar",
+ ["破胆怒吼"] = "Intimidating Shout",
+ ["胁迫"] = "Intimidation",
+ ["Intoxicating Venom"] = "Intoxicating Venom",
+ ["Invisibility"] = "Invisibility",
+ ["Iron Will"] = "Iron Will",
+ ["Jewelcrafting"] = "Jewelcrafting",
+ ["审判"] = "Judgement",
+ ["命令审判"] = "Judgement of Command",
+ ["公正审判"] = "Judgement of Justice",
+ ["光明审判"] = "Judgement of Light",
+ ["正义审判"] = "Judgement of Righteousness",
+ ["十字军审判"] = "Judgement of the Crusader",
+ ["智慧审判"] = "Judgement of Wisdom",
+ ["脚踢"] = "Kick",
+ ["脚踢 - 沉默"] = "Kick - Silenced",
+ ["肾击"] = "Kidney Shot",
+ ["Kill Command"] = "Kill Command",
+ ["杀戮本能"] = "Killer Instinct",
+ ["Knock Away"] = "Knock Away",
+ ["Knockdown"] = "Knockdown",
+ ["骑术:科多兽"] = "Kodo Riding",
+ ["Lacerate"] = "Lacerate",
+ ["Larva Goo"] = "Larva Goo",
+ ["Lash"] = "Lash",
+ ["剧痛鞭笞"] = "Lash of Pain",
+ ["破釜沉舟"] = "Last Stand",
+ ["持久审判"] = "Lasting Judgement",
+ ["Lava Spout Totem"] = "Lava Spout Totem",
+ ["圣疗术"] = "Lay on Hands",
+ ["兽群领袖"] = "Leader of the Pack",
+ ["皮甲"] = "Leather",
+ ["制皮"] = "Leatherworking",
+ ["Leech Poison"] = "Leech Poison",
+ ["次级治疗术"] = "Lesser Heal",
+ ["次级治疗波"] = "Lesser Healing Wave",
+ ["次级隐形术"] = "Lesser Invisibility",
+ ["夺命射击"] = "Lethal Shots",
+ ["致命偷袭"] = "Lethality",
+ ["漂浮"] = "Levitate",
+ ["圣物"] = "Libram",
+ ["Lich Slap"] = "Lich Slap",
+ ["生命分流"] = "Life Tap",
+ ["Lifebloom"] = "Lifebloom",
+ ["Lifegiving Gem"] = "Lifegiving Gem",
+ ["Lightning Blast"] = "Lightning Blast",
+ ["闪电箭"] = "Lightning Bolt",
+ ["闪电吐息"] = "Lightning Breath",
+ ["Lightning Cloud"] = "Lightning Cloud",
+ ["闪电掌握"] = "Lightning Mastery",
+ ["闪电反射"] = "Lightning Reflexes",
+ ["闪电护盾"] = "Lightning Shield",
+ ["Lightning Wave"] = "Lightning Wave",
+ ["光明之泉"] = "Lightwell",
+ ["光明之泉回复"] = "Lightwell Renew",
+ ["Lizard Bolt"] = "Lizard Bolt",
+ ["Localized Toxin"] = "Localized Toxin",
+ ["开锁"] = "Pick Lock",
+ ["长时间眩晕"] = "Long Daze",
+ ["锤类武器专精"] = "Mace Specialization",
+ ["锤击昏迷效果"] = "Mace Stun Effect",
+ ["Machine Gun"] = "Machine Gun",
+ ["Magic Attunement"] = "Magic Attunement",
+ ["Magma Splash"] = "Magma Splash",
+ ["熔岩图腾"] = "Magma Totem",
+ ["锁甲"] = "Mail",
+ ["Maim"] = "Maim",
+ ["恶意"] = "Malice",
+ ["法力燃烧"] = "Mana Burn",
+ ["Mana Feed"] = "Mana Feed",
+ ["法力护盾"] = "Mana Shield",
+ ["法力之泉图腾"] = "Mana Spring Totem",
+ ["法力之潮图腾"] = "Mana Tide Totem",
+ ["割碎"] = "Mangle",
+ ["Mangle (Bear)"] = "Mangle (Bear)",
+ ["Mangle (Cat)"] = "Mangle (Cat)",
+ ["Mark of Arlokk"] = "Mark of Arlokk",
+ ["野性印记"] = "Mark of the Wild",
+ ["殉难"] = "Martyrdom",
+ ["Mass Dispel"] = "Mass Dispel",
+ ["恶魔学识大师"] = "Master Demonologist",
+ ["欺诈高手"] = "Master of Deception",
+ ["Master of Elements"] = "Master of Elements",
+ ["召唤大师"] = "Master Summoner",
+ ["槌击"] = "Maul",
+ ["骑术:机械陆行鸟"] = "Mechanostrider Piloting",
+ ["冥想"] = "Meditation",
+ ["Megavolt"] = "Megavolt",
+ ["近战专精"] = "Melee Specialization",
+ ["Melt Ore"] = "Melt Ore",
+ ["治疗宠物"] = "Mend Pet",
+ ["精神敏锐"] = "Mental Agility",
+ ["心灵之力"] = "Mental Strength",
+ ["Mighty Blow"] = "Mighty Blow",
+ ["心灵震爆"] = "Mind Blast",
+ ["精神控制"] = "Mind Control",
+ ["精神鞭笞"] = "Mind Flay",
+ ["安抚心灵"] = "Mind Soothe",
+ ["Mind Tremor"] = "Mind Tremor",
+ ["心灵视界"] = "Mind Vision",
+ ["麻痹毒药"] = "Mind-numbing Poison",
+ ["麻痹毒药 II"] = "Mind-numbing Poison II",
+ ["麻痹毒药 III"] = "Mind-numbing Poison III",
+ ["采矿"] = "Mining",
+ ["Misdirection"] = "Misdirection",
+ ["惩戒痛击"] = "Mocking Blow",
+ ["Molten Armor"] = "Molten Armor",
+ ["Molten Blast"] = "Molten Blast",
+ ["Molten Metal"] = "Molten Metal",
+ ["猫鼬撕咬"] = "Mongoose Bite",
+ ["怪物杀手"] = "Monster Slaying",
+ ["月火术"] = "Moonfire",
+ ["月怒"] = "Moonfury",
+ ["月光"] = "Moonglow",
+ ["枭兽光环"] = "Moonkin Aura",
+ ["枭兽形态"] = "Moonkin Form",
+ ["Mortal Cleave"] = "Mortal Cleave",
+ ["致死射击"] = "Mortal Shots",
+ ["致死打击"] = "Mortal Strike",
+ ["Mortal Wound"] = "Mortal Wound",
+ ["多重射击"] = "Multi-Shot",
+ ["谋杀"] = "Murder",
+ ["Mutilate"] = "Mutilate",
+ ["Naralex's Nightmare"] = "Naralex's Nightmare",
+ ["自然护甲"] = "Natural Armor",
+ ["自然变形"] = "Natural Shapeshifter",
+ ["武器平衡"] = "Natural Weapons",
+ ["Nature Aligned"] = "Nature Aligned",
+ ["自然抗性"] = "Nature Resistance",
+ ["自然抗性图腾"] = "Nature Resistance Totem",
+ ["Nature Weakness"] = "Nature Weakness",
+ ["自然集中"] = "Nature's Focus",
+ ["自然之赐"] = "Nature's Grace",
+ ["自然之握"] = "Nature's Grasp",
+ ["自然延伸"] = "Nature's Reach",
+ ["自然迅捷"] = "Nature's Swiftness",
+ ["Necrotic Poison"] = "Necrotic Poison",
+ ["Negative Charge"] = "Negative Charge",
+ ["Net"] = "Net",
+ ["夜幕"] = "Nightfall",
+ ["Noxious Catalyst"] = "Noxious Catalyst",
+ ["Noxious Cloud"] = "Noxious Cloud",
+ ["清晰预兆"] = "Omen of Clarity",
+ ["单手斧"] = "One-Handed Axes",
+ ["单手锤"] = "One-Handed Maces",
+ ["单手剑"] = "One-Handed Swords",
+ ["单手武器专精"] = "One-Handed Weapon Specialization",
+ ["打开"] = "Opening",
+ ["打开 - No Text"] = "Opening - No Text",
+ ["伺机而动"] = "Opportunity",
+ ["压制"] = "Suppression",
+ ["Pacify"] = "Pacify",
+ ["Pain Suppression"] = "Pain Suppression",
+ ["Paralyzing Poison"] = "Paralyzing Poison",
+ ["多疑"] = "Paranoia",
+ ["Parasitic Serpent"] = "Parasitic Serpent",
+ ["招架"] = "Parry",
+ ["寻路"] = "Pathfinding",
+ ["感知"] = "Perception",
+ ["极寒冰霜"] = "Permafrost",
+ ["宠物好斗"] = "Pet Aggression",
+ ["宠物耐久"] = "Pet Hardiness",
+ ["宠物恢复"] = "Pet Recovery",
+ ["宠物抗魔"] = "Pet Resistance",
+ ["Petrify"] = "Petrify",
+ ["相位变换"] = "Phase Shift",
+ ["偷窃"] = "Pick Pocket",
+ ["Pierce Armor"] = "Pierce Armor",
+ ["刺耳怒吼"] = "Piercing Howl",
+ ["刺骨寒冰"] = "Piercing Ice",
+ ["Piercing Shadow"] = "Piercing Shadow",
+ ["Piercing Shot"] = "Piercing Shot",
+ ["Plague Cloud"] = "Plague Cloud",
+ ["板甲"] = "Plate Mail",
+ ["Poison"] = "Poison",
+ ["Poison Bolt"] = "Poison Bolt",
+ ["Poison Bolt Volley"] = "Poison Bolt Volley",
+ ["Poison Cloud"] = "Poison Cloud",
+ ["Poison Shock"] = "Poison Shock",
+ ["Poisoned Harpoon"] = "Poisoned Harpoon",
+ ["Poisoned Shot"] = "Poisoned Shot",
+ ["Poisonous Blood"] = "Poisonous Blood",
+ ["毒药"] = "Poisons",
+ ["长柄武器专精"] = "Polearm Specialization",
+ ["长柄武器"] = "Polearms",
+ ["变形术"] = "Polymorph",
+ ["变形术:猪"] = "Polymorph: Pig",
+ ["变形术:龟"] = "Polymorph: Turtle",
+ ["传送门:达纳苏斯"] = "Portal: Darnassus",
+ [" 传送门:铁炉堡"] = "Portal: Ironforge",
+ ["传送门:奥格瑞玛"] = "Portal: Orgrimmar",
+ ["传送门:暴风城"] = "Portal: Stormwind",
+ ["传送门:雷霆崖"] = "Portal: Thunder Bluff",
+ ["传送门:幽暗城"] = "Portal: Undercity",
+ ["Positive Charge"] = "Positive Charge",
+ ["突袭"] = "Pounce Bleed",
+ ["能量灌注"] = "Power Infusion",
+ ["真言术:韧"] = "Power Word: Fortitude",
+ ["真言术:盾"] = "Power Word: Shield",
+ ["Prayer Beads Blessing"] = "Prayer Beads Blessing",
+ ["坚韧祷言"] = "Prayer of Fortitude",
+ ["治疗祷言"] = "Prayer of Healing",
+ ["Prayer of Mending"] = "Prayer of Mending",
+ ["暗影防护祷言"] = "Prayer of Shadow Protection",
+ ["精神祷言"] = "Prayer of Spirit",
+ ["精确"] = "Precision",
+ ["猛兽攻击"] = "Predatory Strikes",
+ ["预谋"] = "Premeditation",
+ ["伺机待发"] = "Preparation",
+ ["气定神闲"] = "Presence of Mind",
+ ["原始狂怒"] = "Primal Fury",
+ ["潜伏"] = "Prowl",
+ ["心灵尖啸"] = "Psychic Scream",
+ ["拳击"] = "Pummel",
+ ["Puncture"] = "Puncture",
+ ["净化术"] = "Purge",
+ ["净化"] = "Purification",
+ ["纯净术"] = "Purify",
+ ["正义追击"] = "Pursuit of Justice",
+ ["Putrid Breath"] = "Putrid Breath",
+ ["Putrid Enzyme"] = "Putrid Enzyme",
+ ["炎爆术"] = "Pyroblast",
+ ["火焰冲撞"] = "Pyroclasm",
+ ["快速射击"] = "Quick Shots",
+ ["迅捷"] = "Quickness",
+ ["Radiation"] = "Radiation",
+ ["Radiation Bolt"] = "Radiation Bolt",
+ ["Radiation Cloud"] = "Radiation Cloud",
+ ["Radiation Poisoning"] = "Radiation Poisoning",
+ ["火焰之雨"] = "Rain of Fire",
+ ["扫击"] = "Rake",
+ ["骑术:羊"] = "Ram Riding",
+ ["Rampage"] = "Rampage",
+ ["远程武器专精"] = "Ranged Weapon Specialization",
+ ["迅速隐蔽"] = "Rapid Concealment",
+ ["急速射击"] = "Rapid Fire",
+ ["骑术:迅猛龙"] = "Raptor Riding",
+ ["猛禽一击"] = "Raptor Strike",
+ ["Ravenous Claw"] = "Ravenous Claw",
+ ["准备就绪"] = "Readiness",
+ ["复生"] = "Reincarnation",
+ ["Rebuild"] = "Rebuild",
+ ["Recently Bandaged"] = "Recently Bandaged",
+ ["无畏冲锋"] = "Reckless Charge",
+ ["鲁莽"] = "Recklessness",
+ ["Recombobulate"] = "Recombobulate",
+ ["救赎"] = "Redemption",
+ ["盾牌壁垒"] = "Redoubt",
+ ["反射"] = "Reflection",
+ ["回复"] = "Regeneration",
+ ["愈合"] = "Regrowth",
+ ["回春术"] = "Rejuvenation",
+ ["无情打击"] = "Relentless Strikes",
+ ["冷酷"] = "Remorseless",
+ ["冷酷攻击"] = "Remorseless Attacks",
+ ["解除诅咒"] = "Remove Curse",
+ ["解除徽记"] = "Remove Insignia",
+ ["解除次级诅咒"] = "Remove Lesser Curse",
+ ["撕裂"] = "Rend",
+ ["恢复"] = "Renew",
+ ["忏悔"] = "Repentance",
+ ["Repulsive Gaze"] = "Repulsive Gaze",
+ ["Restorative Totems"] = "Restorative Totems",
+ ["复活"] = "Resurrection",
+ ["反击风暴"] = "Retaliation",
+ ["惩罚光环"] = "Retribution Aura",
+ ["复仇"] = "Vengeance",
+ ["复仇昏迷"] = "Revenge Stun",
+ ["回响"] = "Reverberation",
+ ["复活宠物"] = "Revive Pet",
+ ["Rhahk'Zor Slam"] = "Rhahk'Zor Slam",
+ ["Ribbon of Souls"] = "Ribbon of Souls",
+ ["Righteous Defense"] = "Righteous Defense",
+ ["正义之怒"] = "Righteous Fury",
+ ["撕扯"] = "Rip",
+ ["还击"] = "Riposte",
+ ["末日仪式"] = "Ritual of Doom",
+ ["末日仪式效果"] = "Ritual of Doom Effect",
+ ["Ritual of Souls"] = "Ritual of Souls",
+ ["召唤仪式"] = "Ritual of Summoning",
+ ["石化武器"] = "Rockbiter Weapon",
+ ["盗贼被动效果"] = "Rogue Passive",
+ ["劣质磨刀石"] = "Rough Sharpening Stone",
+ ["割裂"] = "Rupture",
+ ["无情"] = "Ruthlessness",
+ ["牺牲"] = "Sacrifice",
+ ["安全降落"] = "Safe Fall",
+ ["圣洁光环"] = "Sanctity Aura",
+ ["闷棍"] = "Sap",
+ ["野蛮暴怒"] = "Savage Fury",
+ ["野蛮打击"] = "Savage Strikes",
+ ["恐吓野兽"] = "Scare Beast",
+ ["驱散射击"] = "Scatter Shot",
+ ["灼烧"] = "Scorch",
+ ["蝎毒"] = "Scorpid Poison",
+ ["毒蝎钉刺"] = "Scorpid Sting",
+ ["Screams of the Past"] = "Screams of the Past",
+ ["尖啸"] = "Screech",
+ ["封印命运"] = "Seal Fate",
+ ["Seal of Blood"] = "Seal of Blood",
+ ["命令圣印"] = "Seal of Command",
+ ["公正圣印"] = "Seal of Justice",
+ ["光明圣印"] = "Seal of Light",
+ ["Seal of Reckoning"] = "Seal of Reckoning",
+ ["正义圣印"] = "Seal of Righteousness",
+ ["十字军圣印"] = "Seal of the Crusader",
+ ["Seal of Vengeance"] = "Seal of Vengeance",
+ ["智慧圣印"] = "Seal of Wisdom",
+ ["灼热之光"] = "Searing Light",
+ ["灼热之痛"] = "Searing Pain",
+ ["灼热图腾"] = "Searing Totem",
+ ["Second Wind"] = "Second Wind",
+ ["诱惑"] = "Seduction",
+ ["Seed of Corruption"] = "Seed of Corruption",
+ ["感知恶魔"] = "Sense Demons",
+ ["感知亡灵"] = "Sense Undead",
+ ["岗哨图腾"] = "Sentry Totem",
+ ["毒蛇钉刺"] = "Serpent Sting",
+ ["调整"] = "Setup",
+ ["束缚亡灵"] = "Shackle Undead",
+ ["暗影亲和"] = "Shadow Affinity",
+ ["暗影箭"] = "Shadow Bolt",
+ ["Shadow Bolt Volley"] = "Shadow Bolt Volley",
+ ["暗影集中"] = "Shadow Focus",
+ ["暗影掌握"] = "Shadow Mastery",
+ ["暗影防护"] = "Shadow Protection",
+ ["暗影延伸"] = "Shadow Reach",
+ ["暗影抗性"] = "Shadow Resistance",
+ ["暗影抗性光环"] = "Shadow Resistance Aura",
+ ["Shadow Shock"] = "Shadow Shock",
+ ["暗影冥思"] = "Shadow Trance",
+ ["暗影易伤"] = "Shadow Vulnerability",
+ ["防护暗影结界"] = "Shadow Ward",
+ ["Shadow Weakness"] = "Shadow Weakness",
+ ["暗影之波"] = "Shadow Weaving",
+ ["Shadow Word: Death"] = "Shadow Word: Death",
+ ["暗言术:痛"] = "Shadow Word: Pain",
+ ["暗影灼烧"] = "Shadowburn",
+ ["Shadowfiend"] = "Shadowfiend",
+ ["暗影形态"] = "Shadowform",
+ ["Shadowfury"] = "Shadowfury",
+ ["暗影守卫"] = "Shadowguard",
+ ["影遁"] = "Shadowmeld Passive",
+ ["Shadowstep"] = "Shadowstep",
+ ["Shamanistic Rage"] = "Shamanistic Rage",
+ ["锋利兽爪"] = "Sharpened Claws",
+ ["碎冰"] = "Shatter",
+ ["Sheep"] = "Sheep",
+ ["甲壳护盾"] = "Shell Shield",
+ ["盾牌"] = "Shield",
+ ["盾击"] = "Shield Bash",
+ ["盾击 - 沉默"] = "Shield Bash - Silenced",
+ ["盾牌格挡"] = "Shield Block",
+ ["盾牌猛击"] = "Shield Slam",
+ ["盾牌专精"] = "Shield Specialization",
+ ["盾墙"] = "Shield Wall",
+ ["Shiv"] = "Shiv",
+ ["Shock"] = "Shock",
+ ["射击"] = "Shoot",
+ ["弓射击"] = "Shoot Bow",
+ ["弩射击"] = "Shoot Crossbow",
+ ["枪械射击"] = "Shoot Gun",
+ ["撕碎"] = "Shred",
+ ["Shrink"] = "Shrink",
+ ["沉默"] = "Silence",
+ ["Silencing Shot"] = "Silencing Shot",
+ ["无声消退"] = "Silent Resolve",
+ ["邪恶攻击"] = "Sinister Strike",
+ ["生命虹吸"] = "Siphon Life",
+ ["剥皮"] = "Skinning",
+ ["Skull Crack"] = "Skull Crack",
+ ["猛击"] = "Slam",
+ ["沉睡"] = "Sleep",
+ ["切割"] = "Slice and Dice",
+ ["Slow"] = "Slow",
+ ["缓落术"] = "Slow Fall",
+ ["Slowing Poison"] = "Slowing Poison",
+ ["熔炼"] = "Smelting",
+ ["惩击"] = "Smite",
+ ["Smite Slam"] = "Smite Slam",
+ ["Smite Stomp"] = "Smite Stomp",
+ ["Smoke Bomb"] = "Smoke Bomb",
+ ["Snake Trap"] = "Snake Trap",
+ ["Snap Kick"] = "Snap Kick",
+ ["坚固的磨刀石"] = "Solid Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Sonic Burst"] = "Sonic Burst",
+ ["安抚动物"] = "Soothe Animal",
+ ["安抚之吻"] = "Soothing Kiss",
+ ["Soul Bite"] = "Soul Bite",
+ ["Soul Drain"] = "Soul Drain",
+ ["灵魂之火"] = "Soul Fire",
+ ["灵魂链接"] = "Soul Link",
+ ["灵魂虹吸"] = "Soul Siphon",
+ ["Soul Tap"] = "Soul Tap",
+ ["Soulshatter"] = "Soulshatter",
+ ["灵魂石复活"] = "Soulstone Resurrection",
+ ["法术封锁"] = "Spell Lock",
+ ["Spell Reflection"] = "Spell Reflection",
+ ["法术屏障"] = "Spell Warding",
+ ["Spellsteal"] = "Spellsteal",
+ ["灵魂连接"] = "Spirit Bond",
+ ["Spirit Burst"] = "Spirit Burst",
+ ["救赎之魂"] = "Spirit of Redemption",
+ ["精神分流"] = "Spirit Tap",
+ ["Spiritual Attunement"] = "Spiritual Attunement",
+ ["精神集中"] = "Spiritual Focus",
+ ["精神指引"] = "Spiritual Guidance",
+ ["精神治疗"] = "Spiritual Healing",
+ ["Spit"] = "Spit",
+ ["Spore Cloud"] = "Spore Cloud",
+ ["疾跑"] = "Sprint",
+ ["Stance Mastery"] = "Stance Mastery",
+ ["星火术"] = "Starfire",
+ ["星火昏迷"] = "Starfire Stun",
+ ["星辰碎片"] = "Starshards",
+ ["法杖"] = "Staves",
+ ["Steady Shot"] = "Steady Shot",
+ ["潜行"] = "Stealth",
+ ["石爪图腾"] = "Stoneclaw Totem",
+ ["石像形态"] = "Stoneform",
+ ["石肤图腾"] = "Stoneskin Totem",
+ ["风暴打击"] = "Stormstrike",
+ ["大地之力图腾"] = "Strength of Earth Totem",
+ ["Strike"] = "Strike",
+ ["卡死"] = "Stuck",
+ ["Stun"] = "Stun",
+ ["微妙"] = "Subtlety",
+ ["受难"] = "Suffering",
+ ["召唤战马"] = "Summon Charger",
+ ["召唤恐惧战马"] = "Summon Dreadsteed",
+ ["Summon Felguard"] = "Summon Felguard",
+ ["召唤地狱猎犬"] = "Summon Felhunter",
+ ["召唤地狱战马"] = "Summon Felsteed",
+ ["召唤小鬼"] = "Summon Imp",
+ ["Summon Spawn of Bael'Gar"] = "Summon Spawn of Bael'Gar",
+ ["召唤魅魔"] = "Summon Succubus",
+ ["召唤虚空行者"] = "Summon Voidwalker",
+ ["召唤军马"] = "Summon Warhorse",
+ ["Summon Water Elemental"] = "Summon Water Elemental",
+ ["稳固"] = "Surefooted",
+ ["生存专家"] = "Survivalist",
+ ["Sweeping Slam"] = "Sweeping Slam",
+ ["横扫攻击"] = "Sweeping Strikes",
+ ["迅捷治愈"] = "Swiftmend",
+ ["挥击"] = "Swipe",
+ ["Swoop"] = "Swoop",
+ ["剑类武器专精"] = "Sword Specialization",
+ ["战术掌握"] = "Tactical Mastery",
+ ["裁缝"] = "Tailoring",
+ ["腐坏之血"] = "Tainted Blood",
+ ["驯服野兽"] = "Tame Beast",
+ ["驯服宠物(被动)"] = "Tamed Pet Passive",
+ ["嘲讽"] = "Taunt",
+ ["传送:达纳苏斯"] = "Teleport: Darnassus",
+ ["传送:铁炉堡"] = "Teleport: Ironforge",
+ ["传送:月光林地"] = "Teleport: Moonglade",
+ ["传送:奥格瑞玛"] = "Teleport: Orgrimmar",
+ ["传送:暴风城"] = "Teleport: Stormwind",
+ ["传送:雷霆崖"] = "Teleport: Thunder Bluff",
+ ["传送:幽暗城"] = "Teleport: Undercity",
+ ["Tendon Rip"] = "Tendon Rip",
+ ["Tendon Slice"] = "Tendon Slice",
+ ["Terrify"] = "Terrify",
+ ["Terrifying Screech"] = "Terrifying Screech",
+ ["厚皮"] = "Thick Hide",
+ ["Thorn Volley"] = "Thorn Volley",
+ ["荆棘术"] = "Thorns",
+ ["Thousand Blades"] = "Thousand Blades",
+ ["Threatening Gaze"] = "Threatening Gaze",
+ ["投掷"] = "Thrown",
+ ["Throw Axe"] = "Throw Axe",
+ ["Throw Dynamite"] = "Throw Dynamite",
+ ["Throw Liquid Fire"] = "Throw Liquid Fire",
+ ["Throw Wrench"] = "Throw Wrench",
+ ["投掷专精"] = "Throwing Specialization",
+ ["投掷武器专精"] = "Throwing Weapon Specialization",
+ ["雷霆一击"] = "Thunder Clap",
+ ["Thunderclap"] = "Thunderclap",
+ ["Thunderfury"] = "Thunderfury",
+ ["雷鸣猛击"] = "Thundering Strikes",
+ ["Thundershock"] = "Thundershock",
+ ["雷霆践踏"] = "Thunderstomp",
+ ["潮汐集中"] = "Tidal Focus",
+ ["潮汐掌握"] = "Tidal Mastery",
+ ["骑术:豹"] = "Tiger Riding",
+ ["猛虎之怒"] = "Tiger's Fury",
+ ["折磨"] = "Torment",
+ ["图腾"] = "Totem",
+ ["Totem of Wrath"] = "Totem of Wrath",
+ ["图腾集中"] = "Totemic Focus",
+ ["虚弱之触"] = "Touch of Weakness",
+ ["Toxic Saliva"] = "Toxic Saliva",
+ ["Toxic Spit"] = "Toxic Spit",
+ ["Toxic Volley"] = "Toxic Volley",
+ ["Traces of Silithyst"] = "Traces of Silithyst",
+ ["追踪野兽"] = "Track Beasts",
+ ["追踪恶魔"] = "Track Demons",
+ ["追踪龙类"] = "Track Dragonkin",
+ ["追踪元素生物"] = "Track Elementals",
+ ["追踪巨人"] = "Track Giants",
+ ["追踪隐藏生物"] = "Track Hidden",
+ ["追踪人型生物"] = "Track Humanoids",
+ ["追踪亡灵"] = "Track Undead",
+ ["Trample"] = "Trample",
+ ["宁静之风图腾"] = "Tranquil Air Totem",
+ ["宁静之魂"] = "Tranquil Spirit",
+ ["宁静"] = "Tranquility",
+ ["Tranquilizing Poison"] = "Tranquilizing Poison",
+ ["宁神射击"] = "Tranquilizing Shot",
+ ["陷阱掌握"] = "Trap Mastery",
+ ["旅行形态"] = "Travel Form",
+ ["Tree of Life"] = "Tree of Life",
+ ["战栗图腾"] = "Tremor Totem",
+ ["部族制皮"] = "Tribal Leatherworking",
+ ["强击光环"] = "Trueshot Aura",
+ ["超度亡灵"] = "Turn Undead",
+ ["Twisted Tranquility"] = "Twisted Tranquility",
+ ["双手斧"] = "Two-Handed Axes",
+ ["双手斧和锤"] = "Two-Handed Axes and Maces",
+ ["双手锤"] = "Two-Handed Maces",
+ ["无光泽的双刃刀"] = "Two-Handed Swords",
+ ["双手武器专精"] = "Two-Handed Weapon Specialization",
+ ["徒手"] = "Unarmed",
+ ["坚定意志"] = "Unbreakable Will",
+ ["怒不可遏"] = "Unbridled Wrath",
+ ["Unbridled Wrath Effect"] = "Unbridled Wrath Effect",
+ ["骑术:骸骨战马"] = "Undead Horsemanship",
+ ["水下呼吸"] = "Water Breathing",
+ ["魔息术"] = "Unending Breath",
+ ["Unholy Frenzy"] = "Unholy Frenzy",
+ ["邪恶强化"] = "Unholy Power",
+ ["狂怒释放"] = "Unleashed Fury",
+ ["Unleashed Rage"] = "Unleashed Rage",
+ ["Unstable Affliction"] = "Unstable Affliction",
+ ["Unstable Concoction"] = "Unstable Concoction",
+ ["Unstable Power"] = "Unstable Power",
