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File metadata and controls

284 lines (220 loc) · 9.22 KB


The lwnode object provides features to detect the memory footprint consumed in Javascript. It can be accessed through the process object.


  • {Object}

class MemWatcher

  • Extends: {EventEmitter}

The class MemWatcher exposes an interface for tracking memory usage asynchronously. It provides a way to evaluate the memory footprint and to catch the trends of heap usage.


The following illustrates a leak detection using MemWatcher. The example intentionally makes memory leakage occur by wrongly using a closure.

// test.js
const { MemWatcher } = process.lwnode;

console.warn('NOTE: This code intentionally makes leaks.');

let theThing = null;
let closureLeak = function () {
  let originalThing = theThing; // leak
  let unused = function () {
    if (originalThing) console.log('hi');
  theThing = {
    longStr: new Array(1000000).join('*'), // leak
    someMethod: function () {},

const id = setInterval(closureLeak, 1000);

const watcher = new MemWatcher();

watcher.on('stats', (stats) => {

watcher.on('max', (stats) => {

// Run:
// $ lwnode ./test.js
// Print:
// NOTE: This code intentionally makes leaks.
// ┌─────────┬───────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────┬───────────────────────────┐
// │ (index) │           heap            │        sinceLastGc        │         unmapped          │
// ├─────────┼───────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────┼───────────────────────────┤
// │   max   │ [ '80.09 MB', 83976192 ]  │ [ '979.34 kB', 1002848 ]  │ [ '46.84 MB', 49115136 ]  │
// │  last   │      [ '0.00 B', 0 ]      │      [ '0.00 B', 0 ]      │      [ '0.00 B', 0 ]      │
// │ current │ [ '80.09 MB', 83976192 ]  │ [ '979.34 kB', 1002848 ]  │ [ '46.84 MB', 49115136 ]  │
// │ change  │ [ '+80.09 MB', 83976192 ] │ [ '+979.34 kB', 1002848 ] │ [ '+46.84 MB', 49115136 ] │
// └─────────┴───────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────┴───────────────────────────┘
// ...
// {
//   reason: 'Max value growth occurred 2 times over 10s',
//   change: [ '+10.19 MB', 10686464 ],
//   currentMax: [ '90.28 MB', 94662656 ]
// }

new lwnode.MemWatcher([interval][, maxIgnoreCount][, limit][, memTarget])

  • interval {number} The time, in milliseconds (thousandths of a second), that the stats event should delay between measurements. Defaults to 5000 if not specified.
  • maxIgnoreCount {number} The count of how many times are skipped to emit the max event. For instance, saying it's set to 2, the first detection the max heap exceeded is ignored.
  • limit {number} A heap threshold size in bytes to monitor.
  • memType {'String'} pss or gc. A memory type to monitor. Defaults to pss if not specified.
  • Returns: {lwnode.MemWatcher}

lwnode.MemWatcher is an [EventEmitter][] with the following events:

Event: 'stats'
  • stats {MemoryStats Object}

The 'stats' event is emitted every delayed milliseconds that is given when a instance of MemWatcher is created, giving you the data describing your heap usage and trends over time.

const { MemWatcher } = require('process').lwnode;

const watcher = new MemWatcher();
watcher.on('stats', (stats) => {
Event: 'max'
  • stats {MemoryMaxStats Object}

The 'max' event is emitted when the max heap usage exceeds the previous max amount recorded. It can be skipped by setting the maxIgnoreCount when an instance of MemWatcher is created.

const { MemWatcher } = require('process').lwnode;

const watcher = new MemWatcher();
watcher.on('max', (stats) => {
Event: 'limit'
  • stats {MemoryMaxStats Object}

The 'limit' event is emitted when the current heap usage exceeds over a threshold size passed at the instantiation of MemWatcher.

