Name | Type | Description | Notes |
itemCode | string | The item code for the stock item | |
description | string | The stock item description | |
salesLedgerAccountId | string | The sales ledger account for the stock item | |
purchaseLedgerAccountId | string | The purchase ledger account for the stock item | |
notes | string | The notes for the stock item | [optional] |
salesTaxRateId | string | The ID of the Sales Tax Rate. | [optional] |
usualSupplierId | string | The ID of the Usual Supplier. | [optional] |
purchaseTaxRateId | string | The ID of the Purchase Tax Rate. | [optional] |
costPrice | float | The cost price of the stock item | [optional] |
sourceGuid | string | Used when importing stock items from external sources | [optional] |
purchaseDescription | string | The stock item purchase description | [optional] |
reorderLevel | float | The reorder level for the stock item | [optional] |
reorderQuantity | float | The reorder quantity for the stock item | [optional] |
location | string | The location for the stock item | [optional] |
barcode | string | The barcode for the stock item | [optional] |
supplierPartNumber | string | The supplier part number for stock item | [optional] |
weight | float | The weight of stock item | [optional] |
measurementUnit | string | The unit of measure of weight for stock item | [optional] |
weightConverted | float | The weight of stock item converted to the lowest unit of measurement | [optional] |
active | bool | Indicates whether the stock item is active | [optional] |
quantityInStock | float | The current quantity of the stock item held by the business | [optional] |
lastCostPrice | float | The most recent 'purchase invoice' or 'adjustment in' price | [optional] |
lastCostPriceStockValue | float | The value of the current stock in terms of the last cost price | [optional] |
averageCostPrice | float | The average price across all purchases of this stock item | [optional] |
averageCostPriceStockValue | float | The value of the current stock in terms of the average cost price | [optional] |
costPriceLastUpdated | \DateTime | The date on which the last cost price was last updated | [optional] |
salesPrices | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PostProductsProductSalesPricesInner[] | [optional] |