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Active Crowd Analysis: Pandemic Risk Mitigation for the Blind or Visually Impaired

Paper accepted at the 2020 ECCV Conference ACVR Workshop. The paper is available at this ECCV Springer link and also hosted in this repository.

Result Reproduction Instructions

First setup a Python3 virtual environment with conda.


$ conda env create -n active_crowd -f=requirements/mobilnet_ssd.yml
$ conda activate active_crowd

Demonstration Run

For images inside the SSD_active_crowd_analysis/demo folder

$ cd SSD_active_crowd_analysis
$ python demo_img_seq --config-file --config-file configs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712.yaml --ckpt SSD_active_crowd_analysis/outputs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712_v2.pth

For a real-time video human detection and distance regression

$ cd SSD_active_crowd_analysis
$ python demo_scene_crowd_video --config-file --config-file configs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712.yaml --ckpt SSD_active_crowd_analysis/outputs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712_v2.pth

Object Detection and Localization

Dataset Download

Download the PASCAL VOC dataset by running the Jupyter Notebook script in SSD_active_crowd_analysis/datasets/download_voc_data.ipynb

Generating Metrics for our Model

To generate the mAP scores for the different classes in the PASCAL VOC dataset for our modified Mobilnet-V2

$ cd SSD_active_crowd_analysis
$ python --config-file --config-file configs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712.yaml --ckpt SSD_active_crowd_analysis/outputs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712_v2.pth

Generating Metrics for other Models

To generate the mAP scores for the different classes in the PASCAL VOC dataset for other models:

Download the check-pointed model weights first:

To download trained weights for different models:

  • VGG16 SSD300x300 wget
  • VGG16 SSD512x512 wget
  • EfficientNet-B3 300x300 wget

And put the trained weight checkpoints inside the other SSD directory, SSD/outputs/

$ cd SSD
$ python --config-file --config-file configs/vgg_ssd300_voc0712.yaml --ckpt SSD/outputs/vgg_ssd300_voc0712.pth

Distance Regression

Dataset Download

We use the KITTI Vision Benchmark Data for 2D Object Detection at for training our distance neural network

Download images (Optional)


Note: Downloading images is optional since we only use the bounding box information from the labels

Download annotations (Optional)


Note: Data has already been downloaded and stored in a single SSD_active_crowd_analysis/distance_regressor/data/annotations.csv file

Optional; Download link for video of person walking towards camera

We use the video samples above to generate our distance regression vs ground truth graph below for a person walking towards the camera from 7m to 0.4m on an average time of 10s for each video.

The distance values for each video or any custom video can be generated using: (IMPORTANT NOTE The cv2.videocapture('PATH_to_video') must be set to the video path inside instead of cv2.videocapture(0))

$ cd SSD_active_crowd_analysis
$ python --config-file --config-file configs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712.yaml

Generating Metrics

All metrics can be generated independently by following the Jupyter Notebook distance_regressor_example.ipynb

Multiple Object Tracking Evaluation

Dataset Download

  • Download the MOT16 object tracking data and labels from the MOT-16 official website.
  • Unzip the training and label files.
  • Only the data subset MOT16/train/MOT16-02 is required and tested in our repository.
  • The image source path SSD_active_crowd_analysis/datasets/MOT16/train/MOT16-02/img1 must be created.
  • Run python generate_multi_person_tracking_predictions --config-file --config-file configs/mobilenet_v2_ssd320_voc0712.yaml to generate the predictions which are saved in py-motmetrics/motmetrics/data/MOT16/predicted/MOT16-02.txt

IMPORTANT Note Only pedestrian class values from the ground truth file with visibility ratio of more than 0.7 are used and a score threshold of 0.65 is used for all classifiers. We use py-motmetrics/motmetrics/data/ to do our filtering.

Note However, the filtered ground truth files are already present in py-motmetrics/motmetrics/data/MOT16/gt

Generating Metrics

Image source path datasets/MOT16/train/MOT16-02/img1 must be available. The predicted MOT16-02.txt must be present in py-motmetrics/motmetrics/data/MOT16/predicted/ by default.

$ cd py-motmetrics
$ python -m motmetrics.apps.eval_motchallenge motmetrics/data/MOT16/gt motmetrics/data/MOT16/predicted/

For more information on running py-motmetrics, check SSD_active_crowd_analysis/py-motmetrics/


The SSD code is derived from and the circlenet is derived from