+ ["不灭信仰"] = "Unyielding Faith",
+ ["Uppercut"] = "Uppercut",
+ ["吸血鬼的拥抱"] = "Vampiric Embrace",
+ ["Vampiric Touch"] = "Vampiric Touch",
+ ["消失"] = "Vanished",
+ ["Veil of Shadow"] = "Veil of Shadow",
+ ["Venom Spit"] = "Venom Spit",
+ ["Venom Sting"] = "Venom Sting",
+ ["Venomhide Poison"] = "Venomhide Poison",
+ ["Vicious Rend"] = "Vicious Rend",
+ ["Victory Rush"] = "Victory Rush",
+ ["精力"] = "Vigor",
+ ["恶性毒药"] = "Vile Poisons",
+ ["辩护"] = "Vindication",
+ ["蝰蛇钉刺"] = "Viper Sting",
+ ["Virulent Poison"] = "Virulent Poison",
+ ["Void Bolt"] = "Void Bolt",
+ ["乱射"] = "Volley",
+ ["Walking Bomb Effect"] = "Walking Bomb Effect",
+ ["魔杖掌握"] = "Wand Specialization",
+ ["Wandering Plague"] = "Wandering Plague",
+ ["魔杖"] = "Wands",
+ ["战争践踏"] = "War Stomp",
+ ["Water"] = "Water",
+ ["Water Shield"] = "Water Shield",
+ ["水上行走"] = "Water Walking",
+ ["Waterbolt"] = "Waterbolt",
+ ["Wavering Will"] = "Wavering Will",
+ ["虚弱灵魂"] = "Weakened Soul",
+ ["武器锻造师"] = "Weaponsmith",
+ ["Web"] = "Web",
+ ["Web Explosion"] = "Web Explosion",
+ ["Web Spin"] = "Web Spin",
+ ["Web Spray"] = "Web Spray",
+ ["Whirling Barrage"] = "Whirling Barrage",
+ ["Whirling Trip"] = "Whirling Trip",
+ ["旋风斩"] = "Whirlwind",
+ ["Wide Slash"] = "Wide Slash",
+ ["Will of Hakkar"] = "Will of Hakkar",
+ ["亡灵意志"] = "Will of the Forsaken",
+ ["风怒图腾"] = "Windfury Totem",
+ ["风怒武器"] = "Windfury Weapon",
+ ["Windsor's Frenzy"] = "Windsor's Frenzy",
+ ["风墙图腾"] = "Windwall Totem",
+ ["摔绊"] = "Wing Clip",
+ ["Wing Flap"] = "Wing Flap",
+ ["深冬之寒"] = "Winter's Chill",
+ ["精灵之魂"] = "Wisp Spirit",
+ ["骑术:狼"] = "Wolf Riding",
+ ["致伤毒药"] = "Wound Poison",
+ ["致伤毒药 II"] = "Wound Poison II",
+ ["致伤毒药 III"] = "Wound Poison III",
+ ["致伤毒药 IV"] = "Wound Poison IV",
+ ["愤怒"] = "Wrath",
+ ["Wrath of Air Totem"] = "Wrath of Air Totem",
+ ["翼龙钉刺"] = "Wyvern Sting",
+__bundle_register("Locale/zhCN/Spell.zhCN.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+return {
+ -- Turtle 1.17
+ ["Aspect of the Wolf"] = "孤狼守护",
+ ["Trueshot"] = "稳固射击",
+ -- Vanilla 1.12
+ ["Abolish Disease"] = "驱除疾病",
+ ["Abolish Poison"] = "驱毒术",
+ ["Abolish Poison Effect"] = "驱毒术效果",
+ ["Acid Breath"] = "Acid Breath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Acid of Hakkar"] = "Acid of Hakkar",-- TODO translate
+ ["Acid Spit"] = "Acid Spit",-- TODO translate
+ ["Acid Splash"] = "Acid Splash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Activate MG Turret"] = "速射炮台",
+ ["Adrenaline Rush"] = "冲动",
+ ["Aftermath"] = "清算",
+ ["Aggression"] = "侵略",
+ ["Aimed Shot"] = "瞄准射击",
+ ["Alchemy"] = "炼金术",
+ ["Ambush"] = "伏击",
+ ["Amplify Curse"] = "诅咒增幅",
+ ["Amplify Damage"] = "Amplify Damage",-- TODO translate
+ ["Amplify Flames"] = "Amplify Flames",-- TODO translate
+ ["Amplify Magic"] = "魔法增效",
+ ["Ancestral Fortitude"] = "先祖坚韧",
+ ["Ancestral Healing"] = "先祖治疗",
+ ["Ancestral Knowledge"] = "先祖知识",
+ ["Ancestral Spirit"] = "先祖之魂",
+ ["Anesthetic Poison"] = "Anesthetic Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Anger Management"] = "愤怒掌控",
+ ["Anguish"] = "Anguish",-- TODO translate
+ ["Anticipation"] = "预知",
+ ["Aqua Jet"] = "Aqua Jet",-- TODO translate
+ ["Aquatic Form"] = "水栖形态",
+ ["Arcane Blast"] = "Arcane Blast",-- TODO translate
+ ["Arcane Bolt"] = "Arcane Bolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Arcane Brilliance"] = "奥术光辉",
+ ["Arcane Concentration"] = "奥术专注",
+ ["Arcane Explosion"] = "魔爆术",
+ ["Arcane Focus"] = "奥术集中",
+ ["Arcane Instability"] = "奥术增效",
+ ["Arcane Intellect"] = "奥术智慧",
+ ["Arcane Meditation"] = "奥术冥想",
+ ["Arcane Mind"] = "奥术心智",
+ ["Arcane Missiles"] = "奥术飞弹",
+ ["Arcane Potency"] = "Arcane Potency",
+ ["Arcane Power"] = "奥术强化",
+ ["Arcane Resistance"] = "奥术抗性",
+ ["Arcane Shot"] = "奥术射击",
+ ["Arcane Subtlety"] = "奥术精妙",
+ ["Arcane Weakness"] = "Arcane Weakness",
+ ["Arcing Smash"] = "Arcing Smash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Arctic Reach"] = "极寒延伸",
+ ["Armorsmith"] = "护甲锻造师",
+ ["Arugal's Curse"] = "Arugal's Curse",-- TODO translate
+ ["Arugal's Gift"] = "Arugal's Gift",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ascendance"] = "Ascendance",-- TODO translate
+ ["Aspect of Arlokk"] = "Aspect of Arlokk",-- TODO translate
+ ["Aspect of Jeklik"] = "Aspect of Jeklik",-- TODO translate
+ ["Aspect of Mar'li"] = "Aspect of Mar'li",-- TODO translate
+ ["Aspect of the Beast"] = "野兽守护",
+ ["Aspect of the Cheetah"] = "猎豹守护",
+ ["Aspect of the Hawk"] = "雄鹰守护",
+ ["Aspect of the Monkey"] = "灵猴守护",
+ ["Aspect of the Pack"] = "豹群守护",
+ ["Aspect of the Viper"] = "Aspect of the Viper",-- TODO translate
+ ["Aspect of the Wild"] = "野性守护",
+ ["Aspect of Venoxis"] = "Aspect of Venoxis",-- TODO translate
+ ["Astral Recall"] = "星界传送",
+ ["Attack"] = "攻击",
+ ["Attacking"] = "攻击",
+ ["Aura of Command"] = "Aura of Command",-- TODO translate
+ ["Aural Shock"] = "Aural Shock",-- TODO translate
+ ["Auto Shot"] = "自动射击",
+ ["Avenger's Shield"] = "Avenger's Shield",-- TODO translate
+ ["Avenging Wrath"] = "Avenging Wrath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Avoidance"] = "Avoidance",
+ ["Axe Flurry"] = "Axe Flurry",-- TODO translate
+ ["Axe Specialization"] = "斧专精",
+ ["Axe Toss"] = "Axe Toss",-- TODO translate
+ ["Backhand"] = "Backhand",-- TODO translate
+ ["Backlash"] = "Backlash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Backstab"] = "背刺",
+ ["Bane"] = "灾祸",
+ ["Baneful Poison"] = "Baneful Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Banish"] = "放逐术",
+ ["Banshee Curse"] = "Banshee Curse",-- TODO translate
+ ["Banshee Shriek"] = "Banshee Shriek",-- TODO translate
+ ["Barbed Sting"] = "Barbed Sting",-- TODO translate
+ ["Barkskin"] = "树皮术",
+ ["Barkskin Effect"] = "树皮术效果",
+ ["Barrage"] = "弹幕",
+ ["Bash"] = "重击",
+ ["Basic Campfire"] = "基础营火",
+ ["Battle Shout"] = "战斗怒吼",
+ ["Battle Stance"] = "战斗姿态",
+ ["Battle Stance Passive"] = "战斗姿态(被动)",
+ ["Bear Form"] = "熊形态",
+ ["Beast Lore"] = "野兽知识",
+ ["Beast Slaying"] = "野兽杀手",
+ ["Beast Training"] = "训练野兽",
+ ["The Beast Within"] = "The Beast Within",-- TODO translate
+ ["Befuddlement"] = "Befuddlement",-- TODO translate
+ ["Benediction"] = "祈福",
+ ["Berserker Charge"] = "Berserker Charge",-- TODO translate
+ ["Berserker Rage"] = "狂暴之怒",
+ ["Berserker Stance"] = "狂暴姿态",
+ ["Berserker Stance Passive"] = "狂暴姿态(被动)",
+ ["Berserking"] = "狂暴",
+ ["Bestial Discipline"] = "野兽戒律",
+ ["Bestial Swiftness"] = "野兽迅捷",
+ ["Bestial Wrath"] = "狂野怒火",
+ ["Biletoad Infection"] = "Biletoad Infection",-- TODO translate
+ ["Binding Heal"] = "Binding Heal",-- TODO translate
+ ["Bite"] = "撕咬",
+ ["Black Arrow"] = "黑箭",
+ ["Blackout"] = "昏阙",
+ ["Blacksmithing"] = "锻造",
+ ["Blade Flurry"] = "剑刃乱舞",
+ ["Blast Wave"] = "冲击波",
+ ["Blaze"] = "Blaze",-- TODO translate
+ ["Blazing Speed"] = "Blazing Speed",-- TODO translate
+ ["Blessed Recovery"] = "神恩回复",
+ ["Blessing of Blackfathom"] = "Blessing of Blackfathom",-- TODO translate
+ ["Blessing of Freedom"] = "自由祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Kings"] = "王者祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Light"] = "光明祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Might"] = "力量祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Protection"] = "保护祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Sacrifice"] = "牺牲祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Salvation"] = "拯救祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Sanctuary"] = "庇护祝福",
+ ["Blessing of Shahram"] = "Blessing of Shahram",-- TODO translate
+ ["Blessing of Wisdom"] = "智慧祝福",
+ ["Blind"] = "致盲",
+ ["Blinding Powder"] = "致盲粉",
+ ["Blink"] = "闪现术",
+ ["Blizzard"] = "暴风雪",
+ ["Block"] = "格挡",
+ ["Blood Craze"] = "血之狂热",
+ ["Blood Frenzy"] = "血之狂暴",
+ ["Blood Funnel"] = "Blood Funnel",-- TODO translate
+ ["Blood Fury"] = "血性狂暴",
+ ["Blood Leech"] = "Blood Leech",-- TODO translate
+ ["Blood Pact"] = "血之契印",
+ ["Blood Siphon"] = "Blood Siphon",-- TODO translate
+ ["Blood Tap"] = "Blood Tap",-- TODO translate
+ ["Bloodlust"] = "Bloodlust",
+ ["Bloodrage"] = "血性狂暴",
+ ["Bloodthirst"] = "残忍",
+ ["Bomb"] = "Bomb",-- TODO translate
+ ["Booming Voice"] = "震耳嗓音",
+ ["Boulder"] = "Boulder",-- TODO translate
+ ["Bow Specialization"] = "弓专精",
+ ["Bows"] = "弓",
+ ["Brain Wash"] = "Brain Wash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Bright Campfire"] = "明亮篝火",
+ ["Brutal Impact"] = "野蛮冲撞",
+ ["Burning Adrenaline"] = "Burning Adrenaline",
+ ["Burning Soul"] = "燃烧之魂",
+ ["Burning Wish"] = "Burning Wish",
+ ["Butcher Drain"] = "Butcher Drain",-- TODO translate
+ ["Call of Flame"] = "烈焰召唤",
+ ["Call of the Grave"] = "Call of the Grave",-- TODO translate
+ ["Call of Thunder"] = "雷霆召唤",
+ ["Call Pet"] = "召唤宠物",
+ ["Camouflage"] = "伪装",
+ ["Cannibalize"] = "食尸",
+ ["Cat Form"] = "猎豹形态",
+ ["Cataclysm"] = "灾变",
+ ["Cause Insanity"] = "Cause Insanity",-- TODO translate
+ ["Chain Bolt"] = "Chain Bolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Chain Burn"] = "Chain Burn",-- TODO translate
+ ["Chain Heal"] = "治疗链",
+ ["Chain Lightning"] = "闪电链",
+ ["Chained Bolt"] = "Chained Bolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Chains of Ice"] = "Chains of Ice",-- TODO translate
+ ["Challenging Roar"] = "挑战咆哮",
+ ["Challenging Shout"] = "挑战怒吼",
+ ["Charge"] = "冲锋",
+ ["Charge Rage Bonus Effect"] = "冲锋额外怒气效果",-- [TODO Translate not sure about this one]
+ ["Charge Stun"] = "冲锋击昏",
+ ["Cheap Shot"] = "偷袭",
+ ["Chilled"] = "冰冻",
+ ["Chilling Touch"] = "Chilling Touch",-- TODO translate
+ ["Chromatic Infusion"] = "Chromatic Infusion",-- TODO translate
+ ["Circle of Healing"] = "Circle of Healing",-- TODO translate
+ ["Claw"] = "爪击",
+ ["Cleanse"] = "清洁术",
+ ["Cleanse Nova"] = "Cleanse Nova",-- TODO translate
+ ["Clearcasting"] = "节能施法",
+ ["Cleave"] = "顺劈斩",
+ ["Clever Traps"] = "灵巧陷阱",
+ ["Cloak of Shadows"] = "Cloak of Shadows",-- TODO translate
+ ["Closing"] = "关闭",
+ ["Cloth"] = "布甲",
+ ["Coarse Sharpening Stone"] = "粗制磨刀石",
+ ["Cobra Reflexes"] = "毒蛇反射",
+ ["Cold Blood"] = "冷血",
+ ["Cold Snap"] = "急速冷却",
+ ["Combat Endurance"] = "作战持久",
+ ["Combustion"] = "燃烧",
+ ["Command"] = "命令",
+ ["Commanding Shout"] = "Commanding Shout",
+ ["Concentration Aura"] = "专注光环",
+ ["Concussion"] = "震荡",
+ ["Concussion Blow"] = "震荡猛击",
+ ["Concussive Shot"] = "震荡射击",
+ ["Cone of Cold"] = "冰锥术",
+ ["Conflagrate"] = "燃烧",
+ ["Conjure Food"] = "造食术",
+ ["Conjure Mana Agate"] = "制造魔法玛瑙",
+ ["Conjure Mana Citrine"] = "制造魔法黄水晶",
+ ["Conjure Mana Jade"] = "制造魔法翡翠",
+ ["Conjure Mana Ruby"] = "制造魔法红宝石",
+ ["Conjure Water"] = "造水术",
+ ["Consecrated Sharpening Stone"] = "Consecrated Sharpening Stone",-- TODO translate
+ ["Consecration"] = "奉献",
+ ["Consume Magic"] = "Consume Magic",-- TODO translate
+ ["Consume Shadows"] = "吞噬暗影",
+ ["Consuming Shadows"] = "Consuming Shadows",-- TODO translate
+ ["Convection"] = "传导",
+ ["Conviction"] = "定罪",
+ ["Cooking"] = "烹饪",
+ ["Corrosive Acid Breath"] = "Corrosive Acid Breath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Corrosive Ooze"] = "Corrosive Ooze",-- TODO translate
+ ["Corrosive Poison"] = "Corrosive Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Corrupted Blood"] = "Corrupted Blood",-- TODO translate
+ ["Corruption"] = "腐蚀",
+ ["Counterattack"] = "反击",
+ ["Counterspell"] = "法术反制",
+ ["Counterspell - Silenced"] = "法术反制 - 沉默",
+ ["Cower"] = "畏缩",
+ ["Create Firestone"] = "制造火焰石",
+ ["Create Firestone (Greater)"] = "制造强效火焰石",
+ ["Create Firestone (Lesser)"] = "制造次级火焰石",
+ ["Create Firestone (Major)"] = "制造极效火焰石",
+ ["Create Healthstone"] = "制造治疗石",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Greater)"] = "制造强效治疗石",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Lesser)"] = "制造次级治疗石",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Major)"] = "制造极效治疗石",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Minor)"] = "制造初级治疗石",
+ ["Create Soulstone"] = "制造灵魂石",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Greater)"] = "制造强效灵魂石",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Lesser)"] = "制造次级灵魂石",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Major)"] = "制造极效灵魂石",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Minor)"] = "制造初级灵魂石",
+ ["Create Spellstone"] = "制造法术石",
+ ["Create Spellstone (Greater)"] = "制造强效法术石",
+ ["Create Spellstone (Major)"] = "制造极效法术石",
+ ["Create Spellstone (Master)"] = "Create Spellstone (Master)",-- TODO translate
+ ["Creeper Venom"] = "Creeper Venom",-- TODO translate
+ ["Cripple"] = "Cripple",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crippling Poison"] = "致残毒药",
+ ["Crippling Poison II"] = "致残毒药 II",
+ ["Critical Mass"] = "火焰重击",
+ ["Crossbows"] = "弩",
+ ["Crowd Pummel"] = "Crowd Pummel",-- TODO translate
+ ["Cruelty"] = "残忍",
+ ["Crusader Aura"] = "Crusader Aura",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crusader Strike"] = "Crusader Strike",
+ ["Crusader's Wrath"] = "Crusader's Wrath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crystal Charge"] = "Crystal Charge",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crystal Force"] = "Crystal Force",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crystal Restore"] = "Crystal Restore",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crystal Spire"] = "Crystal Spire",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crystal Ward"] = "Crystal Ward",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crystal Yield"] = "Crystal Yield",-- TODO translate
+ ["Crystalline Slumber"] = "Crystalline Slumber",-- TODO translate
+ ["Cultivation"] = "栽培",
+ ["Cure Disease"] = "祛病术",
+ ["Cure Poison"] = "消毒术",
+ ["Curse of Agony"] = "痛苦诅咒",
+ ["Curse of Blood"] = "Curse of Blood",-- TODO translate
+ ["Curse of Doom"] = "厄运诅咒",
+ ["Curse of Doom Effect"] = "厄运诅咒效果",
+ ["Curse of Exhaustion"] = "疲劳诅咒",
+ ["Curse of Idiocy"] = "痴呆诅咒",
+ ["Curse of Recklessness"] = "鲁莽诅咒",
+ ["Curse of Shadow"] = "暗影诅咒",
+ ["Curse of the Deadwood"] = "Curse of the Deadwood",-- TODO translate
+ ["Curse of the Elemental Lord"] = "Curse of the Elemental Lord",-- TODO translate
+ ["Curse of the Elements"] = "元素诅咒",
+ ["Curse of Tongues"] = "语言诅咒",
+ ["Curse of Tuten'kash"] = "Curse of Tuten'kash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Curse of Weakness"] = "虚弱诅咒",
+ ["Cursed Blood"] = "Cursed Blood",-- TODO translate
+ ["Cyclone"] = "Cyclone",
+ ["Dagger Specialization"] = "匕首专精",
+ ["Daggers"] = "匕首",
+ ["Dampen Magic"] = "魔法抑制",
+ ["Dark Iron Bomb"] = "Dark Iron Bomb",-- TODO translate
+ ["Dark Offering"] = "Dark Offering",-- TODO translate
+ ["Dark Pact"] = "黑暗契约",
+ ["Darkness"] = "黑暗",
+ ["Dash"] = "急奔",
+ ["Dazed"] = "Dazed",
+ ["Deadly Poison"] = "致命毒药",
+ ["Deadly Poison II"] = "致命毒药 II",
+ ["Deadly Poison III"] = "致命毒药 III",
+ ["Deadly Poison IV"] = "致命毒药 IV",
+ ["Deadly Poison V"] = "致命毒药 V",
+ ["Deadly Throw"] = "Deadly Throw",-- TODO translate
+ ["Death Coil"] = "死亡缠绕",
+ ["Death Wish"] = "死亡之愿",
+ ["Deep Sleep"] = "Deep Sleep",-- TODO translate
+ ["Deep Slumber"] = "Deep Slumber",-- TODO translate
+ ["Deep Wounds"] = "重度伤口",
+ ["Defense"] = "防御",
+ ["Defensive Stance"] = "防御姿态",
+ ["Defensive Stance Passive"] = "防御姿态(被动)",
+ ["Defensive State"] = "防御状态",-- [TODO Translate not sure about this one]
+ ["Defensive State 2"] = "防御状态 2",-- [TODO Translate not sure about this one]
+ ["Defiance"] = "挑衅",
+ ["Deflection"] = "偏斜",
+ ["Delusions of Jin'do"] = "Delusions of Jin'do",-- TODO translate
+ ["Demon Armor"] = "魔甲术",
+ ["Demon Skin"] = "恶魔皮肤",
+ ["Demonic Embrace"] = "恶魔之拥",
+ ["Demonic Frenzy"] = "Demonic Frenzy",
+ ["Demonic Sacrifice"] = "恶魔牺牲",
+ ["Demoralizing Roar"] = "挫志咆哮",
+ ["Demoralizing Shout"] = "挫志怒吼",
+ ["Dense Sharpening Stone"] = "致密磨刀石",
+ ["Desperate Prayer"] = "绝望祷言",
+ ["Destructive Reach"] = "毁灭延伸",
+ ["Detect"] = "侦测",
+ ["Detect Greater Invisibility"] = "侦测强效隐形",
+ ["Detect Invisibility"] = "侦测隐形",
+ ["Detect Lesser Invisibility"] = "侦测次级隐形",
+ ["Detect Magic"] = "侦测魔法",
+ ["Detect Traps"] = "侦测陷阱",
+ ["Deterrence"] = "威慑",
+ ["Detonation"] = "Detonation",-- TODO translate
+ ["Devastate"] = "Devastate",
+ ["Devastation"] = "毁灭",
+ ["Devotion Aura"] = "虔诚光环",
+ ["Devour Magic"] = "吞噬魔法",
+ ["Devour Magic Effect"] = "吞噬魔法效果",
+ ["Devouring Plague"] = "噬灵瘟疫",
+ ["Diamond Flask"] = "Diamond Flask",-- TODO translate
+ ["Diplomacy"] = "外交",
+ ["Dire Bear Form"] = "巨熊形态",
+ ["Dire Growl"] = "Dire Growl",-- TODO translate
+ ["Disarm"] = "缴械",
+ ["Disarm Trap"] = "解除陷阱",
+ ["Disease Cleansing Totem"] = "祛病图腾",
+ ["Disease Cloud"] = "Disease Cloud",-- TODO translate
+ ["Diseased Shot"] = "Diseased Shot",-- TODO translate
+ ["Diseased Spit"] = "Diseased Spit",-- TODO translate
+ ["Disenchant"] = "分解",
+ ["Disengage"] = "逃脱",
+ ["Disjunction"] = "Disjunction",-- TODO translate
+ ["Dismiss Pet"] = "解散野兽",
+ ["Dispel Magic"] = "驱散魔法",
+ ["Distract"] = "扰乱",
+ ["Distracting Pain"] = "Distracting Pain",-- TODO translate
+ ["Distracting Shot"] = "扰乱射击",
+ ["Dive"] = "俯冲",
+ ["Divine Favor"] = "神恩术",
+ ["Divine Fury"] = "神圣之怒",
+ ["Divine Illumination"] = "Divine Illumination",-- TODO translate
+ ["Divine Intellect"] = "神圣智慧",
+ ["Divine Intervention"] = "神圣干涉",
+ ["Divine Protection"] = "圣佑术",
+ ["Divine Shield"] = "圣盾术",
+ ["Divine Spirit"] = "神圣之灵",
+ ["Divine Strength"] = "神圣之力",
+ ["Diving Sweep"] = "Diving Sweep",-- TODO translate
+ ["Dodge"] = "躲闪",
+ ["Dominate Mind"] = "Dominate Mind",-- TODO translate
+ ["Dragon's Breath"] = "Dragon's Breath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Dragonscale Leatherworking"] = "龙鳞制皮",
