All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog
- #13 Added onViewRecycled option to cleanup elements for better performance of recycler view.
- #8 Added a base architecture for adding RecyclerView Item Decorations.
- New carousel item with a single text sample.
- #5, Not updating view types when changes occurred.
- #5, Not updating view types when add, remove or update the recycler view elements.
- file
- All DiffUtil calculations are currently processed in a background worker thread, while preserving adapter state consistency.
- DiffUtil implementation.
- #2, merge error when executing task: ':app:processDebugManifest'.
- #3, missing file.
- #4, DiffUtil background work implementation missing.
- DiffUtil support.
- GMLRVA Sample's list data to support items with inner option panel.
- Add, Remove, Update and Swap procedures from Generic Adapter implementation, which became obsolete with DiffUtil usage.
- #1, incorrect swap function implementation, which is no longer needed.
- #1, incorrect swap function implementation.
- New Generic RecyclerView Layout examples.
Initial release.