const { MemWatcher } = require('process').lwnode;

const watcher = new MemWatcher({ limit: 1024 * 1024 * 4 });
watcher.on('limit', (stats) => {
// test.js
const { MemWatcher } = process.lwnode;
const { clearLine, cursorTo } = require('readline');

let strStat = '', strLimit = '';

function startMemoryTest() {
  let array = [];
  let increment = true;
  let idx = 0,
    count = 1;
  const times = 3;

  console.log(`Limit: ${limit / 1024 / 1024} MB`);
  function display() {
    if (strStat === '') return;
    const strStatus = `${increment ? '[↑ increment]' : '[↓ decrement]'}`;
    clearLine(process.stdout, 0);
    cursorTo(process.stdout, 0);
      `#${++idx}/${times * 10} ${strStatus} ${strStat} ${strLimit}`,
    strStat = strLimit = '';

  const id1 = setInterval(() => {
    if (count > times) return teardown();
    increment ? array.push(new Array(80000)) : (array = []);
  }, 1000);

  const id2 = setInterval(() => {
    increment = !increment;
  }, 10000);

  function teardown() {

// Set a watcher
const limit = 1024 * 1024 * 15;
const watcher = new MemWatcher({ delay: 1000, limit });

// Set event listeners
watcher.on('limit', (stats) => {
  strLimit = `(! ${[0]} exceeds)`;

watcher.on('stats', (stats) => {
  strStat = `PSS: ${stats.current.pssSwap[0]}`;


// Run:
// $ lwnode ./test.js
// Print:
// Limit: 15 MB
// #30/30 [↓ decrement] PSS: 16.17 MB (! 1.17 MB exceeds)
// done.

Calling the memwatcher.end() method stop receiving the stats event or the max event.

MemoryStats Object

This object is an ordinary JavaScript object containing the following properties.

  • max {MemoryInfo Object} Indicates the maximum heap memory measured so far.
  • last {MemoryInfo Object} Indicates the heap memory previously measured.
  • current {MemoryInfo Object} Indicates the heap memory currently measured.
  • change {MemoryInfo Object} Indicates the difference between the last and current objects.

MemoryInfo Object

This object is an ordinary JavaScript object containing the following properties.

The each property has a description of the measured memory which are in Array format. The index, 0, of the array has a string in human-readable format. The index, 1, has a number representing the change in bytes. The string in the 0 index translates this number into KB, MB, and so on.

  • pssSwap {Array} Indicates the Proportional Set Size of lwnode process. It includes the swap memory.
  • heap {Array} Indicates the number of memory used in the heap. It excludes the unmapped memory (returned to the OS). This is managed by the JavaScript VM except for using an external allocator. (e.g ArrayBuffer)
  • unmapped {Array} Indicates the size of the unmapped memory (which is returned to the OS but could be remapped back by the collector later unless the OS runs out of system/virtual memory). This is managed by the JavaScript VM except for using an external allocator.
  • sinceLastGc {Array} Indicates the number of bytes changed since the last GC collection. This is managed by the JavaScript VM except for using an external allocator.

MemoryMaxStats Object

This object is an ordinary JavaScript object containing the following properties.

Except the reason propery, each property has a description of the measured memory which are in Array format. The index, 0, of the array has a string in human-readable format. The index, 1, has a number representing the change in bytes. The string in the 0 index translates this number into KB, MB, and so on.

  • reason {string} Indicates what's the reason why the max event is emitted.
  • change {Array} Indicates the difference compared between the number last measured and the current one.
  • currentMax {Array} Indicates the max heap memory currently measured.

MemoryLimitStats Object

This object is an ordinary JavaScript object containing the following properties.

Except the reason propery, each property has a description of the measured memory which are in Array format. The index, 0, of the array has a string in human-readable format. The index, 1, has a number representing the change in bytes. The string in the 0 index translates this number into KB, MB, and so on.

  • reason {string} Indicates what's the reason why the limit event is emitted.
  • current {string} Indicates the heap memory currently measured.
  • gap {Array} Indicates the difference between the current value and the threshold value.
  • limit {Array} Indicates the threshold value passed at the instantiation of MemWatcher.