+ ["Drain Life"] = "吸取生命",
+ ["Drain Mana"] = "吸取法力",
+ ["Drain Soul"] = "吸取灵魂",
+ ["Dredge Sickness"] = "Dredge Sickness",-- TODO translate
+ ["Drink"] = "喝水",
+ ["Druid's Slumber"] = "Druid's Slumber",-- TODO translate
+ ["Dual Wield"] = "双武器",
+ ["Dual Wield Specialization"] = "双武器专精",
+ ["Duel"] = "决斗",
+ ["Dust Field"] = "Dust Field",-- TODO translate
+ ["Eagle Eye"] = "鹰眼术",
+ ["Earth Elemental Totem"] = "Earth Elemental Totem",-- TODO translate
+ ["Earth Shield"] = "Earth Shield",-- TODO translate
+ ["Earth Shock"] = "大地震击",
+ ["Earthbind Totem"] = "地缚图腾",
+ ["Earthborer Acid"] = "Earthborer Acid",-- TODO translate
+ ["Earthgrab"] = "Earthgrab",-- TODO translate
+ ["Efficiency"] = "效率",
+ ["Electric Discharge"] = "Electric Discharge",-- TODO translate
+ ["Electrified Net"] = "Electrified Net",-- TODO translate
+ ["Elemental Focus"] = "元素集中",
+ ["Elemental Fury"] = "元素之怒",
+ ["Elemental Leatherworking"] = "元素制皮",
+ ["Elemental Mastery"] = "元素掌握",
+ ["Elemental Precision"] = "Elemental Precision",
+ ["Elemental Sharpening Stone"] = "元素磨刀石",
+ ["Elune's Grace"] = "艾露恩的赐福",
+ ["Elusiveness"] = "飘忽不定",
+ ["Emberstorm"] = "琥珀风暴",
+ ["Enamored Water Spirit"] = "Enamored Water Spirit",-- TODO translate
+ ["Enchanting"] = "附魔",
+ ["Endurance"] = "耐久",
+ ["Endurance Training"] = "耐久训练",
+ ["Engineering"] = "工程学",
+ ["Engineering Specialization"] = "工程学专精",
+ ["Enrage"] = "狂怒",
+ ["Enriched Manna Biscuit"] = "可口的魔法点心",
+ ["Enslave Demon"] = "奴役恶魔",
+ ["Entangling Roots"] = "纠缠根须",
+ ["Entrapment"] = "诱捕",
+ ["Enveloping Web"] = "Enveloping Web",-- TODO translate
+ ["Enveloping Webs"] = "Enveloping Webs",-- TODO translate
+ ["Enveloping Winds"] = "Enveloping Winds",-- TODO translate
+ ["Envenom"] = "Envenom",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ephemeral Power"] = "Ephemeral Power",-- TODO translate
+ ["Escape Artist"] = "逃命专家",
+ ["Essence of Sapphiron"] = "Essence of Sapphiron",-- TODO translate
+ ["Evasion"] = "闪避",
+ ["Eventide"] = "Eventide",-- TODO translate
+ ["Eviscerate"] = "剔骨",
+ ["Evocation"] = "唤醒",
+ ["Execute"] = "斩杀",
+ ["Exorcism"] = "驱邪术",
+ ["Expansive Mind"] = "开阔思维",
+ ["Exploding Shot"] = "Exploding Shot",-- TODO translate
+ ["Exploit Weakness"] = "Exploit Weakness",-- TODO translate
+ ["Explosive Shot"] = "Explosive Shot",-- TODO translate
+ ["Explosive Trap"] = "爆炸陷阱",
+ ["Explosive Trap Effect"] = "爆炸陷阱效果",
+ ["Expose Armor"] = "破甲",
+ ["Expose Weakness"] = "Expose Weakness",
+ ["Eye for an Eye"] = "以眼还眼",
+ ["Eye of Kilrogg"] = "基尔罗格之眼",
+ ["The Eye of the Dead"] = "The Eye of the Dead",-- TODO translate
+ ["Eyes of the Beast"] = "野兽之眼",
+ ["Fade"] = "渐隐术",
+ ["Faerie Fire"] = "精灵之火",
+ ["Faerie Fire (Feral)"] = "精灵之火(野性)",
+ ["Far Sight"] = "视界术",
+ ["Fatal Bite"] = "Fatal Bite",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fear"] = "恐惧术",
+ ["Fear Ward"] = "防护恐惧结界",
+ ["Feed Pet"] = "喂养宠物",
+ ["Feedback"] = "回馈",
+ ["Feign Death"] = "假死",
+ ["Feint"] = "佯攻",
+ ["Fel Armor"] = "Fel Armor",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fel Concentration"] = "恶魔专注",
+ ["Fel Domination"] = "恶魔支配",
+ ["Fel Intellect"] = "恶魔智力",
+ ["Fel Stamina"] = "恶魔耐力",
+ ["Fel Stomp"] = "Fel Stomp",-- TODO translate
+ ["Felfire"] = "魔火",
+ ["Feline Grace"] = "豹之优雅",
+ ["Feline Swiftness"] = "豹之迅捷",
+ ["Feral Aggression"] = "野性侵略",
+ ["Feral Charge"] = "野性冲锋",
+ ["Feral Instinct"] = "野性本能",
+ ["Ferocious Bite"] = "凶猛撕咬",
+ ["Ferocity"] = "凶暴",
+ ["Fetish"] = "神像",
+ ["Fevered Plague"] = "Fevered Plague",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fiery Burst"] = "Fiery Burst",-- TODO translate
+ ["Find Herbs"] = "寻找草药",
+ ["Find Minerals"] = "寻找矿物",
+ ["Find Treasure"] = "寻找财宝",
+ ["Fire Blast"] = "火焰冲击",
+ ["Fire Elemental Totem"] = "Fire Elemental Totem",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fire Nova"] = "Fire Nova",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fire Nova Totem"] = "火焰新星图腾",
+ ["Fire Power"] = "火焰强化",
+ ["Fire Resistance"] = "火焰抗性",
+ ["Fire Resistance Aura"] = "火焰抗性光环",
+ ["Fire Resistance Totem"] = "抗火图腾",
+ ["Fire Shield"] = "火焰之盾",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect"] = "Fire Shield Effect",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fire Shield Effect II"] = "Fire Shield Effect II",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fire Shield Effect III"] = "Fire Shield Effect III",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fire Shield Effect IV"] = "Fire Shield Effect IV",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fire Storm"] = "Fire Storm",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fire Vulnerability"] = "火焰易伤",
+ ["Fire Ward"] = "防护火焰结界",
+ ["Fire Weakness"] = "Fire Weakness",
+ ["Fireball"] = "火球术",
+ ["Fireball Volley"] = "Fireball Volley",-- TODO translate
+ ["Firebolt"] = "火焰箭",
+ ["First Aid"] = "急救",
+ ["Fishing"] = "钓鱼",
+ ["Fishing Poles"] = "鱼竿",
+ ["Fist of Ragnaros"] = "Fist of Ragnaros",-- TODO translate
+ ["Fist Weapon Specialization"] = "拳套专精",
+ ["Fist Weapons"] = "拳套",
+ ["Flame Buffet"] = "Flame Buffet",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flame Cannon"] = "Flame Cannon",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flame Lash"] = "Flame Lash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flame Shock"] = "烈焰震击",
+ ["Flame Spike"] = "Flame Spike",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flame Spray"] = "Flame Spray",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flame Throwing"] = "烈焰投掷",
+ ["Flames of Shahram"] = "Flames of Shahram",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flamestrike"] = "烈焰冲击",
+ ["Flamethrower"] = "火焰喷射器",
+ ["Flametongue Totem"] = "火舌图腾",
+ ["Flametongue Weapon"] = "火舌武器",
+ ["Flare"] = "照明弹",
+ ["Flash Bomb"] = "Flash Bomb",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flash Heal"] = "快速治疗",
+ ["Flash of Light"] = "圣光闪现",
+ ["Flight Form"] = "Flight Form",-- TODO translate
+ ["Flurry"] = "乱舞",
+ ["Focused Casting"] = "专注施法",
+ ["Focused Mind"] = "Focused Mind",
+ ["Food"] = "进食",
+ ["Forbearance"] = "自律",
+ ["Force of Nature"] = "Force of Nature",-- TODO translate
+ ["Force of Will"] = "意志之力",
+ ["Force Punch"] = "Force Punch",-- TODO translate
+ ["Force Reactive Disk"] = "Force Reactive Disk",-- TODO translate
+ ["Forked Lightning"] = "Forked Lightning",-- TODO translate
+ ["Forsaken Skills"] = "Forsaken Skills",-- TODO translate
+ ["Frailty"] = "Frailty",-- TODO translate
+ ["Freeze Solid"] = "Freeze Solid",-- TODO translate
+ ["Freezing Trap"] = "冰冻陷阱",
+ ["Freezing Trap Effect"] = "冰冻陷阱效果",
+ ["Frenzied Regeneration"] = "狂暴回复",
+ ["Frenzy"] = "疯狂",
+ ["Frost Armor"] = "霜甲术",
+ ["Frost Breath"] = "Frost Breath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Frost Channeling"] = "冰霜导能",
+ ["Frost Nova"] = "冰霜新星",
+ ["Frost Resistance"] = "冰霜抗性",
+ ["Frost Resistance Aura"] = "冰霜抗性光环",
+ ["Frost Resistance Totem"] = "抗寒图腾",
+ ["Frost Shock"] = "冰霜震击",
+ ["Frost Shot"] = "Frost Shot",-- TODO translate
+ ["Frost Trap"] = "冰霜陷阱",
+ ["Frost Trap Aura"] = "冰霜陷阱光环",
+ ["Frost Ward"] = "防护冰霜结界",
+ ["Frost Warding"] = "Frost Warding",
+ ["Frost Weakness"] = "Frost Weakness",
+ ["Frostbite"] = "霜寒刺骨",
+ ["Frostbolt"] = "寒冰箭",
+ ["Frostbolt Volley"] = "Frostbolt Volley",-- TODO translate
+ ["Frostbrand Weapon"] = "冰封武器",
+ ["Furious Howl"] = "狂怒之嚎",
+ ["The Furious Storm"] = "The Furious Storm",-- TODO translate
+ ["Furor"] = "激怒",
+ ["Fury of Ragnaros"] = "Fury of Ragnaros",-- TODO translate
+ ["Gahz'ranka Slam"] = "Gahz'ranka Slam",-- TODO translate
+ ["Gahz'rilla Slam"] = "Gahz'rilla Slam",-- TODO translate
+ ["Garrote"] = "绞喉",
+ ["Gehennas' Curse"] = "Gehennas' Curse",-- TODO translate
+ ["Generic"] = "基本",-- [TODO Translate not sure about this one]
+ ["Ghost Wolf"] = "幽魂之狼",
+ ["Ghostly Strike"] = "鬼魅攻击",
+ ["Gift of Life"] = "Gift of Life",
+ ["Gift of Nature"] = "自然赐福",
+ ["Gift of the Wild"] = "野性赐福",
+ ["Goblin Dragon Gun"] = "Goblin Dragon Gun",-- TODO translate
+ ["Goblin Sapper Charge"] = "Goblin Sapper Charge",-- TODO translate
+ ["Gouge"] = "凿击",
+ ["Grace of Air Totem"] = "风之优雅图腾",
+ ["Grace of the Sunwell"] = "Grace of the Sunwell",-- TODO translate
+ ["Grasping Vines"] = "Grasping Vines",-- TODO translate
+ ["Great Stamina"] = "持久耐力",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Kings"] = "强效王者祝福",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Light"] = "强效光明祝福",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Might"] = "强效力量祝福",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Salvation"] = "强效拯救祝福",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Sanctuary"] = "强效庇护祝福",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Wisdom"] = "强效智慧祝福",
+ ["Greater Heal"] = "强效治疗术",
+ ["Grim Reach"] = "无情延伸",
+ ["Ground Tremor"] = "Ground Tremor",-- TODO translate
+ ["Grounding Totem"] = "根基图腾",
+ ["Grovel"] = "匍匐",
+ ["Growl"] = "低吼",
+ ["Guardian's Favor"] = "守护者的宠爱",
+ ["Guillotine"] = "Guillotine",-- TODO translate
+ ["Gun Specialization"] = "枪械专精",
+ ["Guns"] = "枪械",
+ ["Hail Storm"] = "Hail Storm",-- TODO translate
+ ["Hammer of Justice"] = "制裁之锤",
+ ["Hammer of Wrath"] = "愤怒之锤",
+ ["Hamstring"] = "断筋",
+ ["Harass"] = "侵扰",
+ ["Hardiness"] = "坚韧",
+ ["Haunting Spirits"] = "Haunting Spirits",-- TODO translate
+ ["Hawk Eye"] = "鹰眼",
+ ["Head Crack"] = "Head Crack",-- TODO translate
+ ["Heal"] = "治疗术",
+ ["Healing Circle"] = "Healing Circle",-- TODO translate
+ ["Healing Focus"] = "治疗专注",
+ ["Healing Light"] = "治疗之光",
+ ["Healing of the Ages"] = "Healing of the Ages",-- TODO translate
+ ["Healing Stream Totem"] = "治疗之泉图腾",
+ ["Healing Touch"] = "治疗之触",
+ ["Healing Wave"] = "治疗波",
+ ["Healing Way"] = "治疗之道",
+ ["Health Funnel"] = "生命通道",
+ ["Heart of the Wild"] = "野性之心",
+ ["Heavy Sharpening Stone"] = "重磨刀石",
+ ["Hellfire"] = "地狱烈焰",
+ ["Hellfire Effect"] = "地狱烈焰效果",
+ ["Hemorrhage"] = "出血",
+ ["Herb Gathering"] = "采集草药",
+ ["Herbalism"] = "草药学",
+ ["Heroic Strike"] = "英勇打击",
+ ["Heroism"] = "Heroism",
+ ["Hex"] = "Hex",-- TODO translate
+ ["Hex of Jammal'an"] = "Hex of Jammal'an",-- TODO translate
+ ["Hex of Weakness"] = "虚弱妖术",
+ ["Hibernate"] = "休眠",
+ ["Holy Fire"] = "神圣之火",
+ ["Holy Light"] = "圣光术",
+ ["Holy Nova"] = "神圣新星",
+ ["Holy Power"] = "神圣强化",
+ ["Holy Reach"] = "神圣延伸",
+ ["Holy Shield"] = "神圣之盾",
+ ["Holy Shock"] = "神圣震击",
+ ["Holy Smite"] = "Holy Smite",-- TODO translate
+ ["Holy Specialization"] = "神圣专精",
+ ["Holy Strength"] = "Holy Strength",-- TODO translate
+ ["Holy Strike"] = "Holy Strike",-- TODO translate
+ ["Holy Wrath"] = "神圣愤怒",
+ ["Honorless Target"] = "无荣誉目标",
+ ["Hooked Net"] = "Hooked Net",-- TODO translate
+ ["Horse Riding"] = "骑术:马",
+ ["Howl of Terror"] = "恐惧嚎叫",
+ ["The Human Spirit"] = "人类精魂",
+ ["Humanoid Slaying"] = "人型生物杀手",
+ ["Hunter's Mark"] = "猎人印记",
+ ["Hurricane"] = "飓风",
+ ["Ice Armor"] = "冰甲术",
+ ["Ice Barrier"] = "寒冰护体",
+ ["Ice Blast"] = "Ice Blast",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ice Block"] = "寒冰屏障",
+ ["Ice Lance"] = "Ice Lance",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ice Nova"] = "Ice Nova",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ice Shards"] = "寒冰碎片",
+ ["Icicle"] = "Icicle",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ignite"] = "点燃",
+ ["Illumination"] = "启发",
+ ["Immolate"] = "献祭",
+ ["Immolation Trap"] = "献祭陷阱",
+ ["Immolation Trap Effect"] = "献祭陷阱效果",
+ ["Impact"] = "冲击",
+ ["Impale"] = "穿刺",
+ ["Improved Ambush"] = "强化伏击",
+ ["Improved Arcane Explosion"] = "强化魔爆术",
+ ["Improved Arcane Missiles"] = "强化奥术飞弹",
+ ["Improved Arcane Shot"] = "强化奥术射击",
+ ["Improved Aspect of the Hawk"] = "强化雄鹰守护",
+ ["Improved Aspect of the Monkey"] = "强化灵猴守护",
+ ["Improved Backstab"] = "强化背刺",
+ ["Improved Battle Shout"] = "强化战斗怒吼",
+ ["Improved Berserker Rage"] = "强化狂暴之怒",
+ ["Improved Blessing of Might"] = "强化力量祝福",
+ ["Improved Blessing of Wisdom"] = "强化智慧祝福",
+ ["Improved Blizzard"] = "强化暴风雪",
+ ["Improved Bloodrage"] = "强化血性狂暴",
+ ["Improved Chain Heal"] = "强化治疗链",
+ ["Improved Chain Lightning"] = "强化闪电链",
+ ["Improved Challenging Shout"] = "强化挑战怒吼",
+ ["Improved Charge"] = "强化冲锋",
+ ["Improved Cheap Shot"] = "强化偷袭",
+ ["Improved Cleave"] = "强化顺劈斩",
+ ["Improved Concentration Aura"] = "强化专注光环",
+ ["Improved Concussive Shot"] = "强化震荡射击",
+ ["Improved Cone of Cold"] = "强化冰锥术",
+ ["Improved Corruption"] = "强化腐蚀术",
+ ["Improved Counterspell"] = "强化法术反制",
+ ["Improved Curse of Agony"] = "强化痛苦诅咒",
+ ["Improved Curse of Exhaustion"] = "强化疲劳诅咒",
+ ["Improved Curse of Weakness"] = "强化虚弱诅咒",
+ ["Improved Dampen Magic"] = "强化魔法抑制",
+ ["Improved Deadly Poison"] = "强化致命毒药",
+ ["Improved Demoralizing Shout"] = "强化挫志怒吼",
+ ["Improved Devotion Aura"] = "强化虔诚光环",
+ ["Improved Disarm"] = "强化缴械",
+ ["Improved Distract"] = "强化扰乱",
+ ["Improved Drain Life"] = "强化吸取生命",
+ ["Improved Drain Mana"] = "强化吸取法力",
+ ["Improved Drain Soul"] = "强化吸取灵魂",
+ ["Improved Enrage"] = "强化狂怒",
+ ["Improved Enslave Demon"] = "强化奴役恶魔",
+ ["Improved Entangling Roots"] = "强化纠缠根须",
+ ["Improved Evasion"] = "强化闪避",
+ ["Improved Eviscerate"] = "强化剔骨",
+ ["Improved Execute"] = "强化斩杀",
+ ["Improved Expose Armor"] = "强化破甲",
+ ["Improved Eyes of the Beast"] = "强化野兽之眼",
+ ["Improved Fade"] = "强化渐隐术",
+ ["Improved Feign Death"] = "强化假死",
+ ["Improved Fire Blast"] = "强化火焰冲击",
+ ["Improved Fire Nova Totem"] = "强化火焰图腾",
+ ["Improved Fire Ward"] = "强化防护火焰结界",
+ ["Improved Fireball"] = "强化火球术",
+ ["Improved Firebolt"] = "强化火焰箭",
+ ["Improved Firestone"] = "强化火焰石",
+ ["Improved Flamestrike"] = "强化烈焰冲击",
+ ["Improved Flametongue Weapon"] = "强化火舌武器",
+ ["Improved Flash of Light"] = "强化圣光闪现",
+ ["Improved Frost Nova"] = "强化冰霜新星",
+ ["Improved Frost Ward"] = "强化防护冰霜结界",
+ ["Improved Frostbolt"] = "强化寒冰箭",
+ ["Improved Frostbrand Weapon"] = "强化冰封武器",
+ ["Improved Garrote"] = "强化绞喉",
+ ["Improved Ghost Wolf"] = "强化幽魂之狼",
+ ["Improved Gouge"] = "强化凿击",
+ ["Improved Grace of Air Totem"] = "强化风之优雅图腾",
+ ["Improved Grounding Totem"] = "强化根基图腾",
+ ["Improved Hammer of Justice"] = "强化制裁之锤",
+ ["Improved Hamstring"] = "强化断筋",
+ ["Improved Healing"] = "强化治疗术",
+ ["Improved Healing Stream Totem"] = "强化治疗之泉图腾",
+ ["Improved Healing Touch"] = "强化治疗之触",
+ ["Improved Healing Wave"] = "强化治疗波",
+ ["Improved Health Funnel"] = "强化生命通道",
+ ["Improved Healthstone"] = "强化治疗石",
+ ["Improved Heroic Strike"] = "强化英勇打击",
+ ["Improved Hunter's Mark"] = "强化猎人印记",
+ ["Improved Immolate"] = "强化献祭",
+ ["Improved Imp"] = "强化小鬼",
+ ["Improved Inner Fire"] = "强化心灵之火",
+ ["Improved Instant Poison"] = "强化速效毒药",
+ ["Improved Intercept"] = "强化拦截",
+ ["Improved Intimidating Shout"] = "强化破胆怒吼",
+ ["Improved Judgement"] = "强化审判",
+ ["Improved Kick"] = "强化脚踢",
+ ["Improved Kidney Shot"] = "强化肾击",
+ ["Improved Lash of Pain"] = "强化剧痛鞭笞",
+ ["Improved Lay on Hands"] = "强化圣疗术",
+ ["Improved Lesser Healing Wave"] = "强化次级治疗波",
+ ["Improved Life Tap"] = "强化生命分流",
+ ["Improved Lightning Bolt"] = "强化闪电箭",
+ ["Improved Lightning Shield"] = "强化闪电护盾",
+ ["Improved Magma Totem"] = "强化熔岩图腾",
+ ["Improved Mana Burn"] = "强化法力燃烧",
+ ["Improved Mana Shield"] = "强化法力护盾",
+ ["Improved Mana Spring Totem"] = "强化法力之泉图腾",
+ ["Improved Mark of the Wild"] = "强化野性印记",
+ ["Improved Mend Pet"] = "强化治疗宠物",
+ ["Improved Mind Blast"] = "强化心灵震爆",
+ ["Improved Moonfire"] = "强化月火术",
+ ["Improved Nature's Grasp"] = "强化自然之握",
+ ["Improved Overpower"] = "强化压制",
+ ["Improved Power Word: Fortitude"] = "强化真言术:韧",
+ ["Improved Power Word: Shield"] = "强化圣言术:盾",
+ ["Improved Prayer of Healing"] = "强化治疗祷言",
+ ["Improved Psychic Scream"] = "强化心灵尖啸",
+ ["Improved Pummel"] = "强化拳击",
+ ["Improved Regrowth"] = "强化愈合",
+ ["Improved Reincarnation"] = "强化复生",
+ ["Improved Rejuvenation"] = "强化回春",
+ ["Improved Rend"] = "强化撕裂",
+ ["Improved Renew"] = "强化恢复",
+ ["Improved Retribution Aura"] = "强化惩罚光环",
+ ["Improved Revenge"] = "强化复仇",
+ ["Improved Revive Pet"] = "强化复活宠物",
+ ["Improved Righteous Fury"] = "强化正义之怒",
+ ["Improved Rockbiter Weapon"] = "强化石化武器",
+ ["Improved Rupture"] = "强化割裂",
+ ["Improved Sap"] = "强化闷棍",
+ ["Improved Scorch"] = "强化灼烧",
+ ["Improved Scorpid Sting"] = "强化毒蝎钉刺",
+ ["Improved Seal of Righteousness"] = "强化正义圣印",
+ ["Improved Seal of the Crusader"] = "强化十字军圣印",
+ ["Improved Searing Pain"] = "强化灼热之痛",
+ ["Improved Searing Totem"] = "强化灼热图腾",
+ ["Improved Serpent Sting"] = "强化毒蛇钉刺",
+ ["Improved Shadow Bolt"] = "强化暗影箭",
+ ["Improved Shadow Word: Pain"] = "强化暗言术:痛",
+ ["Improved Shield Bash"] = "强化盾击",
+ ["Improved Shield Block"] = "强化盾牌格挡",
+ ["Improved Shield Wall"] = "强化盾墙",
+ ["Improved Shred"] = "强化撕碎",
+ ["Improved Sinister Strike"] = "强化邪恶攻击",
+ ["Improved Slam"] = "强化猛击",
+ ["Improved Slice and Dice"] = "强化切割",
+ ["Improved Spellstone"] = "强化法术石",
+ ["Improved Sprint"] = "强化疾跑",
+ ["Improved Starfire"] = "强化星火术",
+ ["Improved Stoneclaw Totem"] = "强化石爪图腾",
+ ["Improved Stoneskin Totem"] = "强化石肤图腾",
+ ["Improved Strength of Earth Totem"] = "强化大地之力图腾",
+ ["Improved Succubus"] = "强化魅魔",
+ ["Improved Sunder Armor"] = "强化破甲攻击",
+ ["Improved Taunt"] = "强化嘲讽",
+ ["Improved Thorns"] = "强化荆棘术",
+ ["Improved Thunder Clap"] = "强化雷霆一击",
+ ["Improved Tranquility"] = "强化宁静",
+ ["Improved Vampiric Embrace"] = "强化吸血鬼的拥抱",
+ ["Improved Vanish"] = "强化消失",
+ ["Improved Voidwalker"] = "强化虚空行者",
+ ["Improved Windfury Weapon"] = "强化风怒武器",
+ ["Improved Wing Clip"] = "强化摔绊",
+ ["Improved Wrath"] = "强化愤怒",
+ ["Incinerate"] = "焚烧",
+ ["Infected Bite"] = "Infected Bite",-- TODO translate
