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# Contact


Name Type Description Notes
id string The unique identifier for the item [optional]
displayedAs string The name of the resource [optional]
path string The API path for the resource [optional]
createdAt \DateTime The datetime when the item was created [optional]
updatedAt \DateTime The datetime when the item was last updated [optional]
links \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Link[] Links for the resource [optional]
deletedAt \DateTime The datetime when the item was deleted [optional]
balance float The contact balance [optional]
contactTypes \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base[] The type of the contact. It has to be either CUSTOMER or VENDOR [optional]
name string The contact's full name or business name [optional]
reference string Unique reference for the contact [optional]
defaultSalesLedgerAccount \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\LedgerAccount [optional]
defaultSalesTaxRate \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base [optional]
defaultPurchaseLedgerAccount \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\LedgerAccount [optional]
taxNumber string The VAT registration number of the contact. The format will be validated. [optional]
notes string The notes for the contact [optional]
locale string The locale for the contact [optional]
mainAddress \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Address [optional]
deliveryAddress \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Address [optional]
mainContactPerson \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\ContactPerson [optional]
bankAccountDetails \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\BankAccountDetails [optional]
creditLimit float Custom credit limit amount for the contact <br><i>not applicable to Start</i> [optional]
creditDays int Custom credit days for the contact.<br> If returned as null in a GET response, you may want to GET /invoice_settings and use 'customer_credit_days'/'vendor_credit_days' as default/fallback according to your use case. [optional]
creditTerms string Credit terms options determine how invoice due dates are calculated. Options include: end of next month, a delay of supplier credit_days and immediately. Only: month_end_invoice, date_from_invoice, immediate_invoice, month_end_payment, date_from_payment, immediate_payment are valid values. If returned as null in a GET response, you may want to GET /invoice_settings and use 'customer_credit_terms'/'vendor_credit_terms' as default. [optional]
creditTermsAndConditions string Custom terms and conditions for the contact. If set will override global /invoice_settings default terms and conditions. <br><i>Customers only</i> [optional]
productSalesPriceType \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base [optional]
sourceGuid string Used when importing contacts from external sources [optional]
currency \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\Base [optional]
auxReference string Auxiliary reference. Used for German &quot;Kreditorennummer&quot; and &quot;Debitorennummer&quot;. <br> <a href=&quot;\"> See Datev Settings endpoint reference </a> [optional]
registeredNumber string The registered number of the contact's business. Only used for German businesses and represents the &quot;Steuernummer&quot; there (not the &quot;USt-ID&quot;). [optional]
deletable bool Indicates whether the contact can be deleted successfully [optional]
taxTreatment \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\ContactTaxTreatment [optional]
email string The email address for the given contact [optional]
taxCalculation string <b>France:</b> The tax calculation method used to define tax treatment <i>Vendors only</i> <br> <b>Spain:</b> Defines if contact is a retailer and tax is subject to Recargo de Equivalencia <i>Customers only</i> <b>United Kingdom:</b> Defines if contact tax treatment is domestic reverse charge <i>Customers & Suppliers</i> [optional]
auxiliaryAccount string Auxiliary account - used when auxiliary accounting is enabled in business settings. <br><i>Available only in Spain and France</i> [optional]
gdprObfuscated bool General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25th May 2018. It introduces new rules for how business owners manage their contacts' personal data. When this field returns 'true', means that the contact has been requested to be obfuscated and you can not create any artifact (sales invoices, purchase invoices, ...) but you can still check previously created artifacts. [optional]
system bool Identifies a contact as being a system contact used for processing specific transaction types and reserved specifically for those transaction types such as tax return payments/refunds. [optional]
hasUnfinishedRecurringInvoices bool Indicates whether the contact is associated with any unfinished recurring invoices [optional]
cisRegistered bool Identifies a contact as being registered as CIS.<br><i>only applicable to UK business</i> [optional]
niBased bool Identifies a contact as being based in Northern Ireland. [optional]
isActive bool Identifies a contact as being active [optional]
gbBased bool Identifies a contact as being based in Great Britain. [optional]
cisSettings \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\ContactCisSettings [optional]
destinationVatBlocking bool Identifies a contact should be blocked due to destination vat [optional]

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