This are notes that I took during the retrospective of each session.
Constrain: Ping-Pong
- Some problems to understand the problem
- A few one didn't understand that the goal was to practice and not to end the problem
- Almost everybody sat down with people that already know
Constrain: No naked primitive
- Where is the limit of no naked primitive?
- Which part of my game should apply the rules?
- Should the cell know her neighbors?
Constrain: No Mouse + 3 minutes limit discussion
- Some use Outside-in, we started to discuss about a this topic
- The "No Mouse" constrain didn't apply well because many people sat down with unknown languages and unknown IDE.
Constrain: No conditional statements
- Use and array with Try-catch and Optional
- Dictionary
- Boolean logic
- Create "The universe and life math rule", an equation where the variable was the alive neighbors and the result was if the new cell will be alive.
Constrain: Mute session
- This constrain didn't like so much
- Maybe apply this without change pair and erase code
- Outside-in, a little discussion about pros and cons
- The feeling: "one of us write a test and the other "correct" it because we are not understanding the other one idea"
Constrain: Code Swap
- This session was easy because everyone has more or less the same approach to the problem
- This constrain could be an example of what append when all the developers in the team speaks the same business language.
More of
- Constrain that change the approach (Session 4, Session 2)
- Discussions (we use half hour of lunch to discuss about recurrent topics)
- Divide people by knowledge or experience and mix the to avoid some pairs get stuck
Keep doing
- Share a sessions with unknown people
- Get people out of comfort zone
Less of
Stop doing
- Constrain on fist session
Start doing
- Don't use the same time for all sessions (45 + 15 min)
- Use stickers with names
- Everyone should introduce herself at the start of the day