+ ["Infected Wound"] = "Infected Wound",-- TODO translate
+ ["Inferno"] = "地狱火",
+ ["Inferno Shell"] = "Inferno Shell",-- TODO translate
+ ["Initiative"] = "先发制人",
+ ["Inner Fire"] = "心灵之火",
+ ["Inner Focus"] = "心灵专注",
+ ["Innervate"] = "激活",
+ ["Insect Swarm"] = "虫群",
+ ["Inspiration"] = "灵感",
+ ["Instant Poison"] = "速效毒药",
+ ["Instant Poison II"] = "速效毒药 II",
+ ["Instant Poison III"] = "速效毒药 III",
+ ["Instant Poison IV"] = "速效毒药 IV",
+ ["Instant Poison V"] = "速效毒药 V",
+ ["Instant Poison VI"] = "速效毒药 VI",
+ ["Intensity"] = "强烈",
+ ["Intercept"] = "拦截",
+ ["Intercept Stun"] = "拦截昏迷",
+ ["Intervene"] = "Intervene",-- TODO translate
+ ["Intimidating Roar"] = "Intimidating Roar",-- TODO translate
+ ["Intimidating Shout"] = "破胆怒吼",
+ ["Intimidation"] = "胁迫",
+ ["Intoxicating Venom"] = "Intoxicating Venom",-- TODO translate
+ ["Invisibility"] = "Invisibility",-- TODO translate
+ ["Iron Will"] = "Iron Will",-- TODO translate
+ ["Jewelcrafting"] = "Jewelcrafting",
+ ["Judgement"] = "审判",
+ ["Judgement of Command"] = "命令审判",
+ ["Judgement of Justice"] = "公正审判",
+ ["Judgement of Light"] = "光明审判",
+ ["Judgement of Righteousness"] = "正义审判",
+ ["Judgement of the Crusader"] = "十字军审判",
+ ["Judgement of Wisdom"] = "智慧审判",
+ ["Kick"] = "脚踢",
+ ["Kick - Silenced"] = "脚踢 - 沉默",
+ ["Kidney Shot"] = "肾击",
+ ["Kill Command"] = "Kill Command",-- TODO translate
+ ["Killer Instinct"] = "杀戮本能",
+ ["Knock Away"] = "Knock Away",-- TODO translate
+ ["Knockdown"] = "Knockdown",-- TODO translate
+ ["Kodo Riding"] = "骑术:科多兽",
+ ["Lacerate"] = "Lacerate",
+ ["Larva Goo"] = "Larva Goo",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lash"] = "Lash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lash of Pain"] = "剧痛鞭笞",
+ ["Last Stand"] = "破釜沉舟",
+ ["Lasting Judgement"] = "持久审判",
+ ["Lava Spout Totem"] = "Lava Spout Totem",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lay on Hands"] = "圣疗术",
+ ["Leader of the Pack"] = "兽群领袖",
+ ["Leather"] = "皮甲",
+ ["Leatherworking"] = "制皮",
+ ["Leech Poison"] = "Leech Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lesser Heal"] = "次级治疗术",
+ ["Lesser Healing Wave"] = "次级治疗波",
+ ["Lesser Invisibility"] = "次级隐形术",
+ ["Lethal Shots"] = "夺命射击",
+ ["Lethality"] = "致命偷袭",
+ ["Levitate"] = "漂浮",
+ ["Libram"] = "圣物",
+ ["Lich Slap"] = "Lich Slap",-- TODO translate
+ ["Life Tap"] = "生命分流",
+ ["Lifebloom"] = "Lifebloom",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lifegiving Gem"] = "Lifegiving Gem",
+ ["Lightning Blast"] = "Lightning Blast",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lightning Bolt"] = "闪电箭",
+ ["Lightning Breath"] = "闪电吐息",
+ ["Lightning Cloud"] = "Lightning Cloud",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lightning Mastery"] = "闪电掌握",
+ ["Lightning Reflexes"] = "闪电反射",
+ ["Lightning Shield"] = "闪电护盾",
+ ["Lightning Wave"] = "Lightning Wave",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lightwell"] = "光明之泉",
+ ["Lightwell Renew"] = "光明之泉回复",
+ ["Lizard Bolt"] = "Lizard Bolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Localized Toxin"] = "Localized Toxin",-- TODO translate
+ ["Lockpicking"] = "开锁",
+ ["Long Daze"] = "长时间眩晕",
+ ["Mace Specialization"] = "锤类武器专精",
+ ["Mace Stun Effect"] = "锤击昏迷效果",
+ ["Machine Gun"] = "Machine Gun",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mage Armor"] = "魔甲术",
+ ["Magic Attunement"] = "Magic Attunement",
+ ["Magma Splash"] = "Magma Splash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Magma Totem"] = "熔岩图腾",
+ ["Mail"] = "锁甲",
+ ["Maim"] = "Maim",-- TODO translate
+ ["Malice"] = "恶意",
+ ["Mana Burn"] = "法力燃烧",
+ ["Mana Feed"] = "Mana Feed",
+ ["Mana Shield"] = "法力护盾",
+ ["Mana Spring Totem"] = "法力之泉图腾",
+ ["Mana Tide Totem"] = "法力之潮图腾",
+ ["Mangle"] = "割碎",
+ ["Mangle (Bear)"] = "Mangle (Bear)",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mangle (Cat)"] = "Mangle (Cat)",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mark of Arlokk"] = "Mark of Arlokk",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mark of the Wild"] = "野性印记",
+ ["Martyrdom"] = "殉难",
+ ["Mass Dispel"] = "Mass Dispel",
+ ["Master Demonologist"] = "恶魔学识大师",
+ ["Master of Deception"] = "欺诈高手",
+ ["Master of Elements"] = "Master of Elements",
+ ["Master Summoner"] = "召唤大师",
+ ["Maul"] = "槌击",
+ ["Mechanostrider Piloting"] = "骑术:机械陆行鸟",
+ ["Meditation"] = "冥想",
+ ["Megavolt"] = "Megavolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Melee Specialization"] = "近战专精",
+ ["Melt Ore"] = "Melt Ore",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mend Pet"] = "治疗宠物",
+ ["Mental Agility"] = "精神敏锐",
+ ["Mental Strength"] = "心灵之力",
+ ["Mighty Blow"] = "Mighty Blow",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mind Blast"] = "心灵震爆",
+ ["Mind Control"] = "精神控制",
+ ["Mind Flay"] = "精神鞭笞",
+ ["Mind Soothe"] = "安抚心灵",
+ ["Mind Tremor"] = "Mind Tremor",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mind Vision"] = "心灵视界",
+ ["Mind-numbing Poison"] = "麻痹毒药",
+ ["Mind-numbing Poison II"] = "麻痹毒药 II",
+ ["Mind-numbing Poison III"] = "麻痹毒药 III",
+ ["Mining"] = "采矿",
+ ["Misdirection"] = "Misdirection",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mocking Blow"] = "惩戒痛击",
+ ["Molten Armor"] = "Molten Armor",-- TODO translate
+ ["Molten Blast"] = "Molten Blast",-- TODO translate
+ ["Molten Metal"] = "Molten Metal",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mongoose Bite"] = "猫鼬撕咬",
+ ["Monster Slaying"] = "怪物杀手",
+ ["Moonfire"] = "月火术",
+ ["Moonfury"] = "月怒",
+ ["Moonglow"] = "月光",
+ ["Moonkin Aura"] = "枭兽光环",
+ ["Moonkin Form"] = "枭兽形态",
+ ["Mortal Cleave"] = "Mortal Cleave",-- TODO translate
+ ["Mortal Shots"] = "致死射击",
+ ["Mortal Strike"] = "致死打击",
+ ["Mortal Wound"] = "Mortal Wound",-- TODO translate
+ ["Multi-Shot"] = "多重射击",
+ ["Murder"] = "谋杀",
+ ["Mutilate"] = "Mutilate",-- TODO translate
+ ["Naralex's Nightmare"] = "Naralex's Nightmare",-- TODO translate
+ ["Natural Armor"] = "自然护甲",
+ ["Natural Shapeshifter"] = "自然变形",
+ ["Natural Weapons"] = "武器平衡",
+ ["Nature Aligned"] = "Nature Aligned",-- TODO translate
+ ["Nature Resistance"] = "自然抗性",
+ ["Nature Resistance Totem"] = "自然抗性图腾",
+ ["Nature Weakness"] = "Nature Weakness",-- TODO translate
+ ["Nature's Focus"] = "自然集中",
+ ["Nature's Grace"] = "自然之赐",
+ ["Nature's Grasp"] = "自然之握",
+ ["Nature's Reach"] = "自然延伸",
+ ["Nature's Swiftness"] = "自然迅捷",
+ ["Necrotic Poison"] = "Necrotic Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Negative Charge"] = "Negative Charge",-- TODO translate
+ ["Net"] = "Net",-- TODO translate
+ ["Nightfall"] = "夜幕",
+ ["Noxious Catalyst"] = "Noxious Catalyst",-- TODO translate
+ ["Noxious Cloud"] = "Noxious Cloud",-- TODO translate
+ ["Omen of Clarity"] = "清晰预兆",
+ ["One-Handed Axes"] = "单手斧",
+ ["One-Handed Maces"] = "单手锤",
+ ["One-Handed Swords"] = "单手剑",
+ ["One-Handed Weapon Specialization"] = "单手武器专精",
+ ["Opening"] = "打开",
+ ["Opening - No Text"] = "打开 - No Text",-- [TODO Translate not sure what this is]
+ ["Opportunity"] = "伺机而动",
+ ["Overpower"] = "压制",
+ ["Pacify"] = "Pacify",-- TODO translate
+ ["Pain Suppression"] = "Pain Suppression",-- TODO translate
+ ["Paralyzing Poison"] = "Paralyzing Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Paranoia"] = "多疑",
+ ["Parasitic Serpent"] = "Parasitic Serpent",-- TODO translate
+ ["Parry"] = "招架",
+ ["Pathfinding"] = "寻路",
+ ["Perception"] = "感知",
+ ["Permafrost"] = "极寒冰霜",
+ ["Pet Aggression"] = "宠物好斗",
+ ["Pet Hardiness"] = "宠物耐久",
+ ["Pet Recovery"] = "宠物恢复",
+ ["Pet Resistance"] = "宠物抗魔",
+ ["Petrify"] = "Petrify",-- TODO translate
+ ["Phase Shift"] = "相位变换",
+ ["Pick Lock"] = "开锁",
+ ["Pick Pocket"] = "偷窃",
+ ["Pierce Armor"] = "Pierce Armor",-- TODO translate
+ ["Piercing Howl"] = "刺耳怒吼",
+ ["Piercing Ice"] = "刺骨寒冰",
+ ["Piercing Shadow"] = "Piercing Shadow",-- TODO translate
+ ["Piercing Shot"] = "Piercing Shot",-- TODO translate
+ ["Plague Cloud"] = "Plague Cloud",-- TODO translate
+ ["Plate Mail"] = "板甲",
+ ["Poison"] = "Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poison Bolt"] = "Poison Bolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poison Bolt Volley"] = "Poison Bolt Volley",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poison Cleansing Totem"] = "祛病图腾",
+ ["Poison Cloud"] = "Poison Cloud",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poison Shock"] = "Poison Shock",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poisoned Harpoon"] = "Poisoned Harpoon",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poisoned Shot"] = "Poisoned Shot",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poisonous Blood"] = "Poisonous Blood",-- TODO translate
+ ["Poisons"] = "毒药",
+ ["Polearm Specialization"] = "长柄武器专精",
+ ["Polearms"] = "长柄武器",
+ ["Polymorph"] = "变形术",
+ ["Polymorph: Pig"] = "变形术:猪",
+ ["Polymorph: Turtle"] = "变形术:龟",
+ ["Portal: Darnassus"] = "传送门:达纳苏斯",
+ ["Portal: Ironforge"] = " 传送门:铁炉堡",
+ ["Portal: Orgrimmar"] = "传送门:奥格瑞玛",
+ ["Portal: Stormwind"] = "传送门:暴风城",
+ ["Portal: Thunder Bluff"] = "传送门:雷霆崖",
+ ["Portal: Undercity"] = "传送门:幽暗城",
+ ["Positive Charge"] = "Positive Charge",
+ ["Pounce"] = "突袭",
+ ["Pounce Bleed"] = "突袭",
+ ["Power Infusion"] = "能量灌注",
+ ["Power Word: Fortitude"] = "真言术:韧",
+ ["Power Word: Shield"] = "真言术:盾",
+ ["Prayer Beads Blessing"] = "Prayer Beads Blessing",-- TODO translate
+ ["Prayer of Fortitude"] = "坚韧祷言",
+ ["Prayer of Healing"] = "治疗祷言",
+ ["Prayer of Mending"] = "Prayer of Mending",-- TODO translate
+ ["Prayer of Shadow Protection"] = "暗影防护祷言",
+ ["Prayer of Spirit"] = "精神祷言",
+ ["Precision"] = "精确",
+ ["Predatory Strikes"] = "猛兽攻击",
+ ["Premeditation"] = "预谋",
+ ["Preparation"] = "伺机待发",
+ ["Presence of Mind"] = "气定神闲",
+ ["Primal Fury"] = "原始狂怒",
+ ["Prowl"] = "潜伏",
+ ["Psychic Scream"] = "心灵尖啸",
+ ["Pummel"] = "拳击",
+ ["Puncture"] = "Puncture",-- TODO translate
+ ["Purge"] = "净化术",
+ ["Purification"] = "净化",
+ ["Purify"] = "纯净术",
+ ["Pursuit of Justice"] = "正义追击",
+ ["Putrid Breath"] = "Putrid Breath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Putrid Enzyme"] = "Putrid Enzyme",-- TODO translate
+ ["Pyroblast"] = "炎爆术",
+ ["Pyroclasm"] = "火焰冲撞",
+ ["Quick Shots"] = "快速射击",
+ ["Quickness"] = "迅捷",
+ ["Radiation"] = "Radiation",-- TODO translate
+ ["Radiation Bolt"] = "Radiation Bolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Radiation Cloud"] = "Radiation Cloud",-- TODO translate
+ ["Radiation Poisoning"] = "Radiation Poisoning",-- TODO translate
+ ["Rain of Fire"] = "火焰之雨",
+ ["Rake"] = "扫击",
+ ["Ram Riding"] = "骑术:羊",
+ ["Rampage"] = "Rampage",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ranged Weapon Specialization"] = "远程武器专精",
+ ["Rapid Concealment"] = "迅速隐蔽",
+ ["Rapid Fire"] = "急速射击",
+ ["Raptor Riding"] = "骑术:迅猛龙",
+ ["Raptor Strike"] = "猛禽一击",
+ ["Ravage"] = "毁灭",
+ ["Ravenous Claw"] = "Ravenous Claw",-- TODO translate
+ ["Readiness"] = "准备就绪",
+ ["Rebirth"] = "复生",
+ ["Rebuild"] = "Rebuild",-- TODO translate
+ ["Recently Bandaged"] = "Recently Bandaged",-- TODO translate
+ ["Reckless Charge"] = "无畏冲锋",
+ ["Recklessness"] = "鲁莽",
+ ["Reckoning"] = "清算",
+ ["Recombobulate"] = "Recombobulate",-- TODO translate
+ ["Redemption"] = "救赎",
+ ["Redoubt"] = "盾牌壁垒",
+ ["Reflection"] = "反射",
+ ["Regeneration"] = "回复",
+ ["Regrowth"] = "愈合",
+ ["Reincarnation"] = "复生",
+ ["Rejuvenation"] = "回春术",
+ ["Relentless Strikes"] = "无情打击",
+ ["Remorseless"] = "冷酷",
+ ["Remorseless Attacks"] = "冷酷攻击",
+ ["Remove Curse"] = "解除诅咒",
+ ["Remove Insignia"] = "解除徽记",
+ ["Remove Lesser Curse"] = "解除次级诅咒",
+ ["Rend"] = "撕裂",
+ ["Renew"] = "恢复",
+ ["Repentance"] = "忏悔",
+ ["Repulsive Gaze"] = "Repulsive Gaze",-- TODO translate
+ ["Restorative Totems"] = "Restorative Totems",
+ ["Resurrection"] = "复活",
+ ["Retaliation"] = "反击风暴",
+ ["Retribution Aura"] = "惩罚光环",
+ ["Revenge"] = "复仇",
+ ["Revenge Stun"] = "复仇昏迷",
+ ["Reverberation"] = "回响",
+ ["Revive Pet"] = "复活宠物",
+ ["Rhahk'Zor Slam"] = "Rhahk'Zor Slam",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ribbon of Souls"] = "Ribbon of Souls",-- TODO translate
+ ["Righteous Defense"] = "Righteous Defense",-- TODO translate
+ ["Righteous Fury"] = "正义之怒",
+ ["Rip"] = "撕扯",
+ ["Riposte"] = "还击",
+ ["Ritual of Doom"] = "末日仪式",
+ ["Ritual of Doom Effect"] = "末日仪式效果",
+ ["Ritual of Souls"] = "Ritual of Souls",-- TODO translate
+ ["Ritual of Summoning"] = "召唤仪式",
+ ["Rockbiter Weapon"] = "石化武器",
+ ["Rogue Passive"] = "盗贼被动效果",-- [TODO Translate not sure]
+ ["Rough Sharpening Stone"] = "劣质磨刀石",
+ ["Ruin"] = "毁灭",
+ ["Rupture"] = "割裂",
+ ["Ruthlessness"] = "无情",
+ ["Sacrifice"] = "牺牲",
+ ["Safe Fall"] = "安全降落",
+ ["Sanctity Aura"] = "圣洁光环",
+ ["Sap"] = "闷棍",
+ ["Savage Fury"] = "野蛮暴怒",
+ ["Savage Strikes"] = "野蛮打击",
+ ["Scare Beast"] = "恐吓野兽",
+ ["Scatter Shot"] = "驱散射击",
+ ["Scorch"] = "灼烧",
+ ["Scorpid Poison"] = "蝎毒",
+ ["Scorpid Sting"] = "毒蝎钉刺",
+ ["Screams of the Past"] = "Screams of the Past",-- TODO translate
+ ["Screech"] = "尖啸",
+ ["Seal Fate"] = "封印命运",
+ ["Seal of Blood"] = "Seal of Blood",-- TODO translate
+ ["Seal of Command"] = "命令圣印",
+ ["Seal of Justice"] = "公正圣印",
+ ["Seal of Light"] = "光明圣印",
+ ["Seal of Reckoning"] = "Seal of Reckoning",-- TODO translate
+ ["Seal of Righteousness"] = "正义圣印",
+ ["Seal of the Crusader"] = "十字军圣印",
+ ["Seal of Vengeance"] = "Seal of Vengeance",-- TODO translate
+ ["Seal of Wisdom"] = "智慧圣印",
+ ["Searing Light"] = "灼热之光",
+ ["Searing Pain"] = "灼热之痛",
+ ["Searing Totem"] = "灼热图腾",
+ ["Second Wind"] = "Second Wind",
+ ["Seduction"] = "诱惑",
+ ["Seed of Corruption"] = "Seed of Corruption",-- TODO translate
+ ["Sense Demons"] = "感知恶魔",
+ ["Sense Undead"] = "感知亡灵",
+ ["Sentry Totem"] = "岗哨图腾",
+ ["Serpent Sting"] = "毒蛇钉刺",
+ ["Setup"] = "调整",
+ ["Shackle Undead"] = "束缚亡灵",
+ ["Shadow Affinity"] = "暗影亲和",
+ ["Shadow Bolt"] = "暗影箭",
+ ["Shadow Bolt Volley"] = "Shadow Bolt Volley",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shadow Focus"] = "暗影集中",
+ ["Shadow Mastery"] = "暗影掌握",
+ ["Shadow Protection"] = "暗影防护",
+ ["Shadow Reach"] = "暗影延伸",
+ ["Shadow Resistance"] = "暗影抗性",
+ ["Shadow Resistance Aura"] = "暗影抗性光环",
+ ["Shadow Shock"] = "Shadow Shock",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shadow Trance"] = "暗影冥思",
+ ["Shadow Vulnerability"] = "暗影易伤",
+ ["Shadow Ward"] = "防护暗影结界",
+ ["Shadow Weakness"] = "Shadow Weakness",
+ ["Shadow Weaving"] = "暗影之波",
+ ["Shadow Word: Death"] = "Shadow Word: Death",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shadow Word: Pain"] = "暗言术:痛",
+ ["Shadowburn"] = "暗影灼烧",
+ ["Shadowfiend"] = "Shadowfiend",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shadowform"] = "暗影形态",
+ ["Shadowfury"] = "Shadowfury",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shadowguard"] = "暗影守卫",
+ ["Shadowmeld"] = "影遁",
+ ["Shadowmeld Passive"] = "影遁",
+ ["Shadowstep"] = "Shadowstep",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shamanistic Rage"] = "Shamanistic Rage",-- TODO translate
+ ["Sharpened Claws"] = "锋利兽爪",
+ ["Shatter"] = "碎冰",
+ ["Sheep"] = "Sheep",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shell Shield"] = "甲壳护盾",
+ ["Shield"] = "盾牌",
+ ["Shield Bash"] = "盾击",
+ ["Shield Bash - Silenced"] = "盾击 - 沉默",
+ ["Shield Block"] = "盾牌格挡",
+ ["Shield Slam"] = "盾牌猛击",
+ ["Shield Specialization"] = "盾牌专精",
+ ["Shield Wall"] = "盾墙",
+ ["Shiv"] = "Shiv",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shock"] = "Shock",-- TODO translate
+ ["Shoot"] = "射击",
+ ["Shoot Bow"] = "弓射击",
+ ["Shoot Crossbow"] = "弩射击",
+ ["Shoot Gun"] = "枪械射击",
+ ["Shred"] = "撕碎",
+ ["Shrink"] = "Shrink",-- TODO translate
+ ["Silence"] = "沉默",
+ ["Silencing Shot"] = "Silencing Shot",
+ ["Silent Resolve"] = "无声消退",
+ ["Sinister Strike"] = "邪恶攻击",
+ ["Siphon Life"] = "生命虹吸",
+ ["Skinning"] = "剥皮",
+ ["Skull Crack"] = "Skull Crack",-- TODO translate
+ ["Slam"] = "猛击",
+ ["Sleep"] = "沉睡",-- [TODO Translate not so sure]
+ ["Slice and Dice"] = "切割",
+ ["Slow"] = "Slow",
+ ["Slow Fall"] = "缓落术",
+ ["Slowing Poison"] = "Slowing Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Smelting"] = "熔炼",
+ ["Smite"] = "惩击",
+ ["Smite Slam"] = "Smite Slam",-- TODO translate
+ ["Smite Stomp"] = "Smite Stomp",-- TODO translate
+ ["Smoke Bomb"] = "Smoke Bomb",-- TODO translate
+ ["Snake Trap"] = "Snake Trap",-- TODO translate
+ ["Snap Kick"] = "Snap Kick",-- TODO translate
+ ["Solid Sharpening Stone"] = "坚固的磨刀石",
+ ["Sonic Burst"] = "Sonic Burst",-- TODO translate
+ ["Soothe Animal"] = "安抚动物",
+ ["Soothing Kiss"] = "安抚之吻",
+ ["Soul Bite"] = "Soul Bite",-- TODO translate
+ ["Soul Drain"] = "Soul Drain",-- TODO translate
+ ["Soul Fire"] = "灵魂之火",
+ ["Soul Link"] = "灵魂链接",
+ ["Soul Siphon"] = "灵魂虹吸",
+ ["Soul Tap"] = "Soul Tap",-- TODO translate
+ ["Soulshatter"] = "Soulshatter",-- TODO translate
+ ["Soulstone Resurrection"] = "灵魂石复活",
+ ["Spell Lock"] = "法术封锁",
+ ["Spell Reflection"] = "Spell Reflection",
+ ["Spell Warding"] = "法术屏障",
+ ["Spellsteal"] = "Spellsteal",-- TODO translate
+ ["Spirit Bond"] = "灵魂连接",
+ ["Spirit Burst"] = "Spirit Burst",-- TODO translate
+ ["Spirit of Redemption"] = "救赎之魂",
+ ["Spirit Tap"] = "精神分流",
+ ["Spiritual Attunement"] = "Spiritual Attunement",-- TODO translate
+ ["Spiritual Focus"] = "精神集中",
+ ["Spiritual Guidance"] = "精神指引",
+ ["Spiritual Healing"] = "精神治疗",
+ ["Spit"] = "Spit",-- TODO translate
+ ["Spore Cloud"] = "Spore Cloud",-- TODO translate
+ ["Sprint"] = "疾跑",
+ ["Stance Mastery"] = "Stance Mastery",-- TODO translate
+ ["Starfire"] = "星火术",
+ ["Starfire Stun"] = "星火昏迷",
