everything in channel_handler should be in commands
catch lua error handler
- save to log
- save backup
add undo system commands
channel handler:
- state, action, project
- make seperate midi handlers per device
- translate those into CV
- record internal representation onto timeline
- pre voice alloc
- do voice alloc while recording, do another voice alloc pass during playback
- add simple playback (no editing yet!)
remove getdimensions and getmouse from the view thingys -- just store it in the thing?
piano roll playback
- there is NO automatable bpm/speed setting
- everything happens on the canvas as is.
- makes things easier, at the expense of some tricks you can do by automating BPM
- will need robust time manipuation tools to cope
- (maybe a global speed mult because thats easy)
also make ADS envelope for FM modulator how should these interact with pressure? make some kind of nice "universal" envelope that works well with both pressure and velocity inputs "universal" envelope for non-mpe input? previous work
- reason friktion
- expressive E noisy 2
add note off?
midi impl is now kind of stupidly polling, but we can get better latency if we do everything in rust directly in the backend
- bit more work to get right though since that means more logic on rust side
- this is good though, since eventually we want to move as much as possible to rust
- for now, lets leave it like this!
signal flow
midi_device --- channel -----
| / \
raw midi -[parse]-> midi msg -> event ->[voice alloc]-> backend
v ^
make everythin in samples? -> also envelope stuff should be in seconds not ms
add noise to epiano? better impact model
support surge wavetable format?
datorro reverb https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/EffectDesignPart1.pdf
make simper f32x4 bandpass for modal
static filter optimization?
use smoothstep for dry/wet for crossfading (wet/dry and such) https://signalsmith-audio.co.uk/writing/2021/cheap-energy-crossfade/ should use amplitude / energy preserving depending on context
debugger where you can type lua commands and monitor variables (pretty print tables, maybe even with a foldable UI) (command palette?)
use scancode instead of keycode custom keyboard shortcut config?
spiral fft (maybe even something like harmonic CQT)
correct LUFS loudness monitoring
tonewheel emulation
- (mod pitch by noise bandpassed at some division of pitch )
- motor synth uses 7 cycles / rotation
- slightly non-linear optical transfer function + lowpass filter (different a/r)
synth where osc is nonlinear system
experiment with noise types and shaping
- grainy, pink, velvet etc
some kind of simple but nice polysynth with good MPE
- phase dist?
wavetable should be "more fun" and try to emulate low resolution variable speed DACs
- focus on PPG wave esque sounds
- maybe something like Klevgrand Tomofon is nicer
bell, modal, gamelan synth
try sine wave ODE system (modified coupled form)
x = x - ey;
y = ex + y;
e = 2 * sin(pi * freq / sr)
at low freqs:
e = 2 * pi * freq / sr
allpass interpolation https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/p/pod/dod-idx/lossless-click-free-pitchbend-able-delay-line-loop.pdf?c=icmc;idno=bbp2372.1997.068;format=pdf
4 layers: note names (only view) | convert diatonic scale notation to oct/fifth pair notation coordinates (internal representation) | look up generator mapping generator coordinates | look up generator sizes pitch in semitones/midi number
info for tuning specification:
- size of all generators (first two are period and gen)
- which accidentals are used
- mapping of these to generators
- root of diatonic (default C)
- size of diatonic scale + how many gens down
- (optional chromatic scale?)
there are seperate accidentals for "double half sharp/flat" when 243/242 is tempered out (rastmic), these should revert to normal sharps/flats (this is true for 17, 24, 31, 41, 72)
load tuning from text file (just lua?)
lua style:
- classes: PascalCase
- instances/tables: camelCase, index with :
- methods/functions: camelCase
- variables: snake_case
- singletons: camelCase, index with :
Switch to common style for lua classes
local Class = {}
function Class:new(args)
local new = {}
setmetatable(new, self)
self.__index = self
return new
return Class
better way:
local Class = {}
Class.__index = Class
-- ClassMt = {__index = Class}
-- ! note . and not :
function Class.new(args)
local self = setmetatable({}, Class)
return self
return Class
// expands match arms for parameters
// match_parameter!(index; a = value, b = value, c = value)
// becomes:
// match index {
// 0 => a = value,
// 1 => b = value,
// 2 => c = value,
// _ => eprintln!("Parameter with index {} not found", index),
// }
macro_rules! match_parameter {
($e:expr; $($rest:tt)*) => {
match_parameter!{@(0; $e; $($rest)*,)}
(@($idx:expr; $e:expr; $val:expr, $($rest:tt)*) $($arms:tt)*) => {
@(1+$idx; $e; $($rest)*)
x if x == $idx => $val,
(@($idx:expr; $e:expr; $(,)?) $($arms:tt)* ) => {
match $e {
_ => eprintln!("Parameter with index {} not found", $idx)
pub(crate) use match_parameter;