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1777 lines (1440 loc) · 125 KB

File metadata and controls

1777 lines (1440 loc) · 125 KB


The changelog for SwifterSwift. Also see the releases on GitHub.

Upcoming Release

Breaking Change

  • Minimum deployment target
    • Bumped up the minimum deployment targets to match the minimums of Xcode 15. #1142 by guykogus
      • iOS 12.0
      • macOS 10.13
      • tvOS 12.0
      • watchOS 4.0
  • Color
    • Renamed typealias Color typealias to SFColor to fix namespace conflicts with swiftUI's Color Type. #1055 by MussaCharles
  • EdgeInsets
    • Renamed EdgeInsets typealias to SFEdgeInsets to fix namespace conflicts with swiftUI's EdgeInsets Type. #1055 by MussaCharles
  • Font
    • Renamed Font typealias to SFFont to fix namespace conflicts with swiftUI's Font Type. #1055 by MussaCharles
  • String
    • Reversed the parameters for the ~= operator in order to not break the default implementation, which causes issues in switch statements, for example. #1113 by guykogus


#1145 by guykogus

  • Array:
    • sorted(by:ascending:), sort(by:ascending:)
  • Sequence:
    • map(by:), compactMap(by:), filter(by:), last(where:)
  • String
    • init(randomOfLength:)
  • UIDatePicker
    • textColor


  • String
    • init(randomOfLength:) deprecated in favor of String.random(ofLength:). #1115 by guykogus
  • UIDatePicker
    • textColor deprecated as the implementation hacked a keypath that is no longer available. #1136 by guykogus


  • Future
    • Added init(asyncFunc:) to create a Future from an async value. #1139 by RomanPodymov
  • UINavigationController
    • Added pushViewController(_:hidesBottomBar:animated:) for hiding the bottom bar when pushing any UIViewController. #1117 by imdkhairul
  • UIButton
    • Added setBackgroundColor(_:for:) method for setting background color for the specified UI state. #1041 by TwizzyIndy
    • Added imageForFocused, titleColorForFocused, titleForFocused, attributedTitleForFocused to handle focused state. #1063 by Roman Podymov
  • Array
    • Added init(count:element:) initializer for creating an array of a given size with a closure. #1051 by viktart
  • DefaultStringInterpolation
    • Added appendInterpolation(_:placeholder:predicate:) method for providing placeholder string if interpolated value is nil or the optional predicate closure returns false. #1074 by Shiva Huang
  • SFEdgeInsets
    • Excluded type alias SFEdgeInsets when targeting visionOS platform. #1126 by MarcoEidinger
  • String
    • Added formatLocalized(comment:arguments:) method to format localized strings easily. #1100 by makcakir
  • UIAlertController
    • Excluded show(animated:vibrate:completion:) when targeting visionOS platform. #1126 by MarcoEidinger
  • UITabBar
    • Fixed compilation error for setColors(background:selectedBackground:item:selectedItem:) when targeting visionOS platform. #1126 by MarcoEidinger
  • URL
    • Added allQueryParameters, appendingQueryParameters(_:) and appendQueryParameters(_:) for using URLQueryItem, as an addition to the [String: String] variants, to handle nil-value query parameters. #1116 by guykogus
  • URLRequest
    • Added method() to duplicate the request and modify the HTTP method (verb) for the request (i.e.: GET, POST, PUT) #1133 by Ricardo Rauber
    • Added header(name:, value:) to duplicate the request and set a header with key and value. #1134 by Ricardo Rauber
  • URLSession
  • UIStackView
    • Added backgroundViewColor to add background color. #1127 by WZBbiao



  • Date
    • Fixed incorrect calculation in nearestTenMinutes to align with other nearest* date calculations. #1034 by mmdock
  • Digest
    • DigestExtensions.swift would not compile on Xcode 14 due to an ambiguous use of 'makeIterator()' error. #1042 by theedov
  • HKActivitySummary
    • Add @available(macOS 13.0) to fix compilation on macOS. #1059 by guykogus
  • NotificationCenter
    • Fixed warning in observeOnce that about capture in sendable closure.
  • UINavigationBar
    • Change setTitleFont(_:color:) and setColors(background:text:) to support iOS 15+. #1105 by TTOzzi
  • String
    • Fixed subscript(safe:) to correctly check for valid ranges of different types. #1114 by guykogus

Breaking Change

  • Sequence
    • Remove last(where:) and move last(where:equals:) to BidirectionalCollection, since it only makes semantic sense for ordered sequences. #912 by guykogus
  • UIView
    • Rename shadowColor, shadowOffset, shadowOpacity and shadowRadius to layerShadowColor, layerShadowOffset, layerShadowOpacity and layerShadowRadius to avoid naming collisions with subclasses properties defined in other modules e.g. UIKit. #897 by LucianoPAlmeida
    • Rename borderColor, borderWidth and cornerRadius to layerBorderColor, layerBorderWidth, and layerCornerRadius to avoid naming collisions with subclasses properties defined in other modules e.g. UIKit. #972 by Jayxiang


  • SCN3Vector
    • Added normalized method, and basic division functions (SCNVector3 / scalar, and SCNVector3 /= scalar. #908 by thisIsTheFoxe
  • Dictionary
    • Added pick(keys:) to pick part of a dictionary with specified keys. #911 by MaratIbragimov
  • UIScrollView
    • Added visibleRect, scrollToTop(animated:), scrollToLeft(animated:), scrollToBottom(animated:), scrollToRight(animated:), scrollUp(animated:), scrollLeft(animated:), scrollDown(animated:), scrollRight(animated:). #888 by guykogus
  • XCTest
    • Added XCTAssertEqual(_:_:accuracy:_:file:line:) for checking if Color objects are equal within a given level of accuracy. #889 by guykogus
  • BinaryInteger
    • Added bytes and init?(bytes:) to make it easier to work with bytes (as [UInt8]). #987 by thisIsTheFoxe
  • FloatingPoint
    • Moved the square root operator from Double and Float to make it generic. #880 by guykogus
  • Collection
    • Added fullRange to get the entire range of indices in a collection. #902 by guykogus
    • Moved indices(of:) from RandomAccessCollection to find the indices of an element. #863 by guykogus
    • Added adjacentPairs to generate unique pair of elements in a collection #1094 by boudhayan
  • UIViewController:
    • Added instantiate(from:bundle:identifier:) function to UIViewController to make it easier to instantiate it from storyboard. #860 by VatoKo
  • String:
    • Added fullNSRange, range(from:), nsRange(from:) and subscript for converting between Range<String.Index> and NSRange. #902 by guykogus
    • Overloaded Swift's 'contains' operator (~=) for String to check regex matching. #858 by VatoKo
    • regexEscaped, which returns an escaped string for inclusion in a regex pattern
    • Added matches(regex:options:) and the ~= regex to check directly against NSRegularExpression. Also added replacingOccurrences(regex:template:options:searchRange:) as a more convenient way to replace NSRegularExpressions. #901 by gurgeous
  • DispatchQueue:
    • Added asyncAfter(delay:qos:flags:execute:) method to use it more conveniently without typing unnecessary .now() + delay. #859 by VatoKo
    • Re-added debounce(delay:action:) for only executing a closure once using a throttle delay. #869 by guykogus
  • RangeReplaceableCollection:
    • subscript(offset:) and subscript(range:) to access and replace elements by the index offsets. #826 by guykogus
  • Sequence:
    • Added contains(_:) for Hashable elements for performance improvement. #912 by guykogus
    • Added first(where:equals:) to find the first element of the sequence with having property by given key path equals to given value. #836 by hamtiko
    • Added last(where:equals:) to find the last element of the sequence with having property by given key path equals to given value. #838 by hamtiko
  • SKNode:
    • center, topLeft, topRight, bottomLeft, bottomRight to get anchor position or set position using anchor. #835 by rypyak
  • CGSize:
    • Added new +, +=, - and -= operator extensions for tuple (width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat). #841 by hamtiko
  • WKWebView:
    • Added loadURL(_:) and loadURLString(_:) extensions for WkWebView. #851 by hamtiko
  • HKActivitySummary:
    • Added isStandGoalMet, isExerciseTimeGoalMet, and isEnergyBurnedGoalMet. #875 by lhygilbert
  • UIView:
    • Added masksToBounds (IBInspectable) extension. #877 by hamtiko
    • Added loadFromNib(withClass:), which loads a UIView of a particular type from a nib file. #885 by gurgeous
    • Added findConstraint for finding an existing constraint. #886 by gurgeous
    • Added widthConstraint, heightConstraint, leadingConstraint, trailingConstraint, topConstraint, and bottomConstraint for finding specific constraints. #886 by gurgeous
    • Added UIView.subviews(ofType:) extension which returns all the subviews of a given type recursively in the view hierarchy rooted on the view it its called. #993 by ashercoelho
    • Added UIStackView.swap(_ view1:, _ view2:) extension which exchanges two views that are arranged in the stack. #989 by salahamassi
    • Added addGradient(colors:locations:direction:) extension to apply gradient color. #1039 by Andy0570
  • UIImage
    • Added averageColor, which calculates the average UIColor for an entire image. #884 by gurgeous
    • Added withAlwaysOriginalTintColor(_:) returns a new version of the image with a tint color that uses the .alwaysOriginal rendering mode. #886 by [jayxiang][]
  • StringProtocol
    • Added replacingOccurrences(ofPattern:withTemplate:options:searchRange:) as a more convenient way to replace patterns. #901 by gurgeous
  • Measurement
    • Added .degrees(_:), arcMinutes(_:), arcSeconds(_:), radians(_:), gradians(_:) and revolutions(_:) to conveniently initialize measurement with corresponding unit. #936 by Shiva Huang
  • UITextField
    • Added addToolbar(items:height:) to add a toolbar to a UITextField. #954 by Randhir Kumar
  • URL
    • Added the (unsafeString: String) initializer for URL as a more conveniently to construct unsafe URLs from String by jevonmao
  • MKMultiPoint
    • Added .coordinates property, to return an array of coordinates for the provided MKMultiPoint. #990 by @rizwankce.
  • NSAttributedString
    • Added Array.joined(separator:) to create a new NSAttributedString by concatenating the elements of the sequence, adding the given separator between each element. #985 by Roman Podymov.
  • UIButton
    • Added setAttributedTitleForAllStates, attributedTitleForDisabled, attributedTitleForHighlighted, attributedTitleForNormal and attributedTitleForSelected for convenient work with attributed strings. #1001 by Roman Podymov.
  • Digest
    • Added hexString to get a hexadecimal representation for all digest typed in CryptoKit (e.g. SHA216Digest, SHA512Digest,MD5Digest, ...). #1026 by Marco Eidinger.


