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640 lines (497 loc) · 23.2 KB

Unity Toolbar Extender UI Toolkit

Inspired on marijnz's great Unity Toolbar Extender, Unity Toolbar Extender UI Toolkit allows you to extend Unity's main toolbar using Unity's UI Toolkit.


via npm

Open Packages/manifest.json with your favorite text editor. Add a scoped registry and following line to dependencies block:

  "scopedRegistries": [
      "name": "npmjs",
      "url": "",
      "scopes": [
  "dependencies": {
    "com.paps.unity-toolbar-extender-ui-toolkit": "1.0.0"

Package should now appear in package manager.

via OpenUPM

The package is also available on the openupm registry. You can install it eg. via openupm-cli.

openupm add com.paps.unity-toolbar-extender-ui-toolkit

via Git URL

Open Package Manager window, Go to Top left plus icon -> Add package from git URL. There add the following:

Getting Started

It is recommended to import package samples in your project. To do this Open Package Manager -> Filter by In Project packages -> Click Unity Toolbar Extender UI Toolkit package -> In package window select Samples -> Click Import.

Create Common Controls

Inherit from any Unity's built-in visual element, tag it with MainToolbarElementAttribute and define an id. You can place the script in any Editor folder or subfolder or in a folder with an editor assembly definition.

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[MainToolbarElement(id: "TheAwesomeButton")]
public class MyAwesomeButton : Button
    //avoid constructors, create a method called "InitializeElement"
    //The tool will find it, no matter the access modifier
    //This is like an Awake method
    public void InitializeElement()
        text = "Awesome Button";
        clicked += () => Debug.Log("Awesome debug");

Place Them Left or Right to Play Buttons

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[MainToolbarElement(id: "LeftButton", ToolbarAlign.Left)]
public class MyLeftButton : Button
    public void InitializeElement()
        text = "Left Button";

[MainToolbarElement(id: "RightButton", ToolbarAlign.Right)]
public class MyRightButton : Button
    public void InitializeElement()
        text = "Right Button";

Arrange Them

Left elements are ordered from right to left. Right elements from left to right.

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[MainToolbarElement(id: "FirstLeftButton", ToolbarAlign.Left, order: 1)]
public class FirstLeftButton : Button
    public void InitializeElement()
        text = "1st Button";

[MainToolbarElement(id: "SecondLeftButton", ToolbarAlign.Left, order: 2)]
public class SecondLeftButton : Button
    public void InitializeElement()
        text = "2nd Button";

[MainToolbarElement(id: "FirstRightButton", ToolbarAlign.Right, order: 1)]
public class FirstRightButton : Button
    public void InitializeElement()
        text = "1st Button";

[MainToolbarElement(id: "SecondRightButton", ToolbarAlign.Right, order: 2)]
public class SecondRightButton : Button
    public void InitializeElement()
        text = "2nd Button";

Create More Things Than Only Buttons

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using System.Collections.Generic;

[MainToolbarElement(id: "AwesomeToggle", ToolbarAlign.Left)]
public class MyAwesomeToggle : Toggle
    public void InitializeElement()
        label = "Awesome Toggle";

[MainToolbarElement(id: "AwesomeDropdownField", ToolbarAlign.Right)]
public class MyAwesomeDropdownField : DropdownField
    public void InitializeElement()
        label = "Awesome Dropdown";
        choices = new List<string>() { "Option 1", "Option 2"};

[MainToolbarElement(id: "AwesomeSlider", ToolbarAlign.Left)]
public class MyAwesomeSlider : Slider
    public void InitializeElement()
        label = "Awesome Slider";
        lowValue = 0;
        highValue = 100;

[MainToolbarElement("MyAwesomeIntField", ToolbarAlign.Right)]
public class MyAwesomeIntegerField : IntegerField
    public void InitializeElement()
        label = "Awesome Int";

Create Whatever Visual Element You Want

As long as your class inherits from VisualElement class, you can create whatever you want.

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[MainToolbarElement(id: "AwesomeThing")]
public class MyAwesomeWhatever : VisualElement
    private Toggle _displaySliderToggle;
    private Slider _slider;

    public void InitializeElement()
        _displaySliderToggle = new Toggle("Display slider");
        _slider = new Slider(0, 100); = 0; = DisplayStyle.None; = 150;


        style.minWidth = 300;
        style.flexDirection = FlexDirection.Row;


    private void OnToggleValueChanged(ChangeEvent<bool> eventArgs)
        var displayToggle = eventArgs.newValue;

        if (displayToggle)
   = DisplayStyle.Flex;
   = DisplayStyle.None;

Don't Worry About Horizontal Space. It's Scrollable!

