Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | string | The unique identifier for the item | [optional] |
displayedAs | string | The name of the resource | [optional] |
path | string | The API path for the resource | [optional] |
createdAt | \DateTime | The datetime when the item was created | [optional] |
updatedAt | \DateTime | The datetime when the item was last updated | [optional] |
ledgerAccountGroup | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\CoaGroupType | [optional] | |
name | string | The name for the COA account | [optional] |
controlName | string | The system control name for the COA account. System control names are used in Accounting to identify the correct ledger account for booking taxes etc. | [optional] |
nominalCode | int | The nominal code of the COA account | [optional] |
ledgerAccountType | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base | [optional] | |
ledgerAccountClassification | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base | [optional] | |
taxRate | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base | [optional] | |
fixedTaxRate | bool | Indicates whether the default tax rate is fixed or may be changed per transaction | [optional] |
cisMaterials | bool | Indicates whether the COA account is flagged for CIS Materials | [optional] |
cisLabour | bool | Indicates whether the COA account is flagged for CIS Labour | [optional] |