  • NSAttributedString:
    • bolded maintains font size and works on all platforms except Linux. italicized maintains font size and works on all platforms except Linux and macOS. #900 by guykogus
    • applying(attributes:) changed access modifier from fileprivate to public. #832 by cHaLkdusT
  • Color:
    • Refactored init(light:dark:) to remove deployment target version restrictions. #844 by VincentSit.
    • Use enum to declare namespace instead of using struct. Thus private initializer is no longer needed. #927 by Shiva Huang
    • Add init?(argbHexString:) to support the common ARGB format used in Android. #971 by yonat
  • CAGradientLayer:
    • In init(colors:locations:startPoint:endPoint:type:) added default values to startPoint and endPoint. #864 by guykogus
  • UITextField:
    • Added addPaddingRight,addPaddingRightIconextension,#878 by Jayxiang
  • UIAlertController:
  • UIRefreshControl:
    • Add beginRefreshing(animated:sendAction:) that works inside any UIScrollView and not only UITableView. #949 by yonat
  • SKSpriteNode:
    • Added aspectFill(to:) to size SKSpriteNode with respect to aspect ratio. #490 by erikdrobne.


  • Sequence:
    • Marked map(by:), compactMap(by:), filter(by:) as deprecated in favor use of Key Path expressions as functions feature in Swift 5.3. #862 by Roman Podymov.


  • UIDatePicker
    • Disabled textColor when compiling for target macCatalyst as it will crash. #864 by guykogus
  • MKPolyline
    • Removed .coordinates property, in favour of .coordinates property from MKMultiPoint. Since MKPolyline extends from MKMultiPoint it should work fine. #990 by @rizwankce.


  • Collection
    • indices(where:), forEach(slice:body:) can be used on a collection with any index type. average() can be used on any integer element type. #863 by guykogus
  • CAGradientLayer:
    • CAGradientLayer extensions inaccessible through internal level protection. #856 by Den Andreychuk.
  • StringExtensions.swift:
    • Fixed a bug: When the length of a string is 0, calling truncated method will crash. #866 by phil zhang
    • Fixed String.base64Decoded making it a safe decode by ignore non-base64 characters. #961 by Jayxiang
  • UITextField
    • Fixed a bug:UITextField addPaddingLeftIcon doesn't work on iOS 13#876 by Jayxiang
  • UIImage
    • Fixed a bug:UIImage rotated(by:) lose origin scale, result in image blurred#904 by yanpanpan
  • UIView
    • Fixed rotate(toAngle) to rotate to an angle instead of by an angle, as raised in #935. #1019 by guykogus
  • ColorExtension:
    • Fixed a bug: Color.FlatUI can be initialized. by Shiva Huang
    • Fixed Color.init?(hexString: String, transparency: CGFloat = 1) was not handling uppercase 0X in hex prefix #947 by Zero.D.Saber
  • URLExtension
    • Fixed deletingAllPathComponents() and deleteAllPathComponents to handle empty paths, as raised in #1012. #1018 by guykogus



  • CATransform3D:
    • identity, isIdentity, init(translationX:y:z:), init(scaleX:y:z:), init(rotationAngle:x:y:z:), translatedBy(x:y:z:), scaledBy(x:y:z:), rotated(by:x:y:z:), inverted(), concatenating(_:), translateBy(x:y:z:), scaleBy(x:y:z:), rotate(by:x:y:z:), invert(), concatenate(_:), isAffine and affineTransform(). Also conforms to Codable and Equatable. #819 by guykogus
  • CGAffineTransform:
  • NotificationCenter:
    • observeOnce(forName:object:queue:using:) for observing a single posting of a notification. #812 by guykogus
  • Optional:
    • Conform to Equatable when Wrapped is RawRepresentable and its RawValue is Equatable. #804 by guykogus
  • CoreLocation:
    • Added Array where Element: CLLocation extension and added distance(unitLength:) function. #799 by trevorphillips
    • Added isInRange(of:radius:unit:) to check if a location is within the radius of another location. #1095 by never-better
  • Decodable:
    • Added init?(data:decoder:) to decode Decodable (Codable) type models. #797 by Mustafa GUNES.
  • CLVisit:
  • EdgeInsets:
    • Unified UIEdgeInsets and NSEdgeInsets into a single typealias, EdgeInsets, similar to what we do with UIColor and NSColor. For the tests to function it was required to add the static zero property to NSEdgeInsets and to make it conform to Equatable. #785 by guykogus
  • Array:
    • Added sorted(like:keyPath:) to sort an array like another array based on a key path. #772 by MaxHaertwig.
  • MKMapView:
    • Added zoom(to:meter:edgePadding:animated:) method to zoom multiple MKMapView coordinates. #723 by Mustafa GUNES.
  • Dictionary:
    • Added init(grouping:by:) to initialize a dictionary by grouping sequence from a hashable KeyPath. #751 by mmdock
  • RangeReplaceableCollection:
    • Added removeDuplicates(keyPath:) for removing duplicate elements based on key path. #737 by Ilya Glushchuk.
    • Added appendIfNonNil(_:) and appendIfNonNil(contentsOf:) methods that can append optional elements and sequences. #966 by jevonmao
  • Color:
    • Added init(light:dark:) to create an NSColor/UIColor with different variations for light and dark mode. Only available in iOS/tvOS 13.0, macOS 10.15. #722 by MaxHaertwig.
  • String:
    • Added withPrefix(_:), which provides a method to add a prefix to a string. If the string already has that prefix, it simply returns the original string. #720 by Zach Frew.
  • NSRegularExpression:
    • Added enumerateMatches(in:options:range:using:), matches(in:options:range:), numberOfMatches(in:options:range:), firstMatch(in:options:range:), rangeOfFirstMatch(in:options:range:), stringByReplacingMatches(in:options:range:withTemplate:), replaceMatches(in:options:range:withTemplate:), which use String and String.Range in place of NSString and NSRange to make the calls Swifter. #727 by guykogus.
  • UIBarButtonItem:
    • Added flexibleSpace and fixedSpace(width:) extensions to UIBarButtonItem to simplify the creation of spacers. #728 by MaxHaertwig.
  • UIImage:
    • Added missing test for compressedData(quality:). #786 by thisIsTheFoxe
    • Added withBackgroundColor(_:) to specify a background color for a partially transparent image. #721 by MaxHaertwig.
    • Added init?(base64String:) to create a UIImage from a base-64 String. #741 by @thisIsTheFoxe
    • Added pngBase64String(), jpegBase64String(compressionQuality:) which return a Base 64 String representation of the UIImages PNG or JPEG data. #747 by Moritz Sternemann.
    • Added init?(url:scale:) to initialize a UIImage with a given url and scale factor. #753 by mmdock
  • CAGradientLayer:
    • Added init(colors:locations:startPoint:endPoint:type:) convenience initializer. #726 by JayMehta97.
  • Sequence:
    • Added sum(for:) to sum up an AdditiveArithmetic property, referenced by KeyPath, of all elements in a sequence. #736 by Moritz Sternemann.
    • Added sorted(by:and:) and sorted(by:and:and:) to obtain a sorted sequence based on multiple key paths. #796 by MaxHaertwig.
    • Added map(by:) to map the sequence elements by a given key path. #763 by Roman Podymov.
    • Added compactMap(by:) to map the sequence elements by a given key path to the non-nil elements array. #766 by Roman Podymov.
    • Added filter(by:) to filter the sequence elements by a given boolean key path. #771 by Roman Podymov.
  • MutableCollection:
    • Added assignToAll(value:keyPath:) to assign given value to field keyPath of every element in the collection. #759 by cyber-gh.
    • Added sort(by:and:) and sort(by:and:and:) to sort a sequence based on multiple key paths. #796 by MaxHaertwig.
  • KeyedDecodingContainer:
    • Added decodeBoolAsIntOrString(key:) to try to decode a Bool as Int then String before decoding as Bool. #750 by FraDeliro.
    • Added decodeBoolAsIntOrStringIfPresent(key:) to try to decode a Bool as Int then String before decoding as Bool if present. #750 by FraDeliro.
  • Locale:
    • Added is12HourTimeFormat to indicate if locale has 12h format. #793 by DimaZava.
    • flagEmoji(forRegionCode:) to convert a region code into the corresponding flag emoji. #813 by guykogus
  • URLRequest:
    • init(string:relativeTo:) to allow initializing a URL with an optional String. #818 by guykogus
    • Added curlString property to get a cURL command representation of this URL request. #790 by DimaZava.
  • SKProduct:
  • CGRect
    • Added property center. #814 by qchenqizhi.
    • Added initializer init(center:size:) to create CGRect with center and size. #814 by qchenqizhi.
    • Added resizing(to:anchor:) to create CGRect by resizing with anchor. #814 by qchenqizhi.


