- Fixed ANEs containing multiple extension.xml generate multiple extensions node from app descriptor with same id.
- Added better error information when using TexturePacker and its command line tool is missing
- Added appVersionLabel flair property and renamed appVersion to appVersionNumber to be able to set both versionLabel and versionNumber from app descriptor xml
- Changed autoGenerateVariantDirectories flair property default value to false
- Don't display icons/signing/splash_screens/atlases folders as excluded folder anymore (from IntelliJ)
- [Scaffold] Added Starling skipUnchangedFrames to true by default from AMain class
- Updated Starling library to 2.1.0 (as SWC for now on)
- Updated Feathers library to 3.1.0 (as SWC for now on)
- Updated Starling library to 2.0.1
- Updated Feathers library to 3.0.4
- Typos
- Updated Feathers library to early 3.0 beta
- Updated Starling library to 2.0 final
- Updated Feathers library to 3.0 beta
- Added flair.fdt plugin to support FDT IDE
- Added tasks descriptions
- Added assembleAll task execution when running gradle without task request
- Added Android ability to load additional splash screens matching actual resolution
- Fixed potential error when generating structures with multiple projects
- Fixed variants directories default source paths
- Optimized tasks execution (now generate/update structures only when gradle is executed without a task request)
- Improved error messages shown when missing AIR SDK path or packageName property
- Updated Starling/Feathers
- Other minor improvements and fixes
- Initial public beta