Releases: Sniffdog/Sniffdogminer
Sniffdogminerv4.7,,,, and
Fixed miners not downloading
Added more of Litecoin mining operations to have options of Donations in Litecoin (not to upset Pool Operators)
You are always able to turn off Donations ( -Donations 0)
Added more specs to Monitor files in Monitor Folder
Added Farm Bot's Solo mining batch files for Bminer and Ccminer's
Added a proper procedure to dump mem...Added a scrypt to collect info for mem then /dump/collect/dump
Sniffdogminerv4.6,,,, and
Sniffdogminerv4.5,,,, and
Due to a flag in Windows defender.... we have downgraded Claymore duel miner back to 10.6.....
Also, repaired api function in zergpool (they are testing new protocol for api calls)
-minor bug fixes
Update to zergpool API
Feb 8th/18
Added Blazepool to the SniffDog family
Updated Excavator to 1.4.3a NVIDIA Win64 CUDA 9.1 for those of you who wish to open this dormant miner ( you have to be the one who wants to download this... EULA coyright laws ) can't distribute.... #66..... Other Ccminers are open for Excavator's algo's by default so you can still enjoy using SniffDog's simplicity at a click of a button (i.e Klaust for neoscrypt by default )
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it:
Sniffdogminerv4.4,,,, and
Feb 8th/18
Added Blazepool to the SniffDog family
Minor bug fixes
Ravencoin added (x16r) algo for both cpu and ccminer
Miner Updates....
Tpruvot 2.2.5
Claymore 10.6
Older News
Added a fork of Hsrminer Neoscrypt where has 0% dev fees and API is working.... KlausT is still default.... You will need to go into Miners Folder and EDIT hsrminer.ps1 and remove the # in front of neoscrypt algo;all
Added Europe to Zergpool for location...You can EDIT in Startsniffin.bat
Updated Excavator to 1.4.3a
Updated Excavator to 1.4.3a NVIDIA Win64 CUDA 9.1 for those of you who wish to open this dormant miner ( you have to be the one who wants to download this... EULA coyright laws ) can't distribute.... #66..... Other Ccminers are open for Excavator's algo's by default so you can still enjoy using SniffDog's simplicity at a click of a button (i.e Klaust for neoscrypt by default )
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it:
Sniffdogminerv4.3,,,, and
minor fixes...
Please update to powershell 6
Added a fork of Hsrminer Neoscrypt where has 0% dev fees and API is working.... KlausT is still default.... You will need to go into Miners Folder and EDIT hsrminer.ps1 and remove the # in front of neoscrypt algo;all
Added Europe to Zergpool for location...You can EDIT in Startsniffin.bat
Updated Excavator to 1.4.3a
Sniffdogminerv4.2,,,, and
minor bug fixes...
updated excavator to version 1.4.2a for faster neoscrypt and other improvements
Updated Excavator to 1.4.2a NVIDIA Win64 CUDA 9.1 for those of you who wish to open this dormant miner ( you have to be the one who wants to download this... EULA coyright laws ) can't distribute.... #66..... Other Ccminers are open for Excavator's algo's by default so you can still enjoy using SniffDog's simplicity at a click of a button (i.e Klaust for neoscrypt by default )
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it:
Sniffdogminerv4.1,,,, and
-JayDDee cpuminer to v3.8.0 and opened a new miners file for JayDDeecpuavx2.ps1 for M7M
-KlausT to 8.19(final) (Needs to be ported) thanks to btnottrue, kingyem, and swittmann for spotting #100
-Updated to krnlx Ccminerx86 (Xevan)
-Updated Excavator_v1.4.1a NVIDIA Win64 CUDA 9.1
-Added -i 10 to Tpruvot cryptonight algo
-Added -i 21 to Alexis x11 algo
-Fixed improper reading from Zergpool (Yescrypt)
Older notes
Added Zergpool with 0% fees and a different hashing scheme...Bitcoin and Litecoin payouts
Updated Excavator to 1.4.1a NVIDIA Win64 CUDA 9.1 for those of you who wish to open this dormant miner ( you have to be the one who wants to download this... EULA coyright laws ) can't distribute.... #66..... Other Ccminers are open for Excavator's algo's by default so you can still enjoy using SniffDog's simplicity at a click of a button (i.e Klaust for neoscrypt by default )
Changed how long it takes for benching to 120 seconds or 2 minutes by default ( -interval ) in startsniffin.bat ( Alexis miner can take upto a minute for full miner hash readings) Note: This may increase in next release for new Alexis
Other notes below... you may need these files added to each folder in Bin :
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it:
Sniffdogminerv4.0,,,, and
Added Zergpool with 0% fees and a different hashing scheme...Bitcoin and Litecoin payouts
Removed Ccminerphi1.0 and increased intensity to -i 23 at Tpruvot 2.2.4 Ccminer
Updated Excavator to v1.4.1a
Updated Excavator to 1.4.1a for those of you who wish to open this dormant miner ( you have to be the one who wants to download this... EULA coyright laws ) can't distribute.... #66..... Other Ccminers are open for Excavator's algo's by default so you can still enjoy using SniffDog's simplicity at a click of a button (i.e Klaust for neoscrypt by default )
Changed how long it takes for benching to 120 seconds or 2 minutes by default ( -interval ) in startsniffin.bat ( Alexis miner can take upto a minute for full miner hash readings) Note: This may increase in next release for new Alexis
Other notes below... you may need these files added to each folder in Bin :
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it:
Sniffdogminerv3.9,,, and
minor bug fixes...
We retired Alexis in SniffDog and replaced with Tpruvot HSR Alexis miner....
Updated Excavator to 1.4.0a for those of you who wish to open this dormant miner ( you have to be the one who wants to download this... EULA coyright laws ) can't distribute.... #66..... Other Ccminers are open for Excavator's algo's by default so you can still enjoy using SniffDog's simplicity at a click of a button (i.e Klaust for neoscrypt by default )
Changed how long it takes for benching to 120 seconds or 2 minutes by default ( -interval ) in startsniffin.bat ( Alexis miner can take upto a minute for full miner hash readings) Note: This may increase in next release for new Alexis
Other notes below... you may need these files added to each folder in Bin :
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it:
Sniffdogminerv3.8,,, and
Updated excavator to 1.4.0a for those of you who wish to open this dormant miner ( you have to be the one who wants to download this... EULA coyright laws ) can't distribute.... #66 other Ccminers are open for excavator's algo's by default so you can still enjoy using SniffDog's simplicity at a click of a button....
Changed how long it takes for benching to 120 seconds or 2 minutes by default in startsniffin.bat (alexis miner can take upto a minute for full miner hash readings)
Other notes below... you may need these files added to each folder in Bin :
CCMiner may need 'MSVCR120.dll' if you don't already have it:
CCMiner may need 'VCRUNTIME140.DLL' if you don't already have it: