- Use Github Actions for tests.
- Remove TravisCI.
- Require nodejs 20, Hubot 11. Drop coffee script
- With slack related deprecations, hubot libary archiving/deprecations, version 13 only supports slack.
- Remove other providers that have old dependencies and are not actively maintained.
- Allow responding in a thread for the ack/result in slack (improvement) #237
- Clean slack-injected latin1 nbsp character (/xA0) from command to improve command recognition. Slack will sometimes replace a space with /xA0, often near something that renders as a link. Now, when someone copies that command, they can paste it and still have hubot recognize it. (improvement) #214
- Update
dependencies (improvement) #215
- Update
dependency to 1.3.8 (improvement) #212
- Remove HipChat adapter [PR #207] (change)
- Update st2client.js to 1.2.3 [PR #204] (change)
- Add mversion to devDependencies (change)
- Update st2client.js to 1.2.2 [PR #203] (change)
- Fix the Cisco Spark/Webex Teams adapter [PR #200] (bug fix)
- Fix mocha tests to return a non-zero exit status if tests fail [PR #201] (bug fix)
- Create npm-shrinkwrap.json with only production dependencies
- Move babel-eslint dependency to devDependencies [PR #180] (bug fix)
- Small refactor and more tests (for
) [PR #185] (improvement) - Refactor chat providers into their own modules [PR #186] (improvement)
- Modernize directory structure to be more consistent with other hubot plugins [PR #186, PR #191] (improvement)
- Split out the functionality of
and refactor it to be a JS old style class with a wrapper [PR #187, PR #190] (improvement) - Fix the Mattermost adapter to use the
function instead of emitting theslack-attachment
event [PR #192] (bug fix)
- Don't consider failed alias execution as a critical reason to exit hubot (bug fix)
- Exit hubot on invalid, expired
or any other Unauthorized response from st2 server (bug fix) - When st2 username/password is used, re-generate st2 auth token in advance, giving enough time for request to complete, st2client.js (bug fix)
- Exit hubot on unhandled promise rejections and uncaught exceptions, usually caused by unrecoverable errors (bug fix)
- Add pagination support for action aliases - fixes #158 (bug fix)
- Add initial support for Microsoft Teams via BotFramework (new feature)
- Add unit tests for all adapters (improvement)
- Rename ENV variable
for consistency, keepST2_API
for backwards compatibility (improvement)
- Erroneous version
- Remove support for Yammer (removal)
- Update hubot to 3.1.1 (change)
- Migrate to coffeescript 2.3.2 and coffee-register 2.2.0 (change)
- Update supported version of node to >= 8, <= 10 (change)
- Add coverage support with nyc (change)
- Break up messages multiple ways (if necessary) to avoid Slack API limits (improvement)
- Add support for specifying Stream URL (new feature)
- Update st2client to 1.1.1 (improvement)
- Add support for button attachments in mattermost adapter (improvement)
- Drop Node.js 0.12 support (change)
- Add RocketChat support (new feature)
- Update Slack to use new chat postMessage API from 'hubot-slack' v4 (new feature)
- Update uuid to version 3.0.0 (improvement)
- Add support for sending file attachments via the extra dict to the spark adapter (improvement)
- Mattermost support (new feature)
- Switched to st2client.js (new feature)
- Chatops announcements (new feature)
- Custom formatting for results (new feature)
- Disabling ack and results for specific aliases (new feature)
- Connect using API keys when provided (new feature)
- Better parameters parsing (improvement)
- Multi-line and milti-word matching (improvement)
- Start renewing tokens based on expiry time (improvement)
- Results are posted to slack as attachments with appropriate colors. (Feature - thomaspicquet)
- Bring back support for spaces in commands (regression fix)
- Handle slack special quotes (bug fix)
- include content-type in headers
- fixes to command factory regex (amaline)
- rename notification channel to route.
- fix command normalization by using global string replace.
- Log a better error message if we fail to load the commands because of the StackStorm API unavailability.
- Switched to use StackStorm API v1 instead of exp.
- Preserve user supplied casing for chat literals. (bug-fix)
- Refactor formatting code to handle various adapter better. Tested support for slack, hubot and xmpp.
- Message truncation over 500 characters to preserve chat context. HipChat does its own truncation so depending on that.
- Authentication with StackStorm is now skipped in case auth is disabled. (bug-fix)
- Best attempt to include execution details. (new feature)
- Rather than a single message response to an execution comprises of multiple small messages. This allows formatting & truncation to be handled separately. (new feature)
- Support Hipchat channel type and message format (@Itxaka)
- hubot-stackstorm does not cause hubot to quit on authentication failure.
- Authentication code is resilient to unavailability or StackStorm service. Will retry a configurable number of times.
- Add support for including a link to the execution details in the WebUI when an execution has been scheduled and when it has finished.
- Fix a bug with parsing of port from the API and AUTH URLs.
- Initial release.