Important Notes

  • If you want to apply custom style to your elements, please read Styling Your Main Toolbar Elements section.
  • You can define a main toolbar element that inherits from IMGUIContainer to render stuff with IMGUI. Remember to use GUILayout.BeginHorizontal and GUILayout.EndHorizontal to render your things in row.
  • Main toolbar elements may be instantiated more than once, whenever MainToolbarAutomaticExtender refreshes. Take it into account if you need to make some heavy process with your elements.

Prevent data loss upon entering Play mode or closing the editor

Mark a field or property with the SerializeAttribute to save its value whenever it changes. Otherwise if you enter Play mode or close the editor data will be reset.

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class MyAwesomeInt : IntegerField
    [Serialize] private int _intValue;

    public void InitializeElement()
        value = _intValue; // set saved value to integer field value
        label = "Awesome Int";

        RegisterCallback<ChangeEvent<int>>(ev =>
            _intValue = ev.newValue;

Fields and properties are serialized with their names by default.

You can set your own serialization key to prevent data loss when a field or property name changes due to, for example, refactors.

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class MyAwesomeInt : IntegerField
    [Serialize("fixed-int-name")] private int _intValue;

    public void InitializeElement()
        value = _intValue; // set saved value to integer field value
        label = "Awesome Int";

        RegisterCallback<ChangeEvent<int>>(ev =>
            _intValue = ev.newValue;

Important Notes

  • Use InitializeElement method to access restored values. Don't use constructors because the system injects the serialized values once the object is created.
  • To serialize values this tool uses Unity Serialization Package, therefore you can use its features, like JsonAdapters to serialize your objects the way you want. You can add a custom JsonAdapter from a method with InitializeOnLoadMethod, then add a global JsonAdapter (check the docs).
  • You can serialize anything Unity Serialization Package serializes, including dictionaries, custom classes and structs, Unity objects like GameObject, any component, etc.

Group Your Elements to Save Space

Create a Group Definition asset and group any visual element in it. They will be hidden and shown by a dropdown.

To create a Group Definition asset go to Project Window -> Right Click -> Create -> Paps -> Unity Toolbar Extender UI Toolkit -> Group Definition

Make Subgroups

When configuring ToolbarElementsIds property in your group definition asset, add a new element and select the id of other group asset.

Allow Subwindows

Group elements display a small window that works almost like a popup window. If your custom element displays a window, by default the group element window will be closed. To tell group element window that your window is a subwindow mark your EditorWindow derived class with GroupPopupSubWindowAttribute. This attribute can also be used with classes derived from PopupWindowContent.

Example with EditorWindow

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Toolbars;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class DropdownInGroupWithWindow : EditorToolbarDropdown
    public DropdownInGroupWithWindow()
        text = nameof(DropdownInGroupWithWindow);
        clicked += ShowDropdownWindow;

    private void ShowDropdownWindow()
        var newWindowDropdown = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<DropdownWindow>();
        // Check important notes to know more about ShowAsDropdownForMainToolbar method
        newWindowDropdown.ShowAsDropdownForMainToolbar(worldBound, new Vector2(200, 200));

public class DropdownWindow : EditorWindow
    private void CreateGUI()
        var debugButton = new Button(() => Debug.Log("What a debug!"));
        debugButton.text = "Debug";

        var closeButton = new Button(() => Close());
        closeButton.text = "Close";


Example with PopupWindowContent

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Toolbars;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

public class DropdownInGroupWithPopupWindow : EditorToolbarDropdown
    public DropdownInGroupWithPopupWindow()
        text = nameof(DropdownInGroupWithPopupWindow);
        clicked += ShowPopupWindow;

    private void ShowPopupWindow()
        UnityEditor.PopupWindow.Show(worldBound, new PopupWindowContentThatWorksInASubgroup());

public class PopupWindowContentThatWorksInASubgroup : PopupWindowContent
    public override void OnOpen()
        var debugButton = new Button(() => Debug.Log("What a debug!"));
        debugButton.text = "Debug";

        var closeButton = new Button(() => editorWindow.Close());
        closeButton.text = "Close";


    public override void OnGUI(Rect rect)

Important Notes

  • Elements inside a group don't have alignment. The Alignment property on visual elements marked with MainToolbarElementAttribute will be ignored.
  • Groups display their inner elements in column.
  • The order the inner elements are displayed is determined by the ToolbarElementsIds array elements order.
  • Group popup windows won't close if focused window is UI Toolkit Debugger, so you can analyze your elements inside these windows.
  • When showing a custom window as a dropdown, with EditorWindow.ShowAsDropdown method, it is recommended to use a extension method provided in this package, named ShowAsDropdownForMainToolbar. This method uses the original inside but applies some position adjustments that would, otherwise, render the window at a wrong position. For some reason this does not happen with PopupWindow.Show method.

Hide Unity's Native Toolbar Visual Elements. Save Even More Space

Open the Main Toolbar Control Panel Window. Go to Paps -> Unity Toolbar Extender UI Toolkit -> Windows -> Main Toolbar Control Panel.

Hide any toolbar visual element, either Unity's or yours.

