rm(list= ls())
TAX= read.csv2("../00_Data/AllSeason_Cerc_En_Taxonomy_R.csv",header = T)
OTU_Table = as.data.frame(read.csv2("../00_Data/05_Cercozoa_Seasonal_OTU_Table_min-freq-7633_transposed_withMetadata.csv",header = T))
SampleMetadata = OTU_Table[,1:17]
Species = OTU_Table[,18:ncol(OTU_Table)]
# group Sample Metadata by sampling period
SampleMetadata_S18 = SampleMetadata[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Spring 2018",]
SampleMetadata_S19 = SampleMetadata[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Spring 2019",]
SampleMetadata_A17 = SampleMetadata[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Autumn 2017",]
SampleMetadata_A18 = SampleMetadata[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Autumn 2018",]
# group OTUS by sampling period
species_mat_S18 = Species[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Spring 2018",]
species_mat_S19 = Species[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Spring 2019",]
species_mat_A17 = Species[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Autumn 2017",]
species_mat_A18 = Species[OTU_Table$SamplingDescription == "Autumn 2018",]
Abundances = colSums(species_mat_S18)# choose subtable
TAX = cbind(TAX, Abundances)
TAX$OTU_ID = paste0("OTU", TAX$OTU_Number, "_", TAX$Species)
TAX$Order = as.factor(TAX$Order)
OrderTable = species_mat_S18# choose subtable
colnames(OrderTable) = TAX$Order
# First aggregate by Habitat
HabitatAggregatedOrderTable = aggregate(OrderTable, by = list(SampleMetadata_S18$Microhabitat), FUN = sum)# choose subtable
rownames(HabitatAggregatedOrderTable) = HabitatAggregatedOrderTable$Group.1
HabitatAggregatedOrderTable = HabitatAggregatedOrderTable[,-1]
# if you want to check the number of OTUs instead of the amount of reads:
#HabitatAggregatedOrderTable[,] = ifelse(HabitatAggregatedOrderTable[,] > 0, 1, 0)
#Then aggregate the (transposed) table by Order
HabitatAggregatedOrderTable = aggregate(t(HabitatAggregatedOrderTable),
by = list(TAX$Order),
FUN = sum)
rownames(HabitatAggregatedOrderTable) = HabitatAggregatedOrderTable$Group.1
HabitatAggregatedOrderTable = HabitatAggregatedOrderTable[,-1]
HabitatAggregatedOrderTable = as.data.frame(HabitatAggregatedOrderTable)
# melt the table so ggplot can interpret it as a histogram
data = HabitatAggregatedOrderTable
data$Order = rownames(data)
data2 = melt(data, id.vars = "Order")
# add the Stratum
data3 = data2
data3$Stratum = ifelse(data2$variable %in% c("Leaf Litter", "Soil"), "Ground", "Canopy")
# for the plotting we need to change the column names
colnames(data3) = c("score", "item", "value", "family")
data3$item <- factor(data3$item, levels=c("Soil","Leaf Litter","Lichen","Orthotrichum","Hypnum", "Arboreal Soil","Bark","Deadwood","Fresh Leaves"))
S18 = ggplot(data3, aes(fill=score, y=value, x=item)) +
geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity")+
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#008B8B","#ADD8E6","#EC6B25","#ffd27f","#228B22",
limits = c("Cercomonadida","Cryomonadida","Cryptofilida", "Desmothoracida",
"Tremulida","unassigned Cercozoa","unassigned Filosa",
"unassigned Granofilosea","unassigned Imbricatea",
"unassigned Thecofilosea","Vampyrellida","Ventricleftida"),
guide = guide_legend(ncol = 1))+
scale_y_continuous(labels = function(x) paste0(x*100, "%")) +
labs(fill = "Order", y= "Relative Abundances", x = "Microhabitat",title = "Spring 2018")+
theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5),
legend.text = element_text(size = 16),
legend.title = element_text(size = 16, face = "bold"),
legend.key.height = unit(3, "mm"),
legend.key.width = unit(3, "mm"),
geom_label(x = 6.5, y = 0.75, fill = "darkolivegreen4", color = "white",
label = "Canopy", size = 8 ) +
geom_label(x = 1.5, y = 0.75, fill = "burlywood4", color = "white",
label = "Ground", size = 8)+
geom_vline(xintercept = 2.50, size = 0.6, linetype=1.5, color = "#6A785F")+
After you repeated the above mentioned code for every sampling period you can combine all plots with the ggarrange function from the ggpubr package.