  • Collection:
    • Refactored group(by:) to be generic for all Collections, not only where Index == Int. #758 by guykogus
  • UIImage:
    • Implemented filled(withColor:) using UIGraphicsImageRenderer when available. #733
    • Updated kilobytesSize to be computed independently from bytesSize #753 by mmdock
    • Updated init?(base64String:) to take in a scale factor parameter. #753 by mmdock
  • UIImage:
    • Refactored tint(_:blendMode:) using UIGraphicsImageRenderer if available. #731 by FraDeliro.
  • Sequence:
    • Corrected documentation for sorted(by:with:) and sorted(by:). #751 by mmdock
  • NSAttributedString:
    • Update applying(attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any], toRangesMatching pattern: String) to respond applying(attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any], toRangesMatching pattern: String, options: NSRegularExpression.Options = []) signature to support regular expression options. #791 by DimaZava
  • UIButton:
    • Refactored centerTextAndImage(spacing:): now the image position can be above the text, by setting a new parameter imageAboveText to true. #807 by qchenqizhi.
  • String:
    • Bug fix String[safe:], subscript should not crash. #816 by cHaLkdusT


  • Fixed build error occurring when building AppKit extensions for macCatalyst. #762 by MaxHaertwig.
  • Fixed String.base64Decoded making it a safe decode by including padding on the string. #801 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • Fixed UIImage.cropped(to:) making it work correctly with scaled image. #811 by qchenqizhi.


  • Array:

    • Added withoutDuplicates(keyPath:) for filtering duplicate elements based on key path. #704 by RomanPodymov.
  • Sequence:

    • Added withoutDuplicates(transform:) for remove duplicate elements based on condition in a sequence. #666 by saucym
    • Added sorted(by:with:) to return sorted array from a Sequence with by a given keyPath using a compare function. #712 by LucianoPAlmeida
  • MutableCollection:

    • Added sort(by:with:) to sort a Collection with by a given keyPath using a compare function. #712 by LucianoPAlmeida
  • String

    • isPalindrome computed property of String to check if it is a palindrome. #671 by cHaLkdusT.
  • CGSize:

    • Added aspectRatio, maxDimension, and minDimension properties. #662 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNBox:

    • Added init(width:height:length:), init(sideLength:chamferRadius:), init(width:height:length:chamferRadius:material:), init(sideLength:chamferRadius:material:), init(width:height:length:chamferRadius:color:), and init(sideLength:chamferRadius:color:) convenience initializers. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNCapsule:

    • Added init(capDiameter:height), init(capRadius:height:material:), init(capDiameter:height:material:), init(capRadius:height:color:), and init(capDiameter:height:color:) convenience initializers. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNCone:

    • Added init(topDiameter:bottomDiameter:height), init(topRadius:bottomRadius:height:material:), init(topDiameter:bottomDiameter:height:material:), init(topRadius:bottomRadius:height:color:), and init(topDiameter:bottomDiameter:height:color:) convenience initializers. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNCylinder:

    • Added init(diameter:height), init(radius:height:material:), init(diameter:height:material:), init(radius:height:color:), and init(diameter:height:color:) convenience initializers. #660 by MaxHaertwig
  • SCNGeometry:

    • Added boundingSize property to get the size of the geometry's bounding box. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNMaterial:

  • SCNPlane:

    • Added init(width:), init(width:height:material:), init(width:material:), init(width:height:color:), and init(width:color:) convenience initializers. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNShape:

    • Added init(path:extrusionDepth:material:) and init(path:extrusionDepth:color:) convenience initializers. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNSphere:

    • Added init(diameter:), init(radius:material:), init(radius:color:), init(diameter:material:), and init(diameter:color:) convenience initializers. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • SCNVector3:

    • Added absolute property to calculate the vector's components as absolute values. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
    • Added length property to calculate the vector's length. #660 by MaxHaertwig.
  • UICollectionView:

    • Added isValidIndexPath(_:) method to check whether given IndexPath is valid within UICollectionView. #695 by emilrb.
    • Added safeScrollToItem(at:at:animated:) method to safely scroll UICollectionView to the given IndexPath. #698 by emilrb
  • Sequence:

    • Moved divided(by:) ArrayExtensions to SequenceExtensions. This function separates all items into 2 lists based on a given predicate. #706 by cHaLkdusT
  • UIBezierPath:

    • Added init(from:to:), init(points:), init(polygonWithPoints:), init(ovalOf:centered:) and init(rectOf:centered:) convenience initializers. #659 by MaxHaertwig.


  • UIApplication:

  • Sequence:


  • Array:
    • Deprecated sorted(by:ascending:) and sort(by:ascending:) in favor of sorted(by:with:) and sort(by:with:) #712 by LucianoPAlmeida


  • Character:

    • Removed isNumber, isLetter, isLowercased, isUppercased and isWhiteSpace because the same properties are defined in the Swift standard library. #689 by RomanPodymov.
  • Array:

    • Removed divided(by:) function from ArrayExtensions #706 by cHaLkdusT


  • UIApplication:

    • Resolved an issue where version would return the wrong Info.plist value.
    • Resolved an issue where version and displayName would return nil if localized.
  • UIImage:

    • The size of rect can equal to the size of UIImage when using cropped(to:) to crop UIImage. #679 by dirtmelon.
    • scaled(toHeight:opaque:) and scaled(toWidth:opaque:) will now keep the original scale of UIImage. #703 by ShannonChou
  • UITableView:

    • isValidIndexPath(_:) will now return false for IndexPaths with a negative row or section. #696 by emilrb.


  • Swift 5.0 Support
    • Updated the project to Xcode 10.2
    • Removed unnecessary public statements.
  • Linux Support
    • Support for Linux running Swift 5.0 using Swift Package Manager.
  • UIApplication:
    • Added inferredEnvironment to get current inferred app environment. by omaralbeik
    • Added displayName to get application name. by omaralbeik
    • Added buildNumber to get application build number. by omaralbeik
    • Added version to get application version number. by omaralbeik
  • Optional:
    • Added nonEmpty to get the collection only if it is not nill and not empty. by omaralbeik
  • FileManager:
    • Added createTemporaryDirectory() to create a directory for saving temporary files. #615 by guykogus
  • UILabel:
    • Added init(text:style) to create a UILabel with a text and font style. #607 by marcocapano
  • UIViewController
    • Added presentPopover(_:sourcePoint:size:delegate:animated:completion:) method to quickly present a UIViewController as a popover. #593 by marcocapano
  • Sequence:
    • Added duplicates() for getting the duplicated elements in a sequence. #605 by dylancfe15
  • Date:
  • Added tomorrow computed property to get tomorrow's date avoiding calling adding(_:value:) function. (Completes PR #578) #587 by AlexeiGitH
    • Added random(in:) and random(in:using:) to generate random dates using the built-in random functions added to Swift 4.2. #576 by guykogus
  • Dictionary:
    • Added Dictionary[path:] subscript for deep fetching/setting nested values. #574 by @calebkleveter
  • UIColor:
  • DispatchQueue:
    • Added isMainQueue to check if current queue is main queue. #585 by jianstm
    • Added isCurrent(_:) to check if current queue is specified queue. #585 by jianstm
  • BidirectionalCollection:
    • Added subscript[offset:] to get element with negative offset. #582 by jianstm
  • BinaryFloatingPointExtensions:
    • Added rounded(numberOfDecimalPlaces:rule:) to get the rounded floating number with the specified number of decimal places. #583 by jianstm
  • UIActivity:
    • Added ActivityType constants for iCloud Drive, WhatsApp, LinkedIn and XING. #580 by staffler-xyz
  • MKMapView
    • Added register(annotationViewWithClass:), dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withClass:) and dequeueReusableAnnotationView(withClass:annotation) methods. #629 by staffler-xyz


  • Character:
  • String:
    • Added more cases to isEmoji. by omaralbeik
    • Made camelize, latinize, reverse, slice, trim, truncate, urlDecode, urlEncode, padStart, and padEnd return a discardableResult self. by omaralbeik
  • Examples:
    • Replaced with Examples.playground to let users try some examples out of extensions. #596 by maxxx777
  • StringProtocol:
    • Removing Index constraint on commonSuffix extension and improving performance and tests. #606 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • RangeReplaceableCollection:
    • Array extensions keep(while: ), take(while: ) and skip(while:) are now RangeReplaceableCollection extensions. #634 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • Date:
    • Fixed yesterday computed property to be calculated using instead of date.addingTimeInterval(-86400) #641 by AlexeiGitH.


  • UIImageView:
    • Fixed download function to use unowned self. by omaralbeik
  • Installation:
    • Updated podspec to make the group paths in Pods project of SwifterSwift correct with Cocoapods installation. #590 by dklinzh
  • UIImage:
  • NSAttributedString:
  • Date:
    • Fixed yesterday computed property to be calculated using instead of date.addingTimeInterval(-86400) #641 by AlexeiGitH.
    • Fixed tomorrow computed property to be calculated using instead of date.addingTimeInterval(86400) #642 by AlexeiGitH.


