Name | Type | Description | Notes |
transactionTypeId | string | The transaction type of the payment | [optional] |
date | \DateTime | The date of the payment | [optional] |
totalAmount | float | The total amount of the payment | [optional] |
baseCurrencyTotalItcAmount | float | The total amount of input tax credit in base currency for the Other Payment (Canada only) | [optional] |
totalItcAmount | float | The total amount of input tax credit for the Other Payment (Canada only) | [optional] |
baseCurrencyTotalItrAmount | float | The total amount of input tax refund in base currency for the Other Payment (Canada only) | [optional] |
totalItrAmount | float | The total amount of input tax refund for the Other Payment (Canada only) | [optional] |
partRecoverable | bool | Indicates if the Other Payment is part recoverable or not (Canada only) | [optional] |
paymentMethodId | string | The ID of the Payment Method. | [optional] |
contactId | string | The ID of the Contact. | [optional] |
bankAccountId | string | The ID of the Bank Account. | [optional] |
taxAddressRegionId | string | The ID of the Tax Address Region. (Canada only) | [optional] |
netAmount | float | The net amount of the payment | [optional] |
taxAmount | float | The tax amount of the payment | [optional] |
reference | string | A reference of the payment | [optional] |
withholdingTaxRate | float | IRPF withheld tax rate | [optional] |
withholdingTaxAmount | float | IRPF withheld tax amount | [optional] |
paymentLines | \SynergiTech\Sage\Model\PutOtherPaymentsOtherPaymentPaymentLinesInner[] | [optional] |