+ ["Starshards"] = "星辰碎片",
+ ["Staves"] = "法杖",
+ ["Steady Shot"] = "Steady Shot",-- TODO translate
+ ["Stealth"] = "潜行",
+ ["Stoneclaw Totem"] = "石爪图腾",
+ ["Stoneform"] = "石像形态",
+ ["Stoneskin Totem"] = "石肤图腾",
+ ["Stormstrike"] = "风暴打击",
+ ["Strength of Earth Totem"] = "大地之力图腾",
+ ["Strike"] = "Strike",-- TODO translate
+ ["Stuck"] = "卡死",
+ ["Stun"] = "Stun",-- TODO translate
+ ["Subtlety"] = "微妙",
+ ["Suffering"] = "受难",
+ ["Summon Charger"] = "召唤战马",
+ ["Summon Dreadsteed"] = "召唤恐惧战马",
+ ["Summon Felguard"] = "Summon Felguard",-- TODO translate
+ ["Summon Felhunter"] = "召唤地狱猎犬",
+ ["Summon Felsteed"] = "召唤地狱战马",
+ ["Summon Imp"] = "召唤小鬼",
+ ["Summon Spawn of Bael'Gar"] = "Summon Spawn of Bael'Gar",-- TODO translate
+ ["Summon Succubus"] = "召唤魅魔",
+ ["Summon Voidwalker"] = "召唤虚空行者",
+ ["Summon Warhorse"] = "召唤军马",
+ ["Summon Water Elemental"] = "Summon Water Elemental",
+ ["Sunder Armor"] = "破甲",
+ ["Suppression"] = "压制",
+ ["Surefooted"] = "稳固",
+ ["Survivalist"] = "生存专家",
+ ["Sweeping Slam"] = "Sweeping Slam",-- TODO translate
+ ["Sweeping Strikes"] = "横扫攻击",
+ ["Swiftmend"] = "迅捷治愈",
+ ["Swipe"] = "挥击",
+ ["Swoop"] = "Swoop",-- TODO translate
+ ["Sword Specialization"] = "剑类武器专精",
+ ["Tactical Mastery"] = "战术掌握",
+ ["Tailoring"] = "裁缝",
+ ["Tainted Blood"] = "腐坏之血",
+ ["Tame Beast"] = "驯服野兽",
+ ["Tamed Pet Passive"] = "驯服宠物(被动)",
+ ["Taunt"] = "嘲讽",
+ ["Teleport: Darnassus"] = "传送:达纳苏斯",
+ ["Teleport: Ironforge"] = "传送:铁炉堡",
+ ["Teleport: Moonglade"] = "传送:月光林地",
+ ["Teleport: Orgrimmar"] = "传送:奥格瑞玛",
+ ["Teleport: Stormwind"] = "传送:暴风城",
+ ["Teleport: Thunder Bluff"] = "传送:雷霆崖",
+ ["Teleport: Undercity"] = "传送:幽暗城",
+ ["Tendon Rip"] = "Tendon Rip",-- TODO translate
+ ["Tendon Slice"] = "Tendon Slice",-- TODO translate
+ ["Terrify"] = "Terrify",-- TODO translate
+ ["Terrifying Screech"] = "Terrifying Screech",-- TODO translate
+ ["Thick Hide"] = "厚皮",
+ ["Thorn Volley"] = "Thorn Volley",-- TODO translate
+ ["Thorns"] = "荆棘术",
+ ["Thousand Blades"] = "Thousand Blades",-- TODO translate
+ ["Threatening Gaze"] = "Threatening Gaze",-- TODO translate
+ ["Throw"] = "投掷",
+ ["Throw Axe"] = "Throw Axe",-- TODO translate
+ ["Throw Dynamite"] = "Throw Dynamite",-- TODO translate
+ ["Throw Liquid Fire"] = "Throw Liquid Fire",-- TODO translate
+ ["Throw Wrench"] = "Throw Wrench",-- TODO translate
+ ["Throwing Specialization"] = "投掷专精",
+ ["Throwing Weapon Specialization"] = "投掷武器专精",
+ ["Thrown"] = "投掷",
+ ["Thunder Clap"] = "雷霆一击",
+ ["Thunderclap"] = "Thunderclap",-- TODO translate
+ ["Thunderfury"] = "Thunderfury",-- TODO translate
+ ["Thundering Strikes"] = "雷鸣猛击",
+ ["Thundershock"] = "Thundershock",-- TODO translate
+ ["Thunderstomp"] = "雷霆践踏",
+ ["Tidal Focus"] = "潮汐集中",
+ ["Tidal Mastery"] = "潮汐掌握",
+ ["Tiger Riding"] = "骑术:豹",
+ ["Tiger's Fury"] = "猛虎之怒",
+ ["Torment"] = "折磨",
+ ["Totem"] = "图腾",
+ ["Totem of Wrath"] = "Totem of Wrath",-- TODO translate
+ ["Totemic Focus"] = "图腾集中",
+ ["Touch of Weakness"] = "虚弱之触",
+ ["Toughness"] = "坚韧",
+ ["Toxic Saliva"] = "Toxic Saliva",-- TODO translate
+ ["Toxic Spit"] = "Toxic Spit",-- TODO translate
+ ["Toxic Volley"] = "Toxic Volley",-- TODO translate
+ ["Traces of Silithyst"] = "Traces of Silithyst",
+ ["Track Beasts"] = "追踪野兽",
+ ["Track Demons"] = "追踪恶魔",
+ ["Track Dragonkin"] = "追踪龙类",
+ ["Track Elementals"] = "追踪元素生物",
+ ["Track Giants"] = "追踪巨人",
+ ["Track Hidden"] = "追踪隐藏生物",
+ ["Track Humanoids"] = "追踪人型生物",
+ ["Track Undead"] = "追踪亡灵",
+ ["Trample"] = "Trample",-- TODO translate
+ ["Tranquil Air Totem"] = "宁静之风图腾",
+ ["Tranquil Spirit"] = "宁静之魂",
+ ["Tranquility"] = "宁静",
+ ["Tranquilizing Poison"] = "Tranquilizing Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Tranquilizing Shot"] = "宁神射击",
+ ["Trap Mastery"] = "陷阱掌握",
+ ["Travel Form"] = "旅行形态",
+ ["Tree of Life"] = "Tree of Life",-- TODO translate
+ ["Tremor Totem"] = "战栗图腾",
+ ["Tribal Leatherworking"] = "部族制皮",
+ ["Trueshot Aura"] = "强击光环",
+ ["Turn Undead"] = "超度亡灵",
+ ["Twisted Tranquility"] = "Twisted Tranquility",-- TODO translate
+ ["Two-Handed Axes"] = "双手斧",
+ ["Two-Handed Axes and Maces"] = "双手斧和锤",
+ ["Two-Handed Maces"] = "双手锤",
+ ["Two-Handed Swords"] = "无光泽的双刃刀",
+ ["Two-Handed Weapon Specialization"] = "双手武器专精",
+ ["Unarmed"] = "徒手",
+ ["Unbreakable Will"] = "坚定意志",
+ ["Unbridled Wrath"] = "怒不可遏",
+ ["Unbridled Wrath Effect"] = "Unbridled Wrath Effect",-- TODO translate
+ ["Undead Horsemanship"] = "骑术:骸骨战马",
+ ["Underwater Breathing"] = "水下呼吸",
+ ["Unending Breath"] = "魔息术",
+ ["Unholy Frenzy"] = "Unholy Frenzy",-- TODO translate
+ ["Unholy Power"] = "邪恶强化",
+ ["Unleashed Fury"] = "狂怒释放",
+ ["Unleashed Rage"] = "Unleashed Rage",
+ ["Unstable Affliction"] = "Unstable Affliction",-- TODO translate
+ ["Unstable Concoction"] = "Unstable Concoction",-- TODO translate
+ ["Unstable Power"] = "Unstable Power",-- TODO translate
+ ["Unyielding Faith"] = "不灭信仰",
+ ["Uppercut"] = "Uppercut",-- TODO translate
+ ["Vampiric Embrace"] = "吸血鬼的拥抱",
+ ["Vampiric Touch"] = "Vampiric Touch",-- TODO translate
+ ["Vanish"] = "消失",
+ ["Vanished"] = "消失",
+ ["Veil of Shadow"] = "Veil of Shadow",-- TODO translate
+ ["Vengeance"] = "复仇",
+ ["Venom Spit"] = "Venom Spit",-- TODO translate
+ ["Venom Sting"] = "Venom Sting",-- TODO translate
+ ["Venomhide Poison"] = "Venomhide Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Vicious Rend"] = "Vicious Rend",-- TODO translate
+ ["Victory Rush"] = "Victory Rush",-- TODO translate
+ ["Vigor"] = "精力",
+ ["Vile Poisons"] = "恶性毒药",
+ ["Vindication"] = "辩护",
+ ["Viper Sting"] = "蝰蛇钉刺",
+ ["Virulent Poison"] = "Virulent Poison",-- TODO translate
+ ["Void Bolt"] = "Void Bolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Volley"] = "乱射",
+ ["Walking Bomb Effect"] = "Walking Bomb Effect",-- TODO translate
+ ["Wand Specialization"] = "魔杖掌握",
+ ["Wandering Plague"] = "Wandering Plague",-- TODO translate
+ ["Wands"] = "魔杖",
+ ["War Stomp"] = "战争践踏",
+ ["Water"] = "Water",-- TODO translate
+ ["Water Breathing"] = "水下呼吸",
+ ["Water Shield"] = "Water Shield",-- TODO translate
+ ["Water Walking"] = "水上行走",
+ ["Waterbolt"] = "Waterbolt",-- TODO translate
+ ["Wavering Will"] = "Wavering Will",-- TODO translate
+ ["Weakened Soul"] = "虚弱灵魂",
+ ["Weaponsmith"] = "武器锻造师",
+ ["Web"] = "Web",-- TODO translate
+ ["Web Explosion"] = "Web Explosion",-- TODO translate
+ ["Web Spin"] = "Web Spin",-- TODO translate
+ ["Web Spray"] = "Web Spray",-- TODO translate
+ ["Whirling Barrage"] = "Whirling Barrage",-- TODO translate
+ ["Whirling Trip"] = "Whirling Trip",-- TODO translate
+ ["Whirlwind"] = "旋风斩",
+ ["Wide Slash"] = "Wide Slash",-- TODO translate
+ ["Will of Hakkar"] = "Will of Hakkar",-- TODO translate
+ ["Will of the Forsaken"] = "亡灵意志",
+ ["Windfury Totem"] = "风怒图腾",
+ ["Windfury Weapon"] = "风怒武器",
+ ["Windsor's Frenzy"] = "Windsor's Frenzy",-- TODO translate
+ ["Windwall Totem"] = "风墙图腾",
+ ["Wing Clip"] = "摔绊",
+ ["Wing Flap"] = "Wing Flap",-- TODO translate
+ ["Winter's Chill"] = "深冬之寒",
+ ["Wisp Spirit"] = "精灵之魂",
+ ["Wolf Riding"] = "骑术:狼",
+ ["Wound Poison"] = "致伤毒药",
+ ["Wound Poison II"] = "致伤毒药 II",
+ ["Wound Poison III"] = "致伤毒药 III",
+ ["Wound Poison IV"] = "致伤毒药 IV",
+ ["Wrath"] = "愤怒",
+ ["Wrath of Air Totem"] = "Wrath of Air Totem",-- TODO translate
+ ["Wyvern Sting"] = "翼龙钉刺",
+__bundle_register("Locale/enUS/Translations.enUS.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+return {
+ ["Announces in chat when your tranquilizing shot hits or misses a target."] = "Announces in chat when your tranquilizing shot hits or misses a target.",
+ ["Aspect Tracker"] = "Aspect Tracker",
+ ["Auto Shot Timer"] = "Auto Shot Timer",
+ ["Border Style"] = "Border Style",
+ ["Both Directions"] = "Both Directions",
+ ["Castbar"] = "Castbar",
+ ["Casting"] = "Casting",
+ ["Casting Tranq Shot"] = "Casting Tranq Shot",
+ ["Close"] = "Close",
+ ["Close Window"] = "Close Window",
+ ["Dead Zone"] = "Dead Zone",
+ ["Debug Level"] = "Debug Level",
+ ["Hunter's Mark"] = "Hunter's Mark",
+ ["It's always safe to upgrade Quiver. You won't lose any of your configuration."] = "It's always safe to upgrade Quiver. You won't lose any of your configuration.",
+ ["Left to Right"] = "Left to Right",
+ ["Lock/Unlock Frames"] = "Lock/Unlock Frames",
+ ["Long Range"] = "Long Range",
+ ["Melee Range"] = "Melee Range",
+ ["*** MISSED Tranq Shot ***"] = "*** MISSED Tranq Shot ***",
+ ["New version %s available at %s"] = "New version %s available at %s",
+ ["None"] = "None",
+ ["Out of Range"] = "Out of Range",
+ ["Quiver is for hunters."] = "Quiver is for hunters.",
+ ["Quiver Unlocked. Show config dialog with /qq or /quiver.\nClick the lock icon when done."] = "Quiver Unlocked. Show config dialog with /qq or /quiver.\nClick the lock icon when done.",
+ ["Range Indicator"] = "Range Indicator",
+ ["Reloading"] = "Reloading",
+ ["Reset All Frame Sizes and Positions"] = "Reset All Frame Sizes and Positions",
+ ["Reset Color"] = "Reset Color",
+ ["Reset Frame Size and Position"] = "Reset Frame Size and Position",
+ ["Reset Miss Message to Default"] = "Reset Miss Message to Default",
+ ["Reset Tranq Message to Default"] = "Reset Tranq Message to Default",
+ ["Scare Beast"] = "Scare Beast",
+ ["Scatter Shot"] = "Scatter Shot",
+ ["Shoot / Reload"] = "Shoot / Reload",
+ ["Shooting"] = "Shooting",
+ ["Short Range"] = "Short Range",
+ ["Shows Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, and Trueshot."] = "Shows Aimed Shot, Multi-Shot, and Trueshot.",
+ ["Shows when abilities are in range. Requires spellbook abilities placed somewhere on your action bars."] = "Shows when abilities are in range. Requires spellbook abilities placed somewhere on your action bars.",
+ ["Simple"] = "Simple",
+ ["Swap Shoot and Reload Colours"] = "Swap Shoot and Reload Colours",
+ ["Tooltip"] = "Tooltip",
+ ["Tranq Shot Announcer"] = "Tranq Shot Announcer",
+ ["Tranq Speech"] = "Tranq Speech",
+ ["Trueshot Aura Alarm"] = "Trueshot Aura Alarm",
+ ["Verbose"] = "Verbose",
+__bundle_register("Locale/enUS/Client.enUS.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+local Spell = require("Locale/enUS/Spell.enUS.lua")
+-- local Zone = require "Locale/enUS/Zone.enUS.lua"
+return {
+ CombatLog = {
+ Consumes = {
+ ManaPotion = "You gain (.*) Mana from Restore Mana.",
+ HealthPotion = "Your Healing Potion heals you for (.*).",
+ Healthstone = "Your (.*) Healthstone heals you for (.*).",
+ Tea = "Your Tea with Sugar heals you for (.*).",
+ },
+ Tranq = {
+ Fail = "You fail to dispel",
+ Miss = "Your Tranquilizing Shot miss",
+ Resist = "Your Tranquilizing Shot was resisted",
+ },
+ },
+ Spell = Spell,
+ SpellReverse = Spell,
+__bundle_register("Locale/enUS/Spell.enUS.lua", function(require, _LOADED, __bundle_register, __bundle_modules)
+return {
+ ["Aspect of the Wolf"] = "Aspect of the Wolf",
+ ["Trueshot"] = "Trueshot",
+ ["Abolish Disease"] = "Abolish Disease",
+ ["Abolish Poison"] = "Abolish Poison",
+ ["Abolish Poison Effect"] = "Abolish Poison Effect",
+ ["Acid Breath"] = "Acid Breath",
+ ["Acid of Hakkar"] = "Acid of Hakkar",
+ ["Acid Spit"] = "Acid Spit",
+ ["Acid Splash"] = "Acid Splash",
+ ["Activate MG Turret"] = "Activate MG Turret",
+ ["Adrenaline Rush"] = "Adrenaline Rush",
+ ["Aftermath"] = "Aftermath",
+ ["Aggression"] = "Aggression",
+ ["Aimed Shot"] = "Aimed Shot",
+ ["Alchemy"] = "Alchemy",
+ ["Ambush"] = "Ambush",
+ ["Amplify Curse"] = "Amplify Curse",
+ ["Amplify Damage"] = "Amplify Damage",
+ ["Amplify Flames"] = "Amplify Flames",
+ ["Amplify Magic"] = "Amplify Magic",
+ ["Ancestral Fortitude"] = "Ancestral Fortitude",
+ ["Ancestral Healing"] = "Ancestral Healing",
+ ["Ancestral Knowledge"] = "Ancestral Knowledge",
+ ["Ancestral Spirit"] = "Ancestral Spirit",
+ ["Anesthetic Poison"] = "Anesthetic Poison",
+ ["Anger Management"] = "Anger Management",
+ ["Anguish"] = "Anguish",
+ ["Anticipation"] = "Anticipation",
+ ["Aqua Jet"] = "Aqua Jet",
+ ["Aquatic Form"] = "Aquatic Form",
+ ["Arcane Blast"] = "Arcane Blast",
+ ["Arcane Bolt"] = "Arcane Bolt",
+ ["Arcane Brilliance"] = "Arcane Brilliance",
+ ["Arcane Concentration"] = "Arcane Concentration",
+ ["Arcane Explosion"] = "Arcane Explosion",
+ ["Arcane Focus"] = "Arcane Focus",
+ ["Arcane Instability"] = "Arcane Instability",
+ ["Arcane Intellect"] = "Arcane Intellect",
+ ["Arcane Meditation"] = "Arcane Meditation",
+ ["Arcane Mind"] = "Arcane Mind",
+ ["Arcane Missiles"] = "Arcane Missiles",
+ ["Arcane Potency"] = "Arcane Potency",
+ ["Arcane Power"] = "Arcane Power",
+ ["Arcane Resistance"] = "Arcane Resistance",
+ ["Arcane Shot"] = "Arcane Shot",
+ ["Arcane Subtlety"] = "Arcane Subtlety",
+ ["Arcane Weakness"] = "Arcane Weakness",
+ ["Arcing Smash"] = "Arcing Smash",
+ ["Arctic Reach"] = "Arctic Reach",
+ ["Armorsmith"] = "Armorsmith",
+ ["Arugal's Curse"] = "Arugal's Curse",
+ ["Arugal's Gift"] = "Arugal's Gift",
+ ["Ascendance"] = "Ascendance",
+ ["Aspect of Arlokk"] = "Aspect of Arlokk",
+ ["Aspect of Jeklik"] = "Aspect of Jeklik",
+ ["Aspect of Mar'li"] = "Aspect of Mar'li",
+ ["Aspect of the Beast"] = "Aspect of the Beast",
+ ["Aspect of the Cheetah"] = "Aspect of the Cheetah",
+ ["Aspect of the Hawk"] = "Aspect of the Hawk",
+ ["Aspect of the Monkey"] = "Aspect of the Monkey",
+ ["Aspect of the Pack"] = "Aspect of the Pack",
+ ["Aspect of the Viper"] = "Aspect of the Viper",
+ ["Aspect of the Wild"] = "Aspect of the Wild",
+ ["Aspect of Venoxis"] = "Aspect of Venoxis",
+ ["Astral Recall"] = "Astral Recall",
+ ["Attack"] = "Attack",
+ ["Attacking"] = "Attacking",
+ ["Aura of Command"] = "Aura of Command",
+ ["Aural Shock"] = "Aural Shock",
+ ["Auto Shot"] = "Auto Shot",
+ ["Avenger's Shield"] = "Avenger's Shield",
+ ["Avenging Wrath"] = "Avenging Wrath",
+ ["Avoidance"] = "Avoidance",
+ ["Axe Flurry"] = "Axe Flurry",
+ ["Axe Specialization"] = "Axe Specialization",
+ ["Axe Toss"] = "Axe Toss",
+ ["Backhand"] = "Backhand",
+ ["Backlash"] = "Backlash",
+ ["Backstab"] = "Backstab",
+ ["Bane"] = "Bane",
+ ["Baneful Poison"] = "Baneful Poison",
+ ["Banish"] = "Banish",
+ ["Banshee Curse"] = "Banshee Curse",
+ ["Banshee Shriek"] = "Banshee Shriek",
+ ["Barbed Sting"] = "Barbed Sting",
+ ["Barkskin"] = "Barkskin",
+ ["Barkskin Effect"] = "Barkskin Effect",
+ ["Barrage"] = "Barrage",
+ ["Bash"] = "Bash",
+ ["Basic Campfire"] = "Basic Campfire",
+ ["Battle Shout"] = "Battle Shout",
+ ["Battle Stance"] = "Battle Stance",
+ ["Battle Stance Passive"] = "Battle Stance Passive",
+ ["Bear Form"] = "Bear Form",
+ ["Beast Lore"] = "Beast Lore",
+ ["Beast Slaying"] = "Beast Slaying",
+ ["Beast Training"] = "Beast Training",
+ ["The Beast Within"] = "The Beast Within",
+ ["Befuddlement"] = "Befuddlement",
+ ["Benediction"] = "Benediction",
+ ["Berserker Charge"] = "Berserker Charge",
+ ["Berserker Rage"] = "Berserker Rage",
+ ["Berserker Stance"] = "Berserker Stance",
+ ["Berserker Stance Passive"] = "Berserker Stance Passive",
+ ["Berserking"] = "Berserking",
+ ["Bestial Discipline"] = "Bestial Discipline",
+ ["Bestial Swiftness"] = "Bestial Swiftness",
+ ["Bestial Wrath"] = "Bestial Wrath",
+ ["Biletoad Infection"] = "Biletoad Infection",
+ ["Binding Heal"] = "Binding Heal",
+ ["Bite"] = "Bite",
+ ["Black Arrow"] = "Black Arrow",
+ ["Blackout"] = "Blackout",
+ ["Blacksmithing"] = "Blacksmithing",
+ ["Blade Flurry"] = "Blade Flurry",
+ ["Blast Wave"] = "Blast Wave",
+ ["Blaze"] = "Blaze",
+ ["Blazing Speed"] = "Blazing Speed",
+ ["Blessed Recovery"] = "Blessed Recovery",
+ ["Blessing of Blackfathom"] = "Blessing of Blackfathom",
+ ["Blessing of Freedom"] = "Blessing of Freedom",
+ ["Blessing of Kings"] = "Blessing of Kings",
+ ["Blessing of Light"] = "Blessing of Light",
+ ["Blessing of Might"] = "Blessing of Might",
+ ["Blessing of Protection"] = "Blessing of Protection",
+ ["Blessing of Sacrifice"] = "Blessing of Sacrifice",
+ ["Blessing of Salvation"] = "Blessing of Salvation",
+ ["Blessing of Sanctuary"] = "Blessing of Sanctuary",
+ ["Blessing of Shahram"] = "Blessing of Shahram",
+ ["Blessing of Wisdom"] = "Blessing of Wisdom",
+ ["Blind"] = "Blind",
+ ["Blinding Powder"] = "Blinding Powder",
+ ["Blink"] = "Blink",
+ ["Blizzard"] = "Blizzard",
+ ["Block"] = "Block",
+ ["Blood Craze"] = "Blood Craze",
+ ["Blood Frenzy"] = "Blood Frenzy",
+ ["Blood Funnel"] = "Blood Funnel",
+ ["Blood Fury"] = "Blood Fury",
+ ["Blood Leech"] = "Blood Leech",
+ ["Blood Pact"] = "Blood Pact",
+ ["Blood Siphon"] = "Blood Siphon",
+ ["Blood Tap"] = "Blood Tap",
+ ["Bloodlust"] = "Bloodlust",
+ ["Bloodrage"] = "Bloodrage",
+ ["Bloodthirst"] = "Bloodthirst",
+ ["Bomb"] = "Bomb",
+ ["Booming Voice"] = "Booming Voice",
+ ["Boulder"] = "Boulder",
+ ["Bow Specialization"] = "Bow Specialization",
+ ["Bows"] = "Bows",
+ ["Brain Wash"] = "Brain Wash",
+ ["Bright Campfire"] = "Bright Campfire",
+ ["Brutal Impact"] = "Brutal Impact",
+ ["Burning Adrenaline"] = "Burning Adrenaline",
+ ["Burning Soul"] = "Burning Soul",
+ ["Burning Wish"] = "Burning Wish",
+ ["Butcher Drain"] = "Butcher Drain",
+ ["Call of Flame"] = "Call of Flame",
+ ["Call of the Grave"] = "Call of the Grave",
+ ["Call of Thunder"] = "Call of Thunder",
+ ["Call Pet"] = "Call Pet",
+ ["Camouflage"] = "Camouflage",
+ ["Cannibalize"] = "Cannibalize",
+ ["Cat Form"] = "Cat Form",
+ ["Cataclysm"] = "Cataclysm",
+ ["Cause Insanity"] = "Cause Insanity",
+ ["Chain Bolt"] = "Chain Bolt",
+ ["Chain Burn"] = "Chain Burn",
+ ["Chain Heal"] = "Chain Heal",
+ ["Chain Lightning"] = "Chain Lightning",