  • SwifterSwift:
    • Breaking Change Removed SwifterSwift by omaralbeik.
  • Collection:
    • Removed firstIndex(where: ), firstIndex(of:), lastIndex(where: ), lastIndex(of:) which are no longer needed. #637 by marcocapano
  • Date:
    • Removed random(from:upTo:) in favor of random(in:) and random(in:using:). #576 by guykogus
    • Removed timeZone should never have been added because Dates are timezone-agnostic. This came to my attention during unit testing over daylight savings changes. #594 by guykogus


  • Updated Travis to use the new xcode10.2 osx_image.
  • Added Fastlane to automate the releasing process for maintainers.


  • Date
    • Added yesterday computed property to quickly get yesterday's date to avoid calling adding(_:value:) function. #578 by AlexeiGitH
  • UIView
    • Added ancestorView(where:) and ancestorView(withClass:) to search for a view in the superviews. #560 by overovermind


  • Fixed Cocoapods installation setting the correct Swift version


  • CGVector
    • Added angle computed property to get the angle of the vector (in radians). #527 by moyerr
    • Added magnitude computed property to get the magnitude (or length) of the vector. #527 by moyerr
    • Added scalar multiplication of CGFloat and CGVector via standard multiplication operator (*). #527 by moyerr
    • Added negation of vectors via prefix (-) operator. #527 by moyerr
    • Added init(angle:magnitude:) to create vectors based on their angle and magnitude. #527 by moyerr
  • UIRefreshControl:
    • beginRefresh(in tableView:, animated:, sendAction:) UIRefreshControl extension to begin refresh programmatically. #525 by ratulSharker
  • Dictionary:
    • Added removeValueForRandomKey() to remove a value for a random key from a dictionary. #497 by MaxHaertwig.
    • Added mapKeysAndValues(_:) to map a Dictionary into a Dictionary with different (or same) Key and Value types. #546 by guykogus
    • Added compactMapKeysAndValues(_:) to map a Dictionary into a Dictionary, excluding nil results, with different (or same) Key and Value types. #546 by guykogus
    • Added keys(forValue:) which returns an array of all keys that have the given value in dictionary. #561 by mauliksharma.
  • RangeReplaceableCollection:
    • Added removeRandomElement() to remove a random element from a collection. #497 by MaxHaertwig.
  • UIView
    • Added addGestureRecognizers(_:) which accepts an array of UIGestureRecognizer to add multiple gesture recognizers to a view with one call. #523 by moyerr
    • Added removeGestureRecognizers(_:) which accepts an array of UIGestureRecognizer to remove multiple gesture recognizers from a view with one call. #523 by moyerr
  • UIViewController
    • Added addChildViewController(_:toContainerView) to easily add child view controllers. Accepts a UIViewController and a UIView to add the child's view to.
    • Added removeViewAndControllerFromParentViewController() to remove a UIViewController from its parent.
  • NSView
    • Added backgroundColor which allows to change backgroundColor of NSView #702 by RomanPodymov
  • UIEdgeInsets
    • Added insetBy(top:), insetBy(left:), insetBy(bottom:), insetBy(right:), insetBy(horizontal:) and insetBy(vertical:) to creates an UIEdgeInsets based on current value and adjusted by given offset. #532 by VincentSit.
    • Added operators + and += to add two insets together in order to extend them. #557 by guykogus
  • UILayoutPriority
    • Added init(floatLiteral value: Float) initializer to initialize priority with float literal. #549 by diamantidis.
    • Added init(integerLiteral value: Int) initializer to initialize priority with integer literal. #549 by diamantidis.
  • RangeReplaceableCollection
    • init(expression:count:) to create a collection of a given count initialized with an expression.#537 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • Optional:
    • Added ?= operator to assign to nil optionals only. #538 by viktart
  • Data:
    • Added jsonObject(options:) to convert a data object into a JSON object. #542 by guykogus
  • URL
    • Added droppedScheme() which returns new URL that does not have scheme. #528 by sammy-sc
  • CGSize
    • Added operator + to return the addition of two CGSize.
    • Added operator += to add a CGSize to another.
    • Added operator - to return the subtraction of two CGSize.
    • Added operator -= to subtract a CGSize from another.
    • Added operator CGSize * CGSize to return the multiplication of two CGSize.
    • Added operator CGSize * CGFloat and CGFloat * CGSize to return the multiplication of a CGSize and a CGFloat value.
    • Added operator CGSize *= CGSize to multiply a CGSize with another one.
    • Added operator CGSize *= CGFloat to multiply a CGSize with a CGFloat value.
  • UIImage:
    • Added rotate(by:) for generating rotated versions of images. There are 2 versions, one where the angle is passed directly as a CGFloat in radians, the other using the Measurement class, which is only available for iOS 10+/tvOS 10+/watchOS 3+. #555 by guykogus


  • RangeReplaceableCollection:
    • rotate(by:) and rotated(by:) array extensions now are more generic RangeReplaceableCollection extensions. #512 by LucianoPAlmeida.
    • removeFirst(where:) array extension now is more generic RangeReplaceableCollection extensions. #516 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • RandomAccessCollection:
    • indices(of:) array extension now is more generic RandomAccessCollection extensions. #516 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • UIView:
    • Improved performance in fillToSuperview() UIView extension. #540 by viktart


  • UIImage:
  • Fixed scaled(toWidth:, with orientation:) and scaled(toHeight:, with orientation:) were using image's scale as the scale factor. #515 by VincentSit.
  • String:
    • Used RFC 5322 in isValidEmail, an email address regex that 99.99% works. #517 by Omar Albeik
    • Fixed unicodeArray() not returning the correct unicode value due to Swift 4.2 new hashing system. #544 by Omar Albeik


  • String:
    • isEmail property has been renamed to isValidEmail.




  • SKNode:
    • Added descendants method to get an array of all descendants of an SKNode. #490 by oliviabrown9.
  • Comparable:
    • Added isBetween(min:max:) and clamped(min:max:) to confirm a value is between bounds or limit it between bounds. #466 by freak4pc.
  • UIScrollView:
    • Added snapshot method to get a full snapshot of a rendered scroll view. #457 by aliamcami.
  • UIGestureRecognizer:
    • Added removeFromView() method to remove recognizer from the view the recognizer is attached to. #456 by mmdock
  • Character:
    • Added randomAlphanumeric() method to generate a random alphanumeric Character. #462 by oliviabrown9
  • String:
    • Added firstCharacterUppercased() method to return a string with only the first character uppercased. #505 by happiehappie
  • UITextView:
    • Added wrapToContent() method which will remove insets, offsets, paddings which lies within UITextView's bounds and contentSize. #458 by ratulSharker
  • URL
    • Added deletingAllPathComponents() and deleteAllPathComponents() to delete all path components from a URL. #441 by setoelkahfi.
    • Added queryValue(for:) to get the value of a query key from a URL. #467 by jdisho.
  • UITableView:
    • Added isValidIndexPath(_:) method to check whether given IndexPath is valid within UITableView. #441 by setoelkahfi.
    • Added safeScrollToRow(at:at:animated:) method to safely scroll UITableView to the given IndexPath. #445 by setoelkahfi.
    • Fixed lastSection, and indexPathForLastRow and indexPathForLastRow(inSection: 0) methods to get last section, get the lastIndexPath for section 0 if exists and get the lastIndexPath for a given section respectively . #694 by mohshin-shah.
  • Optional:
    • Added isNilOrEmpty property to check whether an optional is nil or empty collection.
  • UIWindow:
    • Added switchRootViewController method to switch root view controller with animation. #494 by omaralbeik.
  • Sequence
    • Added containsDuplicates() to check whether a sequence contains duplicates. #496 by MaxHaertwig.
    • Added single(where:) to get the only element of a sequence that matches a given condition. #483 by andlang.
  • UIStackView:
    • Added addArrangedSubviews(_ views: ) to add an array of views to the end of the arrangedSubviews array. #501 by omaralbeik.
    • Added removeArrangedSubviews to remove all views in stack’s array of arranged subviews. #501 by omaralbeik.
  • UIEdgeInsets
    • Added horizontal and vertical properties. Also init(inset:) and init(horizontal: vertical:) initializers for convenience. #500 by LucianoPAlmeida.


  • UITableView:
    • dequeueReusableCell(withClass:for), dequeueReusableCell(withClass) now return UITableViewCell object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
    • dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView(withClass)now returns UITableViewHeaderFooterView object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
  • UICollectionView:
    • dequeueReusableCell(withClass:for) now returns UICollectionViewCell object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
    • dequeueReusableSupplementaryView(ofKind:withClass:for)now returns UICollectionReusableView object, fatalError(...) if not found. #439 by jdisho
  • UIView:
    • Breaking Change firstResponder UIView extension is now a function and supports recursive find in the view hierarchy. #447 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • UIImage:
    • scaled(toWidth:, opaque:, with orientation:) and scaled(toHeight:, opaque:, with orientation:) now have an optional parameter for opaqueness. #446 by MaxHaertwig.
  • Array/Collection/Sequence
    • The conformance of sum(), last(where:), reject(where:), count(where:), forEachReversed(), forEach(where:, body:), accumulate(initial:, next:), filtered(_:, map:) and contains(_:) has been changed from Array to Sequence #470 by MaxHaertwig.
    • The conformance of average(), firstIndex(where:), lastIndex(where:), indices(where:), forEach(slice:, body:), group(by:), firstIndex(of:) and lastIndex(of:) has been changed from Array to Collection #470 by MaxHaertwig.
  • Dictionary
    • The removeAll(keys:) changed its parameter keys to a generic Sequence instead of an Array. #482 by LucianoPAlmeida.