Important Notes

  • MainToolbarAutomaticExtender hides visual elements by setting their style property display to Display.None.
  • There are 2 exceptions to the previous rule, Unity's AccountDropdown and CloudButton elements. These 2 elements can't be hidden by modifying display property, so the way this package hides them is by removing them from the hierarchy.

MainToolbar Class

Everything covered in this article until now is managed by MainToolbarAutomaticExtender static class. If, by any chance, you don't want to manage your visual elements the way I meant, you can access the MainToolbar static class and manipulate Unity's main toolbar and its elements.

You can listen to OnInitialized event and apply your changes once initialized. To subscribe to this event you need to subscribe to it before the first editor update. The easiest way is to do it in the static constructor of a class marked with InitializeOnLoad attribute. You can also check the IsAvailable property to check if it is initialized.

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEditor;

public static class MyOwnMainToolbarManager
    static MyOwnMainToolbarManager()
        MainToolbar.OnInitialized += DoSomeStuff;

    private static void DoSomeStuff()
        // I do my stuff here

You can access Unity's toolbar visual elements, like the play buttons container, the left (where the cloud button is) or the right (where the layouts dropdown is).

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.Toolbars;

public static class MyOwnMainToolbarManager
    static MyOwnMainToolbarManager()
        MainToolbar.OnInitialized += DoSomeStuff;

    private static void DoSomeStuff()
        var myOwnPlayButton = new EditorToolbarButton("My Play Button", 
            () => EditorApplication.EnterPlaymode());


Unity's toolbar gets destroyed when the editor layout changes (through layout dropdown normally). When this happens MainToolbar class will try to get the new object. Because of this, any change made to the toolbar goes away, so you'll need to re-apply your changes. To do this, listen to OnRefresh event and you can do the same things you did when OnInitialized event happened.

Important Notes

  • Visual elements with MainToolbarElementAttribute are handled by MainToolbarAutomaticExtender static class. Although you could, it's not officially supported to use this feature while manipulating MainToolbar class directly.

Styling Your Main Toolbar Elements

Some common built-in visual elements have some issues when added to the toolbar containers (e.g Button and DropdownField that are rendered with a white broken-like texture), and some other when they are added to the group element window (e.g EditorToolbarDropdown that doesn't render its foldout arrow).

Check this example.

To workaround this, MainToolbarAutomaticExtender applies some changes to style of most of your custom visual elements when they are added either to toolbar containers or to group element windows.

Because of this, if you want to style your custom visual elements yourself you should set MainToolbarElementAttribute parameter useRecommendedStyles to false. Otherwise, your overrides might collide with extender's overrides. You can check if your class will be styled with recommended styles in this list.

using Paps.UnityToolbarExtenderUIToolkit;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;

[MainToolbarElement(id: "StyledButton", useRecommendedStyles: false)]
public class MyStyledButton : Button
    public MyStyledButton()
        // I change the style of my button here

Eligible Classes for Recommended Style Application

If your custom main toolbar element meets at least one of the following criteria, it will be eligible to be styled with recommended styles:

  • Inherits from Button and does not inherits from EditorToolbarButton
  • Inherits from Toggle and does not inherits from EditorToolbarToggle
  • Inherits from Slider
  • Inherits from DropdownField
  • Inherits from EditorToolbarDropdown
  • Inherits from IntegerField
  • Inherits from FloatField
  • Inherits from TextField
  • Inherits from EditorToolbarToggle
  • Inherits from Vector2Field
  • Inherits from Vector3Field
  • Inherits from ColorField
  • Inherits from LayerField
  • Inherits from EnumField
  • Inherits from EnumFlagsField
  • Inherits from TagField
  • Inherits from ObjectField

Remember that you can disable this feature by setting useRecommendedStyles to false in MainToolbarElementAttribute constructor.

Miscelaneous Information

About MainToolbarAutomaticExtender Class:

  • This is the main manager. Most of the magic happens inside.
  • This class WON'T do anything, unless you mark at least one type derived from VisualElement with MainToolbarElementAttribute.
  • When this manager initializes it applies some changes to style of native containers of Unity's main toolbar. This means that those containers behave in a way when MainToolbarAutomaticExtender is initialized and other way when it is not.

About How This Package Saves Its Data

  • This package saves json files serialized with Unity Serialization Package inside UserSettings folder. UserSettings is a folder that should not be under your version control (e.g. Git) and is a place to save project-and-user preferences. If you experience some weird behaviour and you suspect it could be this cache data, you can delete the related file to start over.

Tested Versions

This package was tested in:

  • Unity 2022.3
    • Windows
    • MacOS
  • Unity 6000.0
    • Windows
    • MacOS

Known Issues


  • Input fields (e.g. IntegerField, TextField) might not work when being root toolbar objects. They work inside a group.
  • Group popup windows close when UI Toolkit Debugger window is focused.
