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111 lines (73 loc) · 3.76 KB

File metadata and controls

111 lines (73 loc) · 3.76 KB


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Developing locally

There are a few ways to run the application locally, the easiest way is to use Docker Compose, but you can also run the application directly on your machine provided you have the dependencies installed.

Building and running with Docker Compose

docker-compose up --build

Build and Run without Docker Compose


  • Postgres
  • Go
  • Node.js
  • Task (recommended) is used to manage development tasks in the project.
  • Goose (recommended) is used to manage SQL migrations
  • Caddy Server (optional) is used to run locally with HTTPS

Install dependencies

With Task running the task install command will install dependencies

OR manually run the following commands

go mod download
go install[email protected]
cd ui && npm install

Build and run

Postgres must be running with the same configuration as in the docker-compose.yml file.

With Task run the task dev command to build and run the application then visit http://localhost:8080 in your browser.

Or task dev-secure to run with HTTPS (using Caddy) then visit https://thunderdome.localhost in your browser.

Format code before commit

  • Using the above dev Task(s) will automatically handle this for you.

If you've setup Task simply task format to format all go and frontend code before commit, otherwise make format is still available for those with make installed.

  • not doing so can result in a failed build on GitHub

Restful API Changes

  • Using the above dev Task(s) will automatically handle this for you.

The restful API is documented using swagger comments in the Go code, any changes to that documentation require regenerating the docs with the following commands and committing the updated docs with the changes.

With Task task gen-swag will regenerate the swagger docs

OR manually run the following commands

swag fmt
swag init -g internal/http/http.go -o docs/swagger

Creating SQL Migrations

Generate new migration file using the following command, replacing SHORT_DESCRIPTIVE_FILNAME with a short descriptive name for the migration example create_poker_table.

goose -dir internal/db/migrations create SHORT_DESCRIPTIVE_FILNAME sql

Adding new Localizations

Thunderdome supports Locale selection on the UI (Default en-US)

Adding new locale's involves just a few steps.

  1. First by copying the ui/src/i18n/en/index.ts into the new locale folder at ui/src/i18n/{locale}/index.ts using the two letter locale code for the directory name and translating all the values.
  2. Second, the locale will need to be added to the locales list used by switcher component in ui/config.js locales object
  3. Run npm run locales in ui directory to generate the new locale types used by the build process
  4. commit changes and open PR