+ ["Chained Bolt"] = "Chained Bolt",
+ ["Chains of Ice"] = "Chains of Ice",
+ ["Challenging Roar"] = "Challenging Roar",
+ ["Challenging Shout"] = "Challenging Shout",
+ ["Charge"] = "Charge",
+ ["Charge Rage Bonus Effect"] = "Charge Rage Bonus Effect",
+ ["Charge Stun"] = "Charge Stun",
+ ["Cheap Shot"] = "Cheap Shot",
+ ["Chilled"] = "Chilled",
+ ["Chilling Touch"] = "Chilling Touch",
+ ["Chromatic Infusion"] = "Chromatic Infusion",
+ ["Circle of Healing"] = "Circle of Healing",
+ ["Claw"] = "Claw",
+ ["Cleanse"] = "Cleanse",
+ ["Cleanse Nova"] = "Cleanse Nova",
+ ["Clearcasting"] = "Clearcasting",
+ ["Cleave"] = "Cleave",
+ ["Clever Traps"] = "Clever Traps",
+ ["Cloak of Shadows"] = "Cloak of Shadows",
+ ["Closing"] = "Closing",
+ ["Cloth"] = "Cloth",
+ ["Coarse Sharpening Stone"] = "Coarse Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Cobra Reflexes"] = "Cobra Reflexes",
+ ["Cold Blood"] = "Cold Blood",
+ ["Cold Snap"] = "Cold Snap",
+ ["Combat Endurance"] = "Combat Endurance",
+ ["Combustion"] = "Combustion",
+ ["Command"] = "Command",
+ ["Commanding Shout"] = "Commanding Shout",
+ ["Concentration Aura"] = "Concentration Aura",
+ ["Concussion"] = "Concussion",
+ ["Concussion Blow"] = "Concussion Blow",
+ ["Concussive Shot"] = "Concussive Shot",
+ ["Cone of Cold"] = "Cone of Cold",
+ ["Conflagrate"] = "Conflagrate",
+ ["Conjure Food"] = "Conjure Food",
+ ["Conjure Mana Agate"] = "Conjure Mana Agate",
+ ["Conjure Mana Citrine"] = "Conjure Mana Citrine",
+ ["Conjure Mana Jade"] = "Conjure Mana Jade",
+ ["Conjure Mana Ruby"] = "Conjure Mana Ruby",
+ ["Conjure Water"] = "Conjure Water",
+ ["Consecrated Sharpening Stone"] = "Consecrated Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Consecration"] = "Consecration",
+ ["Consume Magic"] = "Consume Magic",
+ ["Consume Shadows"] = "Consume Shadows",
+ ["Consuming Shadows"] = "Consuming Shadows",
+ ["Convection"] = "Convection",
+ ["Conviction"] = "Conviction",
+ ["Cooking"] = "Cooking",
+ ["Corrosive Acid Breath"] = "Corrosive Acid Breath",
+ ["Corrosive Ooze"] = "Corrosive Ooze",
+ ["Corrosive Poison"] = "Corrosive Poison",
+ ["Corrupted Blood"] = "Corrupted Blood",
+ ["Corruption"] = "Corruption",
+ ["Counterattack"] = "Counterattack",
+ ["Counterspell"] = "Counterspell",
+ ["Counterspell - Silenced"] = "Counterspell - Silenced",
+ ["Cower"] = "Cower",
+ ["Create Firestone"] = "Create Firestone",
+ ["Create Firestone (Greater)"] = "Create Firestone (Greater)",
+ ["Create Firestone (Lesser)"] = "Create Firestone (Lesser)",
+ ["Create Firestone (Major)"] = "Create Firestone (Major)",
+ ["Create Healthstone"] = "Create Healthstone",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Greater)"] = "Create Healthstone (Greater)",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Lesser)"] = "Create Healthstone (Lesser)",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Major)"] = "Create Healthstone (Major)",
+ ["Create Healthstone (Minor)"] = "Create Healthstone (Minor)",
+ ["Create Soulstone"] = "Create Soulstone",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Greater)"] = "Create Soulstone (Greater)",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Lesser)"] = "Create Soulstone (Lesser)",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Major)"] = "Create Soulstone (Major)",
+ ["Create Soulstone (Minor)"] = "Create Soulstone (Minor)",
+ ["Create Spellstone"] = "Create Spellstone",
+ ["Create Spellstone (Greater)"] = "Create Spellstone (Greater)",
+ ["Create Spellstone (Major)"] = "Create Spellstone (Major)",
+ ["Create Spellstone (Master)"] = "Create Spellstone (Master)",
+ ["Creeper Venom"] = "Creeper Venom",
+ ["Cripple"] = "Cripple",
+ ["Crippling Poison"] = "Crippling Poison",
+ ["Crippling Poison II"] = "Crippling Poison II",
+ ["Critical Mass"] = "Critical Mass",
+ ["Crossbows"] = "Crossbows",
+ ["Crowd Pummel"] = "Crowd Pummel",
+ ["Cruelty"] = "Cruelty",
+ ["Crusader Aura"] = "Crusader Aura",
+ ["Crusader Strike"] = "Crusader Strike",
+ ["Crusader's Wrath"] = "Crusader's Wrath",
+ ["Crystal Charge"] = "Crystal Charge",
+ ["Crystal Force"] = "Crystal Force",
+ ["Crystal Restore"] = "Crystal Restore",
+ ["Crystal Spire"] = "Crystal Spire",
+ ["Crystal Ward"] = "Crystal Ward",
+ ["Crystal Yield"] = "Crystal Yield",
+ ["Crystalline Slumber"] = "Crystalline Slumber",
+ ["Cultivation"] = "Cultivation",
+ ["Cure Disease"] = "Cure Disease",
+ ["Cure Poison"] = "Cure Poison",
+ ["Curse of Agony"] = "Curse of Agony",
+ ["Curse of Blood"] = "Curse of Blood",
+ ["Curse of Doom"] = "Curse of Doom",
+ ["Curse of Doom Effect"] = "Curse of Doom Effect",
+ ["Curse of Exhaustion"] = "Curse of Exhaustion",
+ ["Curse of Idiocy"] = "Curse of Idiocy",
+ ["Curse of Recklessness"] = "Curse of Recklessness",
+ ["Curse of Shadow"] = "Curse of Shadow",
+ ["Curse of the Deadwood"] = "Curse of the Deadwood",
+ ["Curse of the Elemental Lord"] = "Curse of the Elemental Lord",
+ ["Curse of the Elements"] = "Curse of the Elements",
+ ["Curse of Tongues"] = "Curse of Tongues",
+ ["Curse of Tuten'kash"] = "Curse of Tuten'kash",
+ ["Curse of Weakness"] = "Curse of Weakness",
+ ["Cursed Blood"] = "Cursed Blood",
+ ["Cyclone"] = "Cyclone",
+ ["Dagger Specialization"] = "Dagger Specialization",
+ ["Daggers"] = "Daggers",
+ ["Dampen Magic"] = "Dampen Magic",
+ ["Dark Iron Bomb"] = "Dark Iron Bomb",
+ ["Dark Offering"] = "Dark Offering",
+ ["Dark Pact"] = "Dark Pact",
+ ["Darkness"] = "Darkness",
+ ["Dash"] = "Dash",
+ ["Dazed"] = "Dazed",
+ ["Deadly Poison"] = "Deadly Poison",
+ ["Deadly Poison II"] = "Deadly Poison II",
+ ["Deadly Poison III"] = "Deadly Poison III",
+ ["Deadly Poison IV"] = "Deadly Poison IV",
+ ["Deadly Poison V"] = "Deadly Poison V",
+ ["Deadly Throw"] = "Deadly Throw",
+ ["Death Coil"] = "Death Coil",
+ ["Death Wish"] = "Death Wish",
+ ["Deep Sleep"] = "Deep Sleep",
+ ["Deep Slumber"] = "Deep Slumber",
+ ["Deep Wounds"] = "Deep Wounds",
+ ["Defense"] = "Defense",
+ ["Defensive Stance"] = "Defensive Stance",
+ ["Defensive Stance Passive"] = "Defensive Stance Passive",
+ ["Defensive State"] = "Defensive State",
+ ["Defensive State 2"] = "Defensive State 2",
+ ["Defiance"] = "Defiance",
+ ["Deflection"] = "Deflection",
+ ["Delusions of Jin'do"] = "Delusions of Jin'do",
+ ["Demon Armor"] = "Demon Armor",
+ ["Demon Skin"] = "Demon Skin",
+ ["Demonic Embrace"] = "Demonic Embrace",
+ ["Demonic Frenzy"] = "Demonic Frenzy",
+ ["Demonic Sacrifice"] = "Demonic Sacrifice",
+ ["Demoralizing Roar"] = "Demoralizing Roar",
+ ["Demoralizing Shout"] = "Demoralizing Shout",
+ ["Dense Sharpening Stone"] = "Dense Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Desperate Prayer"] = "Desperate Prayer",
+ ["Destructive Reach"] = "Destructive Reach",
+ ["Detect"] = "Detect",
+ ["Detect Greater Invisibility"] = "Detect Greater Invisibility",
+ ["Detect Invisibility"] = "Detect Invisibility",
+ ["Detect Lesser Invisibility"] = "Detect Lesser Invisibility",
+ ["Detect Magic"] = "Detect Magic",
+ ["Detect Traps"] = "Detect Traps",
+ ["Deterrence"] = "Deterrence",
+ ["Detonation"] = "Detonation",
+ ["Devastate"] = "Devastate",
+ ["Devastation"] = "Devastation",
+ ["Devotion Aura"] = "Devotion Aura",
+ ["Devour Magic"] = "Devour Magic",
+ ["Devour Magic Effect"] = "Devour Magic Effect",
+ ["Devouring Plague"] = "Devouring Plague",
+ ["Diamond Flask"] = "Diamond Flask",
+ ["Diplomacy"] = "Diplomacy",
+ ["Dire Bear Form"] = "Dire Bear Form",
+ ["Dire Growl"] = "Dire Growl",
+ ["Disarm"] = "Disarm",
+ ["Disarm Trap"] = "Disarm Trap",
+ ["Disease Cleansing Totem"] = "Disease Cleansing Totem",
+ ["Disease Cloud"] = "Disease Cloud",
+ ["Diseased Shot"] = "Diseased Shot",
+ ["Diseased Spit"] = "Diseased Spit",
+ ["Disenchant"] = "Disenchant",
+ ["Disengage"] = "Disengage",
+ ["Disjunction"] = "Disjunction",
+ ["Dismiss Pet"] = "Dismiss Pet",
+ ["Dispel Magic"] = "Dispel Magic",
+ ["Distract"] = "Distract",
+ ["Distracting Pain"] = "Distracting Pain",
+ ["Distracting Shot"] = "Distracting Shot",
+ ["Dive"] = "Dive",
+ ["Divine Favor"] = "Divine Favor",
+ ["Divine Fury"] = "Divine Fury",
+ ["Divine Illumination"] = "Divine Illumination",
+ ["Divine Intellect"] = "Divine Intellect",
+ ["Divine Intervention"] = "Divine Intervention",
+ ["Divine Protection"] = "Divine Protection",
+ ["Divine Shield"] = "Divine Shield",
+ ["Divine Spirit"] = "Divine Spirit",
+ ["Divine Strength"] = "Divine Strength",
+ ["Diving Sweep"] = "Diving Sweep",
+ ["Dodge"] = "Dodge",
+ ["Dominate Mind"] = "Dominate Mind",
+ ["Dragon's Breath"] = "Dragon's Breath",
+ ["Dragonscale Leatherworking"] = "Dragonscale Leatherworking",
+ ["Drain Life"] = "Drain Life",
+ ["Drain Mana"] = "Drain Mana",
+ ["Drain Soul"] = "Drain Soul",
+ ["Dredge Sickness"] = "Dredge Sickness",
+ ["Drink"] = "Drink",
+ ["Druid's Slumber"] = "Druid's Slumber",
+ ["Dual Wield"] = "Dual Wield",
+ ["Dual Wield Specialization"] = "Dual Wield Specialization",
+ ["Duel"] = "Duel",
+ ["Dust Field"] = "Dust Field",
+ ["Eagle Eye"] = "Eagle Eye",
+ ["Earth Elemental Totem"] = "Earth Elemental Totem",
+ ["Earth Shield"] = "Earth Shield",
+ ["Earth Shock"] = "Earth Shock",
+ ["Earthbind Totem"] = "Earthbind Totem",
+ ["Earthborer Acid"] = "Earthborer Acid",
+ ["Earthgrab"] = "Earthgrab",
+ ["Efficiency"] = "Efficiency",
+ ["Electric Discharge"] = "Electric Discharge",
+ ["Electrified Net"] = "Electrified Net",
+ ["Elemental Focus"] = "Elemental Focus",
+ ["Elemental Fury"] = "Elemental Fury",
+ ["Elemental Leatherworking"] = "Elemental Leatherworking",
+ ["Elemental Mastery"] = "Elemental Mastery",
+ ["Elemental Precision"] = "Elemental Precision",
+ ["Elemental Sharpening Stone"] = "Elemental Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Elune's Grace"] = "Elune's Grace",
+ ["Elusiveness"] = "Elusiveness",
+ ["Emberstorm"] = "Emberstorm",
+ ["Enamored Water Spirit"] = "Enamored Water Spirit",
+ ["Enchanting"] = "Enchanting",
+ ["Endurance"] = "Endurance",
+ ["Endurance Training"] = "Endurance Training",
+ ["Engineering"] = "Engineering",
+ ["Engineering Specialization"] = "Engineering Specialization",
+ ["Enrage"] = "Enrage",
+ ["Enriched Manna Biscuit"] = "Enriched Manna Biscuit",
+ ["Enslave Demon"] = "Enslave Demon",
+ ["Entangling Roots"] = "Entangling Roots",
+ ["Entrapment"] = "Entrapment",
+ ["Enveloping Web"] = "Enveloping Web",
+ ["Enveloping Webs"] = "Enveloping Webs",
+ ["Enveloping Winds"] = "Enveloping Winds",
+ ["Envenom"] = "Envenom",
+ ["Ephemeral Power"] = "Ephemeral Power",
+ ["Escape Artist"] = "Escape Artist",
+ ["Essence of Sapphiron"] = "Essence of Sapphiron",
+ ["Evasion"] = "Evasion",
+ ["Eventide"] = "Eventide",
+ ["Eviscerate"] = "Eviscerate",
+ ["Evocation"] = "Evocation",
+ ["Execute"] = "Execute",
+ ["Exorcism"] = "Exorcism",
+ ["Expansive Mind"] = "Expansive Mind",
+ ["Exploding Shot"] = "Exploding Shot",
+ ["Exploit Weakness"] = "Exploit Weakness",
+ ["Explosive Shot"] = "Explosive Shot",
+ ["Explosive Trap"] = "Explosive Trap",
+ ["Explosive Trap Effect"] = "Explosive Trap Effect",
+ ["Expose Armor"] = "Expose Armor",
+ ["Expose Weakness"] = "Expose Weakness",
+ ["Eye for an Eye"] = "Eye for an Eye",
+ ["Eye of Kilrogg"] = "Eye of Kilrogg",
+ ["The Eye of the Dead"] = "The Eye of the Dead",
+ ["Eyes of the Beast"] = "Eyes of the Beast",
+ ["Fade"] = "Fade",
+ ["Faerie Fire"] = "Faerie Fire",
+ ["Faerie Fire (Feral)"] = "Faerie Fire (Feral)",
+ ["Far Sight"] = "Far Sight",
+ ["Fatal Bite"] = "Fatal Bite",
+ ["Fear"] = "Fear",
+ ["Fear Ward"] = "Fear Ward",
+ ["Feed Pet"] = "Feed Pet",
+ ["Feedback"] = "Feedback",
+ ["Feign Death"] = "Feign Death",
+ ["Feint"] = "Feint",
+ ["Fel Armor"] = "Fel Armor",
+ ["Fel Concentration"] = "Fel Concentration",
+ ["Fel Domination"] = "Fel Domination",
+ ["Fel Intellect"] = "Fel Intellect",
+ ["Fel Stamina"] = "Fel Stamina",
+ ["Fel Stomp"] = "Fel Stomp",
+ ["Felfire"] = "Felfire",
+ ["Feline Grace"] = "Feline Grace",
+ ["Feline Swiftness"] = "Feline Swiftness",
+ ["Feral Aggression"] = "Feral Aggression",
+ ["Feral Charge"] = "Feral Charge",
+ ["Feral Instinct"] = "Feral Instinct",
+ ["Ferocious Bite"] = "Ferocious Bite",
+ ["Ferocity"] = "Ferocity",
+ ["Fetish"] = "Fetish",
+ ["Fevered Plague"] = "Fevered Plague",
+ ["Fiery Burst"] = "Fiery Burst",
+ ["Find Herbs"] = "Find Herbs",
+ ["Find Minerals"] = "Find Minerals",
+ ["Find Treasure"] = "Find Treasure",
+ ["Fire Blast"] = "Fire Blast",
+ ["Fire Elemental Totem"] = "Fire Elemental Totem",
+ ["Fire Nova"] = "Fire Nova",
+ ["Fire Nova Totem"] = "Fire Nova Totem",
+ ["Fire Power"] = "Fire Power",
+ ["Fire Resistance"] = "Fire Resistance",
+ ["Fire Resistance Aura"] = "Fire Resistance Aura",
+ ["Fire Resistance Totem"] = "Fire Resistance Totem",
+ ["Fire Shield"] = "Fire Shield",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect"] = "Fire Shield Effect",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect II"] = "Fire Shield Effect II",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect III"] = "Fire Shield Effect III",
+ ["Fire Shield Effect IV"] = "Fire Shield Effect IV",
+ ["Fire Storm"] = "Fire Storm",
+ ["Fire Vulnerability"] = "Fire Vulnerability",
+ ["Fire Ward"] = "Fire Ward",
+ ["Fire Weakness"] = "Fire Weakness",
+ ["Fireball"] = "Fireball",
+ ["Fireball Volley"] = "Fireball Volley",
+ ["Firebolt"] = "Firebolt",
+ ["First Aid"] = "First Aid",
+ ["Fishing"] = "Fishing",
+ ["Fishing Poles"] = "Fishing Poles",
+ ["Fist of Ragnaros"] = "Fist of Ragnaros",
+ ["Fist Weapon Specialization"] = "Fist Weapon Specialization",
+ ["Fist Weapons"] = "Fist Weapons",
+ ["Flame Buffet"] = "Flame Buffet",
+ ["Flame Cannon"] = "Flame Cannon",
+ ["Flame Lash"] = "Flame Lash",
+ ["Flame Shock"] = "Flame Shock",
+ ["Flame Spike"] = "Flame Spike",
+ ["Flame Spray"] = "Flame Spray",
+ ["Flame Throwing"] = "Flame Throwing",
+ ["Flames of Shahram"] = "Flames of Shahram",
+ ["Flamestrike"] = "Flamestrike",
+ ["Flamethrower"] = "Flamethrower",
+ ["Flametongue Totem"] = "Flametongue Totem",
+ ["Flametongue Weapon"] = "Flametongue Weapon",
+ ["Flare"] = "Flare",
+ ["Flash Bomb"] = "Flash Bomb",
+ ["Flash Heal"] = "Flash Heal",
+ ["Flash of Light"] = "Flash of Light",
+ ["Flight Form"] = "Flight Form",
+ ["Flurry"] = "Flurry",
+ ["Focused Casting"] = "Focused Casting",
+ ["Focused Mind"] = "Focused Mind",
+ ["Food"] = "Food",
+ ["Forbearance"] = "Forbearance",
+ ["Force of Nature"] = "Force of Nature",
+ ["Force of Will"] = "Force of Will",
+ ["Force Punch"] = "Force Punch",
+ ["Force Reactive Disk"] = "Force Reactive Disk",
+ ["Forked Lightning"] = "Forked Lightning",
+ ["Forsaken Skills"] = "Forsaken Skills",
+ ["Frailty"] = "Frailty",
+ ["Freeze Solid"] = "Freeze Solid",
+ ["Freezing Trap"] = "Freezing Trap",
+ ["Freezing Trap Effect"] = "Freezing Trap Effect",
+ ["Frenzied Regeneration"] = "Frenzied Regeneration",
+ ["Frenzy"] = "Frenzy",
+ ["Frost Armor"] = "Frost Armor",
+ ["Frost Breath"] = "Frost Breath",
+ ["Frost Channeling"] = "Frost Channeling",
+ ["Frost Nova"] = "Frost Nova",
+ ["Frost Resistance"] = "Frost Resistance",
+ ["Frost Resistance Aura"] = "Frost Resistance Aura",
+ ["Frost Resistance Totem"] = "Frost Resistance Totem",
+ ["Frost Shock"] = "Frost Shock",
+ ["Frost Shot"] = "Frost Shot",
+ ["Frost Trap"] = "Frost Trap",
+ ["Frost Trap Aura"] = "Frost Trap Aura",
+ ["Frost Ward"] = "Frost Ward",
+ ["Frost Warding"] = "Frost Warding",
+ ["Frost Weakness"] = "Frost Weakness",
+ ["Frostbite"] = "Frostbite",
+ ["Frostbolt"] = "Frostbolt",
+ ["Frostbolt Volley"] = "Frostbolt Volley",
+ ["Frostbrand Weapon"] = "Frostbrand Weapon",
+ ["Furious Howl"] = "Furious Howl",
+ ["The Furious Storm"] = "The Furious Storm",
+ ["Furor"] = "Furor",
+ ["Fury of Ragnaros"] = "Fury of Ragnaros",
+ ["Gahz'ranka Slam"] = "Gahz'ranka Slam",
+ ["Gahz'rilla Slam"] = "Gahz'rilla Slam",
+ ["Garrote"] = "Garrote",
+ ["Gehennas' Curse"] = "Gehennas' Curse",
+ ["Generic"] = "Generic",
+ ["Ghost Wolf"] = "Ghost Wolf",
+ ["Ghostly Strike"] = "Ghostly Strike",
+ ["Gift of Life"] = "Gift of Life",
+ ["Gift of Nature"] = "Gift of Nature",
+ ["Gift of the Wild"] = "Gift of the Wild",
+ ["Goblin Dragon Gun"] = "Goblin Dragon Gun",
+ ["Goblin Sapper Charge"] = "Goblin Sapper Charge",
+ ["Gouge"] = "Gouge",
+ ["Grace of Air Totem"] = "Grace of Air Totem",
+ ["Grace of the Sunwell"] = "Grace of the Sunwell",
+ ["Grasping Vines"] = "Grasping Vines",
+ ["Great Stamina"] = "Great Stamina",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Kings"] = "Greater Blessing of Kings",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Light"] = "Greater Blessing of Light",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Might"] = "Greater Blessing of Might",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Salvation"] = "Greater Blessing of Salvation",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Sanctuary"] = "Greater Blessing of Sanctuary",
+ ["Greater Blessing of Wisdom"] = "Greater Blessing of Wisdom",
+ ["Greater Heal"] = "Greater Heal",
+ ["Grim Reach"] = "Grim Reach",
+ ["Ground Tremor"] = "Ground Tremor",
+ ["Grounding Totem"] = "Grounding Totem",
+ ["Grovel"] = "Grovel",
+ ["Growl"] = "Growl",
+ ["Guardian's Favor"] = "Guardian's Favor",
+ ["Guillotine"] = "Guillotine",
+ ["Gun Specialization"] = "Gun Specialization",
+ ["Guns"] = "Guns",
+ ["Hail Storm"] = "Hail Storm",
+ ["Hammer of Justice"] = "Hammer of Justice",
+ ["Hammer of Wrath"] = "Hammer of Wrath",
+ ["Hamstring"] = "Hamstring",