  • UIImage:
    • scaled(toWidth:, with orientation:) and scaled(toHeight:, with orientation:) were ignoring an image's scale. #446 by MaxHaertwig.
    • init(color:size:) fixed to ensure that UIGraphicsEndImageContext is always called after UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(_:_:_) #507 by guykogus


  • Swift 4.1 / Xcode 9.3
    • Added Swift 4.1 support.
  • Linux Support:
    • Updated all swift files to use Swift's 4.1 # if canImport(module) statement, which brings the project one step closer to first-class Linux support.
  • Sequence
    • all() method moved from ArrayExtensions to SequenceExtensions. #424 by n0an.
    • none() method moved from ArrayExtensions to SequenceExtensions. #424 by n0an.
    • Added any() method to return if any element of sequence elements conforms to given condition. #424 by n0an.
  • SignedInteger
    • added ordinalString(locale:) method to return string ordinal representation of number in specified locale language. #434 by n0an.
  • SignedNumeric
    • added spelledOutString(locale:) method to return string representation of number spelled in specified locale language. #434 by n0an.
  • String
    • added computed property isSpelledCorrectly to check if the given string has typos or not. #430 by n0an.
    • added removingPrefix(_ prefix:) method to remove given prefix from the string. #430 by n0an.
    • added removingSuffix(_ suffix:) method to remove given suffix from the string. #430 by n0an.
  • SwiftLint:
    • reduced the number of disabled rules in .swiftlint.yml, please add disable and enable statements from now on when needed in code.
    • added SwiftLint to test targets to insure code style consistency across the project.


  • SignedNumeric:
    • asLocaleCurrency now returns an optional string.
  • Array:
    • rotate method now returns a discardableResult.
    • shuffle method now returns a discardableResult.
    • sort<T: Comparable>(by:, ascending:) method now returns a discardableResult.
    • keep method now returns a discardableResult.


  • UIStoryboard:
    • mainStoryboard property has been renamed to main.
  • Array:
    • deprecated pop method in favor of Swift’s popLast.
    • deprecated push method in favor of Swift’s append.
    • deprecated swap method in favor of Swift’s swapAt.
    • deprecated item(at index: Int) method in favor of subscript(safe:).
    • duplicatesRemoved method has been renamed to withoutDuplicates.
  • Bool:
    • deprecated toggled property, use !self instead.
    • deprecated toggle method, use self = !self instead.


  • String
    • Fixed UIView extension addShadow was not showing the shadow on view bug. #420 by LucianoPAlmeida.


  • MKPolyline
    • Added .coordinates property, to return an array of coordinates for the provided polyline. #416 by @freak4pc.
    • Added init(coordinates:) initializer, to initialize a MKPolyline with a provided array of coordinates. #416 by @freak4pc.
  • Optional
    • Added .unwrapped(or:) method, to get the value wrapped by an optional or throw a custom error. #413 by @calebkleveter.
  • UIButton
    • added centerTextAndImage(spacing:) to Center align title text and image on UIButton. #365 by @imjog.
  • Array
    • added divided(by:) to separate an array into 2 arrays based on a predicate. #367 by @neoneye.
  • Int
    • added roundToNearest(n:) to round an integer to the closest multiple of a given n. #381 by MaxHaertwig.
  • FileManager
    • added jsonFromFile(atPath path:, readingOptions:) to open a JSON file and serialize its content to a [String, Any]? instance with a provided path. #390 by jason-ingenuity.
    • added jsonFromFile(withFilename filename:, at bundleClass:, readingOptions:) to open a JSON file and serialize its content to a [String, Any]? instance given a filename. #390 by jason-ingenuity.
  • Int
    • added a more performant and memory efficient digits property to return array of integers. #393 by FrankKair.
  • StringProtocol
    • added commonSuffix(with:, options:) to get the longest common suffix of the receiver and a given string. #379 by MaxHaertwig.
  • UICollectionView
    • added register(nibWithCellClass:, at bundleClass:) method to be able to register a cell with custom nib just by its class name. #386 by jason-ingenuity.
  • UIFont
  • UIImage
    • added withRoundedCorners(radius:) to round the corners of an image. The parameter radius is optional, the resulting image will be round if it is unspecified. #380 by MaxHaertwig.
  • UITableView
    • added register(nibWithCellClass:, at bundleClass:) method to be able to register a cell with custom nib just by its class name. #386 by jason-ingenuity.
  • URL
    • added queryParameters property to get the query parameters from a URL as a dictionary. #370 by nathanbacon.
    • added thumbnail(fromTime:) to generate a thumbnail image from a given url. 410 by BennX.
  • UserDefaults
    • added object(type: with key: usingDecoder decoder:) method to be able to retrieve Codable objects from UserDefaults. #388 by jason-ingenuity.
    • added set(codable: forKey key: usingEncoder encoder:) method to be able to store Codable objects from UserDefaults. #388 by jason-ingenuity.
  • String
    • added computed property isWhitespace to check if the given string is blank or not.#363 by rkp1026.
    • added isDigits to check if string only contains digits. #396 by seifeet.
    • added toSlug() to return a slug version of a given string. 397# by FrankKair
  • New UIStackView
    • added init(arrangedSubviews:, axis:, spacing:, alignment:, distribution:) to directly initialize a UIStackView with an array of UIViews. #409 by BennX


  • String
    • Fixed isNumeric to check if string is a valid Swift number and added isDigits to check if string only contains digits. #396 by seifeet.
  • Collection


  • NSPredicate
    • Added operator ! to return a new predicate formed by NOT-ing a given predicate.
    • Added operator + to return a new predicate formed by AND-ing two given predicates.
    • Added operator | to return a new predicate formed by OR-ing a two given predicates.
    • Added operator - to return a new predicate formed by removing the argument from the second predicate. #345 by yycking.
  • NSAttributedString
    • Added attributes property to get the attributes that apply to a simple NSAttributedString. #333 by nathanbacon.
    • Added applying(attributes: , toRangesMatching: ) function to return an attributed string with attributes applied to substrings matching the passed regex pattern by nathanbacon.
    • Added applying(attributes: , toOccurrencesOf: ) function to return an attributed string with attributes applied to substrings matching the passed string by nathanbacon.
  • Array
    • Added sort(by: KeyPath) and sorted(by: KeyPath) to sort arrays based on Swift 4 keyPath. #343 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • String
    • Added loremIpsum(ofLength: ) static function to return a lorem ipsum string. #318 by omaralbeik.
  • UIDatePicker
    • Added textColor to get and set the text color of a UIDatePicker. #328 by omaralbeik.
  • NSImage
    • Added write(to url: URL, fileType type: _, compressionFactor: _) to write NSImage to url. #320 by omaralbeik.
  • Date
    • Added random(from: Date, upTo: Date) -> Date method that return radom date in in the specified range #336 by akuzminskyi.
    • Added string(withFormat format: String) method to get a string from a date with the given format.
    • Added init?(integerLiteral value: Int) initializer to create date object from Int literal. #342 by n0an.
  • UIViewController
    • Added showAlert(title: String?, message: String?, buttonTitles: [String]?, highlightedButtonIndex: Int?, completion: ((Int) -> ())?) for conveniently displaying an alert from any view controller #364 by rkp1026


  • Array
    • Breaking Change indexes(of:) has been renamed to indices(of:). #355 by Najdan
    • shuffle and shuffled are no more constrained to Equatable. #327 by LucianoPAlmeida.


  • Int
    • Fixed where the base in isPrime() was not correct. #323 by Asura19.
  • UINavigationBar
    • Fixed a bug where makeTransparent was keeping the background color. #344 by omaralbeik.
  • Continuous Integration
    • Fixed swiftlint warning in NSImageExtensions.


API Breaking

  • String
    • length is deprecated, use native count instead.
    • slicing(i:) is deprecated, use string[safe: i] instead.
    • slicing(from: to:) is deprecated, use string[safe: start..<end].
    • firstIndex(of:) is deprecated, use the natives index(of: Character) or range(of: StringProtocol) instead.
    • splitted(by:) is deprecated, use the native split(separator: ) instead.
    • reversed() -> String is deprecated, use the Swift 4 new reversed() -> ReversedCollection<String>. #305 by LucianoPAlmeida.
  • Date
    • weekday is now a get-only property.
    • isInThisWeek has been renamed to isInCurrentWeek.
    • isInThisMonth has been renamed to isInCurrentMonth.
    • isInThisYear has been renamed to isInCurrentYear.
    • isInWeekday has been renamed to isWorkday. #313 by kaphacius.


  • New String extensions
    • added padStart(length: with:) and padEnd(length: with:) to pad the string to a length on the start or end.
    • added paddingStart(length: with:) and paddingEnd(length: with:) to return a padding string to a length on the start or end. #300 by LucianoPAlmeida
  • New NSImage extensions
    • added scaled(toMaxSize:) to scale image to maximum size with respect to aspect ratio #291 by buddax2.
  • New Date extensions
    • added isWithin(_ value: , _ component: , of date:) method to check if date is within a number of date components of another date. 295 by kaphacius.
  • New Optional extensions
    • added optional assignment operator ??= #296 by buddax2.
  • New Calendar extensions
  • New Color tests
    • added tests for cgFloatComponents. #297 by stupergenius.
    • added lighten(by percentage:) and darken(by percentage:) methods to change the hue of a color. #325 by oettingerj.
  • New CGColor tests
    • added tests for uiColor and nsColor. #281 by c1phr
  • New Date tests
  • Updated Travis image to Xcode 9.1. #314 by kaphacius
  • Removed cross references from extensions. #297 by stupergenius.
  • Updated copyright headers to Copyright © 2017 SwifterSwift everywhere. #308 by camdeardorff.


