diff --git a/docs/Get-RoughDraftExtension.md b/docs/Get-RoughDraftExtension.md
index dc42c79c7..368cc616f 100644
--- a/docs/Get-RoughDraftExtension.md
+++ b/docs/Get-RoughDraftExtension.md
@@ -1,2 +1,202 @@
+### Synopsis
+Gets Extensions
+### Description
+Gets Extensions.
+RoughDraftExtensions can be found in:
+* Any module that includes -RoughDraftExtensionModuleName in it's tags.
+* The directory specified in -RoughDraftExtensionPath
+* Commands that meet the naming criteria
+### Examples
+### Parameters
+#### **ExtensionPath**
+If provided, will look beneath a specific path for extensions.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases |
+|`[String]`|false |1 |true (ByPropertyName)|Fullname|
+#### **Force**
+If set, will clear caches of extensions, forcing a refresh.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |false |
+#### **CommandName**
+If provided, will get RoughDraftExtensions that extend a given command
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases |
+|`[String[]]`|false |2 |true (ByPropertyName)|ThatExtends
+#### **ExtensionName**
+The name of an extension.
+By default, this will match any extension command whose name, displayname, or aliases exactly match the name.
+If the extension has an Alias with a regular expression literal (```'/Expression/'```) then the -RoughDraftExtensionName will be valid if that regular expression matches.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[String[]]`|false |3 |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **Like**
+If provided, will treat -RoughDraftExtensionName as a wildcard.
+This will return any extension whose name, displayname, or aliases are like the -RoughDraftExtensionName.
+If the extension has an Alias with a regular expression literal (```'/Expression/'```) then the -RoughDraftExtensionName will be valid if that regular expression matches.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **Match**
+If provided, will treat -RoughDraftExtensionName as a regular expression.
+This will return any extension whose name, displayname, or aliases match the -RoughDraftExtensionName.
+If the extension has an Alias with a regular expression literal (```'/Expression/'```) then the -RoughDraftExtensionName will be valid if that regular expression matches.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **DynamicParameter**
+If set, will return the dynamic parameters object of all the RoughDraftExtensions for a given command.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **CouldRun**
+If set, will return if the extension could run.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases|
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|CanRun |
+#### **CouldPipe**
+If set, will return if the extension could accept this input from the pipeline.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|Aliases|
+|`[PSObject]`|false |4 |false |CanPipe|
+#### **Run**
+If set, will run the extension. If -Stream is passed, results will be directly returned.
+By default, extension results are wrapped in a return object.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **Stream**
+If set, will stream output from running the extension.
+By default, extension results are wrapped in a return object.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **DynamicParameterSetName**
+If set, will return the dynamic parameters of all RoughDraftExtensions for a given command, using the provided DynamicParameterSetName.
+Implies -DynamicParameter.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[String]`|false |5 |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **DynamicParameterPositionOffset**
+If provided, will return the dynamic parameters of all RoughDraftExtensions for a given command, with all positional parameters offset.
+Implies -DynamicParameter.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[Int32]`|false |6 |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **NoMandatoryDynamicParameter**
+If set, will return the dynamic parameters of all RoughDraftExtensions for a given command, with all mandatory parameters marked as optional.
+Implies -DynamicParameter. Does not actually prevent the parameter from being Mandatory on the Extension.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases |
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|NoMandatoryDynamicParameters|
+#### **RequireExtensionAttribute**
+If set, will require a [Runtime.CompilerServices.Extension()] attribute to be considered an extension.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **ValidateInput**
+If set, will validate this input against [ValidateScript], [ValidatePattern], [ValidateSet], and [ValidateRange] attributes found on an extension.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[PSObject]`|false |7 |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **AllValid**
+If set, will validate this input against all [ValidateScript], [ValidatePattern], [ValidateSet], and [ValidateRange] attributes found on an extension.
+By default, if any validation attribute returned true, the extension is considered validated.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |false |
+#### **ParameterSetName**
+The name of the parameter set. This is used by -CouldRun and -Run to enforce a single specific parameter set.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |
+|`[String]`|false |8 |true (ByPropertyName)|
+#### **Parameter**
+The parameters to the extension. Only used when determining if the extension -CouldRun.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput |Aliases |
+|`[IDictionary]`|false |9 |true (ByPropertyName)|Parameters
+#### **SteppablePipeline**
+If set, will output a steppable pipeline for the extension.
+Steppable pipelines allow you to control how begin, process, and end are executed in an extension.
+This allows for the execution of more than one extension at a time.
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |false |
+#### **Help**
+If set, will output the help for the extensions
+|Type |Required|Position|PipelineInput|
+|`[Switch]`|false |named |false |
+### Outputs
+* Extension
+### Syntax
+Get-RoughDraftExtension [[-ExtensionPath] ] [-Force] [[-CommandName] ] [[-ExtensionName] ] [-Like] [-Match] [-DynamicParameter] [-CouldRun] [[-CouldPipe] ] [-Run] [-Stream] [[-DynamicParameterSetName] ] [[-DynamicParameterPositionOffset] ] [-NoMandatoryDynamicParameter] [-RequireExtensionAttribute] [[-ValidateInput] ] [-AllValid] [[-ParameterSetName] ] [[-Parameter] ] [-SteppablePipeline] [-Help] []