With following method we calculated OTUs that appeared to be differentially abundant in one of the two sampling seasons. Therefore, the DESeq2 package was used.
rm(list = ls())
OTU_Table = as.data.frame(read.csv2("../00_Data/05_Cercozoa_Seasonal_OTU_Table_min-freq-7633_transposed_withMetadata.csv",header = T, fileEncoding="UTF-8-BOM"))
species = OTU_Table[,18:ncol(OTU_Table)]
species_mat = as.matrix(species)
SampleMetadata = as.matrix(OTU_Table[,1:17])
In the following steps we calculated the significantly differential abundant OTUs in the investigated spring and autumn samples.
#first we convert our OTU table into a DESeq2 object
ddsSeason = DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = t(species_mat),
colData = SampleMetadata,
design = ~ Season)
#Do the differential abundance analysis
ddsSeason = DESeq(ddsSeason,
minReplicatesForReplace = Inf, #This means that Outliers should not be excluded, we want the maximum amount of information
quiet = T)
#Convert the analysis into a "readable" table
resSeason = results(ddsSeason, pAdjustMethod = "BH")
#Shrink the LFC (Log Fold Change)
#This shrinks the lfc into a normal distribution, which is very handy for visualisations
resSeasonLFC = lfcShrink(ddsSeason,
type = "apeglm",
res = resSeason,
coef = "Season_Spring_vs_Autumn",
quiet = T)
#Only keep significant results
DESeq_Season_dependend_Subset = subset(resSeasonLFC,
resSeasonLFC$padj < 0.01 #highly significant pvalues less than 0.01
& abs(resSeasonLFC$log2FoldChange) >= 1) #OTUs highly differential abundant, with an absolute LFC greater than 1
#Convert into a data_bframe and sort by LFC
data_b = data.frame(DESeq_Season_dependend_Subset[order(DESeq_Season_dependend_Subset$log2FoldChange),]$log2FoldChange)
colnames(data_b) = "log2FoldChange"
#For the visualisation, the values are inverted so spring-correlated OTUs appear at the bottom and autumn-correlated OTUs at the top
data_b$log2FoldChange = data_b$log2FoldChange * -1
#Create empty matrices, one for the spring season and one for the autumn
SpringMatrix = matrix(numeric(0), 0,0)
AutumnMatrix = matrix(numeric(0), 0,0)
#Then we fill the matrices with the number of reads per OTU and Season
for (a in as.factor(rownames(data_b))){
a = get("a")
SpringMatrix[[a]] = sum(OTU_Table[[a]][OTU_Table$Season == "Spring"])
AutumnMatrix[[a]] = sum(OTU_Table[[a]][OTU_Table$Season == "Autumn"])
#Convert Matrices to data_bframes and add column names
AutumnMatrix = as.data.frame(AutumnMatrix, header = F)
SpringMatrix = as.data.frame(SpringMatrix, header = F)
colnames(AutumnMatrix) = "Autumn"
colnames(SpringMatrix) = "Spring"
#Add the new columns to our data_b
data_b = cbind(data_b, AutumnMatrix, SpringMatrix)
#We subset the data_b and keep only the LFC (which will be the y-coordinates in the plot) and the Autumn and Spring Columns
data_b = subset(data_b, select = c("log2FoldChange", "Autumn", "Spring"))
#We need to add an extra column for the x-coordinates in the plot, this is just a sequence from 1 to the number of OTUs
data_b$xPosition = seq(1:nrow(data_b))
Now we want to visualise the season correlated OTUs:
P = data_b %>% #pipe the data_b into ggplot
arrange(data_b$log2FoldChange, decreasing = T) %>%
mutate(x = factor(rownames(data_b), rownames(data_b))) %>% #Define the OTUs as x-coordinates
ggplot(aes(x = x, y = data_b$log2FoldChange)) + #x are the OTUs, y the LFC values
geom_segment(aes(x=x, xend=x,
y=0, yend = data_b$log2FoldChange),
size=1.5, alpha=0.9,
color = c(colorRampPalette(c("660033","#99004c"))(sum(data_b$log2FoldChange > 0)),
colorRampPalette(c("#02818a","#014636"))(sum(data_b$log2FoldChange < 0))),
position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)) +
theme_minimal(base_size = 5) +
theme(legend.position = "none",
panel.border = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.5),
axis.text.x = element_text(size =12, angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust = 0.5),
axis.title = element_text(size=16, face = "bold", hjust = 0.5)) +
xlab("OTU") +
ylab("log2FoldChange") +
theme(axis.title.y = element_text(size = rel(1), angle = 90))+
theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = rel(1), angle = 00))+
geom_label(x = 20, y = 6, label = "Autumn", label.padding = unit(0.8, "lines"), fill = "#660033", color = "white", size = 10) +
geom_label(x = 65, y = -6, label = "Spring", label.padding = unit(0.8, "lines"), fill = "#014636", color = "white", size = 10)+
geom_scatterpie(data = data_b,
aes(x = xPosition, y = log2FoldChange, r = 0.8),
cols = c("Autumn", "Spring"),
color = "darkgrey") +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("#660033", "#014636"))+
geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size = 0.5, linetype=1)+
theme(plot.margin = unit(c(1,1,1,1), "cm"))