  • Date
    • complete rewrite for most extensions. #309 by omaralbeik
    • fixed a bug in year where setting year was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in month where setting month was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in day where setting day was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in hour where setting hour was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in minute where setting minute was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • fixed a bug in second where setting second was resetting all smaller components to zero.
    • added validation to setters for properties above.
    • fixed the above bugs in changing method as well.
    • fixed a bug where quarter was returning 1 always.
    • Added more tests to edge cases.


API Breaking



  • Color
    • Refactored duplicated code from UIColorExtensions and NSColorExtensions into ColorExtensions. thanks to SD10.
    • Refactored duplicated tests from UIColorExtensionsTests and NSColorExtensionsTests into ColorExtensionsTests. #260 by LeLuckyVint.
    • Add cgFloatComponents to get RGB components for a Color represented as CGFloat numbers (between 0 and 1)
    • blend now support NSColor as well.
    • Corrected some typos in README. #263 by nick3399.
  • New String extensions
    • Add localized(comment:) to returns a localized string, with an optional comment for translators. #269 by MaxHaertwig.
  • New NSPredicate extensions
    • Add not to returns a new predicate formed by NOT-ing the predicate.
    • Add and(_ predicate: NSPredicate) to returns a new predicate formed by AND-ing the argument to the predicate.
    • Add or(_ predicate: NSPredicate) to returns a new predicate formed by OR-ing the argument to the predicate. #273 by MaxHaertwig.
  • New UILabel extensions
    • Add convenience init(text: String?) to initialize a UILabel with text. #271 by MaxHaertwig.
  • New Bool extensions
  • Continuous Integration
    • Add macOS tests to travis-ci.
    • Add calls to swiftlint and pod lib lint in Travis #264 by calebkleveter.
  • New SignedNumeric extensions tests


  • Color
    • Fixed a bug in rgbComponents, shortHexString, and shortHexOrHexString where an exception was raised when color is white or black.
    • Corrected a typo in rgbComponents -> rgbComponents


API Breaking

  • Swift4 / Xcode9 🎉
  • UIColor
    • social has been renamed to Social to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • material has been renamed to Material to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • flatUI has been renamed to FlatUI to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • css has been renamed to CSS to match Apple Swift guidelines
  • NSColor
    • social has been renamed to Social to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • material has been renamed to Material to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • flatUI has been renamed to FlatUI to match Apple Swift guidelines
    • css has been renamed to CSS to match Apple Swift guidelines


  • SwiftLint
    • Added SwiftLint to enforce Swift style and conventions.
  • Danger
    • Added Danger to continuous integration. #252 by SD10.
  • New Date extensions
    • added isBetween(_ startDate: Date, _ endDate: Date, includeBounds: Bool = false) -> Bool method to check if a date is between two other dates. #248 by BennX.
  • New UIFont extensions
  • UITableView
    • dequeueReusableCell now returns an optional
    • dequeueReusableHeaderFooterView now returns an optional
  • UICollectionView
    • dequeueReusableCell now returns an optional
    • dequeueReusableSupplementaryView now returns an optional
  • UIAlertController
    • Added preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyle = .alert to init from error.
  • UIStoryboard
    • instantiateViewController now returns an optional.
  • Continuous Integration
    • Travis now builds watchOS target.


  • SwifterSwift
    • didTakeScreenShot now returns the notification, make sure to remove listener when you don't need it anymore.


API Breaking

  • Swift 3.2
    • Code has been updated to Swift 3.2; please use v3.1.1 if you are still using Swift 3 or Xcode 8
  • SwifterSwift
    • userDefaults is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard instead.
    • object(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: _) instead.
    • string(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: _) instead.
    • integer(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: _) instead.
    • double(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.double(forKey: _) instead.
    • data(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's _) instead.
    • bool(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: _) instead.
    • array(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: _) instead.
    • dictionary(forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.dictionary(forKey: _) instead.
    • float(forKey: String) is deprecated, use SwifterSwift's UserDefaults.standard.float(forKey: _) instead.
    • set(_ value: Any?, forKey: String) is deprecated, use Apple's UserDefaults.standard.setValue(_, forKey: _) instead.
  • Int
    • Property romanNumeral is now a method.
  • String
    • Property lines is now a method.
    • Property mostCommonCharacter is now a method.
    • Property reversed is now a method.
    • Property unicodeArray is now a method.
    • Property words is now a method.
    • Property wordCount is now a method.
  • UICollectionView
    • Property numberOfItems is now a method.
  • UITableView
    • Property numberOfRows is now a method.
  • UIViewController
    • Removed navigationBar that was causing app to crash, thanks to drewpitchford for reporting in #243.


  • New Date extensions
    • added secondsSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of seconds between two dates.
    • added minutesSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of minutes between two date.
    • added hoursSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of hours between two dates.
    • added daysSince(_ date: Date) method to get a number of days between two date.
    • added isInThisYear property to check if the date is in the current year.
    • added isInThisMonth property to check if the date is in the current month.
    • added isInThisWeek property to check if the date is in the current week.
  • New URLRequest extensions
    • added init?(urlString: String) fallible initializer create a URLRequest from URL string.
  • New UIWebView extensions
    • added loadURL(_ url: URL) method to load a URL.
    • added loadURLString(_ urlString: String) method to load a URL string.
  • New UserDefaults extensions
    • added subscript(key: String) method to get values from UserDefaults using the [] operator.
    • added float(forKey key: String) method to get a Float value from UserDefaults.
    • added date(forKey key: String) method to get a Date value from UserDefaults.
  • Improved file structure, as in #236
  • Improved README
    • Removed unnecessary description in Installation section
    • Updated List of All Extensions section to match the new file structure.




API Breaking



  • New NSAttributedString extensions
    • added NSAttributedString + NSAttributedString operator to return a new appended NSAttributedString.
    • added NSAttributedString += String operator to append a string to a NSAttributedString.
    • added NSAttributedString + String operator to return a new appended NSAttributedString. #218 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New UIColor extensions
    • added flatUI struct with all Flat UI colors. #213 by @tache
    • added coreImageColor property to return CoreImage.CIColor. #213 by @tache
    • added hsbaComponents property to get components of hue, saturation, and brightness, and alpha. #213 by @tache
    • added uInt property to get components of hue, saturation, and brightness, and alpha as UInt. #213 by @tache
  • New NSColor extensions
    • added flatUI struct with all Flat UI colors. #213 by @tache
  • New UIImage extensions
    • added tint() to get UIImage tinted with color. #213 by @tache
  • New SignedNumber extensions. #224 by @omaralbeik
    • moved abs from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved isPositive from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved isNegative from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved string from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
    • moved asLocaleCurrency from FloatingPointExtensions and IntExtensions
  • New SignedInteger extensions. #224 by @omaralbeik
    • moved isEven from IntExtensions
    • moved isOdd from IntExtensions
    • moved digits from IntExtensions
    • moved digitsCount from IntExtensions
    • moved timeString from IntExtensions
    • moved gcd(of n) from IntExtensions
    • moved lcm(of n) from IntExtensions
  • Added SwifterSwift module_name to podspecs file to help solving conflicts with other 3rd party libraries. #226 by @omaralbeik
  • Moved missing examples from the old docs. #216 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New Int extensions
    • added isPrime() to check if integer is prime number. #221 by @pvtmert
  • Improve sum & average extensions by not relying on reduce. #225 by @SD10
  • New SVG logo in README! by @omaralbeik



API Breaking

  • String

    • firstCharacter has been renamed to firstCharacterAsString. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • lastCharacter has been renamed to lastCharacterAsString. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • firstCharacter has been renamed to firstCharacterAsString. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • float has been renamed to float(locale: Locale = .current). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • double has been renamed to double(locale: Locale = .current). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • subscript(i: Int) has been renamed to subscript(safe i: Int). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • subscript(range: CountableRange<Int>) has been renamed to subscript(safe range: CountableRange<Int>). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • subscript(range: ClosedRange<Int>) has been renamed to subscript(safe range: ClosedRange<Int>). #208 by @omaralbeik
    • replacing(_ substring: String, with newString: String) is deprecated, use Apple's replacingOccurrences(of: substring, with: newString) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int8 is deprecated, use Int8(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int16 is deprecated, use Int16(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int32 is deprecated, use Int32(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • int64 is deprecated, use Int64(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • float32 is deprecated, use Float32(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • float64 is deprecated, use Float64(string) instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • UIColor

    • init(hex: Int, transparency: CGFloat = 1) is now a failable initializer init?. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • init(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int, transparency: CGFloat = 1) is now a failable initializer init?. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • redComponent is deprecated, use the new instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • greenComponent is deprecated, use the new instead. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • blueComponent is deprecated, use the new instead. #208 by @omaralbeik


  • New String extensions
    • added cgFloat(locale: Locale = .current) to get CGFloat value from string. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • added words to return an array of all words in a string. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • added wordCount to get count of words in a string. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • New Int extensions
  • New Array extensions
  • New UITextField extensions
    • added addPaddingLeftIcon(_ image: UIImage, padding: CGFloat) to add padding to the left of the textfield rect. #203 by @xingfuqiu
    • added hasValidEmail to check if textFields text is a valid email format. #208 by @omaralbeik
    • added textType to set textField for common text types like email addresses & passwords. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • New UIColor extensions
    • added rgbComponents to get RGB components for a UIColor. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • Added usage examples in documentation for Foundation extensions. #208 by @omaralbeik
  • Moved many duplicated extensions from DoubleExtensions and FloatExtensions into the new FloatingPointExtensions, this makes the code easier to maintain and brings support for other FloatingPoint types like CGFloat, Double32, ... #208 by @omaralbeik