+ ["Harass"] = "Harass",
+ ["Hardiness"] = "Hardiness",
+ ["Haunting Spirits"] = "Haunting Spirits",
+ ["Hawk Eye"] = "Hawk Eye",
+ ["Head Crack"] = "Head Crack",
+ ["Heal"] = "Heal",
+ ["Healing Circle"] = "Healing Circle",
+ ["Healing Focus"] = "Healing Focus",
+ ["Healing Light"] = "Healing Light",
+ ["Healing of the Ages"] = "Healing of the Ages",
+ ["Healing Stream Totem"] = "Healing Stream Totem",
+ ["Healing Touch"] = "Healing Touch",
+ ["Healing Wave"] = "Healing Wave",
+ ["Healing Way"] = "Healing Way",
+ ["Health Funnel"] = "Health Funnel",
+ ["Heart of the Wild"] = "Heart of the Wild",
+ ["Heavy Sharpening Stone"] = "Heavy Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Hellfire"] = "Hellfire",
+ ["Hellfire Effect"] = "Hellfire Effect",
+ ["Hemorrhage"] = "Hemorrhage",
+ ["Herb Gathering"] = "Herb Gathering",
+ ["Herbalism"] = "Herbalism",
+ ["Heroic Strike"] = "Heroic Strike",
+ ["Heroism"] = "Heroism",
+ ["Hex"] = "Hex",
+ ["Hex of Jammal'an"] = "Hex of Jammal'an",
+ ["Hex of Weakness"] = "Hex of Weakness",
+ ["Hibernate"] = "Hibernate",
+ ["Holy Fire"] = "Holy Fire",
+ ["Holy Light"] = "Holy Light",
+ ["Holy Nova"] = "Holy Nova",
+ ["Holy Power"] = "Holy Power",
+ ["Holy Reach"] = "Holy Reach",
+ ["Holy Shield"] = "Holy Shield",
+ ["Holy Shock"] = "Holy Shock",
+ ["Holy Smite"] = "Holy Smite",
+ ["Holy Specialization"] = "Holy Specialization",
+ ["Holy Strength"] = "Holy Strength",
+ ["Holy Strike"] = "Holy Strike",
+ ["Holy Wrath"] = "Holy Wrath",
+ ["Honorless Target"] = "Honorless Target",
+ ["Hooked Net"] = "Hooked Net",
+ ["Horse Riding"] = "Horse Riding",
+ ["Howl of Terror"] = "Howl of Terror",
+ ["The Human Spirit"] = "The Human Spirit",
+ ["Humanoid Slaying"] = "Humanoid Slaying",
+ ["Hunter's Mark"] = "Hunter's Mark",
+ ["Hurricane"] = "Hurricane",
+ ["Ice Armor"] = "Ice Armor",
+ ["Ice Barrier"] = "Ice Barrier",
+ ["Ice Blast"] = "Ice Blast",
+ ["Ice Block"] = "Ice Block",
+ ["Ice Lance"] = "Ice Lance",
+ ["Ice Nova"] = "Ice Nova",
+ ["Ice Shards"] = "Ice Shards",
+ ["Icicle"] = "Icicle",
+ ["Ignite"] = "Ignite",
+ ["Illumination"] = "Illumination",
+ ["Immolate"] = "Immolate",
+ ["Immolation Trap"] = "Immolation Trap",
+ ["Immolation Trap Effect"] = "Immolation Trap Effect",
+ ["Impact"] = "Impact",
+ ["Impale"] = "Impale",
+ ["Improved Ambush"] = "Improved Ambush",
+ ["Improved Arcane Explosion"] = "Improved Arcane Explosion",
+ ["Improved Arcane Missiles"] = "Improved Arcane Missiles",
+ ["Improved Arcane Shot"] = "Improved Arcane Shot",
+ ["Improved Aspect of the Hawk"] = "Improved Aspect of the Hawk",
+ ["Improved Aspect of the Monkey"] = "Improved Aspect of the Monkey",
+ ["Improved Backstab"] = "Improved Backstab",
+ ["Improved Battle Shout"] = "Improved Battle Shout",
+ ["Improved Berserker Rage"] = "Improved Berserker Rage",
+ ["Improved Blessing of Might"] = "Improved Blessing of Might",
+ ["Improved Blessing of Wisdom"] = "Improved Blessing of Wisdom",
+ ["Improved Blizzard"] = "Improved Blizzard",
+ ["Improved Bloodrage"] = "Improved Bloodrage",
+ ["Improved Chain Heal"] = "Improved Chain Heal",
+ ["Improved Chain Lightning"] = "Improved Chain Lightning",
+ ["Improved Challenging Shout"] = "Improved Challenging Shout",
+ ["Improved Charge"] = "Improved Charge",
+ ["Improved Cheap Shot"] = "Improved Cheap Shot",
+ ["Improved Cleave"] = "Improved Cleave",
+ ["Improved Concentration Aura"] = "Improved Concentration Aura",
+ ["Improved Concussive Shot"] = "Improved Concussive Shot",
+ ["Improved Cone of Cold"] = "Improved Cone of Cold",
+ ["Improved Corruption"] = "Improved Corruption",
+ ["Improved Counterspell"] = "Improved Counterspell",
+ ["Improved Curse of Agony"] = "Improved Curse of Agony",
+ ["Improved Curse of Exhaustion"] = "Improved Curse of Exhaustion",
+ ["Improved Curse of Weakness"] = "Improved Curse of Weakness",
+ ["Improved Dampen Magic"] = "Improved Dampen Magic",
+ ["Improved Deadly Poison"] = "Improved Deadly Poison",
+ ["Improved Demoralizing Shout"] = "Improved Demoralizing Shout",
+ ["Improved Devotion Aura"] = "Improved Devotion Aura",
+ ["Improved Disarm"] = "Improved Disarm",
+ ["Improved Distract"] = "Improved Distract",
+ ["Improved Drain Life"] = "Improved Drain Life",
+ ["Improved Drain Mana"] = "Improved Drain Mana",
+ ["Improved Drain Soul"] = "Improved Drain Soul",
+ ["Improved Enrage"] = "Improved Enrage",
+ ["Improved Enslave Demon"] = "Improved Enslave Demon",
+ ["Improved Entangling Roots"] = "Improved Entangling Roots",
+ ["Improved Evasion"] = "Improved Evasion",
+ ["Improved Eviscerate"] = "Improved Eviscerate",
+ ["Improved Execute"] = "Improved Execute",
+ ["Improved Expose Armor"] = "Improved Expose Armor",
+ ["Improved Eyes of the Beast"] = "Improved Eyes of the Beast",
+ ["Improved Fade"] = "Improved Fade",
+ ["Improved Feign Death"] = "Improved Feign Death",
+ ["Improved Fire Blast"] = "Improved Fire Blast",
+ ["Improved Fire Nova Totem"] = "Improved Fire Nova Totem",
+ ["Improved Fire Ward"] = "Improved Fire Ward",
+ ["Improved Fireball"] = "Improved Fireball",
+ ["Improved Firebolt"] = "Improved Firebolt",
+ ["Improved Firestone"] = "Improved Firestone",
+ ["Improved Flamestrike"] = "Improved Flamestrike",
+ ["Improved Flametongue Weapon"] = "Improved Flametongue Weapon",
+ ["Improved Flash of Light"] = "Improved Flash of Light",
+ ["Improved Frost Nova"] = "Improved Frost Nova",
+ ["Improved Frost Ward"] = "Improved Frost Ward",
+ ["Improved Frostbolt"] = "Improved Frostbolt",
+ ["Improved Frostbrand Weapon"] = "Improved Frostbrand Weapon",
+ ["Improved Garrote"] = "Improved Garrote",
+ ["Improved Ghost Wolf"] = "Improved Ghost Wolf",
+ ["Improved Gouge"] = "Improved Gouge",
+ ["Improved Grace of Air Totem"] = "Improved Grace of Air Totem",
+ ["Improved Grounding Totem"] = "Improved Grounding Totem",
+ ["Improved Hammer of Justice"] = "Improved Hammer of Justice",
+ ["Improved Hamstring"] = "Improved Hamstring",
+ ["Improved Healing"] = "Improved Healing",
+ ["Improved Healing Stream Totem"] = "Improved Healing Stream Totem",
+ ["Improved Healing Touch"] = "Improved Healing Touch",
+ ["Improved Healing Wave"] = "Improved Healing Wave",
+ ["Improved Health Funnel"] = "Improved Health Funnel",
+ ["Improved Healthstone"] = "Improved Healthstone",
+ ["Improved Heroic Strike"] = "Improved Heroic Strike",
+ ["Improved Hunter's Mark"] = "Improved Hunter's Mark",
+ ["Improved Immolate"] = "Improved Immolate",
+ ["Improved Imp"] = "Improved Imp",
+ ["Improved Inner Fire"] = "Improved Inner Fire",
+ ["Improved Instant Poison"] = "Improved Instant Poison",
+ ["Improved Intercept"] = "Improved Intercept",
+ ["Improved Intimidating Shout"] = "Improved Intimidating Shout",
+ ["Improved Judgement"] = "Improved Judgement",
+ ["Improved Kick"] = "Improved Kick",
+ ["Improved Kidney Shot"] = "Improved Kidney Shot",
+ ["Improved Lash of Pain"] = "Improved Lash of Pain",
+ ["Improved Lay on Hands"] = "Improved Lay on Hands",
+ ["Improved Lesser Healing Wave"] = "Improved Lesser Healing Wave",
+ ["Improved Life Tap"] = "Improved Life Tap",
+ ["Improved Lightning Bolt"] = "Improved Lightning Bolt",
+ ["Improved Lightning Shield"] = "Improved Lightning Shield",
+ ["Improved Magma Totem"] = "Improved Magma Totem",
+ ["Improved Mana Burn"] = "Improved Mana Burn",
+ ["Improved Mana Shield"] = "Improved Mana Shield",
+ ["Improved Mana Spring Totem"] = "Improved Mana Spring Totem",
+ ["Improved Mark of the Wild"] = "Improved Mark of the Wild",
+ ["Improved Mend Pet"] = "Improved Mend Pet",
+ ["Improved Mind Blast"] = "Improved Mind Blast",
+ ["Improved Moonfire"] = "Improved Moonfire",
+ ["Improved Nature's Grasp"] = "Improved Nature's Grasp",
+ ["Improved Overpower"] = "Improved Overpower",
+ ["Improved Power Word: Fortitude"] = "Improved Power Word: Fortitude",
+ ["Improved Power Word: Shield"] = "Improved Power Word: Shield",
+ ["Improved Prayer of Healing"] = "Improved Prayer of Healing",
+ ["Improved Psychic Scream"] = "Improved Psychic Scream",
+ ["Improved Pummel"] = "Improved Pummel",
+ ["Improved Regrowth"] = "Improved Regrowth",
+ ["Improved Reincarnation"] = "Improved Reincarnation",
+ ["Improved Rejuvenation"] = "Improved Rejuvenation",
+ ["Improved Rend"] = "Improved Rend",
+ ["Improved Renew"] = "Improved Renew",
+ ["Improved Retribution Aura"] = "Improved Retribution Aura",
+ ["Improved Revenge"] = "Improved Revenge",
+ ["Improved Revive Pet"] = "Improved Revive Pet",
+ ["Improved Righteous Fury"] = "Improved Righteous Fury",
+ ["Improved Rockbiter Weapon"] = "Improved Rockbiter Weapon",
+ ["Improved Rupture"] = "Improved Rupture",
+ ["Improved Sap"] = "Improved Sap",
+ ["Improved Scorch"] = "Improved Scorch",
+ ["Improved Scorpid Sting"] = "Improved Scorpid Sting",
+ ["Improved Seal of Righteousness"] = "Improved Seal of Righteousness",
+ ["Improved Seal of the Crusader"] = "Improved Seal of the Crusader",
+ ["Improved Searing Pain"] = "Improved Searing Pain",
+ ["Improved Searing Totem"] = "Improved Searing Totem",
+ ["Improved Serpent Sting"] = "Improved Serpent Sting",
+ ["Improved Shadow Bolt"] = "Improved Shadow Bolt",
+ ["Improved Shadow Word: Pain"] = "Improved Shadow Word: Pain",
+ ["Improved Shield Bash"] = "Improved Shield Bash",
+ ["Improved Shield Block"] = "Improved Shield Block",
+ ["Improved Shield Wall"] = "Improved Shield Wall",
+ ["Improved Shred"] = "Improved Shred",
+ ["Improved Sinister Strike"] = "Improved Sinister Strike",
+ ["Improved Slam"] = "Improved Slam",
+ ["Improved Slice and Dice"] = "Improved Slice and Dice",
+ ["Improved Spellstone"] = "Improved Spellstone",
+ ["Improved Sprint"] = "Improved Sprint",
+ ["Improved Starfire"] = "Improved Starfire",
+ ["Improved Stoneclaw Totem"] = "Improved Stoneclaw Totem",
+ ["Improved Stoneskin Totem"] = "Improved Stoneskin Totem",
+ ["Improved Strength of Earth Totem"] = "Improved Strength of Earth Totem",
+ ["Improved Succubus"] = "Improved Succubus",
+ ["Improved Sunder Armor"] = "Improved Sunder Armor",
+ ["Improved Taunt"] = "Improved Taunt",
+ ["Improved Thorns"] = "Improved Thorns",
+ ["Improved Thunder Clap"] = "Improved Thunder Clap",
+ ["Improved Tranquility"] = "Improved Tranquility",
+ ["Improved Vampiric Embrace"] = "Improved Vampiric Embrace",
+ ["Improved Vanish"] = "Improved Vanish",
+ ["Improved Voidwalker"] = "Improved Voidwalker",
+ ["Improved Windfury Weapon"] = "Improved Windfury Weapon",
+ ["Improved Wing Clip"] = "Improved Wing Clip",
+ ["Improved Wrath"] = "Improved Wrath",
+ ["Incinerate"] = "Incinerate",
+ ["Infected Bite"] = "Infected Bite",
+ ["Infected Wound"] = "Infected Wound",
+ ["Inferno"] = "Inferno",
+ ["Inferno Shell"] = "Inferno Shell",
+ ["Initiative"] = "Initiative",
+ ["Inner Fire"] = "Inner Fire",
+ ["Inner Focus"] = "Inner Focus",
+ ["Innervate"] = "Innervate",
+ ["Insect Swarm"] = "Insect Swarm",
+ ["Inspiration"] = "Inspiration",
+ ["Instant Poison"] = "Instant Poison",
+ ["Instant Poison II"] = "Instant Poison II",
+ ["Instant Poison III"] = "Instant Poison III",
+ ["Instant Poison IV"] = "Instant Poison IV",
+ ["Instant Poison V"] = "Instant Poison V",
+ ["Instant Poison VI"] = "Instant Poison VI",
+ ["Intensity"] = "Intensity",
+ ["Intercept"] = "Intercept",
+ ["Intercept Stun"] = "Intercept Stun",
+ ["Intervene"] = "Intervene",
+ ["Intimidating Roar"] = "Intimidating Roar",
+ ["Intimidating Shout"] = "Intimidating Shout",
+ ["Intimidation"] = "Intimidation",
+ ["Intoxicating Venom"] = "Intoxicating Venom",
+ ["Invisibility"] = "Invisibility",
+ ["Iron Will"] = "Iron Will",
+ ["Jewelcrafting"] = "Jewelcrafting",
+ ["Judgement"] = "Judgement",
+ ["Judgement of Command"] = "Judgement of Command",
+ ["Judgement of Justice"] = "Judgement of Justice",
+ ["Judgement of Light"] = "Judgement of Light",
+ ["Judgement of Righteousness"] = "Judgement of Righteousness",
+ ["Judgement of the Crusader"] = "Judgement of the Crusader",
+ ["Judgement of Wisdom"] = "Judgement of Wisdom",
+ ["Kick"] = "Kick",
+ ["Kick - Silenced"] = "Kick - Silenced",
+ ["Kidney Shot"] = "Kidney Shot",
+ ["Kill Command"] = "Kill Command",
+ ["Killer Instinct"] = "Killer Instinct",
+ ["Knock Away"] = "Knock Away",
+ ["Knockdown"] = "Knockdown",
+ ["Kodo Riding"] = "Kodo Riding",
+ ["Lacerate"] = "Lacerate",
+ ["Larva Goo"] = "Larva Goo",
+ ["Lash"] = "Lash",
+ ["Lash of Pain"] = "Lash of Pain",
+ ["Last Stand"] = "Last Stand",
+ ["Lasting Judgement"] = "Lasting Judgement",
+ ["Lava Spout Totem"] = "Lava Spout Totem",
+ ["Lay on Hands"] = "Lay on Hands",
+ ["Leader of the Pack"] = "Leader of the Pack",
+ ["Leather"] = "Leather",
+ ["Leatherworking"] = "Leatherworking",
+ ["Leech Poison"] = "Leech Poison",
+ ["Lesser Heal"] = "Lesser Heal",
+ ["Lesser Healing Wave"] = "Lesser Healing Wave",
+ ["Lesser Invisibility"] = "Lesser Invisibility",
+ ["Lethal Shots"] = "Lethal Shots",
+ ["Lethality"] = "Lethality",
+ ["Levitate"] = "Levitate",
+ ["Libram"] = "Libram",
+ ["Lich Slap"] = "Lich Slap",
+ ["Life Tap"] = "Life Tap",
+ ["Lifebloom"] = "Lifebloom",
+ ["Lifegiving Gem"] = "Lifegiving Gem",
+ ["Lightning Blast"] = "Lightning Blast",
+ ["Lightning Bolt"] = "Lightning Bolt",
+ ["Lightning Breath"] = "Lightning Breath",
+ ["Lightning Cloud"] = "Lightning Cloud",
+ ["Lightning Mastery"] = "Lightning Mastery",
+ ["Lightning Reflexes"] = "Lightning Reflexes",
+ ["Lightning Shield"] = "Lightning Shield",
+ ["Lightning Wave"] = "Lightning Wave",
+ ["Lightwell"] = "Lightwell",
+ ["Lightwell Renew"] = "Lightwell Renew",
+ ["Lizard Bolt"] = "Lizard Bolt",
+ ["Localized Toxin"] = "Localized Toxin",
+ ["Lockpicking"] = "Lockpicking",
+ ["Long Daze"] = "Long Daze",
+ ["Mace Specialization"] = "Mace Specialization",
+ ["Mace Stun Effect"] = "Mace Stun Effect",
+ ["Machine Gun"] = "Machine Gun",
+ ["Mage Armor"] = "Mage Armor",
+ ["Magic Attunement"] = "Magic Attunement",
+ ["Magma Splash"] = "Magma Splash",
+ ["Magma Totem"] = "Magma Totem",
+ ["Mail"] = "Mail",
+ ["Maim"] = "Maim",
+ ["Malice"] = "Malice",
+ ["Mana Burn"] = "Mana Burn",
+ ["Mana Feed"] = "Mana Feed",
+ ["Mana Shield"] = "Mana Shield",
+ ["Mana Spring Totem"] = "Mana Spring Totem",
+ ["Mana Tide Totem"] = "Mana Tide Totem",
+ ["Mangle"] = "Mangle",
+ ["Mangle (Bear)"] = "Mangle (Bear)",
+ ["Mangle (Cat)"] = "Mangle (Cat)",
+ ["Mark of Arlokk"] = "Mark of Arlokk",
+ ["Mark of the Wild"] = "Mark of the Wild",
+ ["Martyrdom"] = "Martyrdom",
+ ["Mass Dispel"] = "Mass Dispel",
+ ["Master Demonologist"] = "Master Demonologist",
+ ["Master of Deception"] = "Master of Deception",
+ ["Master of Elements"] = "Master of Elements",
+ ["Master Summoner"] = "Master Summoner",
+ ["Maul"] = "Maul",
+ ["Mechanostrider Piloting"] = "Mechanostrider Piloting",
+ ["Meditation"] = "Meditation",
+ ["Megavolt"] = "Megavolt",
+ ["Melee Specialization"] = "Melee Specialization",
+ ["Melt Ore"] = "Melt Ore",
+ ["Mend Pet"] = "Mend Pet",
+ ["Mental Agility"] = "Mental Agility",
+ ["Mental Strength"] = "Mental Strength",
+ ["Mighty Blow"] = "Mighty Blow",
+ ["Mind Blast"] = "Mind Blast",
+ ["Mind Control"] = "Mind Control",
+ ["Mind Flay"] = "Mind Flay",
+ ["Mind Soothe"] = "Mind Soothe",
+ ["Mind Tremor"] = "Mind Tremor",
+ ["Mind Vision"] = "Mind Vision",
+ ["Mind-numbing Poison"] = "Mind-numbing Poison",
+ ["Mind-numbing Poison II"] = "Mind-numbing Poison II",
+ ["Mind-numbing Poison III"] = "Mind-numbing Poison III",
+ ["Mining"] = "Mining",
+ ["Misdirection"] = "Misdirection",
+ ["Mocking Blow"] = "Mocking Blow",
+ ["Molten Armor"] = "Molten Armor",
+ ["Molten Blast"] = "Molten Blast",
+ ["Molten Metal"] = "Molten Metal",
+ ["Mongoose Bite"] = "Mongoose Bite",
+ ["Monster Slaying"] = "Monster Slaying",
+ ["Moonfire"] = "Moonfire",
+ ["Moonfury"] = "Moonfury",
+ ["Moonglow"] = "Moonglow",
+ ["Moonkin Aura"] = "Moonkin Aura",
+ ["Moonkin Form"] = "Moonkin Form",
+ ["Mortal Cleave"] = "Mortal Cleave",
+ ["Mortal Shots"] = "Mortal Shots",
+ ["Mortal Strike"] = "Mortal Strike",
+ ["Mortal Wound"] = "Mortal Wound",
+ ["Multi-Shot"] = "Multi-Shot",
+ ["Murder"] = "Murder",
+ ["Mutilate"] = "Mutilate",
+ ["Naralex's Nightmare"] = "Naralex's Nightmare",
+ ["Natural Armor"] = "Natural Armor",
+ ["Natural Shapeshifter"] = "Natural Shapeshifter",
+ ["Natural Weapons"] = "Natural Weapons",
+ ["Nature Aligned"] = "Nature Aligned",
+ ["Nature Resistance"] = "Nature Resistance",
+ ["Nature Resistance Totem"] = "Nature Resistance Totem",
+ ["Nature Weakness"] = "Nature Weakness",
+ ["Nature's Focus"] = "Nature's Focus",
+ ["Nature's Grace"] = "Nature's Grace",
+ ["Nature's Grasp"] = "Nature's Grasp",
+ ["Nature's Reach"] = "Nature's Reach",
+ ["Nature's Swiftness"] = "Nature's Swiftness",
+ ["Necrotic Poison"] = "Necrotic Poison",
+ ["Negative Charge"] = "Negative Charge",
+ ["Net"] = "Net",
+ ["Nightfall"] = "Nightfall",
+ ["Noxious Catalyst"] = "Noxious Catalyst",
+ ["Noxious Cloud"] = "Noxious Cloud",
+ ["Omen of Clarity"] = "Omen of Clarity",
+ ["One-Handed Axes"] = "One-Handed Axes",
+ ["One-Handed Maces"] = "One-Handed Maces",
+ ["One-Handed Swords"] = "One-Handed Swords",
+ ["One-Handed Weapon Specialization"] = "One-Handed Weapon Specialization",
+ ["Opening"] = "Opening",
+ ["Opening - No Text"] = "Opening - No Text",
+ ["Opportunity"] = "Opportunity",
+ ["Overpower"] = "Overpower",
+ ["Pacify"] = "Pacify",
+ ["Pain Suppression"] = "Pain Suppression",
+ ["Paralyzing Poison"] = "Paralyzing Poison",
+ ["Paranoia"] = "Paranoia",
+ ["Parasitic Serpent"] = "Parasitic Serpent",
