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File metadata and controls

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Intro to Command Line

The command line is an extremely powerful tool. It often gets overlooked by data scientists in favor of "fancier" coding languages. You really shouldn't do that though. Here are three (of many) reasons why:

  • It's very likely you won't have a GUI if you're working on remote servers like Amazon's AWS or Google Cloud. You'll have to do command line.
  • There are command line tools that can make your life a lot easier like scp, grep, curl, etc
  • Jupyter Notebooks aren't an endpoint for development - so running python scripts from the command line is going to be mandatory at some point in your career.

With that in mind, we're going to explore the basics of surviving in the command line today. Note that this exercise assumes you are working from top to bottom and some code may require previous steps. Also anything that looks like this:


is meant for you to run those commands in your terminal.

Moving around in the command line

Start by opening the terminal program on your computer. When this opens, you will start out in a place known as the HOME directory. This is a different place for every user. Let's figure out where we are for each of you.


This stands for "print working directory". The working directory is basically where the command line thinks it is. In terms of a file browser, it's essentially saying "what directory am I in right now?". So if we were to add a new file, it would show up in our working directory.

That's handy, but we don't want to be stuck in our home directory. So let's make our own directory to start practicing with.

mkdir test_directory

This is going to "make directory" and call it test_directory. We've told the command line we want a new folder called test_directory and it's made it for us. Let's make sure it's there.


ls is the command to list all of the files in the current working directory. You should see a bunch of files and folders come up, and amongst them should be test_directory that we just created.

That's neat. However, we want to be able to do more than create folders, we want to use them. So let's make that folder our new working directory by moving the terminal into it.

cd test_directory

This "changes directory" and makes the named directory our new working directory.

Question: How could we make sure that we moved?

Let's get a few special things out of the way as well for command line. When we talk about folders, we don't always want to move "into" the next folder down. Sometimes we want to move back up a folder. To do that we can do:

cd ..

the .. means "go back one".

Or, we might want to move back to our HOME folder from wherever we are. In command line we can use ~ to mean "go home"

cd ~

This will take us back to our home folder. Let's chain a few commands together to get back to our test_directory

cd ~/test_directory

Making and Reading Files

So we're able to move around between directories now. Great. Let's get some file action going. Let's start by learning about input/output in a terminal.

In the terminal, if there's output from a program, it prints in the terminal itself. This is called "standard out" or Stdout for short. Let's use a command to write our own text to standard out.


That command tells the terminal to write out anything we put after the echo to standard out. If we want it to not go to standard out, we have to tell it where to go instead.

echo "HELLO WORLD" > test_file.txt

Now nothing shows up on the screen. List the files and see if you can tell why.

Hint: we learned how to list all the files up above.

The greater than says, "put that output into the following file instead."

What if we want to read that file back out to the terminal?

cat test_file.txt

cat takes whatever is in the file and reads it out to stdout one line at a time.

Let's get a bit fancier and load in a dataset. Let's pull it from the internet using curl.


(note, you might need to use wget if your system says curl isn't installed. Just swap in wget any place you see curl)

This prints the data directly to stdout and we can see the whole dataset. Nice.

Let's save the output of the curl command to a file called data.txt. How would we do that?

Now that we have the data file, let's learn how to manipulate files.

Copying, Moving, and Removing Files

Let's start out by seeing what's in our working directory.


Now let's make a copy of the data file

cp data.txt data2.txt

Now we have two copies of the data file! Nice. How do we know which came first? Let's get a bit fancier with our ls command and include a special flag.

ls -l

This tells the command line to show us the files and "list" all the information about them. These break down into:

--- Do not run this, just for explanation ---

Permissions   Owner            Group  File   Last         File name
                                      size   Modified

-rw-r--r--  1 zachariahmiller  staff  834582 Sep 27 10:38 Untitled.ipynb
-rw-r--r--  1 zachariahmiller  staff      10 Sep 26 09:28 my_file.txt

Mostly, we'll care about things like file size (in bytes) and modified date. We can get even fancier by adding a second flag

ls -lh

What changed?

If instead copying we just want to change the name of a file, we can do:

mv data2.txt NEW_FILE_NAME.txt

There's no need to keep two of the same file, so let's go ahead and delete the one we just renamed.


Now let's try to make and copy a directory to see how things change when we aren't working with solo files anymore.

mkdir test_directory
cp test_directory test_directory2

That doesn't work because the command line says, "whoa, are you sure you want to copy EVERYTHING inside this directory?" To tell it to do that, we just have to give it a flag that means, "go inside this directory and copy everything that's there, then copy the directory itself." That's the -r or "recursive" flag.

cp -r test_directory test_directory2

If we want to delete a whole directory, we have to do exactly the same thing. rm doesn't want to let you accidentally delete all the things inside of a directory, so it will only delete whole directories if you give it a proper flag.

rm -r test_directory
rm -r test_directory2

Warning: There is no recycle bin in command line. When you do rm it's gone for good. There's no "oops, I'll just go save that." So be sure you're doing what you mean to do!

Some advanced command line techniques

We've now covered the basics. Moving around in directories, copying, renaming, creating, and deleting files. Let's start to dive into why the command line can be a powerful data science tool.


Let's get started by learning how to pipe. We can take the output of a command and hand that output directly into the next command. So for instance, we can take the output of cat and then run some sort of modifying commands on that. Let's take a look at grep to test this out.

grep is a command that searches for RegEx matches. So for example if I asked it to look into a set of text and find all the lines that have the word "honda" it would then print just those lines. We can combine that with our dataset by doing:

cat data.txt | grep "honda"

This does cat on the file, hands the output to grep, and says, "show me all the lines that have the characters "honda" in them. grep can be a great tool for searching through files and finding how our data looks.

grep can also work by just looking into the files themselves like so:

grep "honda" data.txt

Or I can even check ALL of the files in the folder by introducing the wild card. A wild card is the command line way of saying, I'm not quite sure exactly which files I mean. Imagine we have these files:

  • test1.txt
  • test2.txt
  • tes.txt

A wild card like test*.txt would match:

  • test1.txt
  • test2.txt

but not the others. A wild card like tes* would match:

  • test1.txt
  • test2.txt
  • tes.txt

And a wildcard like *.py would match:


I can also use this logic with something like grep

grep "honda" *

which will search every file in this directory for the string "honda".

wc (word count)

We can also use pipes to count how many lines are in a file. Let's test this with our dataset.

cat data.txt | wc

This returns the number of: lines, words, and characters in the file. So we can immediately see that our dataset has 398 rows.


Finally, the last very useful piece of command line is which. Try

which python

This will tell you where the file that runs "python" lives. So if you had installed both python 3 and python 2, you could type which python and see whether the command python was associated with python 3 or python 2. This works on any executable. Try also:

which grep

and it will show you where grep is installed on your system.

Important Take-aways

Using the command line is an acquired skill set. It's almost certainly not going to feel natural after one day of exposure. That said, force yourself to use it - it's a skill worth having as almost any data science job will involve a heavy amount of command line at some point, whether it be setting up databases with psql, manipulating files, moving around and exploring a system, figuring out how to make your own python modules, writing production code that executes from the command line or something else.

For today, the main take-aways are:

  • pwd
  • cd
  • cp
  • mv
  • cat
  • mkdir
  • stdout vs pipes

If you got all of that, then you can start to pickup more skills as you use things more.

MAN pages

If you ever want to learn more about a command, just type:

man command_name

for example:

man grep

This will take you to a page with all of the details you never wanted to know about grep. You can scroll up and down with arrow keys, or quit by pressing q. There are man pages for pretty much every command.