  • Fixed XCTAssertNotNil cannot handle optionals. #188. by @omaralbeik
  • Fixed Tests are failing at non-english machine / Bug in String.double #187. by @omaralbeik


API Breaking


  • Documentation should be greatly improved and up to date now that we are using Jazzy to auto-generate docs! 🎉 #198 by @omaralbeik

  • SwifterSwift now supports subspecs to offer more control over imported extensions: #198 by @omaralbeik

    • SwifterSwift/Foundation
    • SwifterSwift/UIKit
    • SwifterSwift/Cocoa
  • Array extensions now have throwing signatures. #170 by @LucianoPAlmeida

  • New Array extensions

    • added groupByKey to group the elements of the array by key in a dictionary. #181 by @LucianoPAlmeida
    • added forEach(slice:body:) to iterate by specified slice size and call a closure. #194 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New Dictionary extensions

    • add count(where:) to count dictionary elements where the condition returns true. #193 by @LucianoPAlmeida
  • New String extensions

    • added isValidFileUrl to check if a String is a valid file URL. #175 by @LucianoPAlmeida
    • added hasUniqueCharacters() method to check if string only contains unique characters. #195 by @FrankKair
  • New Data extensions

  • New UITextField extensions

    • added addPaddingLeft extension to add padding to a UITextField. #185 by @SD10



  • New Array extensions
    • added removeAll passing an array of items.
    • added swap and safeSwap extensions to swap to elements in an array.
    • new firstIndex and lastIndex that returns the (first or last) index where the condition is true.
    • new indexes extension that return indexes where the condition is true.
    • new all and none that checks if (all or none) of array elements match condition.
    • new last extension to find the last element that matches condition.
    • new reject extension to filter elements that not matches condition.
    • new count extension to count elements that match condition.
    • new forEachReversed extension to iterate over an array in reverse order.
    • new accumulate extension to reduces an array while returning each interim combination.
    • new forEach with condition to a filtered interaction over the array.
    • new keep extension to keep all elements that in order are until the condition is false.
    • new take extension that returns all elements that in order are until the condition is false.
    • new skip extension that returns all elements that in order are after the condition is false.
    • new filtered: map extension to perform a map and filter operation in just one iteration.
  • New Character extensions
    • added isLetter & isWhiteSpace extensions
    • new lowercased extension to lower case the character
    • new uppercased extension to upper case the character
  • New Date extensions
    • new isInWeekday extension to check if the date is within a weekday period
  • New Dictionary extensions
    • new removeAll extension to remove the values for all keys in an array.
    • new + operator to merge to dictionaries in a new one and += to merge one dictionary into another.
    • new - operator to get a new dictionary with the values for all keys in an array removed and -= to remove the values for all keys in an array.
  • New String extensions
    • new matches extension to check if the string matches a regex pattern.
  • New Locale extensions
    • new posix property extension to convenience create the "en_US_POSIX" locale.
  • New CLLocation extensions
    • new midLocation to find the half-way point along a great circle path between relative to another point.
    • new bearing to calculate the bearing relative another location.


  • Fixes on wrong access levels for some extensions
  • Improve NSAttributedStringExtensions extensions
  • Fixes on implementations of some array extensions
  • Fixes on some UIButtonExtensions
  • Improvements on some Date extensions
  • Improvements on some methods signatures based on Swift 3 API guidelines
  • Improve code coverage.
  • Improvements on documentation headers


This release has drastically increased test coverage: currently 92%. Areas affected are:


  • ArrayExtensions tests
  • CharacterExtensions tests
  • DateExtensions tests
  • DictionaryExtensions tests
  • StringExtensions tests
  • LocaleExtensions tests


  • UIColorExtensions tests
  • UIButtonExtensions tests


  • CGSizeExtensions tests
  • CGPointExtensions tests
  • CLLocationExtensions tests


  • New Character extensions

    • new * operator (repeat character n amount of times)
    • added isLowercased & isUppercased extensions
  • New UICollectionView extensions

    • new extensions to register/dequeue cells using UICollectionViewCell class as identifier
    • new extensions to register/dequeue reusable views using UICollectionReusableView class as identifier
  • New UITableView extensions

    • new extensions to register/dequeue cells using UITableViewCell class as identifier
    • new extensions to register/dequeue header/footer views using UITableViewHeaderFooterView as identifier
  • New UIStoryboard extensions

    • added extension to instantiateViewController with class as identifier
    • added extension get mainStoryboard
  • New UIView extensions

    • added quick getter and setter for frame’s X and Y values
  • New Array extensions

    • added safeSwap method as a fail-safe way to swap to elements in an array
  • New NSView extensions

    • borderColor (IBInspectable)
    • borderWidth (IBInspectable)
    • cornerRadius (IBInspectable)
    • height
    • shadowColor (IBInspectable)
    • shadowOffset (IBInspectable)
    • shadowOpacity (IBInspectable)
    • shadowRadius (IBInspectable)
    • size
    • width
    • addSubviews(subviews:)
    • removeSubviews()
  • New Optional extensions

    • unwrapped(or:) unwrap an optional or provide default value
    • run(block:) block to run if optional unwrapped is not nil


  • Improve UIImageView extensions

    • fixes infinite recursive call in blurred() method
    • removes superfluous error from download(url:) method completion block
  • Replace deprecated M_PI with .pi

  • Fixes wrong implementation of -= CGPoint operator

  • Improve Array extensions

    • properties with O(n) or higher complexity have been changed to methods
    • reduced shuffle method complexity by using Fisher-Yates algorithm and is now completely random
    • removeDuplicates renamed to duplicatesRemoved.
    • remove generic constraint on firstIndex(of:) and lastIndex(of:)
  • Improve String extensions

  • Improve Date extensions

  • Improve Data extensions

  • Improve Dictionary extensions


This release has drastically increased test coverage: currently 88%. Areas affected are:


  • CharacterExtensions tests
  • StringExtensions tests
  • ArrayExtensions tests
  • IntExtensions tests
  • DateExtensions tests
  • DataExtensions tests
  • DoubleExtensions tests
  • FloatExtensions tests
  • CGFloatExtensions tests
  • CGPointExtensions tests


  • UIColorExtensions tests
  • UIAlertControllerExtensions tests
  • UIBarButtonItemExtensions tests
  • UIButtonExtensions tests
  • UITextViewExtensions tests
  • UISegmentedControlExtensions tests
  • UINavigationControllerExtensions tests
  • UINavigationBarExtensions tests
  • UINavigationItemExtensions tests
  • UISliderExtensions tests
  • UITableViewExtensions tests
  • UICollectionViewExtensions tests
  • UIViewControllerExtensions tests
  • UIStoryboardExtensions tests
  • UITextFieldExtensions tests
  • UIViewExtensions tests
  • UIImageExtensions tests


  • NSColorExtensions tests
  • NSViewExtensions tests


  • Major bug fixes in DateExtensions.
  • New Tests.


Fixed Cocoapods.


This is the biggest update since v1.3! With over 100 new extensions, improved Cocoa support, new tests, and many minor bug fixes.

New Extensions

  • CGColorExtensions
  • NSColorExtensions
  • URLExtensions
  • StringExtensions
  • length: Number of characters in string.
  • isValidSchemedUrl: Check if string is a valid schemed URL.
  • UIImageExtensions:
  • original: UIImage with .alwaysOriginal rendering mode.
  • template: UIImage with .alwaysTemplate rendering mode.
  • UISearchBarExtensions:
  • clear: Clear text.
  • UITextFieldExtensions:
  • clear: Clear text.

Improved extensions

  • StringExtensions:
  • trimmed
  • copyToPasteboard
  • truncated
  • SwifterSwift
  • isInTestFlight
  • UIColorExtensions:
  • shortHexString
  • complementary
  • Improved initializers

New Tests

  • StringExtensionsTests
  • NSAttributedStringExtensionsTests
  • UIColorExtensionsTests
  • DateExtensionsTests
  • CharacterExtensionsTests


Added project to CodeCov for better code coverage visualization.


General bug fixes and improvements.


###watchOS Support: Thanks to Paweł Urbanek for his great work adding watchOS target!


###tvOS Support: Thanks to Paweł Urbanek for his great work adding tvOS target!



  • Fixed a bug in indexPathForLastItem.
  • Renamed indexPathForLastItem(in section: Int) to indexPathForLastItem(inSection section: Int) to match Apple naming conventions


  • Fixed a bug in indexPathForLastRow.
  • Renamed indexPathForLastRow(in section: Int) to indexPathForLastRow(inSection section: Int) to match Apple naming conventions


  • Fixed a bug in count(of string: String, caseSensitive: Bool)
  • Added slicing(from i: Int, length: Int): Sliced string from a start index with length.
  • Added slice(from i: Int, length: Int): Slice given string from a start index with length (if applicable).
  • Added slicing(from start: Int, to end: Int): Sliced string from a start index to an end index.
  • Added slice(from start: Int, to end: Int): Slice given string from a start index to an end index (if applicable).
  • Added slicing(at i: Int): Sliced string from a start index.
  • Added slice(at i: Int): Slice given string from a start index (if applicable).


