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  • What is a computer? What does it mean to compute?
  • How do we talk about computation in a grounded manner
    • i.e., unambiguous and rigorously defined
  • What is a model of a computer? What are the different models of computation?
  • Why would we choose one model of computation over another?


  • Motivation
  • Terminology
  • Finite Automata
  • Regular Languages
  • RegEx
  • Finite State Transducers
  • Modelling State Machines in Python
  • RegEx in Python
  • More Theory


  • Sometimes limiting your power is good!
  • Many problems lend themselves to being modelled as state machines
    • TCP/IP
    • CPUs
  • Regexes, regexes, regexes!
  • CS theory baby steps

<Image: A state-diagram of the TCP/IP request flow showing states labelled "closed", "listen", "syn-rcvd", etc and state transition arrows labelled "passive", "syn sent", "fin/ack", etc> <Image: A state-diagram of a CPU showing states labelled "loadstore", "start_2", "exception_0", etc and unlabelled state transition arrows>

Terminology: Sets & Sequences

  • Sets: Collections of objects; order does not matter and repetition is meaningless
    • ${1,2,3}$
    • ${a,b,c, {x, y, z}}$
    • ${1,2,3} = {1,3,2} = {1,2,2,3}$
  • Sequences/Tuples: Collections of objects; order matters and repetition is meaningful
    • $(1,2,3)$
    • $(1,2,3) ≠ (1,3,2) ≠ (1,2,2,3)$

Terminology: Functions

  • $f : A \rightarrow B$ is a function from (the set) $A$ to (the set) $B$
  • Associate each object in a set (domain) to at most one object in another set (codomain)
  • Two objects in the domain may be associated to the same object in the range
  • An object in the domain may be associated to only one object in the range
  • Not all objects in the range may be associate-to by an object in the domain

Terminology: Strings & Languages

  • String: Any sequence of characters drawn from a set of symbols, or alphabet, conventionally denoted $\Sigma$
  • Language: A non-empty set of strings. For $\Sigma = {a,b,c,d}$
    • $abcd$, $acccdba$, $a$, are all strings
    • $\varepsilon$ is the empty string (Note $\emptyset \ne {\varepsilon}$)
    • $L_1 = {abcd,abbcccdddd}$, $L_2 = {a,b,bb,c,cc,ccc}$, and $L_3 = {\varepsilon}$are examples of languages over $\Sigma$

Finite Automata & Regular Languages

Finite Automata

  • A limited form of computation
  • Models computation that takes constant/no memory
  • Alphabet
  • States
  • Transitions
  • Initial state
  • Final state(s)
  • What does it mean for a finite automaton to compute?

Intuitive Definition

<Image: A state diagram modelling a candy dispenser. The states are "Closed" and "Open". There is a transition arrow from "Closed" to "Open" labelled "Insert Coin" and a transition arrow from "Open" to "Closed" labelled "Dispense Candy"> <Image: An image of a candy dispenser>

Formal Definition

  • $M = (\Sigma, Q, q_0, F, \delta)$ is a finite state automaton
    • $\Sigma$ – Alphabet / set of symbols
    • $Q$ – (non-empty , finite) set of states
    • $q_0$ - start state
    • $F$ – set of accepting states
    • $\delta : \Sigma \times Q \rightarrow Q$ – transition function
  • Computation is defined in terms of strings that a machine accepts. $M$ accepts a string $w_1w_2 \dots w_n$ if a sequence of states $r_0r_1 \dots r_n$ exists in $Q$ such that
    • $r_0 = w_0$
    • $\delta(r_i,w_{i+1}) = r_{i+1}$ for $i = 1,2 \dots n-1$
    • $r_n \in F$
  • $M$ is said to recognize a language $L$ if it accepts all strings in $L$

What makes an FSA finite?

  • What can a finite automata do?
    • Where am I? (current state)
    • What just happened? (input)
  • Specifically, it cannot —
    • Choose inconsistently
    • Decide "at runtime" where to transition
    • "Remember" previous input
    • Know if/when the end of the input is coming

Example: Even Number

  • A state machine that recognizes when a binary string represents an even number

<Image: A state diagram with states q0 and q1. q0 is the start state. q0 goes to q1 on input 1 and stays on q0 on input 0. q1 goes to q0 on input 0 and stays on q1 on input 1. q1 is the accept state>


  • There must be start state
  • Each state must have one and only one arrow going out of it for each symbol in the alphabet
  • There may or may not be an accept state (although, not having one is not very useful)

Excercise: Even Binary

  • Design a state machine that checks if a binary number has an even number of ones. $\Sigma = {0,1}$
  • Hint: You do not need the machine to count how many ones there are in the string, just whether or not it has an even number of ones

Regular Languages

  • Languages recognized by a finite automaton
  • Each finite automata defines a regular language
  • What makes a regular language regular?
    • Exactly what makes a finite automaton finite

Regular Expressions

  • An algebra for regular languages
  • The regular operations –
    • Union
    • Kleene Star
    • Concatenation
  • Construct bigger regular languages from smaller regular languages

Regular Expressions

  • $R$ is a regular expression if $R$ is ($R_1$ and $R_2$ are other regular expressions)
    • $a$ for some $a \in \Sigma$
    • $\varepsilon$
    • $\emptyset$
    • $(R_1 \cup R_2)$
    • $(R_1 \circ R_2)$
    • $(R_1 \ast)$


What is a RegEx?