+ ["Parry"] = "Parry",
+ ["Pathfinding"] = "Pathfinding",
+ ["Perception"] = "Perception",
+ ["Permafrost"] = "Permafrost",
+ ["Pet Aggression"] = "Pet Aggression",
+ ["Pet Hardiness"] = "Pet Hardiness",
+ ["Pet Recovery"] = "Pet Recovery",
+ ["Pet Resistance"] = "Pet Resistance",
+ ["Petrify"] = "Petrify",
+ ["Phase Shift"] = "Phase Shift",
+ ["Pick Lock"] = "Pick Lock",
+ ["Pick Pocket"] = "Pick Pocket",
+ ["Pierce Armor"] = "Pierce Armor",
+ ["Piercing Howl"] = "Piercing Howl",
+ ["Piercing Ice"] = "Piercing Ice",
+ ["Piercing Shadow"] = "Piercing Shadow",
+ ["Piercing Shot"] = "Piercing Shot",
+ ["Plague Cloud"] = "Plague Cloud",
+ ["Plate Mail"] = "Plate Mail",
+ ["Poison"] = "Poison",
+ ["Poison Bolt"] = "Poison Bolt",
+ ["Poison Bolt Volley"] = "Poison Bolt Volley",
+ ["Poison Cleansing Totem"] = "Poison Cleansing Totem",
+ ["Poison Cloud"] = "Poison Cloud",
+ ["Poison Shock"] = "Poison Shock",
+ ["Poisoned Harpoon"] = "Poisoned Harpoon",
+ ["Poisoned Shot"] = "Poisoned Shot",
+ ["Poisonous Blood"] = "Poisonous Blood",
+ ["Poisons"] = "Poisons",
+ ["Polearm Specialization"] = "Polearm Specialization",
+ ["Polearms"] = "Polearms",
+ ["Polymorph"] = "Polymorph",
+ ["Polymorph: Pig"] = "Polymorph: Pig",
+ ["Polymorph: Turtle"] = "Polymorph: Turtle",
+ ["Portal: Darnassus"] = "Portal: Darnassus",
+ ["Portal: Ironforge"] = "Portal: Ironforge",
+ ["Portal: Orgrimmar"] = "Portal: Orgrimmar",
+ ["Portal: Stormwind"] = "Portal: Stormwind",
+ ["Portal: Thunder Bluff"] = "Portal: Thunder Bluff",
+ ["Portal: Undercity"] = "Portal: Undercity",
+ ["Positive Charge"] = "Positive Charge",
+ ["Pounce"] = "Pounce",
+ ["Pounce Bleed"] = "Pounce Bleed",
+ ["Power Infusion"] = "Power Infusion",
+ ["Power Word: Fortitude"] = "Power Word: Fortitude",
+ ["Power Word: Shield"] = "Power Word: Shield",
+ ["Prayer Beads Blessing"] = "Prayer Beads Blessing",
+ ["Prayer of Fortitude"] = "Prayer of Fortitude",
+ ["Prayer of Healing"] = "Prayer of Healing",
+ ["Prayer of Mending"] = "Prayer of Mending",
+ ["Prayer of Shadow Protection"] = "Prayer of Shadow Protection",
+ ["Prayer of Spirit"] = "Prayer of Spirit",
+ ["Precision"] = "Precision",
+ ["Predatory Strikes"] = "Predatory Strikes",
+ ["Premeditation"] = "Premeditation",
+ ["Preparation"] = "Preparation",
+ ["Presence of Mind"] = "Presence of Mind",
+ ["Primal Fury"] = "Primal Fury",
+ ["Prowl"] = "Prowl",
+ ["Psychic Scream"] = "Psychic Scream",
+ ["Pummel"] = "Pummel",
+ ["Puncture"] = "Puncture",
+ ["Purge"] = "Purge",
+ ["Purification"] = "Purification",
+ ["Purify"] = "Purify",
+ ["Pursuit of Justice"] = "Pursuit of Justice",
+ ["Putrid Breath"] = "Putrid Breath",
+ ["Putrid Enzyme"] = "Putrid Enzyme",
+ ["Pyroblast"] = "Pyroblast",
+ ["Pyroclasm"] = "Pyroclasm",
+ ["Quick Shots"] = "Quick Shots",
+ ["Quickness"] = "Quickness",
+ ["Radiation"] = "Radiation",
+ ["Radiation Bolt"] = "Radiation Bolt",
+ ["Radiation Cloud"] = "Radiation Cloud",
+ ["Radiation Poisoning"] = "Radiation Poisoning",
+ ["Rain of Fire"] = "Rain of Fire",
+ ["Rake"] = "Rake",
+ ["Ram Riding"] = "Ram Riding",
+ ["Rampage"] = "Rampage",
+ ["Ranged Weapon Specialization"] = "Ranged Weapon Specialization",
+ ["Rapid Concealment"] = "Rapid Concealment",
+ ["Rapid Fire"] = "Rapid Fire",
+ ["Raptor Riding"] = "Raptor Riding",
+ ["Raptor Strike"] = "Raptor Strike",
+ ["Ravage"] = "Ravage",
+ ["Ravenous Claw"] = "Ravenous Claw",
+ ["Readiness"] = "Readiness",
+ ["Rebirth"] = "Rebirth",
+ ["Rebuild"] = "Rebuild",
+ ["Recently Bandaged"] = "Recently Bandaged",
+ ["Reckless Charge"] = "Reckless Charge",
+ ["Recklessness"] = "Recklessness",
+ ["Reckoning"] = "Reckoning",
+ ["Recombobulate"] = "Recombobulate",
+ ["Redemption"] = "Redemption",
+ ["Redoubt"] = "Redoubt",
+ ["Reflection"] = "Reflection",
+ ["Regeneration"] = "Regeneration",
+ ["Regrowth"] = "Regrowth",
+ ["Reincarnation"] = "Reincarnation",
+ ["Rejuvenation"] = "Rejuvenation",
+ ["Relentless Strikes"] = "Relentless Strikes",
+ ["Remorseless"] = "Remorseless",
+ ["Remorseless Attacks"] = "Remorseless Attacks",
+ ["Remove Curse"] = "Remove Curse",
+ ["Remove Insignia"] = "Remove Insignia",
+ ["Remove Lesser Curse"] = "Remove Lesser Curse",
+ ["Rend"] = "Rend",
+ ["Renew"] = "Renew",
+ ["Repentance"] = "Repentance",
+ ["Repulsive Gaze"] = "Repulsive Gaze",
+ ["Restorative Totems"] = "Restorative Totems",
+ ["Resurrection"] = "Resurrection",
+ ["Retaliation"] = "Retaliation",
+ ["Retribution Aura"] = "Retribution Aura",
+ ["Revenge"] = "Revenge",
+ ["Revenge Stun"] = "Revenge Stun",
+ ["Reverberation"] = "Reverberation",
+ ["Revive Pet"] = "Revive Pet",
+ ["Rhahk'Zor Slam"] = "Rhahk'Zor Slam",
+ ["Ribbon of Souls"] = "Ribbon of Souls",
+ ["Righteous Defense"] = "Righteous Defense",
+ ["Righteous Fury"] = "Righteous Fury",
+ ["Rip"] = "Rip",
+ ["Riposte"] = "Riposte",
+ ["Ritual of Doom"] = "Ritual of Doom",
+ ["Ritual of Doom Effect"] = "Ritual of Doom Effect",
+ ["Ritual of Souls"] = "Ritual of Souls",
+ ["Ritual of Summoning"] = "Ritual of Summoning",
+ ["Rockbiter Weapon"] = "Rockbiter Weapon",
+ ["Rogue Passive"] = "Rogue Passive",
+ ["Rough Sharpening Stone"] = "Rough Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Ruin"] = "Ruin",
+ ["Rupture"] = "Rupture",
+ ["Ruthlessness"] = "Ruthlessness",
+ ["Sacrifice"] = "Sacrifice",
+ ["Safe Fall"] = "Safe Fall",
+ ["Sanctity Aura"] = "Sanctity Aura",
+ ["Sap"] = "Sap",
+ ["Savage Fury"] = "Savage Fury",
+ ["Savage Strikes"] = "Savage Strikes",
+ ["Scare Beast"] = "Scare Beast",
+ ["Scatter Shot"] = "Scatter Shot",
+ ["Scorch"] = "Scorch",
+ ["Scorpid Poison"] = "Scorpid Poison",
+ ["Scorpid Sting"] = "Scorpid Sting",
+ ["Screams of the Past"] = "Screams of the Past",
+ ["Screech"] = "Screech",
+ ["Seal Fate"] = "Seal Fate",
+ ["Seal of Blood"] = "Seal of Blood",
+ ["Seal of Command"] = "Seal of Command",
+ ["Seal of Justice"] = "Seal of Justice",
+ ["Seal of Light"] = "Seal of Light",
+ ["Seal of Reckoning"] = "Seal of Reckoning",
+ ["Seal of Righteousness"] = "Seal of Righteousness",
+ ["Seal of the Crusader"] = "Seal of the Crusader",
+ ["Seal of Vengeance"] = "Seal of Vengeance",
+ ["Seal of Wisdom"] = "Seal of Wisdom",
+ ["Searing Light"] = "Searing Light",
+ ["Searing Pain"] = "Searing Pain",
+ ["Searing Totem"] = "Searing Totem",
+ ["Second Wind"] = "Second Wind",
+ ["Seduction"] = "Seduction",
+ ["Seed of Corruption"] = "Seed of Corruption",
+ ["Sense Demons"] = "Sense Demons",
+ ["Sense Undead"] = "Sense Undead",
+ ["Sentry Totem"] = "Sentry Totem",
+ ["Serpent Sting"] = "Serpent Sting",
+ ["Setup"] = "Setup",
+ ["Shackle Undead"] = "Shackle Undead",
+ ["Shadow Affinity"] = "Shadow Affinity",
+ ["Shadow Bolt"] = "Shadow Bolt",
+ ["Shadow Bolt Volley"] = "Shadow Bolt Volley",
+ ["Shadow Focus"] = "Shadow Focus",
+ ["Shadow Mastery"] = "Shadow Mastery",
+ ["Shadow Protection"] = "Shadow Protection",
+ ["Shadow Reach"] = "Shadow Reach",
+ ["Shadow Resistance"] = "Shadow Resistance",
+ ["Shadow Resistance Aura"] = "Shadow Resistance Aura",
+ ["Shadow Shock"] = "Shadow Shock",
+ ["Shadow Trance"] = "Shadow Trance",
+ ["Shadow Vulnerability"] = "Shadow Vulnerability",
+ ["Shadow Ward"] = "Shadow Ward",
+ ["Shadow Weakness"] = "Shadow Weakness",
+ ["Shadow Weaving"] = "Shadow Weaving",
+ ["Shadow Word: Death"] = "Shadow Word: Death",
+ ["Shadow Word: Pain"] = "Shadow Word: Pain",
+ ["Shadowburn"] = "Shadowburn",
+ ["Shadowfiend"] = "Shadowfiend",
+ ["Shadowform"] = "Shadowform",
+ ["Shadowfury"] = "Shadowfury",
+ ["Shadowguard"] = "Shadowguard",
+ ["Shadowmeld"] = "Shadowmeld",
+ ["Shadowmeld Passive"] = "Shadowmeld Passive",
+ ["Shadowstep"] = "Shadowstep",
+ ["Shamanistic Rage"] = "Shamanistic Rage",
+ ["Sharpened Claws"] = "Sharpened Claws",
+ ["Shatter"] = "Shatter",
+ ["Sheep"] = "Sheep",
+ ["Shell Shield"] = "Shell Shield",
+ ["Shield"] = "Shield",
+ ["Shield Bash"] = "Shield Bash",
+ ["Shield Bash - Silenced"] = "Shield Bash - Silenced",
+ ["Shield Block"] = "Shield Block",
+ ["Shield Slam"] = "Shield Slam",
+ ["Shield Specialization"] = "Shield Specialization",
+ ["Shield Wall"] = "Shield Wall",
+ ["Shiv"] = "Shiv",
+ ["Shock"] = "Shock",
+ ["Shoot"] = "Shoot",
+ ["Shoot Bow"] = "Shoot Bow",
+ ["Shoot Crossbow"] = "Shoot Crossbow",
+ ["Shoot Gun"] = "Shoot Gun",
+ ["Shred"] = "Shred",
+ ["Shrink"] = "Shrink",
+ ["Silence"] = "Silence",
+ ["Silencing Shot"] = "Silencing Shot",
+ ["Silent Resolve"] = "Silent Resolve",
+ ["Sinister Strike"] = "Sinister Strike",
+ ["Siphon Life"] = "Siphon Life",
+ ["Skinning"] = "Skinning",
+ ["Skull Crack"] = "Skull Crack",
+ ["Slam"] = "Slam",
+ ["Sleep"] = "Sleep",
+ ["Slice and Dice"] = "Slice and Dice",
+ ["Slow"] = "Slow",
+ ["Slow Fall"] = "Slow Fall",
+ ["Slowing Poison"] = "Slowing Poison",
+ ["Smelting"] = "Smelting",
+ ["Smite"] = "Smite",
+ ["Smite Slam"] = "Smite Slam",
+ ["Smite Stomp"] = "Smite Stomp",
+ ["Smoke Bomb"] = "Smoke Bomb",
+ ["Snake Trap"] = "Snake Trap",
+ ["Snap Kick"] = "Snap Kick",
+ ["Solid Sharpening Stone"] = "Solid Sharpening Stone",
+ ["Sonic Burst"] = "Sonic Burst",
+ ["Soothe Animal"] = "Soothe Animal",
+ ["Soothing Kiss"] = "Soothing Kiss",
+ ["Soul Bite"] = "Soul Bite",
+ ["Soul Drain"] = "Soul Drain",
+ ["Soul Fire"] = "Soul Fire",
+ ["Soul Link"] = "Soul Link",
+ ["Soul Siphon"] = "Soul Siphon",
+ ["Soul Tap"] = "Soul Tap",
+ ["Soulshatter"] = "Soulshatter",
+ ["Soulstone Resurrection"] = "Soulstone Resurrection",
+ ["Spell Lock"] = "Spell Lock",
+ ["Spell Reflection"] = "Spell Reflection",
+ ["Spell Warding"] = "Spell Warding",
+ ["Spellsteal"] = "Spellsteal",
+ ["Spirit Bond"] = "Spirit Bond",
+ ["Spirit Burst"] = "Spirit Burst",
+ ["Spirit of Redemption"] = "Spirit of Redemption",
+ ["Spirit Tap"] = "Spirit Tap",
+ ["Spiritual Attunement"] = "Spiritual Attunement",
+ ["Spiritual Focus"] = "Spiritual Focus",
+ ["Spiritual Guidance"] = "Spiritual Guidance",
+ ["Spiritual Healing"] = "Spiritual Healing",
+ ["Spit"] = "Spit",
+ ["Spore Cloud"] = "Spore Cloud",
+ ["Sprint"] = "Sprint",
+ ["Stance Mastery"] = "Stance Mastery",
+ ["Starfire"] = "Starfire",
+ ["Starfire Stun"] = "Starfire Stun",
+ ["Starshards"] = "Starshards",
+ ["Staves"] = "Staves",
+ ["Steady Shot"] = "Steady Shot",
+ ["Stealth"] = "Stealth",
+ ["Stoneclaw Totem"] = "Stoneclaw Totem",
+ ["Stoneform"] = "Stoneform",
+ ["Stoneskin Totem"] = "Stoneskin Totem",
+ ["Stormstrike"] = "Stormstrike",
+ ["Strength of Earth Totem"] = "Strength of Earth Totem",
+ ["Strike"] = "Strike",
+ ["Stuck"] = "Stuck",
+ ["Stun"] = "Stun",
+ ["Subtlety"] = "Subtlety",
+ ["Suffering"] = "Suffering",
+ ["Summon Charger"] = "Summon Charger",
+ ["Summon Dreadsteed"] = "Summon Dreadsteed",
+ ["Summon Felguard"] = "Summon Felguard",
+ ["Summon Felhunter"] = "Summon Felhunter",
+ ["Summon Felsteed"] = "Summon Felsteed",
+ ["Summon Imp"] = "Summon Imp",
+ ["Summon Spawn of Bael'Gar"] = "Summon Spawn of Bael'Gar",
+ ["Summon Succubus"] = "Summon Succubus",
+ ["Summon Voidwalker"] = "Summon Voidwalker",
+ ["Summon Warhorse"] = "Summon Warhorse",
+ ["Summon Water Elemental"] = "Summon Water Elemental",
+ ["Sunder Armor"] = "Sunder Armor",
+ ["Suppression"] = "Suppression",
+ ["Surefooted"] = "Surefooted",
+ ["Survivalist"] = "Survivalist",
+ ["Sweeping Slam"] = "Sweeping Slam",
+ ["Sweeping Strikes"] = "Sweeping Strikes",
+ ["Swiftmend"] = "Swiftmend",
+ ["Swipe"] = "Swipe",
+ ["Swoop"] = "Swoop",
+ ["Sword Specialization"] = "Sword Specialization",
+ ["Tactical Mastery"] = "Tactical Mastery",
+ ["Tailoring"] = "Tailoring",
+ ["Tainted Blood"] = "Tainted Blood",
+ ["Tame Beast"] = "Tame Beast",
+ ["Tamed Pet Passive"] = "Tamed Pet Passive",
+ ["Taunt"] = "Taunt",
+ ["Teleport: Darnassus"] = "Teleport: Darnassus",
+ ["Teleport: Ironforge"] = "Teleport: Ironforge",
+ ["Teleport: Moonglade"] = "Teleport: Moonglade",
+ ["Teleport: Orgrimmar"] = "Teleport: Orgrimmar",
+ ["Teleport: Stormwind"] = "Teleport: Stormwind",
+ ["Teleport: Thunder Bluff"] = "Teleport: Thunder Bluff",
+ ["Teleport: Undercity"] = "Teleport: Undercity",
+ ["Tendon Rip"] = "Tendon Rip",
+ ["Tendon Slice"] = "Tendon Slice",
+ ["Terrify"] = "Terrify",
+ ["Terrifying Screech"] = "Terrifying Screech",
+ ["Thick Hide"] = "Thick Hide",
+ ["Thorn Volley"] = "Thorn Volley",
+ ["Thorns"] = "Thorns",
+ ["Thousand Blades"] = "Thousand Blades",
+ ["Threatening Gaze"] = "Threatening Gaze",
+ ["Throw"] = "Throw",
+ ["Throw Axe"] = "Throw Axe",
+ ["Throw Dynamite"] = "Throw Dynamite",
+ ["Throw Liquid Fire"] = "Throw Liquid Fire",
+ ["Throw Wrench"] = "Throw Wrench",
+ ["Throwing Specialization"] = "Throwing Specialization",
+ ["Throwing Weapon Specialization"] = "Throwing Weapon Specialization",
+ ["Thrown"] = "Thrown",
+ ["Thunder Clap"] = "Thunder Clap",
+ ["Thunderclap"] = "Thunderclap",
+ ["Thunderfury"] = "Thunderfury",
+ ["Thundering Strikes"] = "Thundering Strikes",
+ ["Thundershock"] = "Thundershock",
+ ["Thunderstomp"] = "Thunderstomp",
+ ["Tidal Focus"] = "Tidal Focus",
+ ["Tidal Mastery"] = "Tidal Mastery",
+ ["Tiger Riding"] = "Tiger Riding",
+ ["Tiger's Fury"] = "Tiger's Fury",
+ ["Torment"] = "Torment",
+ ["Totem"] = "Totem",
+ ["Totem of Wrath"] = "Totem of Wrath",
+ ["Totemic Focus"] = "Totemic Focus",
+ ["Touch of Weakness"] = "Touch of Weakness",
+ ["Toughness"] = "Toughness",
+ ["Toxic Saliva"] = "Toxic Saliva",
+ ["Toxic Spit"] = "Toxic Spit",
+ ["Toxic Volley"] = "Toxic Volley",
+ ["Traces of Silithyst"] = "Traces of Silithyst",
+ ["Track Beasts"] = "Track Beasts",
+ ["Track Demons"] = "Track Demons",
+ ["Track Dragonkin"] = "Track Dragonkin",
+ ["Track Elementals"] = "Track Elementals",
+ ["Track Giants"] = "Track Giants",
+ ["Track Hidden"] = "Track Hidden",
+ ["Track Humanoids"] = "Track Humanoids",
+ ["Track Undead"] = "Track Undead",
+ ["Trample"] = "Trample",
+ ["Tranquil Air Totem"] = "Tranquil Air Totem",
+ ["Tranquil Spirit"] = "Tranquil Spirit",
+ ["Tranquility"] = "Tranquility",
+ ["Tranquilizing Poison"] = "Tranquilizing Poison",
+ ["Tranquilizing Shot"] = "Tranquilizing Shot",
+ ["Trap Mastery"] = "Trap Mastery",
+ ["Travel Form"] = "Travel Form",
+ ["Tree of Life"] = "Tree of Life",
+ ["Tremor Totem"] = "Tremor Totem",
+ ["Tribal Leatherworking"] = "Tribal Leatherworking",
+ ["Trueshot Aura"] = "Trueshot Aura",
+ ["Turn Undead"] = "Turn Undead",
+ ["Twisted Tranquility"] = "Twisted Tranquility",
+ ["Two-Handed Axes"] = "Two-Handed Axes",
+ ["Two-Handed Axes and Maces"] = "Two-Handed Axes and Maces",
+ ["Two-Handed Maces"] = "Two-Handed Maces",
+ ["Two-Handed Swords"] = "Two-Handed Swords",
+ ["Two-Handed Weapon Specialization"] = "Two-Handed Weapon Specialization",
+ ["Unarmed"] = "Unarmed",
+ ["Unbreakable Will"] = "Unbreakable Will",
+ ["Unbridled Wrath"] = "Unbridled Wrath",
+ ["Unbridled Wrath Effect"] = "Unbridled Wrath Effect",
+ ["Undead Horsemanship"] = "Undead Horsemanship",
+ ["Underwater Breathing"] = "Underwater Breathing",
+ ["Unending Breath"] = "Unending Breath",
+ ["Unholy Frenzy"] = "Unholy Frenzy",
+ ["Unholy Power"] = "Unholy Power",
+ ["Unleashed Fury"] = "Unleashed Fury",
+ ["Unleashed Rage"] = "Unleashed Rage",
+ ["Unstable Affliction"] = "Unstable Affliction",
+ ["Unstable Concoction"] = "Unstable Concoction",
+ ["Unstable Power"] = "Unstable Power",
+ ["Unyielding Faith"] = "Unyielding Faith",
+ ["Uppercut"] = "Uppercut",
+ ["Vampiric Embrace"] = "Vampiric Embrace",
+ ["Vampiric Touch"] = "Vampiric Touch",
+ ["Vanish"] = "Vanish",
+ ["Vanished"] = "Vanished",
+ ["Veil of Shadow"] = "Veil of Shadow",
+ ["Vengeance"] = "Vengeance",
+ ["Venom Spit"] = "Venom Spit",
+ ["Venom Sting"] = "Venom Sting",
+ ["Venomhide Poison"] = "Venomhide Poison",
+ ["Vicious Rend"] = "Vicious Rend",
+ ["Victory Rush"] = "Victory Rush",
+ ["Vigor"] = "Vigor",
+ ["Vile Poisons"] = "Vile Poisons",
+ ["Vindication"] = "Vindication",
+ ["Viper Sting"] = "Viper Sting",
+ ["Virulent Poison"] = "Virulent Poison",
+ ["Void Bolt"] = "Void Bolt",
+ ["Volley"] = "Volley",
+ ["Walking Bomb Effect"] = "Walking Bomb Effect",
+ ["Wand Specialization"] = "Wand Specialization",
+ ["Wandering Plague"] = "Wandering Plague",
+ ["Wands"] = "Wands",
+ ["War Stomp"] = "War Stomp",
+ ["Water"] = "Water",
+ ["Water Breathing"] = "Water Breathing",
+ ["Water Shield"] = "Water Shield",
+ ["Water Walking"] = "Water Walking",
+ ["Waterbolt"] = "Waterbolt",
+ ["Wavering Will"] = "Wavering Will",
+ ["Weakened Soul"] = "Weakened Soul",
+ ["Weaponsmith"] = "Weaponsmith",
+ ["Web"] = "Web",
+ ["Web Explosion"] = "Web Explosion",
+ ["Web Spin"] = "Web Spin",
+ ["Web Spray"] = "Web Spray",
+ ["Whirling Barrage"] = "Whirling Barrage",
+ ["Whirling Trip"] = "Whirling Trip",
+ ["Whirlwind"] = "Whirlwind",
+ ["Wide Slash"] = "Wide Slash",
+ ["Will of Hakkar"] = "Will of Hakkar",
+ ["Will of the Forsaken"] = "Will of the Forsaken",
+ ["Windfury Totem"] = "Windfury Totem",
+ ["Windfury Weapon"] = "Windfury Weapon",
+ ["Windsor's Frenzy"] = "Windsor's Frenzy",
+ ["Windwall Totem"] = "Windwall Totem",
+ ["Wing Clip"] = "Wing Clip",
+ ["Wing Flap"] = "Wing Flap",
+ ["Winter's Chill"] = "Winter's Chill",
+ ["Wisp Spirit"] = "Wisp Spirit",
+ ["Wolf Riding"] = "Wolf Riding",
+ ["Wound Poison"] = "Wound Poison",
+ ["Wound Poison II"] = "Wound Poison II",
+ ["Wound Poison III"] = "Wound Poison III",
+ ["Wound Poison IV"] = "Wound Poison IV",
+ ["Wrath"] = "Wrath",
+ ["Wrath of Air Totem"] = "Wrath of Air Totem",
+ ["Wyvern Sting"] = "Wyvern Sting",
+return __bundle_require("__root")
\ No newline at end of file