  • Added tests for count(of string: String, caseSensitive: Bool)
  • Added tests for slicing methods


  • Added Releases Flow
  • Updated Adding new Extensions


Thanks to Paweł Urbanek and Michael




  • Added complementary
  • Added init?(complementaryFor color: UIColor)

Thanks to matt


  • Added isInTestFlight



  • Added enum DayNameStyle.
  • Added enum MonthNameStyle.
  • Added isInYesterday.
  • Added isInTomorrow.
  • Added nearestHour.
  • Added dayName(ofStyle style: DayNameStyle).
  • Added monthName(ofStyle style: MonthNameStyle).


  • Added trimmedText.


  • Added cssColors.
  • Added init?(hexString: String, transparency: CGFloat).
  • Added shortHexString.
  • Added shortHexOrHexString.


  • Added subscript(i: Int).
  • Added subscript(range: CountableRange).
  • Added subscript(range: ClosedRange).


  • Swift Package Manager support


  • Extension moved to Source directory; tests moved to Tests directory for a cleaner structure




  • Added reloadData(_ completion: () -> Void).


  • Added reloadData(_ completion: () -> Void).



  • Fixed typos in README.



  • Changed nearestHourQuarter to nearestQuarterHour. Thanks to Robert Nix for reporting.
  • Updated initializers to be optional.


  • fixed selected color in setColors method.




  • Fixed bugs in fadeIn, fadeOut and rotate(byAngle) methods. Thanks to bastianschilbe for reporting.
  • Removed isVisible property since it was causing many problems and not working correctly.
  • Added parentViewController property to return view's parent view controller.



Fixed a bug in DateExtensinos where the year was not set correctly. Thanks to songhailiang you for reporting this bug.



  • func addConstraints(withFormat: String, views: UIView...): Add Visual Format constraints
  • func fillToSuperview(): Anchor all sides of the view into it's superview
  • func anchor(top: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor?, left: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor?, bottom: NSLayoutYAxisAnchor?, right: NSLayoutXAxisAnchor?, topConstant: CGFloat, leftConstant: CGFloat, bottomConstant: CGFloat, rightConstant: CGFloat, widthConstant: CGFloat, heightConstant: CGFloat) -> [NSLayoutConstraint]: Add anchors from any side of the current view into the specified anchors and returns the newly added constraints.
  • func anchorCenterXToSuperview(withConstant: CGFloat): Anchor center X into current view's superview with a constant margin value.
  • anchorCenterYToSuperview(constant: CGFloat): Anchor center Y into current view's superview with a constant margin value.
  • func anchorCenterSuperview(): Anchor center X and Y into current view's superview


  • kFormatted: String formatted for values over ±1000 (example: 1k, -2k, 100k, 1kk, -5kk..)

Thanks to Jonathan Bijos & zzjzz9266a for adding new extensions.


Added CollectionViewExtensions



  • removed duplicated contains a method
  • use of reducing to remove duplicates (Thanks to sairamkotha)


This version adds more than 90 new extensions making it the widest extensions library available online for Swift 3 with more than 360 properties and methods for more than 35 type. This is the biggest update since library launch! We're so excited 🤓

Here are some changes:

  • Updated some properties and methods names to follow Swift API Design Guidelines.
  • Added default values to methods parameters (where possible).
  • All units documentation has been re-written in Xcode,
    • Now you see "SwifterSwift: " at the beginning of description to know the source of the extension while writing your code.
    • All method parameters and return types have been documented in Xcode as well.
    • All extensions documentation has been re-written in Wiki, separating properties from methods in different tables.
  • All extensions files re-organized in separate extensions based on type (properties, methods, initializers, ..)
  • Fixed some bugs where some extensions were not public.
  • New section explaining how to add new extensions in Contributing Guidelines
  • And finally: new logo


New Extensions:

Updated Extensions:

  • UIColorExtensions:
    • struct socialColors -> struct social


New Extensions:

  • ConvenienceExtensions:

    • func string(forKey: String): Get a string from UserDefaults
    • func integer(forKey: String): Get an integer from UserDefaults
    • func double(forKey: String): Get a double from UserDefaults
    • func float(forKey: String): Get a float from UserDefaults
    • func data(forKey: String): Get a data from UserDefaults
    • func bool(forKey: String): Get a bool from UserDefaults
    • func array(forKey: String): Get an array from UserDefaults
    • func dictionary(forKey: String): Get a dictionary from UserDefaults
  • StringExtensions:

    • func toDate(withFormat format: String): Return Date value from string of date format (if applicable).
    • var toURL: Return URL from string (if applicable).
  • UIAlertControllerExtensions:

    • addAction(title, style, isEnabled, handler): Add an action to Alert.
    • addTextField(text, placeholder, editingChangedTarget, editingChangedSelector): Add a text field to Alert.
  • UINavigationBarExtensions:

    • func setColors(background, text): Set Navigation Bar background and text colors.

Updated Extensions:

  • ConvenienceExtensions:

    • var deviceHeight -> var screenHeight
    • var deviceWidth -> var screenWidth
  • ArrayExtensions:

    • func removeAll(item: Element) -> func removeAll(_ item: Element))
  • DateExtensions:

    • func add(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) -> add(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)
    • func adding(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) -> adding(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)
    • func changing(component: Calendar.Component, value: Int) -> changing(_ component: Calendar.Component, value: Int)
    • func isIn(current: Calendar.Component) -> isInCurrent(_ component: Calendar.Component)
  • StringExtensions:

    • func contain(string: String, caseSensitive: Bool) -> func contain(_ string: String, caseSensitive: Bool)
    • func lines() -> var lines
    • static func random(of length: Int) -> static func random(ofLength: Int)
    • func replace(string: String, with: String) -> func replace(_ substring: String, with: String)
    • func truncate(to length: Int, trailing: String?) -> func truncate(toLength: Int, trailing: String?)
    • func truncated(to length: Int, trailing: String? = "...") -> func truncated(to length: Int, trailing: String?)
  • UIButtonExtensions:

    • func imageForAllStates(image: UIImage) -> func setImageForAllStates(_ image: UIImage)
    • func titleColorForAllStates(color: UIColor) -> func setTitleColorForAllStates(_ color: UIColor)
    • func titleForAllStates(title: String) -> func setTitleForAllStates(_ title: String)
  • UIColorExtensions:

    • init(netHex:Int) -> init(hex:Int, transparency: CGFloat = 1)
  • UIImageExtensions:

    • func scaledToHeight(height: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?) -> scaled(toHeight: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?)
    • func scaledToWidth(width: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?) -> scaled(toWidth: CGFloat, with orientation: UIImageOrientation?)
  • UIImageViewExtensions:

    • func download(fromUrl: String?, contentMode: UIViewContentMode, placeHolder: UIImage?)) -> download(from: URL?, contentMode: UIViewContentMode, placeHolder: UIImage?, completionHandler: ((UIImage?, Error?) -> Void)?)
  • UISliderExtensions:

    • func setValue(value: Float, animated: Bool, duration: TimeInterval, completion: (() -> Void)? = nil) -> func setValue(_ value: Float, animated: Bool, duration: TimeInterval, completion: (() -> Void)?)
  • UITableViewExtensions:

    • var totalRows -> var numberOfRows
  • UITextFieldExtensions:

    • func setPlaceHolderTextColor(color: UIColor) -> func setPlaceHolderTextColor(_ color: UIColor)
  • UIViewExtensions:

    • func loadFromNibNamed(nibNamed: String, bundle : Bundle?) -> func loadFromNib(named: String, bundle : Bundle?)

Removed Extensions:

  • StringExtensions:
    • var locale



  • textField: Return the text field inside search bar


  • setPlaceHolderTextColor(color): Change place holder text color
  • leftViewTintColor: Left view tint color
  • rightViewTintColor: Right view tint color


  • replaceTitle(with image): Replace title with an image in naivgation item


  • setColors(background, selectedBackground, item, selectedItem): Change UITabBar colors


  • filled(withColor): Return image filled with color
  • init(color, size): Create image from color and size


  • scrollToBottom(): Scroll to the bottom of text view
  • scrollToTop(): Scroll to the top of text view


  • segmentTitles: Segments titles
  • segmentImages: Segments images


  • setValue(value, animated, duration, completion): Set slide bar value with completion handler


  • show(vibrate): Added optional vibration while presenting the alert


  • asLocaleCurrency: Return string with number and current locale currency


  • asLocaleCurrency: Return string with number and current locale currency


  • asLocaleCurrency: Return string with number and current locale currency


  • Fixed a bug in toDouble, toFloat, toFloat32, toFloat64 where number is not calculated if not in English


  • adding(component, value): Return date by adding a component
  • nearestHourQuarter: Return the nearest quarter to date
  • nearestHalfHour: Return nearest half hour to date
  • changing(component, value): Return date by changing a component
  • Fixed a bug in nearestFiveMinutes, nearestTenMinutes where date was always rounded always to next 5, 10 mins



  • requiredHeight: Return required height for a label


  • blur(withStyle: UIBlurEffectStyle): Make image view blurry
  • blurred(withStyle: UIBlurEffectStyle): Return a blurred version of an image view


  • makeTransparent(withTint: UIColor): Make navigation controller's navigation bar transparent


  • makeTransparent(withTint: UIColor): Make navigation controller's navigation bar transparent


  • trimmedText: Return text with no spaces or new lines in beginning and end


  • addShadow(ofColor, radius, offset, opacity): /// Add shadow to view


  • filled(withColor): Return image filled with color


  • nearestFiveMinutes: Return nearest five minutes to date
  • nearestTenMinutes: Return nearest ten minutes to date


  • shake: Completion handler added to shake function