dates on castles' and arch.sites' names
what's this line
playgroung equipment gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto#3161
unpaved highway areas
- valley/etc names
icons from ZL17 must be dots from ZL 16 or before
man_made=cross + man_made=summit_cross + summit:cross=yes
Chambery label changes ZL 11 -> 12
- dark grey reservoirs
- remake scrub and leaveless symbol/pattern
- salt_pond text halo
remove caves and peaks w/o names
- bug? mapnik/mapnik#4210
differentiate ruin areas from tourist attractions
- a jumble
statue, obelisk, monument from @nice?
marshes have no grass: https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/232559153#map=14/46.8787/9.2437
fix contour 0, no smooth?
darker shopping color
don't show landuse until ZL13 or more
make crosses HP against peaks
man_made=cross + man_made=summit_cross + summit:cross=yes
finish places texts
Stop rendering extreme mountain paths without giving indication of difficulty gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto#1500
fix tunnel road names
find out city pattern in old maps, apply to populated places.
review names for stupid things like picnic_table
enable wetlands bg
check cyclable for lowest ZL for cyclable roads
contour lines as darken or similar.
- not possible due to several bugs in mapnik
wider bridges
- this requires a big rework because bridge casings grow inward
st_dump(st_linemerge(st_approximatemedialaxis(st_simplifypreservetopology(st_multi(st_buildarea(st_buffer(st_collect(way), 50))),20))))) for generalizing parallel roads see https://sk53-osm.blogspot.com/2018/04/linear-or-1d-maps-from-openstreetmap.html
(private?) living_street ZL13
ZL 8
things to see from afar if they're low density:
pharmacy 306 860 amenity=pharmacy 111 180 healthcare=pharmacy 32 763 shop=chemist
clinic 133 763 amenity=clinic 46 795 healthcare=clinic
hospital 194 165 amenity=hospital 97 378 building=hospital 56 956 healthcare=hospital
police 129 374 amenity=police
car_repair 185 452 shop=car_repair 8 983 building:use=car_repair 784 building=car_repair
24 108 shop=tyres 5 587 service=tyres
beware! 305 service=repair;tyres
drinking water 223 873 amenity=drinking_water
toilets 313 960 amenity=toilets 11 408 building=toilets 1 626 room=toilets
zoom in in places with these:
- restaurant 1 308 997
- cafe 512 267
bus lines
- make text halos ~transparent on subways ZL13
- darker trams et al (find all)
finish places texts
fix tunnel road names
vallons/bois names too prominent.
contour lines as darken or similar.
review landcover-flat, make it terrain aware again
simplify coastline for ZL <= 6
calculate casing colors so they're not calculated all the time
thicker for phone?
lowzooms: specific rivers/lakes for rendering
- natural earth vs imagico
sync riverbanks thickness with river casing
find out city pattern in old maps, apply to populated places.
farmland, vineyeard, orchard
intermittent waterways too prominent, make casing intermittent too
borders for lakes in z0-z8
pines grow up to 5000m. check terrain colors against forest or similar.
fix roads as line too dark: DONE? Nope ZL12
ZL12, make tertiary more prominent by just enthicken the line, no white center
ZL13-14: residential, etc are still lines, if possible less prominent
review names for stupid things like picnic_table
partially revert b066af54f61b02685edb5db4191c5fbc3617eb5d
comment more the tags that are removed so I can resolve conflicts more easily
verify disabled parking spaces
ice/winter road gis=# select highway, count(highway) from planet_osm_line where tags->'ice_road' = 'yes' and highway is not null group by highway; highway | count --------------+------- cycleway | 1 footway | 7 ice_road | 1 path | 263 residential | 3 road | 4 seasonal | 18 secondary | 5 service | 10 tertiary | 17 track | 77 unclassified | 58 yes | 1
gis=# select highway, count(highway) from planet_osm_line where tags->'winter_road' = 'yes' and highway is not null group by highway; highway | count --------------+------- construction | 34 footway | 11 path | 83 residential | 4 road | 12 service | 3 tertiary | 2 track | 82 unclassified | 24
- label density
http://mtbmap.cz/#zoom=15&lat=49.27364&lon=16.54532 private road
canal tunnels
ocean border ZL3
ZL 4-6: cities less prominent, countries in CAPS too
ZL12 is terrible in big cities
push sidings later: almost done, see TODOs
ZL 8
Mayor roads motorway trunk primary 8-12 secondary 9-12 minor roads for different zoom levels tertiary 10-12 road 10-14 # also unclassified residential 12-13 service 13-14 living_street -13
unpaved 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
- primary done done done done done done done done done
- secondary done done done done done done done done
- tertiary done done done done done done done
- road done done done done weird weird done # GREY
- residential/unclassified done done done done done
- service done weird wierd done
- living street done done done done # GREY
jeisenbe [email protected] 2019-02-06 02:26:48 jeisenbe [email protected] 2019-01-22 13:28:09 jeisenbe [email protected] 2019-01-12 12:31:11 Adamant36 [email protected] 2019-01-02 23:13:53 Paul Norman [email protected] 2016-02-28 13:12:38 imagico [email protected] 2015-08-26 15:09:24 ocean outline math1985 [email protected] 2018-02-11 20:57:13
- implement geopackage http://www.geopackage.org/spec/
- optimize pngs
- read metadata.json
- select ST_AsText(ST_Transform(way, 4326)) from planet_osm_polygon where way && ST_Transform(ST_GeomFromText('POLYGON((7 43, 7.5 43, 7.5 44.5, 7 44.5, 7 43))', 4326), 3857) and landuse in ('retail', 'commercial', 'college', 'hospital', 'industrial', 'residential');