  • One of the most useful things FSAs do is recognize patterns in strings
    • This is almost a literal programming equivalent of language recognition
  • RegEx evolved out of regular expressions, but have diverged significantly since
    • Most common implementations can recognize more than just regular languages

RegEx Blitz

  • Strings (.)
  • Character Classes ([], ^)
  • Repetition (?, *, +, {n}, {n,},{,m},{n,m})
  • Pre-defined character classes (\d, \D, \s, \S, \w, \W)
  • The Regular Operations (concatenation, alternation)
  • Anchors (^,$)

Finite State Tranducers

Finite State Transducers

  • Finite automata with a notion of "output"
  • What does it mean for a transducer to compute?
    • Transducers establish relations between sets of strings (languages)
  • Formal definition
  • Applications
    • Mostly computational linguistic
    • Compilers - lexing

Formal Definition

  • $M = (\Sigma, \Gamma, Q, q_0, \delta)$ is a finite state transducer
  • $\Sigma$ – Alphabet
  • $\Gamma$ – Output alphabet
  • $Q$ – (non-empty, finite) set of states
  • $q_0$ - start state
  • $\delta : \Sigma \times Q \rightarrow Q \times Q$ – transition function
  • Computation is repeated application of $\delta$ to a sequence of symbols, from a starting state, to generate an output string

What does this do?

<Image: A state diagram with a single state q which transitions to itself with output 1 when input 0 and transitions to itself with output 0 when input 1>

Example: Video Game NPC

  • A finite state transducer that models a video game NPC for a turn based game. The scenario - the player is an adventurer and the NPC is a castle guard.
  • $\Sigma = {TALK, ATTACK}$
  • $\Gamma = {TALK, ATTACK}$

Excercise: Video Game NPC - Add Bribery Mechanism

  • Add a bribery mechanism to the guard –
  • When bribed, the guard should --
    • Stop attacking, if currently attacking
    • Open gate, if the player has never attacked the guard
    • Talk, if the player has ever attacked the guard
  • $\Sigma = {TALK, BRIBE, ATTACK}$
  • $\Gamma = {TALK, OPEN GATE, ATTACK}$


Modelling State Machines in Python

  • Five iterations, each demonstrating a general software design principle
    • 1 is the basic implementation
    • 2 gives us encapsulation
    • 3 gives us more structure
    • 4 gives us reusability
    • 5 gives us "type safety" and error handling

Exercise: Video Game NPC

  • Using what we learned, implement a finite state transducer that models the video game NPC (either version)

RegEx in Python

  • Python’s standard library has the module re which provides RegEx functionality
    • Basic workflow
    • import re
    • compile
    • match/search/findall/finditer
    • Match Objects
    • group/start/end/span

More Theory

Non-Deterministic FSA

  • Jump to many states “at once” while consuming a single symbol
  • Makes many state machines simpler to design (but more complex to implement)
  • Equivalent to (i.e., no more powerful than a deterministic FSA)

Closure of Regular Languages under the Regular Operations

  • Non-Deterministic FSAs lead to elegant proofs of the closure of regular languages under the regular operations

<Image: A image showing how NDFAs can prove that regular expressions are closed under union> <Image: A image showing how NDFAs can prove that regular expressions are closed under concatenation> <Image: A image showing how NDFAs can prove that regular expressions are closed under kleene star>

Markov Chains

  • Weighted FSA
  • Transitions are tagged with probabilities
  • Primitive text generation
  • Google’s PageRank

Non-Regular Languages

  • Some languages cannot be recognized by FSA (non-deterministic or otherwise)

<Image: A hierarchy of automata and the languages they recognize. At the bottom are fintie automata, recognizing regular languages; then push-down automata, recognizing context-free languages; then linear-bounded automata recognizing context-sensitive languages; then turing machines, recognizing recursively-enumerable languages>

Other Models of Computation

  • Pushdown Automata (Recognizes context-free languages) <Image: A state diagram of a pushdown automata which looks very similar to a FSA but each transition has symbols denoting the top of the stack and what, if anything, to push to the stack>
  • Turing Machine (Recognizes recursively-enumerable languages) <Image: A state diagram of a turing machine which looks very similar to a FSA but each transition has symbols denoting the read-head symbols and what to output to the write tape>

External Links & Notes

  • "Introduction to the Theory of Computation“, Part 1, Chapter 1, Sipser.