Interact with the SmartThings public REST API with this Java and Android-compatible client module.
- Java 1.8+
- A Samsung account
Include the smartthings-client
Maven dependency:
If you're using Gradle:
dependencies {
compile 'com.smartthings.sdk:smartthings-client:0.0.4-PREVIEW'
If you do not use Maven or Gradle, jars can be downloaded from the central Maven repository.
NOTE: this project is in an early stage of development and is feature-incomplete
This library makes interacting with the SmartThings API easy and intuitive by:
- providing request/response models
- providing convenience methods
- handling authorization tokens
Have a feature request, suggestions, comment, or question? Visit the SmartThings Community and start a discussion!
Technologies used include:
- Code generation v2 by Swagger
- Feign by Netflix OSS (API methods)
- Jackson by FastXML (models)
This client library can be used in Android with SDK 25+
compileSdkVersion 25
buildToolsVersion '25.0.2'
minSdkVersion 14
targetSdkVersion 25
sourceCompatibility 1.8
targetCompatibility 1.8
Using Kotlin:
// Build API client
val api = ApiClient()
// Build a client for Devices
val devicesApi = api.buildClient(
// Get and list all devices with the capability of Switch
val data = it.installData
val devices = devicesApi.getDevices(data.authToken, mapOf("capabilities" to listOf("switch")))
For more information on SmartApp subscriptions, visit the SmartApp developer documentation.
Using Kotlin:
// In the context of a SmartApp LIFECYCLE event (INSTALL or UPDATE)
// Build API client
val api = ApiClient()
// Build a client for Subscriptions
val subscriptionsApi = api.buildClient(
val auth = "Bearer ${this.authToken}"
// Clear subscriptions to re-add them
subscriptionsApi.deleteAllSubscriptions(this.installedApp.installedAppId, auth, emptyMap())
// Iterate all devices returned in the InstalledApp's config for key "selectedSwitches"
// That key is defined in Configuration.kt
val devices = this.installedApp.config["selectedSwitches"]
devices?.forEach { switchesConfig ->
if (switchesConfig.valueType == ConfigEntry.ValueTypeEnum.DEVICE) {
val subscriptionRequest = SubscriptionRequest().apply {
sourceType = SubscriptionSource.DEVICE
device = DeviceSubscriptionDetail().apply {
deviceId = switchesConfig.deviceConfig.deviceId
componentId = switchesConfig.deviceConfig.componentId
capability = "switch"
attribute = "switch"
stateChangeOnly = true
value = "*"
// Create subscription for the device
val subscription = subscriptionsApi.saveSubscription(this.installedApp.installedAppId, null, subscriptionRequest)
println("Creating subscription for ${}")
Find reference documentation for this module here.
Check out our complete developer documentation here.
To create and manage your services and devices on SmartThings, create an account in the developer workspace.
The SmartThings Community is a good place share and ask questions.
There is also a SmartThings reddit community where you can read and share information.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
Copyright 2019 SmartThings, Inc.