diff --git a/Scripts/SetNugetVersion.ps1 b/Scripts/SetNugetVersion.ps1
index 95cb337..d77ef0b 100644
--- a/Scripts/SetNugetVersion.ps1
+++ b/Scripts/SetNugetVersion.ps1
@@ -1,41 +1,50 @@
-# get current release version
-$version = "$env:NUGET_RELEASE_VERSION"
-# make sure version follows the 0.0.0 format
-if (![Regex]::IsMatch($version, '^\d\.\d\.\d$'))
- Write-Error "Invalid NUGET_RELEASE_VERSION: $version"
- Exit 1
-# set the correct nuget package version (depends on whether this is a release or not)
-if ("$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG" -ne "true") # non-tagged (pre-release build)
- # we want to increment the patch number for unstable builds
- $version = [Regex]::Replace($version, '^(\d\.\d\.)(\d)$', {
- param([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match] $match)
- $val = [int]::Parse($match.Groups[2].Value)
- $val++
- $match.Groups[1].Value + $val
- })
- $version += "-unstable$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER"
-# grab .nuspec file contents
-$file = "$PSScriptRoot\..\$env:NUGET_FILE"
-$contents = (Get-Content $file) | Out-String
-# make sure there is exactly one occurance of $version$ in the file
-$pattern = '\$version\$'
-$matches = [Regex]::Matches("$contents", "$pattern")
-if ($matches.Count -ne 1)
- $count = $matches.Count
- Write-Error "`$version`$ was found $count times in the nuspec file. If should have been found exactly once."
- Exit 1
-# set the NUGET_VERSION env variable
-[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("NUGET_VERSION", "$version", "Process")
-Write-Host "NUGET_VERSION set as $version"
+# make sure AssemblyInfo.cs has
+$asmInfo = (Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\..\$env:ASSEMBLY_FILE") | Out-String
+$pattern = '^\s*\[\s*assembly\s*:\s*AssemblyInformationalVersion\s*\(\s*"[^"]*"\s*\)\]\s*$'
+if (-not [Regex]::IsMatch($asmInfo, $pattern, [System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions]::Multiline))
+ Write-Error "AssemblyInformationalVersion was not found in $env:ASSEMBLY_FILE"
+ Exit 1
+# get current release version
+$version = "$env:NUGET_RELEASE_VERSION"
+# make sure version follows the 0.0.0 format
+if (![Regex]::IsMatch($version, '^\d+\.\d+\.\d+$'))
+ Write-Error "Invalid NUGET_RELEASE_VERSION: $version"
+ Exit 1
+# set the correct nuget package version (depends on whether this is a release or not)
+if ("$env:APPVEYOR_REPO_TAG" -ne "true") # non-tagged (pre-release build)
+ # we want to increment the patch number for unstable builds
+ $version = [Regex]::Replace($version, '^(\d+\.\d+\.)(\d+)$', {
+ param([System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match] $match)
+ $val = [int]::Parse($match.Groups[2].Value)
+ $val++
+ $match.Groups[1].Value + $val
+ })
+ $version += "-unstable$env:APPVEYOR_BUILD_NUMBER"
+# grab .nuspec file contents
+$file = "$PSScriptRoot\..\$env:NUGET_FILE"
+$contents = (Get-Content $file) | Out-String
+# make sure there is exactly one occurance of $version$ in the file
+$pattern = '\$version\$'
+$matches = [Regex]::Matches("$contents", "$pattern")
+if ($matches.Count -ne 1)
+ $count = $matches.Count
+ Write-Error "`$version`$ was found $count times in the nuspec file. If should have been found exactly once."
+ Exit 1
+# set the NUGET_VERSION env variable
+[Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("NUGET_VERSION", "$version", "Process")
+Write-Host "NUGET_VERSION set as $version"